UK - Julia James, 53, murdered, Snowdown, Kent, 27 April 2021 *ARREST*

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But NB that Maria is thought to have been murdered the evening before:
'Murdered' mum of two, 45, found dead in bush named by police
"Maria, who lived in the Chelmsford area, attended Kings Georges Hospital in Goodmayes, Ilford, on the evening of Monday (May 3).

She then left the hospital and made her way to Barley Lane in the direction of the A12.

However, it is believed that while walking along this road, she may have been approached. Her body was found the next day."

Okie doke, point taken :p I'll keep an open mind to this, but I think the answer is more local.
Yes, I live in the South East and we do sometimes get those guys knocking at the door. I think they are known as 'Nottingham knockers'.

Yes one of the ones that called at our house said he was from Nottingham.

So rather than a weapon, or stuff for sleeping rough, the bag might simply be full of dusters was my thought.
Yes one of the ones that called at our house said he was from Nottingham.

So rather than a weapon, or stuff for sleeping rough, the bag might simply be full of dusters was my thought.

If he has been out and about flogging dusters ,there will be plenty of people who have seen him and probably door cam images.
I literally just mentioned this about his ethnicity in a private WS conversation. The point that I made is that we have had some really hot weather recently and my BIL is a white male but he only has to look at the sun and his skin becomes a very rich dark brown and he’s often mistaken for being a Turk or Arab or Egyptian. So it’s difficult to say how This male identifies and if he identifies as Black or mixed race etc
This is important because there are so many nationalities who have settled in our country and in particular in and near the Capital, London , you have high concentrations of settled Albanians, Turkish , Middle Eastern and Black communities and it could be that This man is a local or on the outskirts of local or he could have travelled out of the Capital to Kent . It’s important because of liaising with all the settled communities with a view to identifying him . Also interestingly enough is -I have just read a book called ‘ The Crossing ‘ and it’s about the nationalities who are utilising The Dartford Tunnel to ingress and egress this country and how much more simple it has made it for people to return to their birth countries, especially the organised crime criminals going to and from the likes of Albania . It’s only an hour away or 50 miles from Snowdown.
Having said all of that , this young man could simply be born in this country and be of European decent or mixed race . The police haven’t said anything about him being dangerous or specifically stated that he is a suspect BUT they have had to balance their approach in releasing this photograph and the fact that he could be an innocent bystander versus him being the offender and because it’s an unusual course of action to subject any ordinary member of the public to, especially because it’s such a high profile murder , IMOO I feel that they think it’s the offender , but they don’t want to spook him and they can’t yet say with certainty and therefore they can’t put his photo out into the house domain ( which is bad enough if he’s not involved) and then add fuel to the fire by putting out that he is a dangerous individual because of he’s not involved then it can crucify him for life ! But they have to be measured in their approach and I suspect that they think they are on the right lines but are not yet 100% certain hence why they urgently want to speak with him . If that all
Makes sense . Remember my long post about what goes on behind the scenes ( I will see if I can attach it again for those of you that may not have seen it ), well the SIO would have really had to justify this course of action and this will be documented with precision , the requirements and justification for releasing this photograph against not releasing the photograph, In the SIO’s policy book.

I literally just mentioned this about his ethnicity in a private WS conversation. The point that I made is that we have had some really hot weather recently and my BIL is a white male but he only has to look at the sun and his skin becomes a very rich dark brown and he’s often mistaken for being a Turk or Arab or Egyptian. So it’s difficult to say how This male identifies and if he identifies as Black or mixed race etc
This is important because there are so many nationalities who have settled in our country and in particular in and near the Capital, London , you have high concentrations of settled Albanians, Turkish , Middle Eastern and Black communities and it could be that This man is a local or on the outskirts of local or he could have travelled out of the Capital to Kent . It’s important because of liaising with all the settled communities with a view to identifying him . Also interestingly enough is -I have just read a book called ‘ The Crossing ‘ and it’s about the nationalities who are utilising The Dartford Tunnel to ingress and egress this country and how much more simple it has made it for people to return to their birth countries, especially the organised crime criminals going to and from the likes of Albania . It’s only an hour away or 50 miles from Snowdown.
Having said all of that , this young man could simply be born in this country and be of European decent or mixed race . The police haven’t said anything about him being dangerous or specifically stated that he is a suspect BUT they have had to balance their approach in releasing this photograph and the fact that he could be an innocent bystander versus him being the offender and because it’s an unusual course of action to subject any ordinary member of the public to, especially because it’s such a high profile murder , IMOO I feel that they think it’s the offender , but they don’t want to spook him and they can’t yet say with certainty and therefore they can’t put his photo out into the house domain ( which is bad enough if he’s not involved) and then add fuel to the fire by putting out that he is a dangerous individual because of he’s not involved then it can crucify him for life ! But they have to be measured in their approach and I suspect that they think they are on the right lines but are not yet 100% certain hence why they urgently want to speak with him . If that all
Makes sense . Remember my long post about what goes on behind the scenes ( I will see if I can attach it again for those of you that may not have seen it ), well the SIO would have really had to justify this course of action and this will be documented with precision , the requirements and justification for releasing this photograph against not releasing the photograph, In the SIO’s policy book.

