Found Deceased UK - Libby Squire, 21, last seen outside Welly club, Hull, 31 Jan 2019 #14 *ARREST*

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Missing woman Libby Squire | Humberside Police

Can you help find missing Libby Squire (21) last seen getting into a taxi outside Welly club in Hull at around 11pm last night?

She is 5ft 7ins tall with shoulder length brown hair and was wearing a black long sleeved top, leather jacket and black denim skirt with lace.

If you have seen her please call 101 quoting log 29 of 01/02/19.


Humberside Police

Woman, 21, missing after last being seen getting into taxi on night out

Huge search for missing Libby Squire continues


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Just bringing this forward from thread #2


11:18pm Libby turned away from Welly,
11:22pm Libby put in taxi
11:29 Taxi drops her near home on Wellesley Av. Neighbours saw her stumbling in street.
11:40 - 11:45 caught on CCTV on bench. Around this time grey beard man stopped to offer assistance, she declined, police have cleared him
11:49ish PR? car arrives on Haworth Street (per ITV CCTV)
12:04-12:06 ish man smoking (CCTV)
12:08 passenger door opens and someone/something is on passenger seat
12:09 car drives away (CCTV)

12:09 police say Libby had left the bench by now
12:19 the same car (tbc) seen Newland Av (per Sun CCTV)
12:15-12:30ish dark and eerie screams coming from park for 15 minutes
12:30ish man seen running from park
12:30ish scream and banging gate heard from Heathcote St near Libbys house.
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19 Feb 2019

As enquiries continue into Libby’s disappearance, detectives are keen to trace the individuals shown in the CCTV footage, as they may be possible witnesses and have crucial information that could assist the investigation.

The footage shows four people on Oak Road close to the junction with Clough Road between 1.13am and 2.34am on the day Libby was last seen on Friday 1 February.

Libby Squire – witnesses sought on CCTV footage | Humberside Police

@12.15 through 12.30
Male witness who lives in house overlooking fields: “I woke at about quarter past 12 and there was a scream. It sounded like a woman’s scream towards the back of the park, where the river bank and pond is. Then 30 seconds later there was another scream. She must have screamed seven or eight times. All of the screams had gaps between them. The screams must have gone on for about 15 minutes. “They sounded eerie, they sounded dark. Then I saw a male running."
Girl heard screaming in park just minutes after Libby Squire vanished
Same witness' father: "My son heard the screaming - he heard about six or seven screams - and he went to look out of the window. He said it sounded like he was moving. It was intermittent. The man he saw wasn't dressed for a night out. He wasn't dressed for the weather. He saw him running for around 40 yards, sprinting at times. He said he was on his own and he wasn’t looking back."
Libby Squire: Police examining CCTV footage which may show missing student

The concerned mum of two, who lives in nearby Heathcote Street near where it joins Wellesley Avenue, said: “We did hear screaming at 12.30 on Thursday night. “I was just in bed reading. We do get a lot of students who live in the road that Libby lives in who use this road as a cut through. “They go past screaming, shouting and singing. It’s not unusual. “But this made us sit up. It sounded like someone being attacked. The scream sounded like it was coming from someone who was scared. “It was someone walking quite close past our house. It was just one female scream. “Then we heard other voices muttering very low, murmuring and then more screams and more male voices. “Then we heard the slamming of a door. It sounded like a wooden door or a garden gate. “It was just very odd,” added the woman, a Hull University graduate whose dad is a retired policeman. “We didn’t think about it again until the police came round knocking on everybody’s doors on Saturday,” she recalled. “We talked about it and remembered the scream and rang 101.”“It was really shrill and urgent. It made me sit up and think ‘Oh my God’.
Libby Squire's neighbour claims to have heard a woman’s "blood curdling" scream
Maybe she had encountered PR and he had followed her, or spoken to her or she recognised him for his ding a ling flashing. If she was kicking off something or someone spooked her.
RNLI RESCUE (includes boat tracking infographic)

The body of student Libby Squire could have been lost forever had a series of chance encounters not emerged on the coast off Cleethorpes.

[An experienced mariner] said he believed "another three or four tides" would have seen her lost into the North Sea.

How tragic Libby Squire was just hours away from being lost forever
I didn’t got to reply to @Skigh before the last thread closed. You are right. I did confuse the two that were being referenced. Sorry about that.

Would a transplant from a different country (he had been there 5 years?) know that CCTV is everywhere? As an American I can say I wouldn’t have a clue as it’s not the norm here. I’m “ASSumming” this is just public knowledge, though?
LIBBY"S MUM'S FB POST (Saturday 23rd March)

My baby girl is gone. Gone forever.
No more birthdays with us.
No more Christmas Days with us.
No more family time all together.

No family should have to endure that.
No sisters should have that special girl they have known for all their time on this earth taken from her.
No 11 year old brother should have his idol taken from him.
No dad should have his first born little girl, his princess, taken from him.
No grandparent should lose their first born grandchild.
No aunt and uncle lose their first born niece.
No mother should have to watch her family go through all of that.

There have been so many low points but by far the worst point was having to call Connor, the absolute love of her life, and tell him I am so sorry the girl you love the most in the world has gone. The girl you planned to be with for the rest of your life , the boy she planned to be with for the rest of her life.
He made her happy. She made him happy. That made me happy.

