UK UK - Genette Tate, 13, Devon England, Aug 1978

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THE parents of schoolgirl Genette Tate are waiting to hear if someone is finally going to stand trial for her murder after almost 30 years.

Genette, 13, vanished near Exeter, Devon in August 1978. Her body has never been found.
Detectives got Genette’s DNA from an old sweater her mother Sheila had kept and they could find a match on items belonging to suspects.
Police said yesterday a file had been sent to the CPS to decide if murder charges can be brought.
The prime suspect is Robert Black, 60, who is serving life for kidnapping and murdering three other young girls.
More here,,2-2007440627,00.html
WOW! That's amazing! I hope they can add more "life" to his life. :D
Me too lol. Goodness knows how much more pain this loser is responsible for that we'll never even know about. If they get him on it who knows? He may reveal Genettes whereabouts and give the family some closure.
Oh my! It would be so great for this family to get some closure.

OMG! take me back to seeing her poster for her disappearance all those years ago and the picture of it in my mind. i've never forgotten her ever!
Wednesday August 20th 2008

The 30-year riddle of Genette Tate

Police say they will keep open the 30-year investigation into the disappearance of papergirl Genette Tate.
This is despite the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) ending any hopes of taking a convicted killer to court for her murder.
Genette, 13, disappeared this week in 1978 from the village of Alyesbeare, Devon, and her body has not been found.
For the past decade, police have been attempting to build a case against child killer Robert Black and last year her family were told charges may be looming as a file was passed to prosecutors.
On Monday, the CPS announced there was insufficient evidence to charge him.

But , a spokesman for Devon and Cornwall Police said: "The force is aware the 30th anniversary is approaching and would ask any one with further information concerning this unsolved crime to contact the force.
"The investigation remains open."
Black, a former delivery driver from Stamford Hill, London, was given 10 life sentences for offences including the murder in the Eighties of 11-year-old Susan Maxwell and five-year-old Caroline Hogg, both from Scotland, and 10-year-old Sarah Harper, from Morley, near Leeds.
His movements were traced through petrol receipts and a witness claimed to have seen him by Exeter airport, a short distance from Aylesbeare when Genette vanished as she delivered newspapers in her home village.
In 2005, police interviewed Black about Genette and after the interview the force sent a file to the CPS.
Black was also interviewed by the Devon and Cornwall force in 1996 and 1998 and, although officially the case will remain open, police are understood to have few remaining leads to investigate.
Genette's father, John Tate, said he was in despair at the news that Black would not be charged.
The 66-year-old, who has terminal prostate cancer, said he would be heartbroken to die without knowing where his daughter was.
He said: "I would be heartbroken to die without ever knowing where my Ginny was. I do have the strength to bury my daughter and I just want the chance to be able to do that.
"I want to know where she is now, where she is buried, so that we could give her a decent Christian burial."
In August 2006, Genette's mother Sheila Cook, who lives in Bristol, told how she looked every day at a photograph of her daughter that she kept in her bedroom.
Thousands of people turned out to search the countryside for the schoolgirl after she vanished on August 19, 1978.
Over the years, the Genette file has grown so large it is kept in a 12ft by 10ft document cage.
The mountain of paperwork includes more than 20,000 cards in a filing system.
Mr Tate has written to Black in Wakefield prison to ask him to meet in an effort to get to the truth.
He added: "It is a bombshell. Only last year we were told a prosecution may be looming.
"We have had our hopes dashed so many times in the past but this is a new low.
"We have been very patient waiting for 30 years to try to get some justice, now we have no idea what the future holds.
"It seems to me now that we will never find out what happened to Genette."
Sounds like the CPS is copping out yet again - 'He's already behind bars, why bother with all the expense of a court trial?', sort of ruse! :boohoo:

I am so sorry for the family to have lived in such a limbo situation for so long in Genette's case, which I grew up with in the news - Very sorry for their long suffering and still no sign of any closure...
He's suspected in the disappearance of Mary Boyle as well, she disappeared from Donegal in 1977. I doubt her family will ever receive closure either, because as with Genette Tate, her body was never found.
Devon and Cornwall Police have asked prosecutors to investigate bringing murder charges against convicted child serial killer Robert Black, for the 1978 murder of Genette Tate.

John Tate just gave an interview on BBC Radio. He says he is fairly satisfied Black killed his daughter; 'They'd (police) never have taken it this far if they didn't think he'd done it......You cope on a daily basis - you look at everything......I don't know what to say.'

Heartbreakingly, he also revealed he has been closely following the search for little Madelaine McCann, and worrying about it.

The prosecution seems to have been made possible by Black losing an appeal against his latest conviction, for the murder of nine year-old Jennifer Cardy.
"You just cope....very poorly sometimes." :(

Poor Mr Tate. All these years of waiting for justice for his daughter. I hope prosecutors decide they have enough grounds to go ahead.

Robert Black was questioned about Genette's murder in 2005. He denied all allegations.
Much more about Black at link. I have put the original drawing police issued in 1978 - for the person they were looking for in connection with Genette's disappearance - beside a mugshot of Black at the time of his arrest. black


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Serial killer Robert Black planned to murder two girls from the same village, investigators believe

SERIAL killer Robert Black intended to murder two girls from the same town, investigators believe.

Black – serving 12 life sentences for the kidnap and murder of four British girls – has long been suspected of killing seven-year-old Mary Boyle in Ireland.

Cold case expert Chris Clark has found evidence that the sex predator went back to the area in County Donegal the next year searching for another victim.

That comes as prosecutors consider whether to charge Black with the murder of Genette Tate, 13, of Aylesbeare, Devon, in 1978. Her body has never been found.
The sad fact is, Genette is very likely to have been taken by Black. I was in doubt for ages about this, because she was older than his other victims and I believe if he knew how old Theresa Thornhill (the attempted abduction in 1988) was, he wouldn't have tried to abduct her. I don't think he wanted girls older than about 10 or 11. But when I learnt Genette was five foot tall, as well as a child-like haircut and very likely to have been knocked off her bicycle from behind, I now think he DID take her.
There are a lot of things I would like to say about Black, most of which wouldn't be allowed on this forum, but I think a quick search in Devon and Dorset, as well as checks on petrol receipts, could help us locate her.
I am a bit suprised that Ian Bealey seems to no longer be considered a suspect. Considering the fact he knew about her being missing before the information was made public, He knew the Tates and was working just 2 miles away from where ganette vanished. Ive never understood why the investigation is now so focused on Robert Black.

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