UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #8

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Does anyone give any relevance to what I understand Nicola's fear is? Which is that Corrie was abducted and possibly being held captive?
Myself I can't see a reason for this as far as I'm aware there is nothing to link Corrie to the RAF that evening so how or why should he be targeted. . What are the chances?
I haven't got the time to do this to all of the newly released pictures but if you save them then mess around with simple effects like contrast/brightness they are a lot clearer IMO. Can't believe the Police wouldn't have done this before releasing them tbh.

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Noticed for first time that on the website there is a photo of Corrie with his mum in a restaurant. On his pinky finger on his right hand he has what appears to be a gold ring.
Does anyone give any relevance to what I understand Nicola's fear is? Which is that Corrie was abducted and possibly being held captive?
Myself I can't see a reason for this as far as I'm aware there is nothing to link Corrie to the RAF that evening so how or why should he be targeted. . What are the chances?

I would say low probability, but you can't tell a mother that even if it is true. And who's to say my assessment is correct?

A mother in Nicola's position is going to be carrying every fear in the world for her son, and quite reasonably so, because she doesn't know what happened and she's going to have terrible thoughts going through her head until the day she finds out exactly what has happened.
Hi everyone,

Im new here. After reading a few of your posts, I have a couple of comments and questions. I apologise in advance if anyone takes offence:

The 'horseshoe' bit that Corrie disappears into and isn't seen leaving from- he looks like he trip or skips a little as he approaches, his hands are in his pockets. A person would't normally have their hands in their pockets if they were running, especially from someone. It also looks like he's checking the area before he goes to have a pee behind the wall.

Or, and I'm trying to think like a young person- I'm wondering if maybe Corrie took his car and parked it where he did because he was going to meet up with someone that night, in that area, and wasn't planning to leave until the morning. From watching the videos and reading the time lines, it almost feels to me that he was hanging around waiting for someone or waiting to go back to see someone. His family or friends would't necessarily know about this because maybe it was a fling or someone new on the scene. Could he still be in the area? Are there any residences(flats) above the shops in that area?

This is slightly more out there, and is coming from a view of, do we ever truly know a person and what they are thinking/ feeling? Is it possible that this was some elaborate set up, made to appear that he was doing the normal night out scenario? That Corrie had planned to go awol, planted clothes and money for example, by the bins. Thrown his phone in the bin, got dressed and moved on, evading the cameras that way?

A question- Does anyone know the distance to the motorways from that area?
Can anyone give me the exact times WITH LINK please of Corrie parking his car, entering So Bar, Weatherspoons and Flex.

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On the top pic the screen splits in two and the left hand pic mid far right has a blue dot which presumably was robert boby way. I had a comment about this that said this was a lay by with 12 places and the poster gave parking restrictions. What is this blue dot on the top pic left hand side very small?
Not sure if I'm allowed to do this - but I'm bumping this post by CodaRosa posted early Thursday a.m. in case some have missed it. It's very interesting, as is the linked page. It has a link to Nicola speaking to a college and also the article in the linked page is interesting.

CodaRosa CodaRosa is offline
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Hello all -first time poster here. Firstly, many thanks to everyone for all of the posts thus far -have read all the way through. What a frustrating case!
I remembered hearing Nicola had spoken at a college and searched for the link.
I'll post a summary of what Nicola stated, along with the link-in case it doesn't work for some people.Apologies if this has been posted before-I don't remember seeing it -but it maybe beneficial to other newbies!
The talk was on Nov 8th and is 5 mins, with another brief clip below it from local radio RWSFM.

23 SEPT. Evening; Corrie's mates leave Honington base in 2 cars -each group mistakenly thinking Corrie is in the other vehicle. They only realise he isn't with them when they reach Bury.
Corrie is seeing to the puppy in the 'toilet'. Upon finding his mates had already left, Corrie drives himself alone into Bury.
22.00 CCTV shows Corrie parking in a disabled space in Robert Boby Way, behind Waitrose. He spends an hour in the car, drinking, on the phone to his brother, making arrangements (presumably for the following weekend's visit by Daroch) and was waiting to meet up with his mates.

23.00: CCTV shows Corrie walking to So Bar. CCTV shows Corrie inside with his mates.
CCTV shows Corrie going onto Wetherspoons and then onto Flex.

Nicola points out that the WHOLE of Corries' night upto his going into the back of Greggs, is on CCTV-Including inside the pubs/club. EVERYTHING recorded.
No incident in Flex - bouncer , who knew him, taps Corrie on shoulder to leave as he'd had too much to drink. Corrie "in good humour" tries to jokingly stay in. I can't make out the word Nicola uses next-sorry-sounds like bouncer huddles/cuddles?? Corrie leaves.

Corrie goes onto Pizza Mama Mia. Buys 2 burgers, kebab and box of chips.
US Marine (aka black t-shirt man), never a suspect. Offers Corrie a lift, which he refuses as the Marine is returning to Mildenhall, which is in the wrong direction for Corrie.
Marine only came forward 3 weeks later due to mass email around his base-knew nothing about it. The mass emailing was entirely due to a woman who worked at Mildenhall base, meeting Nicola, whilst out leafleting who then arranged the emailing

Corrie walks past The Grapes pub to Hughes doorway and sits down to eat. He falls asleep -Nicola thinks due to the amount he has had to eat. Says it's "not usual" for him to do that but neither is it something that she would consider to be out-of-character for him. Points out he has done this whilst out drinking with his brother at home.

