GUILTY UK - Jordan Burling, 18, Died Weighing Less Than 6 Stone, Body Of Baby Also Found, Leeds, June 2016

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Legally Bland

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Nov 17, 2015
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Warning: some of the details are pretty grim.

THE remains of a baby boy were found in a bag at Leeds house where a malnourished 18-year-old man died in squalid conditions after being left to "rot to death" by his mother, sister and grandmother, a jury was told.

Leeds Crown Court heard teenager Jordan Burling was "skin and bone" and weighed less than six stones when paramedics found him lying on a filthy inflatable mattress, covered in pressure sores in the living room at at the house in Farnley in June 2016.

Prosecutor Nicholas Lumley QC, said Mr Burling died as a result of malnutrition, immobility and infection-riddled sores after being "allowed to decay" for several weeks before his death.


His mother Dawn Cranston, 45; grandmother Denise Cranston, 70; and sister Abigail Burling, 25, are on trial accused of manslaughter and an alternative charge causing or allowing the death of a vulnerable adult. They deny all the charges.


"The expert dietitian said they had never seen such malnutrition in 26 years and likened the condition of the body to that found in WWII extermination camps. "His heart stopped, his life could not be saved; he expired in that living room. "For reasons which may never be understood, Jordan had been allowed to decay, to rot to death, by those closest to him for at least several weeks. "There was no other reason for his death, no natural or other illness, apart from the conditions created for him by the accused."

Read more at: Teenager in soiled nappy left to "rot to death" at Leeds house where baby boy's remains found, manslaughter trial told

Jurors were told paramedics spent almost an hour trying to save Jordan but he died from acute bronchopneumonia, which was a result of his immobility and infection-riddled bed sores.

Bridget Shepherd, from the Yorkshire Ambulance Service, told the court he was "very, very pale and very emaciated" when she arrived at the home on June 30, 2016.

She also said Dawn and Denise Cranston showed "no emotion" when he went into cardiac arrest just minutes after paramedics arrived.

Ms Shepherd explained the gran was watching TV when ambulance crews showed up, while the mum was "calm" in the kitchen as her son "gasped for breath".

Dawn Cranston wept in the dock as jurors were also played a recording of a 999 call she made before paramedics arrived at her home.

She could be heard saying: "I will have to tell work I won't be in. It will be a blessing, that."


The court heard the dead baby had grown to full term in the womb but it could not be established if he was born dead or alive.

Mr Lumley added: "Within what would have been Jordan's bedroom, officers found a small rucksack, within which were plastic bags inside plastic bags.

"As the police handled the rucksack, a rancid smelling liquid began to seep from the layers of bags.

"Amongst the liquid were tiny bones, all that remained of a baby boy."

Jordan Burling, 18, was found dead by medics weighing just six stone and wearing a soiled nappy with the decomposed body of his baby brother was found in a rucksack nearby

ETA: I see I've spelled 'weighing' wrong but I can't seem to edit the title.
This case is sickening and I subscribe reluctantly as it's local. Whoever lived in that house with Jordan (mum and gran?) need locking up for good, I'm not sure where the sister fits in.

LB, I'm unable to open the YEP site on my Mac which is what I usually use for Websleuths, it's going to be a right pain for this case. If there are updates that you're linking would you mind copying a bit of text too, so I know roughly what's going on? Sending a pretty please across town!
This case is sickening and I subscribe reluctantly as it's local. Whoever lived in that house with Jordan (mum and gran?) need locking up for good, I'm not sure where the sister fits in.

LB, I'm unable to open the YEP site on my Mac which is what I usually use for Websleuths, it's going to be a right pain for this case. If there are updates that you're linking would you mind copying a bit of text too, so I know roughly what's going on? Sending a pretty please across town!
Yeah, I'll try do updates if there are any. Don't think the YEP are great for court coverage though.

PS where or what the heck's Stringa? Been meaning to ask you this for yonks

CRS: Stringa beads / string of beads.
I think this is from today (the case started yesterday):

Robert Tiffany, a Yorkshire Ambulance Service paramedic gave evidence at the trial today.

He told the court the house was unkempt and cluttered when he arrived with his collegaues to find Jordan on the living room floor.

He said: "He looked skinny, very poorly. He was breathing but gasping."

Mr Tiffany said Jordan was unconscious and his heart stopped working around three minutes after they arrived.

The paramedic told prosecutor Nicholas Lumley, QC, that Jordan's mother remained in the kitchen as they tried to resuscitate the teenager.

He said Denise Cranston remained sitting in a chair in the corner. Mr Tiffany said he was told that Jordan had not seen a doctor for two years and had not eaten in two weeks.

Simon Kealey, QC, representing Dawn Cranston, asked Mr Tiffany if Jordan's mother had seem expressionless.

The paramedic replied: "Definitely expressionless, yes."