Does the fact they haven't released the individual's name mean they don't have a name or could they have it and be keeping it private for the time being?
Do you mean this one?

Although - always important to point out that the vast majority of people in psychiatric hospitals are far more likely to be a danger to themselves than they are to anybody else.

Yep - and it looks like its low security from the article you linked as well. Obviously that doesn't rule out it being relevant but I completely agree with your point! JMO
Does the fact they haven't released the individual's name mean they don't have a name or could they have it and be keeping it private for the time being?
They've appealed for anyone to come forward that knows who he is.

Doubtful he's been a patient of any local institutions if that's the case.
I'd imagine that would've been researched prior to release.


  • upload_2021-5-7_12-48-30.png
    1.9 MB · Views: 36
This guy is dressed like an organised traveller.
His bag, money belt, clothing..

I think that's a Nike Swoosh on his bag not a money belt, unless you're looking at something I haven't noticed. Similar to this bag:


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Snipped from article above, posted by TexLil

Addressing a press briefing in Folkestone on Friday afternoon, Assistant Chief Constable Richards told reporters: 'I'm not saying here and now that he is a suspect, but he is of crucial importance to the investigation.'

Mr Richards also urged the public to get in touch if they have information.

He said: 'Anybody who knows who that man is, we desperately need you to make contact with us and identify who that man is.

'If this person is watching, please contact us, you have crucial information.'
Assistant chief constable Tom Richards said police “desperately needed to know” who the man in the picture is.
He also urged anyone who had a “bad feeling” about something to get in touch, adding “we need to know about that”.
I’m not saying here and now that he is a suspect, but he is of crucial importance to the investigation,” Mr Richards said.
Mr Richards added that police had “many names” and were interested in “many individuals”.

Julia James: Police say they are ‘desperately’ trying to identify man
ACC Tom Richards was very specific in the news conference this afternoon not to call the person in a photo a "suspect" - he kept saying he believed the individual will have crucial evidence / vital for enquiry etc.

When asked about approaching the suspect by press and whether he was a danger - again TR was elusive and said there was no known motive and that the public should contact police if they see him or know who he is.

He wouldn't confirm the location of the photo or who took it etc other than it was in the already released boundaries of interest - ie the four roads main that outline the fields / woods near the murder.

The map in some of the newspapers suggests Spinney Lane but the location marked doesn't seem to correspond with the Google street view, it is most likely around the intersection with Spinney Lane / Pond Lane / Adisham Road area but that's just based on some well researched comments above and my own scout of Google streets.
ACC Tom Richards was very specific in the news conference this afternoon not to call the person in a photo a "suspect" - he kept saying he believed the individual will have crucial evidence / vital for enquiry etc.

When asked about approaching the suspect by press and whether he was a danger - again TR was elusive and said there was no known motive and that the public should contact police if they see him or know who he is.

He wouldn't confirm the location of the photo or who took it etc other than it was in the already released boundaries of interest - ie the four roads main that outline the fields / woods near the murder.

The map in some of the newspapers suggests Spinney Lane but the location marked doesn't seem to correspond with the Google street view, it is most likely around the intersection with Spinney Lane / Pond Lane / Adisham Road area but that's just based on some well researched comments above and my own scout of Google streets.

Thank you - great summary
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