UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #3

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'Williamson watched video about children being kidnapped or shaken'
Police intelligence analyst Rebecca Ashwin's statement is being read.

She speaks about the content watched on Williamson's phone on July 31, which included: blackheads extraction, acne, 'Dr Pimple Popper', ice cream cake, 'viral shorts', a professional makeup artist, 'not your average BMW', conjoined sisters born as one, 'my twin is only 4ft 3ins', pain management, 'German lady wants a nose job to look more African - botched', and cutting an ingrown toenail.

Over the previous week, Williamson watched hundreds of videos including 45 related to 'popping' and 36 related to toenails, as well as videos related to makeup, food, weight loss and conjoined twins.

Ms Ashwin also said that Williamson watched a video related to children who have been kidnapped or shaken.

Logan Mwangi murder trial - live updates
I think I tend to agree with this. But I do wonder whether part of her participation in the cover up was maybe, not reluctant per se, but not really entirely consensual in that she was so shocked and stunned and emotional that she didn’t know what to do (although perhaps first instinct was indeed to call 999?). I think this is the point at which a more cool headed, less emotional about Logan, individual - JC - stepped in fearing for his own situation and being less devastated at Logan’s death came up with the plan and that this “strength” for what of a better word convinced AW to go along with it. AW has then concocted the whole “I was asleep all night” story almost as a means of self-preservation. Maybe convincing herself that being asleep makes her less culpable and involved. Whereas the phone evidence etc betrays that she was actually up and concerned (but not so concerned, I note, that she was looking up treatment of injuries etc. Which is what I would do if it was my child - I have a son who is the same age Logan was when he died. And a younger one who is horribly accident-prone. And any time he has a stupid knock on the head or anything, despite knowing what I need to look out for concussion-wise etc I still endlessly scroll health websites checking what signs and symptoms I need to look out for for fear of him dropping dead in the night or needing to take him to hospital. It’s never happened other than when I panic called an ambulance when he fell head first out of his high chair and then threw up (he had wind) and was sleepy (it was his nap time anyway) - but unsurprisingly he was fine and the paramedics were very sweet and reassuring that while there was absolutely nothing wrong with him I was ok for having called them out and it wasn’t time wasting as it at least showed I was “concerned” and showing motherly instinct! Anyway I digress).
I think maybe she had and inkling he wasn’t well, but was truly shocked that he died from injuries she maybe didn’t consider could be that serious. And it is only subsequently when she’s presented with the autopsy findings that realises quite was she’s put Logan through. But she’s in full denial by this stage so has continued to stick to her stupid story.

I'm basing the following on the STORY I have written, it's a narrative, the one I believe without enough facts or evidence to go on.

I agree with the above.

My suspicion is that AW was in a long term abusive relationship with a violent controlling predatory man who has a lack of empathy. He came into AW's life and, as per what parasitic abusers do, he took over her mind and depleted her own sense of self - a form of mental hijack, brainwashing. It used to be called 'a domestic violence' relationship.

He probably filled her with hopes and dreams on the one side (fake future fantasy) and fears, terror, self doubt, threats, on the other. It is clear AW made poor choices all the way. She fought social services to 'prove' what a PHENOMENAL man, father, JC was. We know he wasn't. We know he had been registered as a danger to the public and that social services tried to intervene on the relationship.

So, going back right to the off... we can see surely that AW had lost her mind and rational judgement. Every single thing that unfolded from the moment that AW's mind was hijacked by a predator is really just so very predictable. Her actions were effectively not her own, she was acting for JC in all her affairs. Like a zombie or someone in a cult. That is why abusive relationships are referred to as 'the cult of two'. However, she must be held culpable so she can tell the truth and get justice for Logan.
Ethan Bevan is now testifying, asked about his connection to John Cole.

He said he played the Fortnite game online with Cole, started chatting and discovered they both lived in Bridgend. He said on one occasion they met in person, "at the most a month" before the first lockdown in March 2020. Mr Bevan said he knew Cole was "ex-military" but had not given more detail about his past.

"He told me he was on a 99-year suspended sentence," said Mr Bevan.
Logan Mwangi murder trial - live updates
Ethan Bevan is now testifying, asked about his connection to John Cole.

He said he played the Fortnite game online with Cole, started chatting and discovered they both lived in Bridgend. He said on one occasion they met in person, "at the most a month" before the first lockdown in March 2020. Mr Bevan said he knew Cole was "ex-military" but had not given more detail about his past.

"He told me he was on a 99-year suspended sentence," said Mr Bevan.
Logan Mwangi murder trial - live updates

Fantasies from JC to make him seem 'big' imo

I think, after watching her boyfriend and the youth punch, kick and abuse Logan over a prolonged period of time she would have had far more than an inkling - the PM report verifies that.


She raised Logan since the day he was born and she lived with him 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

It must have taken PHENOMENAL powers of denial, delusion, fantasy, dishonesty, and deviance, on her part to imagine that Logan wasn't dying.
I'm basing the following on the STORY I have written, it's a narrative, the one I believe without enough facts or evidence to go on.