Mr Kealy then said: "Unemotional?". Mr Tiffany replied: "Yes."

Graham Farrar, another paramedic who attended the incident, was asked by Mr Lumley: "What emotions did she (Dawn Cranston) display as you were asking questions."

Mr Farrar said: "Calm."

The prosecutor continued: "Did she appear distressed?"

Mr Farrar replied: "No."

Read more at: Leeds mum was 'expressionless' as malnourished teenager lay dying on living room floor
I don’t think I’ve ever read something as disturbing as this. I can not believe that a mother would do this to her children. Why? Why God? Why?

I feel physically sick reading this, but I have to see the outcome for Jordan and the baby boy’s sake. The mother deserves torture and a gruesome death imo. I don’t know yet about the others. Who knows how the sister grew up. Just sick.

There really are no words.....
Oh... we've got live reporting. I'll post as and when I can, but please feel free for anyone else to jump in.

First two days (reads from bottom to top):

Day two: Mother of starving 6st teenager ‘not bothered’ by her son's death

Jordan Burling (Image: West Yorkshire Police)
It’s day two of the trial. Attending paramedics and police officers who searched the house have taken to the witness box to give evidence.

Here’s a round-up of what jurors heard today.

Bridget Shepherd from the Yorkshire Ambulance Service told the jury:

  • Mr Burling seemed “very, very pale and very emaciated” when an ambulance arrived and he went into a cardiac arrest minutes later
  • “[Dawn Cranston] did not seem to be bothered about what was going on. She did not seem to be in shock.”
  • Despite paramedics spending around 50 minutes trying to revive him, Mr Burling passed away as a result of acute bronchopneumonia
PC Ben McNamara told the jury:

  • The first thing that the mother asked him when he arrived at her home - the scene of her son’s death hours earlier - was: “How much does a funeral cost?”
It seemed like a strange thing to say at such a tragic time, and I was surprised by everybody’s emotion towards the death at the time

  • Dawn Cranston told him that she was not aware she was pregnant with Mr Burling until the point of childbirth and got the impression that the three defendants each had “some sort of learning difficulty or mental health issue”.
PC Emma Robson told the jury:

  • Dawn Cranston seemed concerned about how she would get refunds for “American food” and a zimmer-frame she had purchased for him
One thing that really stuck out, because it seemed so out of place, was Dawn Cranston saying: ‘I used to be able to say I had a son and a daughter, now I can only say that I have a daughter’.

  • She overheard Abigail Burling telling her mother: “Oh no mum, he will be gutted that he missed the Nerf guns, they will be in Happy Meals soon.”
Copy from PA reporter

The trial continues tomorrow (Friday) when Steven Burling, Jordan, Abigail and what is ‘almost certainly’ the baby’s father, will take to the witness box. We’ll be back to bringing you updates live from the courtroom then.

Jury sent home
The jury have been sent home until 10.45am tomorrow.

Mum ‘failed to care for children’
Mr Lumley has revealed that the boys’ mother also had abortions.
He said:

Dawn Cranston would, obviously, have known that she was pregnant.

Medical records show that, over the years, Dawn Cranston had terminations to deal with unwanted pregnancies.

She carried this child for 9 months and whether it was still-born or alive she did not call for any medical help at the time of its birth or at any later stage.

That shows a tendency, a propensity, for failing to care for children in a way which we have seen so clearly in Jordan’s case.

Baby’s bones found in bag of liquid
The jury are being told about another tragic part of the case.

Mr Lumley said: “In the time after Jordan’s death, his home was searched by the police.

“Within what would have been Jordan’s bedroom, the police found a small rucksack, within which were plastic bags inside plastic bags inside plastic bags.”

As the police handled the rucksack, taking it down from the place where it would have been, a rancid smelling liquid began to seep from the layers of bags.

Amongst the liquid were tiny bones. All that remained of a baby boy.

He added: “The baby’s parents were, almost certainly on DNA evidence, Dawn Cranston and Steven Burling, Jordan and Abigail’s father.
“That baby boy had gone full term within the womb, but whether he was born alive or dead could not be established.”
Dawn Cranston has already pleaded guilty to endeavouring to conceal the birth of a child between January 1992 and June 2016.

Prosecutor outlines defendants’ defence
Mr Lumley said: “Dawn Cranston, when interviewed by the police and given ample opportunity to tell her side of the story, said nothing.

“In the intervening months since the death of her son, in her house, in her care, she has singularly failed to advance any positive case, to offer any explanation for what happened.

“Denise Cranston accepted that she was involved in Jordan’s care.

“What else could she do?”

She said that his treatment was appropriate. She said that he was not neglected. She said that Jordan was stubborn and would not have accepted medical help.

“Abigail Burling denied having responsibility for Jordan’s care.”

