UK UK - Elizabeth Chau, 19, & Lola Shenkoya, 27, West Ealing, 1999/2000

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Jun 1, 2012
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I could not see a thread about these two young women elsewhere so thought I would make one.

Elizabeth (I think she may also have been called Liz) was a university student who was last seen on CCTV outside a police station on Uxbridge road in Ealing at 6pm 16th April 1999. She was only about five minutes from home where she lived with her parents, but after she went out of shot on the CCTV she was never seen again. She had no worries, enemies, or other problems and was working hard at university. She since she vanished there have been no clues to her disappearence, her bank account has not been touched etc.

Nine months later in January 2000 a young woman called Lola Shenkoya vanished not from from where Elizabeth was last seen. The last time anyone saw Lola was after she got off a bus at Ealing broadway station. Like Elizabeth she had no reason to run away, a family that love her, and not one clue has been found since she vanished. It did turn out there was a seriel rapist living in Acton which is not far away, and he had in 1997 murdered a twelve year old girl, but no evidence was found to connect him and he never confessed. he died in prison a few years ago.

I have got no idea what the area was like in 1999, but now it is busy with lots of people and cars about most of the day. I thin it was probably the same bac then. Ealing broadway station is also busy. It just seems the most unlikely place for two young women to just vanish especially as when Elizabeth disappeared it was still light.
Just to clarify for those who do not know London, Ealing and Acton are two areas in West London.
The way they disappeared makes me think of how Rose and Fred West picked up their victims. It makes me wonder if this is the work of another serial killing couple.
I know what you mean, but I cannot see either of them getting in a car with anyone. Elizabeth was only five minutes from home, and Lola had travelled to her destination. They were both sensible young women, so I cannot see them suddenly deciding to get in a car with a stranger, even a couple (although maybe if the weather was really bad they might have been more easily persuaded) However, I did wonder if they might have gone with a stranger if that stranger had asked for help. I think the suspect I mentioned above followed the victim he murdered home from school, so I wonder if that was a general MO following his victims off public transport, as Elizabeth and Lola had just got off public transport. But where could he have put them that the police have not discovered (I assume they have searched places he has lived)?

There were also two other women who disappeared in West London (hammersmith) the summer after Lola disappeared - Iwona Kaminska and Sinead healey. Sinead was later found and it turned out her boyfriend killed her, but I do not think Iwona was ever found. There were also two women murdered and found dismembered in the thames or regents canal in 2001, but the police believe they were victims of the camden ripper.

However six months before Elizabeth disappeared a woman was raped and murdered in Wembley which is not so far away. Her killer, james Citro, was caught twelve years later, and it was discovered he had at one time worked in Ealing ( I got the impression from the article this was sometime between 1997 and 2003), but I am not sure if he lived there.
Lucy Partington, a victim of the Wests, was certainly a sensible, intelligent young woman, a niece of novelist Kingsley Amis in her final year at Exeter University, one not given to enter a car driven by strangers. Yet she died at their hands too.
Lucy Partington, a victim of the Wests, was certainly a sensible, intelligent young woman, a niece of novelist Kingsley Amis in her final year at Exeter University, one not given to enter a car driven by strangers. Yet she died at their hands too.

