GUILTY UK - Karen Buckley, 24, Glasgow, Scotland, 12 April 2015 - #2

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Irish student Karen Buckley (studying at Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland) hasn't been seen since 1am Sunday morning when she was last seen talking to a man outside Sanctuary nightclub in Dumbarton Street.

Police want to talk to the man. He's described as stocky and wearing dark trousers and white shirt.

I haven't found height, weight for Karen yet.

Thread 1
Karen Buckley, 24, had been at
Sanctuary nightclub on Dumbarton
Road from about 23.45 on Saturday
At 01:00 she told friends she was
going to the toilet but did not
return or take her jacket.
She was then seen on CCTV talking
to a man outside the club, before
leaving and walking towards Church
Karen Buckley murder: Student was clubbed with spanner, strangled and dumped in acid

The body was found on Wednesday at High Creighton farm near Milngarvie, six miles north-west of Glasgow.

Buckley was last seen alive leaving a Glasgow night club on Sunday. Yesterday Alexander Pacteau, 21, appeared at the Glasgow sheriff's court charged with murdering Buckley, who was from Cork, Ireland.

Karen Buckley: Second vigil to remember Irish student
More than 150 people have gathered in Glasgow for a second vigil to remember murdered Irish student Karen Buckley.


Alexander Pacteau, 21, has appeared in court charged with the Cork woman's murder and was remanded in custody.
The link below explains maybe why forensics spent so much time in his flat, this is taken from the link below "Pacteau stands accused of repeatedly hitting Buckley on the head with a spanner, or similar object, which was discovered in his Glasgow flat" AP doesn't seem the brightest leaving the murder weapon in his flat if this link is to be believed. It also seems he went into a rage possible after Karen rejecting his advances.
Irish student Karen Buckley (studying at Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland) hasn't been seen since 1am Sunday morning when she was last seen talking to a man outside Sanctuary nightclub in Dumbarton Street.

Police want to talk to the man. He's described as stocky and wearing dark trousers and white shirt.

I haven't found height, weight for Karen yet.

View attachment 73062

From what I've read Karen was about 5 ft 2 in (157 - 158 cms). She looked no more than 50 - 52 kgs so quite a small girl.

If it is confirmed that Karen was dismembered and put in acid it is just beyond belief. This perp is a complete psychopath. The more I think about it he must have priors. How many people would escalate from no prior rapes to this? I've read a lot of true crime and what was done to Karen is relatively rare.

To me this appears more than just someone getting rejected and in a rage killing someone. I'm not sure how accurate all the information that has been released is but this perp is a piece of work. I know he would be trying to get rid of evidence but what he appears to have done with Karen is very sinister. I wonder what someone like John Douglas would make of this?

I'm sure the Buckley family will get lots of counselling as they will need all the help they can get in dealing with this. I also think the police have done a wonderful job and these sort of crimes must take their toll on them.

A great book to read for anyone is The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker. I've already read it a couple of years ago and think I'll reread it again.
If he killed her in a rage then it would be more likely a drug induced one. He takes his car to a club and Scots law has recently lowered the drink driving limit so that even one alcoholic drink has the possibility of pushing you over the limit. Anyone driving around after pub closing time faces being pulled over for a breathyalyzer which make his actions that night even riskier.

Regarding the 'Halloween' window - it looks more like to me that there's a reflection of a Hi-visibility jacket stripe so may be the sun hitting the window and reflecting some of the police keeping people away from the property.
From previous thread

"The reporting is confusing. It seems her life ended in the park. I think he wouldn't then bring her into the flat as then he'd have to get her out again which would be double risky as he could be seen by someone twice. If he transferred her from his boot into the barrel (ugh I can't believe I have to type that) I think he would have done that in the storage shed.

Maybe the court includes the storage shed as part of his property even though it is around the corner from it."

I'm not sure I believe that she was taken to the park and died there then put in his boot and driven home and left in the boot overnight. It seems that she was in his flat at some point. This quote says "according to court papers" so I doubt they have just made it up.

According to court papers, on April 12 at his Dorchester Avenue flat, and elsewhere, Pacteau repeatedly hit Ms Buckley on the head with a heavy object.

Court papers claim that between April 12 and 13 at his west-end flat and at High Craigton Farm, he knowingly tried to dispose of Ms Buckley's remains

Surely it's much more likely that she was taken to the flat and things got nasty there.

Also I am confused about this "shed". I thought it referred to a shed on the farm

Prosecutors also claim the company director tried to conceal her body and hid it in a storage shed near a rural Glasgow farm.

Both quotes from


He will appear at Glasgow Sheriff Court again next week for a full committal hearing

Anybody know when this is due to happen?
I also thought the * shed * was on the farm
Hi there, I'm new to this forum. I am from Scotland myself and am deeply saddenrd about what has happened to Karen. I cannot imagine what her family are going through.
I was thinking, regarding the story in the newspapers about the glass Karen was dringing from being tested. Could it be the case that they have a glass that she was drinking from once she was in his flat?
Hi there, I'm new to this forum. I am from Scotland myself and am deeply saddenrd about what has happened to Karen. I cannot imagine what her family are going through.
I was thinking, regarding the story in the newspapers about the glass Karen was dringing from being tested. Could it be the case that they have a glass that she was drinking from once she was in his flat?

Welcome to websleuths Hoopy68 thank you for your post and interest in Karen's case.
Good morning from New York. Checking in for this sweet sparkle of a young lady, may she rest forever at peace. I will be back on my lunch break.
Such a horrible end for such a Lovely Soul.....I am utterly disgusted by these so called forms of human beings that steal the light from these souls....That poor girl.
I fully understand why people on here are hoping she was drugged , throughout her ordeal, after reading the MSM reports.
Gruesome to say the least....