Teenager's condition was 'like a concentration camp victim'
Mr Lumley has described Mr Burling’s life.
He said: “We do not pretend that Jordan Burling had an especially healthy or happy life, even in his early years.

“As a young boy, Jordan went to the local primary school, where he soiled himself and defecated on the floor.

“He had head lice and his teeth were in a very poor state.

“Jordan went on to Farnley Park High School, but after a couple of terms, his mother wrote to the local authority, telling them that she intended to school Jordan at home.

“He never attended school or college again, never took any examinations or achieved any qualifications.

“Nor did he ever work, as far as can be ascertained.

“From the time Jordan was taken out of school, he became increasingly anonymous.

“Education and social services played little part in his life.”

He also said that an expert dietician will say that his condition was similar to that found in WW2 extermination camps.

Jury shown photos of teenager
The jury have been shown photos of Mr Burling.

Mr Lumley told the jury: “Images of JB as a younger boy, a teenager even, show him to be smiling and, apparently, well-fed.

“But over time, his appearance became more concerning.

“Bizarrely, those closest to him must have taken photos of him as he began to deteriorate.

In the weeks before he died, he was beyond being able to care for himself.

He must have barely been fed.

“He must have barely moved; there were ‘bed sores’, pressure sores of a severity which hadn’t been seen in the many years experience of those who later reviewed his condition.

“For reasons which may never be understood, Jordan had been allowed to decay, to rot to death, by those closest to him, over a period of, at least, several weeks.”

Prosecutor describes disturbing scene
Mr Lumley said:

What met the eyes of the paramedics was a shocking and disturbing scene.

Jordan was lying, utterly helpless, on an inflatable mattress in a cluttered living room.

He was little more than skin and bones.

He weighed 37kg, less than 6 stones.

He wore a soiled nappy under some pyjamas.

Mr Burling was born on July 4, 1997 and died in June 2016.

Mum’s 999 call played to jury
A recording of Dawn Cranston’s 999 call has been played to the jury. She started crying in the dock as it was played.

She told the call handler:

What it is - my son has been poorly for a few months. He is having problems breathing.

She also said: “He is not responding to us.”

She was then asked if her son was awake and could be heard replying: “We don’t know.”

At one point, she apologised to the call handler for the untidiness that the paramedics were about to see in the house and laughed.

Mr Lumley said: “As that conversation was taking place, an ambulance was dispatched to the house and arrived within minutes.

“The paramedics were, through no fault of theirs, late.

“By many months.

“The fault lies with each of the accused.”

Day one: Teenager found dead after a 999 call
Nicholas Lumley QC, prosecuting, is opening the trial now.

He said: “Nearly two years ago now, Dawn Cranston telephoned the ambulance service one morning because she was, she said, concerned that her son was not very well.

“She was talking about Jordan Burling, then 18.

“He lived with his mother and grandmother at a house in Farnley.

“Jordan’s sister, then 23, lived nearby but spent much of her time at the family home.

“Each of those women is in the dock.

“Jordan’s father also lived in the area but did not play any meaningful part in his life.”

Jury sworn in
A jury of seven men and five women have been sworn in, along with two spare male jurors who will likely be discharged later this week.

This stood out to me:

Dawn Cranston has already pleaded guilty to endeavouring to conceal the birth of a child between January 1992 and June 2016.

She's pleaded guilty to this happening sometime in a 24 year period. She really can't be a bit more specific than that? SMH.

Family on trial after dead teen and baby found in Leeds house - updates

Good morning.

We’ll be bringing you live updates from Leeds Crown Court this morning as the trial continues.

Steven Burling, Jordan, Abigail and what is ‘almost certainly’ the baby’s father, will take to the witness box.

Proceedings are due to continue at 10.30am.

Trial to start 'soon'
Slight delay but our court reporter Stephanie Finnegan has been told proceedings will start ‘soon’.

You can read coverage of days one and two below.

Today's evidence
Today the court will hear evidence from Jordan Burling’s father Steven Burling, as well as his sister Sandra and his brother Michael.

Day three of the trial gets underway
The proceedings are getting underway.

The prosecutor said Steven Burling is in a ‘fragile state’ ahead of taking to the witness box this morning.

Deceased's father brought into courtroom
The deceased’s father Steven Burling is being brought into the courtroom. He’s wearing a white shirt and black trousers.

Steven met Dawn Cranston in college
The 51-year-old, who lives in Seacroft, is being questioned by Mr Lumley.

Here’s a transcript of their conversation so far.
Asked how he met Dawn Cranston, he said: “I was at college at Thomas Stanby [Thomas Dandy], catering college. She just started. Roughly, I must have been about 22/23. She was going onto her 18th birthday.

“We had Abigail first then we moved in together.”

Steven 'not sure' if Dawn knew she was pregnant with Jordan
Was Abigail a planned baby?