My heart is broken for her friends.
The friends she knows and loves because they are my friend’s babies. Watching your children become friends with your friend’s children is a special thing.
Those little people who came in to her life when she was at pre school and are still there.
Those precious little people that she meet at school in September 2002 ~ the class her very experienced teacher told me was “a unique class of children who acted more like brothers and sisters, not just friends” How right was she as nearly 17 years on they are back together supporting each other and missing Libby.
Her friends she found at WHS. Those who carried her through her most turbulent of times and still loved her.
Her college friends. Friends that made college bearable. Friends who looked out for her and loved her.
Her friends at her job ~ the job she was so proud of and loved.
Her friends that she had made this last 18 months at uni who still had so much to learn about her.
Broken for you all

Most of all I have lost one of the 4 most precious things in my life.
I cannot thank you enough my darling Pie for making me a mummy. For choosing me to be your mummy. It’s an honour,a privilege and a joy.

I kept you safe for as long as I could and I am so sorry I could not keep you safe on that night. I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry.

I love you my beautiful girl with all my being and I always will.
Until we meet again my Pie.
I love you more xxxxxx

Libby mum 'lost most precious thing'

@12.15 through 12.30
Male witness who lives in house overlooking fields: “I woke at about quarter past 12 and there was a scream. It sounded like a woman’s scream towards the back of the park, where the river bank and pond is. Then 30 seconds later there was another scream. She must have screamed seven or eight times. All of the screams had gaps between them. The screams must have gone on for about 15 minutes. “They sounded eerie, they sounded dark. Then I saw a male running."
Girl heard screaming in park just minutes after Libby Squire vanished
Same witness' father: "My son heard the screaming - he heard about six or seven screams - and he went to look out of the window. He said it sounded like he was moving. It was intermittent. The man he saw wasn't dressed for a night out. He wasn't dressed for the weather. He saw him running for around 40 yards, sprinting at times. He said he was on his own and he wasn’t looking back."
Libby Squire: Police examining CCTV footage which may show missing student

The concerned mum of two, who lives in nearby Heathcote Street near where it joins Wellesley Avenue, said: “We did hear screaming at 12.30 on Thursday night. “I was just in bed reading. We do get a lot of students who live in the road that Libby lives in who use this road as a cut through. “They go past screaming, shouting and singing. It’s not unusual. “But this made us sit up. It sounded like someone being attacked. The scream sounded like it was coming from someone who was scared. “It was someone walking quite close past our house. It was just one female scream. “Then we heard other voices muttering very low, murmuring and then more screams and more male voices. “Then we heard the slamming of a door. It sounded like a wooden door or a garden gate. “It was just very odd,” added the woman, a Hull University graduate whose dad is a retired policeman. “We didn’t think about it again until the police came round knocking on everybody’s doors on Saturday,” she recalled. “We talked about it and remembered the scream and rang 101.”“It was really shrill and urgent. It made me sit up and think ‘Oh my God’.
Libby Squire's neighbour claims to have heard a woman’s "blood curdling" scream
The comment from the Boys father about a man running away in the park, not being dressed for the weather is striking, because the CCTV at the POI car, showed him wearing (unless my eyes are deceiving me) shorts?

If this is accurate (not said after the CCTV was released) it does substantiate the park as a primary location of the said crime being committed.
LIBBY"S MUM'S FB POST (Saturday 23rd March)

My baby girl is gone. Gone forever.
No more birthdays with us.
No more Christmas Days with us.
No more family time all together.

No family should have to endure that.
No sisters should have that special girl they have known for all their time on this earth taken from her.
No 11 year old brother should have his idol taken from him.
No dad should have his first born little girl, his princess, taken from him.
No grandparent should lose their first born grandchild.
No aunt and uncle lose their first born niece.
No mother should have to watch her family go through all of that.

There have been so many low points but by far the worst point was having to call Connor, the absolute love of her life, and tell him I am so sorry the girl you love the most in the world has gone. The girl you planned to be with for the rest of your life , the boy she planned to be with for the rest of her life.
He made her happy. She made him happy. That made me happy.

My heart is broken for her friends.
The friends she knows and loves because they are my friend’s babies. Watching your children become friends with your friend’s children is a special thing.
Those little people who came in to her life when she was at pre school and are still there.
Those precious little people that she meet at school in September 2002 ~ the class her very experienced teacher told me was “a unique class of children who acted more like brothers and sisters, not just friends” How right was she as nearly 17 years on they are back together supporting each other and missing Libby.
Her friends she found at WHS. Those who carried her through her most turbulent of times and still loved her.
Her college friends. Friends that made college bearable. Friends who looked out for her and loved her.
Her friends at her job ~ the job she was so proud of and loved.
Her friends that she had made this last 18 months at uni who still had so much to learn about her.
Broken for you all

Most of all I have lost one of the 4 most precious things in my life.
I cannot thank you enough my darling Pie for making me a mummy. For choosing me to be your mummy. It’s an honour,a privilege and a joy.

I kept you safe for as long as I could and I am so sorry I could not keep you safe on that night. I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry.

I love you my beautiful girl with all my being and I always will.
Until we meet again my Pie.
I love you more xxxxxx

Libby mum 'lost most precious thing'
This is heartbreaking and yet beautiful. RIP beautiful angel Libby
Sharing @Sera brilliantly detailed map to the thread

Libby Squire
Libby Squire - Google My Maps
Thanks @Audiohoney.

I'd like to add that the map has recently been updated to include markers for locations such as North Ferriby, Paull and Spurn Point. The map also includes known locations of PR's alleged unrelated crimes (as stated in MSM) plus, very sadly, the location where Libby was found (as seen in the lifeboat tracking footage shown in MSM).
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