True, but that was in the 1970's when hitchhiking was more common, it is not common now especially for young women. Saying that one of Peter Tobin's victims in the 1990s was hitchiking, and another one vicky hamilton got into his car (but she was young and was waiting for a bus in the snow so may have been more easily lured into a warm car by a man her father's age). But the main reason I do not think they would have got into a stranger's car without being forced was that there was no need. Elizabeth was five minutes from home, and walked that route everyday, and Lola had just got off a bus at her destination. Plus I think the side of the road where Elizabeth was walking meant that traffic was coming towards her so she was unlikely to say yes if someone offered her a lift as it meant having to travel in the opposite direction for a bit. I think they could have been followed off the tube/bus, but the flaw in that theory was that Elizabeth was captured on CCTV at one point, and I would assume the police checked to see who passed after her and see if anyone suspicious turned up.
However, the fact is they did disappear, and have not been found after more than a decade, so someone must have grabbed them somehow, so I do not think we can dismiss the idea they got into a car.
Lucy Partington had been last seen on her way to a bus stop; I don't think it's ever been satisfactorily established whether she was hitchhiking, or whether she was perhaps called to the Wests' vehicle on pretext of asking her a question, and thereby abducted.
Thats true, I did hear talk she may have been threatened or forced into the car. her family said she would never have got into a car even if there was a woman there. poor girl she had such a great future ahead of her, and it was stolen hideously because two strangers got a kick out of torturing girls.
But i thin part of the fear of hitching is down to the wests, and I cannot imagine Elizabeth willingly getting into a strangers car five minutes from home. It would be interesting to see if it was raining that day or if she had a lot of books with her. I wonder if she was threatened into a car tough, as I woudl have thought someone would have seen her being dragged into a car.
Lucy Partington had been last seen on her way to a bus stop; I don't think it's ever been satisfactorily established whether she was hitchhiking, or whether she was perhaps called to the Wests' vehicle on pretext of asking her a question, and thereby abducted.

I think they also often had children with them in the car or at least the baby seat. I think that a couple, with children is a very disarming presentation. So alot of young women who otherwise would be more cautious would be less worried about approaching a car perhaps as you suggest to answer a question or a plea for help.

I also think that the perp having an MO of following public transport and "casing" his victims that way is likely.
Thats true, I did hear talk she may have been threatened or forced into the car. her family said she would never have got into a car even if there was a woman there. poor girl she had such a great future ahead of her, and it was stolen hideously because two strangers got a kick out of torturing girls.
But i thin part of the fear of hitching is down to the wests, and I cannot imagine Elizabeth willingly getting into a strangers car five minutes from home. It would be interesting to see if it was raining that day or if she had a lot of books with her. I wonder if she was threatened into a car tough, as I woudl have thought someone would have seen her being dragged into a car.

What if it were someone she slightly knew - from around the neighborhood or something? I think the general scenario of a perp luring women into his car (or near it to grab them) is likely to be modified as circumstances present themselves. If it was someone he slightly knew he could just start a casual conversation, if he has a woman accomplice or children in the car he could be counting on disarming them that way etc. Hard to say because it could vary with each kidnapping.
I have just realised I got into a car with strangers once on the basis they were a family and they saw I had missed my train. Obviously they were genuine, but I bet if they had not been everyone who nows me would have said I would never get into a car with strangers.
I have just realised I got into a car with strangers once on the basis they were a family and they saw I had missed my train. Obviously they were genuine, but I bet if they had not been everyone who nows me would have said I would never get into a car with strangers.

That's why I never take it as gospel when family and friends say the missing person would never do such and such. I think what they are saying is probably generally true but there are always un-forseen circumstances that might lead someone to do something they "would never do".
Another thing is right to next to the places where both girls disappeared there are small parks (we are talking about a block in size). I do not know if there were there at the time they disappeared, or if the girls had any reason to cross them, but I wonder if that could have played a part if the parks were there at the time. The parks are not busy so if a girl was walking across, and someone came up to them with a weapon and told them to walk with them or else, I am not sure anyone would have seen, whereas on the street there would be a greater chance of someone observing it.
What I find scary is that you think an area is safe, but having just looked into it briefly I have already found two men who lived not far away who have prosecutions for rape and murder.
......There were also two women murdered and found dismembered in the thames or regents canal in 2001, but the police believe they were victims of the camden ripper.