Where did you move in together?

That was in Seacroft.

After a while together did you move to Old Farnley and did you have a house together there?


Who lived in that house?Just me, Abby and Dawn.How far away did Dawn’s parents live?

Roughly 10-15 minute walk.

Was that on Butterbowl Garth?


Did Dawn become pregnant again, this time with Jordan?


Was that planned?

No. I didn’t know she was pregnant with Jordan until I got home one morning from work then no one was in the house so I went up to her mum’s and she said that Dawn’s had a boy.

Did Dawn even know that she was pregnant?

I’m not really sure, I think she probably had an idea, but it didn’t show.

When she was pregnant with Abby, did she go to the doctor from time to time?

Yeah, she went to the family clinic.

Dad says Jordan was 'alright' as a child
Steven Burling has told the court that he and Dawn were happy together and lifted a tissue.

Mr Lumley asks: When you lived with Jordan, was he alright?

Yeah, he was fine, could be stubborn, but he was alright.

When you lived with him, as best you could tell, did he eat normally?


Did he play?


Inside and outside?


Did you ever take him to the doctor’s as a little boy?


Dawn Cranston was 'a good, caring mum'
Mr Lumley continues his questioning.

Did you know if Dawn [took Jordan to the doctor’s], as a little boy when you still lived with him?

No, I can’t be certain because she used to take him out shopping so I don’t know if she had an appointment.

The judge asks: What was your work?

Steven Burling replied: A shelfer.

Back to Mr Lumley’s questions now.

Did Dawn work?


In those days, how would you describe Dawn as a mum?

A good one. Caring mum.

In those days, did you have any concern about her as mum?


And things happened from children from time to time, they get into bumps and scrapes, if that sort of thing happened how would Dawn deal with it?

Good. If Jordan or Abby had a scratch, she would deal with it.

As far as you were aware, did Dawn have any health issues of her own?


In time, did you and Dawn split up?


Family on trial after dead teen and baby found in Leeds house - updates
Steven and Dawn 'drifted apart'
Steven continues giving evidence to the court - his answers are in italics.

At that time, did she go and live at Butterbowl Garth where her mum lived?


Did you want to split up with Dawn?

If you could have done, would you have gone to live with them at Dawn’s mother’s house?

I don’t think they would have wanted me to stay there.

Who do you mean by they? Dawn or her mother?

Her mother and her dad because they had no room.

After you split up and Dawn went to live with the children at that house at Butterbowl Garth, did you ever go to that house?

I went when they were younger then I stopped going because we just drifted apart. I didn’t see them up there.

To begin with, you might have gone to the house a time or two to see them?

It’s that long ago, I can’t remember.

How old do you think Abby or Jordan was last time you saw them at that house?

I think Abby was at secondary school and Jordan was [unintelligible]...She was still at school. We used to see them at park. Then we drifted apart.

Steven didn't see his children for 'years and years'
Steven tells the court about not seeing his children, Abby and Jordan, for ‘years and years’ after he split up with their mother, Dawn.

Did you know that Jordan was taken out of school by his mum?


Was there a gap when you just didn’t see Jordan or Abigail?

Yeah, a long gap. I cut off from them completely, I didn’t want to go and see the kids. I just got on with my work and that was it.

Was it just that you didn’t feel able to see them or..?

We drifted apart me and Dawn and I didn’t want to bring memories of good times back up. I got on with my work, I had child maintenance to pay. It came out of my wage.

How long was that gap when you just didn’t see them?

Fair few years.

When did you next see Jordan?

That must have been years and years because Abigail come up first with her friend and Jo. She just turned up out of the blue and I was in shock.

Was it nice to see her? Was she alright with you?

Yeah. She looked happy to see me.

Was Jordan with her that time?


So when did you see Jordan?

That must have been a couple of months after.

Tell us about that then. Where did you see him?

He came up with Abigail and I think it was Jo and someone else.

And Jo was?

Abby’s boyfriend, I think.

Jordan looked 'healthy' when his dad saw him years later
Steven tells the court what happened when he reconnected with Jordan and Abbey.

How old do you think Jordan was when you saw him for the first time in years?

It’s very difficult to put an age to it, it’s that far back.

When you were telling the police about this, you thought he might have been about 16 or 17 years old.

Something like that.

The judge asked: How big was he?

He wasn’t that tall. I think he was sort of a similar height to Dawn.

Mr Lumley continued: How did he look?

Healthy. He was talking.

How much did he weigh?

He was quite chubby, not fat fat - stocky.

How many times after that did he come to see you?

A few times.

What sort of time did you spend together, a few minutes?

I worked and I got up, got showered, my brother said Abby and Jordan were there, I just took them to the bus stop, talked to them and gave them some money because I knew they would go into town and go home. I didn’t spend a lot of time with them when they would come up during the week. I was working.