03.00 : Corrie wakes up and receives a picture message from WhatsApp, which was a response to an earlier message asking for a pic of a previous night out in London. Corrie forwards photo on via Facebook. Nicola sees this is evidence Corrie was alert etc
States that Corrie had slept for 2 hours.

The last CCTV footage: Nicola asserts that Corrie isn't running/tripping (I personally disagree, he appears to be 'jogging').Also, if he sees someone, he would not have his hands in his pockets. Family certain that Corrie isn't looking 'concerned'.

There is then another clip from 3/11, where Nicola states that they are certain Corrie was taken against his will.
Last edited by CodaRosa; Today at 12:49 AM. Reason: corrected word
I would say low probability, but you can't tell a mother that even if it is true. And who's to say my assessment is correct?

A mother in Nicola's position is going to be carrying every fear in the world for her son, and quite reasonably so, because she doesn't know what happened and she's going to have terrible thoughts going through her head until the day she finds out exactly what has happened.
Perhaps she means for reasons other than to do with the RAF? Some psycho or whatever like Stephen Port, God forbid.
AFAIK the answer is no because that info hasn't been shared.

Yes.... its a few pages back. It's where this conversation began.

He parked in a disabled bay.
There are no "time restrictions" on a disabled bay.... and why should there be (a poster ask previous "what are the restrictions !).

It is "for disabled drivers".
Maybe they become "non disabled" after 10pm ????
Or not !

EDIT. Someone has just kindly bumped the post.
A question- Does anyone know the distance to the motorways from that area?

BSE is not very close to any motorways. The nearest is the M11. From BSE it's west on the A14, then SW on the A11 until that joins the M11 beyond Cambridge, about 35 miles away. The M11 heads down to the M25 and London.
The thing is.... have to figure out was Corrie being "reckless" on purpose OR had he made his plans already ?

It is impossible to know what they were. So speculation is impossible and pretty much invalid.

All we have is "what did he do" and "what has been said".

Parking in a "disabled bay" indicates either "totally irresponsible, absolutely selfish and completely reckless"


it could mean "he intended to return to his car before a fine could be issued to it".
Yes.... its a few pages back. It's where this conversation began.

He parked in a disabled bay.
There are no "time restrictions" on a disabled bay.... and why should there be (a poster ask previous "what are the restrictions !).

It is "for disabled drivers".
Maybe they become "non disabled" after 10pm ????
Or not !

EDIT. Someone has just kindly bumped the post.

Well the restrictions even for blue badge holders would be 3 hours but at night I wouldn't think it mattered because no traffic wardens would be about.

I'm more interested in the time of arrival. This timeline from a month ago states he parked up at 22:00 (on CCTV) yet I'm positive at another time it was stated he left base at 22:00 (originally it was 23:00 I think!?) which would put the timeline ~ 20 minutes forward.

It is this sort of thing that frustrates the heck out of me.......
AFAIK the answer is no because that info hasn't been shared.
Perhaps the locations could be added with times clearly marked as estimates perhaps? Just a suggestion. If not allowed leave the times out altogether but it would give us an idea if he was heading back to his car or out of town.
Well the restrictions even for blue badge holders would be 3 hours but at night I wouldn't think it mattered because no traffic wardens would be about.

I'm more interested in the time of arrival. This timeline from a month ago states he parked up at 22:00 (on CCTV) yet I'm positive at another time it was stated he left base at 22:00 (originally it was 23:00 I think!?) which would put the timeline ~ 20 minutes forward.

It is this sort of thing that frustrates the heck out of me.......
Well if nicola says its on cctv for 22:00 that should be ok to put on a map fgs isn't it? I don't understand why the difficulty trying to clarify the timeline?
I did do a map at the beginning, will need to update it a bit with what we now know (or think we know seeing as things change so much!) but here it is. Feel free to shout me with corrections! :)
The CCTV is also "strikingly odd".

I take it that "all these people disappeared" ?

For example....

"A man in a white T-shirt and dark bottoms, with short hair, at 3.21am in Cornhill Walk" (Suffolk Police).

This person was "heading to the horseshoe area" but never reappeared ? They have no idea where he went to either ?

Well this is the thing they're not really talking about. Short Brackland, its role and what happens when you use it.

That said, for the first time, Short Brackland is actually in question, on the website, were you in this street? etc

If they're all sitting quiet on the Short Brackland theories then they are presumably the most important. Because less info is more in terms of ID's and finding out WTF people were up to in it.

Another point we must remember is that whilst we know it now as "the horseshoe", there's no indication Corrie knew it as such, so IMO we must think about movements and such based on street-names. Was he meeting someone on Brentgrovel? On Short Brackland? Near MacDonalds? Whatever it is, I bet the "horseshoe" was never actually used as a definitive term on the day.
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