Zoe Parker and Paula Fields. As it turned out Paula Fields was killed by John Sweeney aka the Canal Killer. As far as I'm aware the Zoe Parker murder remains unsolved.
Some of the links in previous posts mention the theory that the two were victims of Andrezej Kanowski, who was convicted of another rape/murder and died in prison in 2009. In September 2014 attempts were made by lazy journo's to link the Alice Gross murder to these two disappearances, suggesting a common perp, ignoring the fact that Kanowski was dead and that the prime Gross suspect was in jail at the time of the Chau and Shenkoya disappearances. However, in relation to these cases, the most significant thing that emerged from the Gross case was that the Met Police publicly stated their belief that Kanowski was responsible for abducting and killing Chau and Shenkoya. They would not do this without significant supporting evidence, even if it falls short of proof. It will never be tested in court given Kanowski's death.
Some of the links in previous posts mention the theory that the two were victims of Andrezej Kanowski, who was convicted of another rape/murder and died in prison in 2009. In September 2014 attempts were made by lazy journo's to link the Alice Gross murder to these two disappearances, suggesting a common perp, ignoring the fact that Kanowski was dead and that the prime Gross suspect was in jail at the time of the Chau and Shenkoya disappearances. However, in relation to these cases, the most significant thing that emerged from the Gross case was that the Met Police publicly stated their belief that Kanowski was responsible for abducting and killing Chau and Shenkoya. They would not do this without significant supporting evidence, even if it falls short of proof. It will never be tested in court given Kanowski's death.

Sweet poor little Alice Gross, her murder did shake and deeply touched everyone in the neighbourhood. Her missing poster was on every bus stop and every shop window, and yellow ribbons flying absolutely everywhere. It was heart breaking.

Alb1on, thank you for the above post. This is the first time I am hearing about Andrzej Kunowski. In the link above posted upthread about him ( it mentions that he lived in Acton - Ealing Common area of West London, which is just few minutes walk to Ealing, where both Elizabeth Chau and Lola Shenkoya disappeared from.

Spookily friend of mine lives on the same short street where he used to and that is quite affluent area with huge residential houses...

With regards to car theory - Not that Elizabeth or Lola would not get into car, but simply, in Ealing Broadway - Uxbridge road you could not even if you wanted to! It's main shopping street with two way traffic in between, no stopping allowed. Well, you could try but it definitely would not be unnoticed, including some hefty traffic fines. Yes, bus or walking sounds more likely scenario...

Kunowski 12 year old little girl murder happened in Hammersmith area of West London, the same area where Iwona Kaminska worked and disappeared from in 2000.

With Kunowski being Polish and Iwona, very new in London, just 4 days prior arriving from Poland, with limited English, I think there is very huge possibility that she would trust him and listened to him if he stroked up conversation with her. It would be quite easy to do for him if she worked in pub or cafe... (which I am not sure if she did) but article does mention that she worked in some kind of polish establishment in Hammersmith.

Poster Dotr has kindly opened thread for Iwona Kaminska few days ago here
Sweet poor little Alice Gross, her murder did shake and deeply touched everyone in the neighbourhood. Her missing poster was on every bus stop and every shop window, and yellow ribbons flying absolutely everywhere. It was heart breaking.

Alb1on, thank you for the above post. This is the first time I am hearing about Andrzej Kunowski. In the link above posted upthread about him ( it mentions that he lived in Acton - Ealing Common area of West London, which is just few minutes walk to Ealing, where both Elizabeth Chau and Lola Shenkoya disappeared from.

Spookily friend of mine lives on the same short street where he used to and that is quite affluent area with huge residential houses...

With regards to car theory - Not that Elizabeth or Lola would not get into car, but simply, in Ealing Broadway - Uxbridge road you could not even if you wanted to! It's main shopping street with two way traffic in between, no stopping allowed. Well, you could try but it definitely would not be unnoticed, including some hefty traffic fines. Yes, bus or walking sounds more likely scenario...

Kunowski 12 year old little girl murder happened in Hammersmith area of West London, the same area where Iwona Kaminska worked and disappeared from in 2000.