Last time father saw him Jordan 'didn't look so well'
Steven has started to cry.

He continues giving evidence.

Whenever he came, did he come with Abby?


He never came on his own?

Never. I would see them in town too.

I would like to ask you about the last time you saw him. When was that?

I can’t remember what year.

How long before he died was it that you last saw him?

A year or two years - something like that. He was poorly when he came up on a few Saturdays and I told Abby and Jordan because he didn’t look so well.

Is it hard for you to remember dates?


I don’t want you to be precise with dates, but can you remember what time of year it was?

No, I can’t remember.

When you gave your witness statement to the police, were things clearer in your mind than they are now?

Because of what has happened, I put a brick wall in front, I can’t really grieve.

Short break to allow father to compose himself
We’re taking a short break for Steven Burling to compose himself or get a cup of tea.

The break will be until at least 11.45am

Father returns to courtroom
Steven Burling has returned to the courtroom.

He has asked for special measures so he is giving his evidence behind a screen now.

The judge, jury and counsel can still see him, but the press and people in the public gallery cannot.

Family on trial after dead teen and baby found in Leeds house - updates
Family on trial after dead teen and baby found in Leeds house - updates

Father last saw Jordan six months before his death
The judge has said that Steven Burling had the opportunity during the break to have his statement read to him by a police officer helping him.

Stephen Burling has now said that the last time he seen his son was in town with Abigail and her daughter Laura around Christmas 2015 - six months before his death.

Mr Lumley is continuing his questioning.

How did you arrange to see them that time?

I rung Abby.

How did Jordan look?

He looked alright.

Have you got things mixed up in your mind?

Last time I saw him he came up to the house and he was short of breath.

When was that, before Christmas 2015?


Was he on his own?

Abigail was there, just Abigail.

You said he was short of breath?

He looked pale.

You pointed to your cheeks there. He was drawn in a little bit?

I asked him if he was alright and said he must have been something he ate.

'Tell your mum to get him to the doctors'
Steven Burling continues giving evidence

One time when you saw him he looked quite chubby.

He still looked a bit chubby when I saw him, he was just drawn in the face as if you got flu or something, there was no colour to his face.

Can you describe his breathing?

Heavy like he had a chest thingy. That’s why I said have you got a cold or something, a cough, and to get to the doctors.

Where did that conversation take place?

At my dad’s.

And when he told you he had eaten something?

That might have been outside the house. I asked him if he was alright when I was walking to the bus stop. That’s when I said to Jordan and Abby, especially Abby, tell your mum to get him to the doctors and make sure he goes to the doctors.

Who was he living with as far as you knew?

His grandparents, Carl, Abby before she had Laura because they were staying at the house. Once Abby had Laura she got her own place.

After that time at the bus stop, did you see him again?


Did you see Abby again?

She came up with Laura.

Was that once or more than once?

A couple of times. I can’t remember how many times but more than once.

Did you talk about Jordan?

I mentioned Jordan to Abigail and did he go to the doctors.

And what did she say?

She said he was fine . . . and then I just walked around with Abby and Laura. I didn’t ask anymore about him.

Did Dawn ever tell you about any health problems Jordan had?


Father contacted his daughter Abby after being told of Jordan's death
Did some police officers come and tell you that Jordan had died?

One police officer.

Did you make any contact with Abigail or Dawn after that?

After I got told by a police woman that my son passed away, I got in contact with Abigail after that. I can’t remember how many days or whatever, but I got in contact with her.

Why did you get in contact with her?

See if she was alright.

Did you see Abby or Dawn again?

I saw Abby in town and Dawn was there with Abigail.

Was that a chance meeting or did you arrange to meet?

I arranged to meet Abby, but Dawn was there as well.

Do you remember where you met?

I think it was outside The Light.

How long after you had this news about Jordan did you meet at The Light?

I can’t remember how long.

How was Dawn when you saw her?


Did you ask her anything about Jordan?

I asked her if she was alright, I didn’t ask her about Jordan because I knew she looked upset.

Did you ever speak to Dawn again about what had happened?

I didn’t want to push it because she was upset and I didn’t want to ask what went on.

Steven and Dawn had unprotected sex after separation
Going back in time a little please, I’d just like to ask you about after you separated from Dawn, whether there were any times when you and her got back together again?

Yes, there were.

Did that happen once or more than once?

I’m not certain.

Tell us about the time you can remember.

In what way?

How long after you separated do you think you saw her again?

[unintelligible] I saw her a couple of times after then we split up, that was it.

Did you and her have sex after you split up?


Do you remember where that happened?

We went away away with Jordan and Abigail and stayed in a B&B in Scarborough or Bridlington.

How long were you away?

Probably two nights, like a short break. I can’t remember how many nights.

During that time together, did you and Dawn have sex?