Wishing Peace and many Blessings for Karen's Family and Friends, so glad they are receiving lots of Support.

Managed to see the cctv .... did anyone work out where the camera is from?

About the glass.....Maybe Karen had a bottled drink....if she went to the ladies around 1am...her friends would be holding her drink for 1.15-1.20am they would probably be wondering a wee bit where she was.....maybe one friend goes off to look for her at sign so another friend goes to look for her , outside , in the other room in club.....Sanctuary closes at 2am
I can see them asking some club staff if they had seen her....but IMO staff probably said no (especially if the club is busy) , unless you are known to them.
If Karen was super aware of getting inside a taxi alone, no doubt IMO that her friends were aware also. So maybe they were also super aware of being spiked.....maybe they had the savvy to keep her drink, glass or bottle....A bottle would be easier to keep aside.
Maybe she had the drink bought for her.
Just a quick random thought that came into my head last night, I believe she was wearing red, stiletto shoes, don't some men have a fetish about them. Just a random thought really but you never know
Just a quick random thought that came into my head last night, I believe she was wearing red, stiletto shoes, don't some men have a fetish about them. Just a random thought really but you never know

I hate to say it but you name it somewhere, some guy has a fetish about it. It was more likely just the opportunity, Some girl alone and vulnerable.
This is totally MOO

It's hard to say right now what is fact and what is fiction. What we know for sure is that Karen suffered a terrible terrible death and the person who did this to her is a monster.

I'm not sure about her drink being spiked. I had a drink spiked at a party once I can tell you that I couldn't walk without assistance and I remember very little. Luckily I had friends with me and the worst that happened was that my drink got spiked and nothing more. Karen seems in control of herself as she walks away with AP. I still think that he managed to get her out of the club based on a ruse. I can appreciate that her friends may have thought otherwise. Young women today expect these things to happen. How sad is that? That's why they tend to look out for each other when they go to clubs and bars.

I originally thought that this was a thought out premeditated murder but his clumsiness after the murder just seems panicky as opposed to thought out.

I do believe he planned on "getting a girl" that night. I'm not sure it was for sex though but then again who knows at this point. I think the idea was to kill someone. I think he just wanted to try killing someone. He may have attempted it prior to Karen and then never carried it out. I'd be extremely interested to hear from any former girlfriends or girls he met in bars. Did he try this before? I'm also not sure of the rage thought. I'm wondering more about a frenzy. It sounds like a frenzied kill to me. I might be wrong here, but I think the original attack was seen on CCTV. Again, wow, he didn't plan very well.

The whole idea of not having a plan to dispose of the body after the event, leaves me a bit perplexed. Maybe he didn't think he could do it and then did and then was left with 'OMG" what do I do now?

He was seen on CCTV buying the barrel. He really didn't think things through. I also believe that he gave LE the location of Karen's based on them telling him that they had him on CCTV buying the barrel and the other CCTV evidence. I think he caved. The jig was up.

It's extremely sad and quite frankly worse than I thought it would be. Poor Karen. Why is it that the victims always seem to be such good, decent people? It breaks my heart.
This is totally MOO

It's hard to say right now what is fact and what is fiction. What we know for sure is that Karen suffered a terrible terrible death and the person who did this to her is a monster.

I'm not sure about her drink being spiked. I had a drink spiked at a party once I can tell you that I couldn't walk without assistance and I remember very little. Luckily I had friends with me and the worst that happened was that my drink got spiked and nothing more. Karen seems in control of herself as she walks away with AP. I still think that he managed to get her out of the club based on a ruse. I can appreciate that her friends may have thought otherwise. Young women today expect these things to happen. How sad is that? That's why they tend to look out for each other when they go to clubs and bars.

I originally thought that this was a thought out premeditated murder but his clumsiness after the murder just seems panicky as opposed to thought out.

I do believe he planned on "getting a girl" that night. I'm not sure it was for sex though but then again who knows at this point. I think the idea was to kill someone. I think he just wanted to try killing someone. He may have attempted it prior to Karen and then never carried it out. I'd be extremely interested to hear from any former girlfriends or girls he met in bars. Did he try this before? I'm also not sure of the rage thought. I'm wondering more about a frenzy. It sounds like a frenzied kill to me. I might be wrong here, but I think the original attack was seen on CCTV. Again, wow, he didn't plan very well.

The whole idea of not having a plan to dispose of the body after the event, leaves me a bit perplexed. Maybe he didn't think he could do it and then did and then was left with 'OMG" what do I do now?

He was seen on CCTV buying the barrel. He really didn't think things through. I also believe that he gave LE the location of Karen's based on them telling him that they had him on CCTV buying the barrel and the other CCTV evidence. I think he caved. The jig was up.

It's extremely sad and quite frankly worse than I thought it would be. Poor Karen. Why is it that the victims always seem to be such good, decent people? It breaks my heart.

I don't think a murder was planned maybe an attack of some sort but not a murder, he went way too far and a murder wasn't planned so he panicked as he had not planned for disposing of a body. This would explain the clumsy aftermath, bag dumped in place it would be found getting caught on CCTV buying the barrel etc, However the manner in which he kept the victim in the boot of the car and the way he disposed of the body makes me think were dealing with one sick puppy here. After reading this I took a view that someone who would do this would have Psychopathy.
Zwiebel can you also add a link to the first thread in the first post? It might be confusing for new people if they don't know there was a previous thread.

Re storage shed confusion I thought the sheds in the lane near AP's flat that was searched and he had just moved the barrel from those sheds to some isolated land on the farm. Makes me wonder had he ever been to the farm before - not in any way suggesting anyone else had anything to do with this but how did he know where the shed was?

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