With Kunowski being Polish and Iwona, very new in London, just 4 days prior arriving from Poland, with limited English, I think there is very huge possibility that she would trust him and listened to him if he stroked up conversation with her. It would be quite easy to do for him if she worked in pub or cafe... (which I am not sure if she did) but article does mention that she worked in some kind of polish establishment in Hammersmith.

Poster Dotr has kindly opened thread for Iwona Kaminska few days ago here

They would not have had the chance to go in a car even back in 99/2000 this whole area was literally swarming in CCTV. It's a very busy area in London - the Real IRA bombed it in 2001 and knew it was under heavy CCTV coverage at that time period.
29 January 2016


News of Bellfield's conversion comes as his sister urges police to investigate the disappearance of two woman more than 15 years ago.

Ann-Marie Bellfield is convinced her 'monster' brother is responsible for Elizabeth Chau, 19, and US-born computer graduate Lola Shenkoya, 27, both going missing. (Elizabeth was born in UK to Vietnamese parents and Lola was Nigerian).
She said: 'Them two girls just disappeared off of the street. At the time, Levi had a clamping business in West Ealing, which was in the area, and I do believe he is somehow linked to those cases.

Ms Bellfield added: 'Levi is manipulative, psychotic, cruel and unfeeling. I am certain he is behind more horrific crimes.'
Ann-Marie Bellfield is urging Scotland Yard to reopen Elizabeth Chau and Lola Shenkoya's cases.

Chau, 19, was caught on CCTV near Ealing police station, West London, as she walked home from Thames Valley University in April 1999. She was never seen again.

In January the following year, Shenkoya, 27, was spotted getting off a bus at Burger King near Ealing Broadway station.
Bellfield has also been linked to the murders of 51-year-old Judith Silver, who was found murdered in 1990, 25-year-old Melanie Hall, who disappeared in 1996 and whose remains were found in 2009, and 20-year-old Polish student Iwona Kaminski, who disappeared in 2000.

I have seen this mentioned in few news articles that Bellfield is somehow connected to Iwona Kaminski disappearance. I am really curious why those statements as apart of the time frame I don't see any connection yet.

Now, two serial killers were living in the same vicinity and were active at the same time were Elizabeth and Lola disappeared. Few minutes to the East were they were last seen was Andrzej Kunowski at Acton/Ealing Common and just few minutes to the West was Bellfield in West Drayton.

With regards to Iwona Kaminski, Andrzej Kunowski seems to me stronger suspect. They are both Polish nationals and Kunowski has murdered 12 year old girl in 1997 in Hammersmith. The same neighbourhood Iwona was last seen in 2000.
Elizabeth Chau

Missing since April 16, 1999 from West Ealing, England, United Kingdom
Classification: Endangered Missing

Vital Statistics

Date Of Birth:
Age at Time of Disappearance: 19 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'3"
Distinguishing Characteristics: Asian female. Vietnamese. Dark shoulder length hair and brown highlights; brown eyes. Slim build.
Clothing: A dark purple V-neck jumper, a sleeveless black body warmer, jeans and brown ankle boots.
AKA: Liz

Circumstances of Disappearance

Thames Valley University student, Liz, disappeared on 16 April 1999.
That afternoon, Liz handed in an assignment, then went for a quick drink with a friend at the Student’s Union, leaving at 17.50.

Liz was last seen walking down Uxbridge Road toward her home in West Ealing. She was last seen by a friend in the town center. Her image was captured by a closed-circuit TV camera outside the local police station.
Despite efforts by her family and police to find Liz, nothing has been heard from her since.

When she disappeared, she left behind her clothes and all her possessions, including her passport. Since her disappearance, no money has been withdrawn from her bank account.
Another young woman from Ealing went missing several months after Elizabeth. Lola Shenkoya, a 27-year-old graduate in computer technology, also vanished in the town center. The two cases are strikingly similar.

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