Did you use any contraception?


Do you know whether she became pregnant?


Do you remember any time when you and Dawn were together and she was pregnant and you didn’t have a baby?

There were one time.

Was that before or after Abigail was born?

It might have been after Abby was born I think.

What about before or after Jordan was born?

After Jordan.

So she became pregnant and what happened then?

Dawn told me that she got told by doctors that she terminated it. It was between her or the baby. That’s what she said to me.

In order to save her life, she had to have a termination?


Do you remember where that happened?

I don’t remember where that happened, but we went and stayed in a B&B overnight then came back on a coach. I can’t remember the place.

It wasn’t in Leeds?

No, it wasn’t in Leeds.

Father's evidence in chief finished
Mr Lumley has finished his questioning now.

There will be a 10 minute break then Steven Burling will be cross-examined by the defence.

Family on trial after dead teen and baby found in Leeds house - updates

Cross-examination begins
Simon Kealey QC, who represents Dawn Cranston, is starting to cross-examine Steven Burling.

Did you know how to send a text message?


In 2015, did you have a mobile phone?


Do you remember sending messages to Dawn or receiving messages from her? Do you remember receiving a message from Dawn: ‘I’ve been up all night with Jordan’?

I can’t remember.

That was 21 November 2015 for everyone’s notes. Do you remember sending a message from your phone to Dawn’s phone: ‘you should take Jordan to the doctors’?

I can’t remember.

If I showed you a handful of messages, would your answer be the same?

Would be the same.

Dawn Cranston 'unaware she was pregnant' with Jordan
The cross-examination continues.

I’m going to ask you some questions about the time that you were together with Dawn. I know you’re not very good with dates. You told us you were 22 or 23 when you met Dawn and she was 17 going onto her 18th birthday?


Was that about 1991? Does that sound about right?

Sounds about right.

We know from the medical records that Dawn attended hospital on the 26th of August of 1992 when she was 20+ weeks pregnant.

The records say that she concealed the pregnancy up until then. That is for Abigail. She initially requested termination. Did you know that she was pregnant before Abigail was born?

She told me that she was pregnant.

Can you remember how long before Abigail was born on 11 December that year? How long before that?

A few months.

Before Abigail was born, were you living separately?


In 1993, she had some of her injections against flu and tetanus. Do you remember being involved in that? Did you play a part?

We didn’t get a house together until Abby was a little bit older.

You got a house together and the three of you were living together and she then fell pregnant with Jordan a little while after that.

On 3 July 1997, medical records show Dawn Cranston attended casualty with abdomen pain not aware she was pregnant and the next day Jordan was born. The address she was registered to was Old Farnley. She was nearly full term by the time she went to casualty. Did you know?

No, she was quite tubby.

So the first time you were aware of it was when you went home and there was no one there?


Jordan had problems with hearing as a baby
After Jordan was born, there were problems with his hearing weren’t there?

I’m not sure about that.

He was seven months old in April 1998 and he progressed well at his check. He didn’t respond well to the distraction test and he was referred to a clinic to deal with his hearing. Did you know about that?


It then records ‘failed to attend’. So he didn’t go to the clinic. You were unaware, were you, from a very early age that Jordan had problems with his hearing?

He seemed alright to me.

In June 1999, two years later, he wasn’t responding to his name, his speech was inaudible during assessment, he was biting and scratching, having temper tantrums, referrals were made. It was recorded that he defaulted - he didn’t go to both of those appointments. Did you know that by the time he was two he was having problems with his behaviour and speech?

I knew with his speech, but not his behaviour. I was working nights.

What were your hours?

10 at night to six in the morning. Five nights a week.

So you’d obviously be asleep during the day. But you’d also be awake. At the same time as Jordan. So you would see, wouldn’t you, if there were problems?Yeah. He was a bit slow with speech, but that’s all I knew that he was slow, was speech.

Parents missed appointments about Jordan's health
Do you remember concerns being raised about the family as a whole by social services?


Do you remember Jordan starting school in September of 2001?

Vaguely remember.

He struggled when he started school. He was removed the first week he was there. Do you remember that?


And the problems at school were almost throughout the time you were together, weren’t they?
I can’t remember.

Do you remember being asked to go to a meeting to discuss Jordan at school?


The summary document about the meeting states it has become apparent that Jordan’s parents have failed to attend numerous appointments regarding aspects of Jordan’s health. Even though you were at work over night, you didn’t go to these appointments, did you?

This is the first time I’ve heard about most of those appointments.

You knew about some of them didn’t you?

Some of them, but not all.

But didn’t go?

This gets worse.

Family on trial after dead teen and baby found in Leeds house - updates
'General neglect of Jordan's basic needs'
Mr Kealey said that one school report stated that there was a general neglect of the child’s basic needs - he was dirty, his shoes were several sizes too big with socks in the front to compensate for the gap, he was not toilet trained and he had defecated on the carpet, his teeth were black and it came as no surprise to his mum when she was told.

Mr Kealy is also asking about missed rent payments and the council planning to evict the family.

School report documents argument between parents
Mr Kealey also said that another school report stated:

“Mother had trouble sleeping. Father lost his temper with her saying when he gets home from nights, she’s still in bed and just lazy. Mum began to cry and after heated debate agreed. Advised about school routines.”

Lunch break - back at 2.05pm
The court is breaking for lunch now and will resume at 2.05pm.

We’ll be back with live updates then.

Scroll down to read back through this morning’s evidence - and click the links above for day one and day two.
Family on trial after dead teen and baby found in Leeds house - updates

Proceedings are resuming
We’re back in court to resume the trial following the lunch break.

Stephen Burling is due to continue being cross-examined and we’ll possibly also hear evidence from his sister Sandra and his brother Michael.

Family evicted from their home in 2002
Mr Kealey is continuing his cross-examination of Steven Burling.
Mr Kealey said that in June 2002 the family were evicted from their home and Steven Burling went to live with his father and that Dawn Cranston suffered from depression and anxiety, including panic attacks.

The cross-examination continues:

Did they come up to visit you for about the first three to four years after that?


They didn’t come once a week or a fortnight?

Not until a few years after.

Did you continue to have any involvement with Jordan’s upbringing and care?

Yes, I paid child maintenance.

Mr Kealey said that a social services report said that Dawn’s ex-partner had told the school it was all Dawn’s fault that the children were not attending when in fact he would not let her or the children go out and that he had all the money.

The witness replied: “I can’t remember.”

'Mental illness runs in the family'
Mr Kealey has moved on to asking the witness about his knowledge of the Cranston’s mental health history.

He said that Dawn Cranston had seen doctors with notes saying she was under a lot of stress and sometimes appears hypomanic.

Did you know that Dawn’s father committed suicide by hanging?

She didn’t say much about his death because I asked her and she didn’t say much about his death.

The death is recorded on the coroner’s report as 6th of October 2006. ‘Herbert Cranston committed suicide by hanging. Young children were present at the home. Heard voices, slept during the day and was up in the living room at night.’

Did you know at the time that happened?

No, I didn’t get told anything, all I got told was that he passed away.

Did you go to the funeral?

I went to the funeral, that was down near Elland Road. I went then left.

Did you know that Dawn Cranston was having mental health problems after her father’s death?

Family on trial after dead teen and baby found in Leeds house

'There should have been more contact from my half and my family'
Jason Pitter QC, who represents Denise Cranston, is briefly cross-examining Stephen Burling:

One of the things you said about him was he looked like he had lost weight.


You have told us about the lack of contact over the years with you and Jordan. I am not interested in the rights and wrongs of that, just the circumstances as they were. There was not much contact between you and Jordan.


Dawn’s family weren’t happy about that, they thought there should have been more contact, do you agree?

There should have been more contact from my half and my family.

Father asked if he 'made a mistake' in earlier evidence
Richard Wright QC, who represents Miss Burling, is cross-examining Stephen Burling about him sharing his concerns about his son with his daughter Abigail Burling:

When he came with Abigail to your house, Laura came with him, didn’t she?


You told Jordan to get his mum to take him to the doctors. That was the last time you saw Jordan.

Yes, when I left him at the bus stop.

You told us earlier that you did see Abigail after that day.


You told us that you saw Abigail with Laura and you told us earlier that when you saw Abigail the next time you asked her if Jordan was okay and you asked her whether or not he had been to the doctors.


That was a reference to the time when he had been looking poorly.


It’s just that last bit I want to ask you about. You have told us your memory is not great.

In your statement, when you were dealing with the time after the bus stop when you saw Abigail again, ‘I did not ask Abigail if Jordan had seen the doctor and it was not mentioned again’. You were telling the police that you had not mentioned to Abigail going to the doctors, you hadn’t asked her.

Do you see the difference?


Now, we say that what you say in your statement is correct - you didn’t discuss it with Abigail. Do you think you might have made a mistake earlier and your statement is in fact correct?

Could do.

It came to this, didn’t it - you had seen him at your house and thought he looked a bit poorly and ought to go and see a doctor?


Final questions for Steven Burling
Mr Lumley has a few further questions for Steven Burling before he leaves the courtroom.

How many terminations did Dawn have that you knew about?


You had to get a bus out of town and stayed overnight?

That’s the only one I know about.

When that happened, were you and Dawn still together or not?


So it happened after you separated?


The judge interrupted to ask: “Was it before or after the trip to Scarborough or Bridlington?”

I’m not sure. It was between Jordan and Abby[’s births].
Family on trial after dead teen and baby found in Leeds house

Jordan's aunt gives evidence
Stephen Burling’s sister Sandra Burling is giving her evidence in chief now.Mr Lumley is questioning her:

In 2015, did you live with Steven and your dad in Seacroft?


Through Stephen did you know Jordan?


When was the last time that you saw Jordan?


Do you remember what time of year?

Before Christmas - it was November or December.

Where did you see him?

He came to my house.

Did he come on his own?


Who did he come with?He came with his sister, my niece Abigail - and her daughter Laura.
Had you seen him before at your house?


How many times?

Three or four occasions in the months before.

Did he come alone or with someone else?

With Abigail.

How did he look?

Stocky. He would be very chatty and bubbly.

What about before Christmas 2015?

He had lost a lot of weight. He had a big coat on him which was three or four sizes too big. He looked very ill. His skin was quite tight to his face and he looked gaunt.

I didn’t quite catch that - did you mention the colour of his skin?

It was shallow and gray-ish.

Sandra Burling’s evidence continues
Sandra Burling’s evidence continues

Did you ask him a bout why he was as he was?
Yes, I said ‘have you been ill? What’s the matter with you? You don’t look well’.

Was Abigail in the room when you said that?


What did Jordan say in response?He said he had eaten something that didn’t agree with him and he had been sick.
Did Abigail say anything?


Was there any other discussion inside the living room that you remember that day?

I can’t remember to be honest.
Did he say what he had been eating?


Did anybody say anything about what he had been eating?

Not that I can recall.

You gave a statement to the police in September 2016. I would just like to remind you about a line in your witness statement to the police and ask you if it is accurate. ‘Abigail was there when I spoke to Jordan. She didn’t say anything about how ill he was but I recall she said something about him eating too much junk food and crisps.’

Yes, I do recall that now.

Dawn told her Jordan was depressed
Mr Lumley is asking about a conversation Ms Burling had with Dawn Cranston in Ms Burling’s house. She said that Jordan’s mum told her that he was really depressed, he was 18 and wouldn’t listen to anybody.

Did you know what she was angry about?

She knew Steven had given a statement the day before.

Did she say anything else about the police?

Yes that they hadn’t talked to her and she thought they were pushing her aside. She kept going on about a phone they had given her to replace hers. They had taken her phone away and given her another phone.

Was there any mention of Jordan?


How did you respond?

I tried to calm her down, said they’ve got a job to do, they will talk to you when they’re ready, there’s an investigation to get through.

Did she say anything to that?

She kept saying she wasn’t a bad mother. Obviously I hadn’t said anything about that.

Did she say anything else?

She went into a conversation about watching Jordan’s leg move and then not move.

Did she say anything else about that?


Sandra Burling cross-examined
Mr Wright, Abigail’s barrister, is cross-examining Ms Burling about a conversation in which her niece Abigail told her about her nephew Jordan eating junk food and the family considering getting him a walking frame.

You described when Dawn and Abigail had been to the house and you were walking back to the bus stop and Abigail was talking to you about Jordan, his condition and so on. Is this fair - that was probably more information than anyone had given you?

Yes, it was a big shock.

It was more information than Dawn had given you?


Dawn shot Abigail a look then Abigail clammed up?


When she was able to talk to you freely, she wanted to talk to you?

Family on trial after dead teen and baby found in Leeds house

Jordan’s uncle gives evidence
Steven Burling’s brother Michael is giving his evidence in chief now.

He has repeated a few of the comments his sister made - including that he was previously stocky but then lost a lot of weight, wore a coat several sizes too big, was faint and the Burlings recommended he see a doctor.

He said:

“The impression I got from Dawn was she wasn’t grieving.”

He added:

“The impression I got was she hadn’t lost someone.”

He also said:

“She could have been grieving in a different way, but the impression I got, because I lost someone - a partner - and sometimes you have good days and bad days, but she wasn’t really grieving.”

He isn’t being cross-examined by the defence.

Trial ends for the day - will resume on Tuesday
The hearing has ended for today and will resume on Tuesday when the doctor who assessed Dawn Cranston before her police statement is due to give evidence.

The three defendants are on bail.
Thanks for the updates, @Legally Bland. Makes for grim reading and I bet there's worse to come.
Yeah, very grim.

Yesterday I was thinking maybe Jordan was only neglected for a couple of years after he was taken out of school, possibly combined with an eating disorder. It sounds like his whole life was horrendous.

I have no idea why I was giving them (mainly Dawn) some benefit of the doubt though, especially with the deceased newborn found in the house.

That'll teach me.
Ouch, nasty reading. Please interpret my "likes" as "thanks for the updates"; I certainly don't find the content enjoyable but since the forum change, "like" will have to do! What a horrible case, I'm surprised I've not heard anything of it before now, it sounds like really extreme neglect.

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