I agree with the above.

My suspicion is that AW was in a long term abusive relationship with a violent controlling predatory man who has a lack of empathy. He came into AW's life and, as per what parasitic abusers do, he took over her mind and depleted her own sense of self - a form of mental hijack, brainwashing. It used to be called 'a domestic violence' relationship.

He probably filled her with hopes and dreams on the one side (fake future fantasy) and fears, terror, self doubt, threats, on the other. It is clear AW made poor choices all the way. She fought social services to 'prove' what a PHENOMENAL man, father, JC was. We know he wasn't. We know he had been registered as a danger to the public and that social services tried to intervene on the relationship.

So, going back right to the off... we can see surely that AW had lost her mind and rational judgement. Every single thing that unfolded from the moment that AW's mind was hijacked by a predator is really just so very predictable. Her actions were effectively not her own, she was acting for JC in all her affairs. Like a zombie or someone in a cult. That is why abusive relationships are referred to as 'the cult of two'. However, she must be held culpable so she can tell the truth and get justice for Logan.
Re: "Fake Future Fantasy"

Didn't he dangle a marriage propsal in front of her?

She sent a photo of an engagement ring to her friend, clearly proud and excited.

Logan was to be a page boy, etc.
Stuff from Romance Novel.

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I wasn't sure what to believe.'
Asked about the 99-year suspended sentence claim allegedly made by Cole, Mr Bevan said: "I thought it was a bit odd but with some of the things you hear on TV in the US and people getting life sentences, I wasn't sure what to believe. I thought it was a bit odd but I did sort of believe it as well. He never told me why he had this supposed 99-year suspended sentence. I didn't feel it was my place to ask the questions about something that big."

Logan Mwangi murder trial - live updates
'I thought they were happy'
Mr Bevan adds: "I was brought up in the care system so I think I would have seen something if anything was going to happen. I thought they were all happy."

He adds that after meeting Cole in Bridgend they went back to Mr Bevan's home.

He says Cole mentioned being "in the special forces" a couple of times, and that if Cole was ever arrested he would be remanded because of a 99-year suspended sentence.

"I didn't know if he was trying to come across as the kind of person not to be messed with," says Mr Bevan. "I have no idea why he told me that."

Logan Mwangi murder trial - live updates

I think, after watching her boyfriend and the youth punch, kick and abuse Logan over a prolonged period of time she would have had far more than an inkling - the PM report verifies that.

Possibly, but I think my point wasn’t clear enough in that I think she knew Logan was hurt and not acting like normal, but I don’t think we have enough evidence she knew his injuries were actually life threatening at the time they happened and therefore she did nothing about them. Now she might have been disbelieving Logan when he complained, but I am inclined to believe that individually the injuries were sustained over a period of time and no single one was fatal so she was in denial about their seriousness. But the cumulative impact was fatal. But she didn’t link all that together.

That’s why there is no search history of how to treat injuries/what to look out for. I think these were internal injuries that she was prepared to sit it out with Logan and hope that calpol and bed rest would sort him out. But I am inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt she wasn’t aware he was dying and therefore wasn’t just waiting for that to happen and to then wave him off to be dumped in the river middle of the night. As in, I don’t think there is evidence one way or the other there.

But to be clear - ignorance is not a defence. So she is fully culpable here. It’s a question of degree and how much she was knowingly covering up and how much of what happened to Logan she was and wasn’t aware of.
The court hears a statement from another police analyst Rebecca Atter, who said that during July 2021, Williamson watched videos including: 'Drug dealer stabs man to death'; 'Crocodile tears - deceitful murderers who lie for the cameras'; ‘Teen son of parents accused of murdering infant testifies'; and 'Something traumatic happened that changed my life'.

The trial will continue at 2.30pm.

Logan Mwangi murder trial - live updates

She raised Logan since the day he was born and she lived with him 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

It must have taken PHENOMENAL powers of denial, delusion, fantasy, dishonesty, and deviance, on her part to imagine that Logan wasn't dying.

Maybe it was such a common occurrence that in this instance she thought it was more of the same and she didn’t recognise the seriousness in this instance. I’m not sure a 5 year old could articulate the difference between levels of pain. The use of the word “ouchy” is like a dagger to my heart because that is the word my sons use when they are hurt - but there is no degrees to it. So as a parent one needs to determine how serious that “ouchy” is. And in AW’s case, i could see how she possibly WAS in denial because Logan’s protestations we’re maybe no different to usual. And she didn’t want to risk going to hospital for the questions it would raise. But I still struggle with her essentially consciously being aware he was dying and still doing nothing about it. But that is why we have juries in this country so we can all bring our own thoughts and interpretations and experiences to bear in order to try to arrive at an appropriate level of justice and truth. (Although I am not sure we will ever know any sort of “truth” in this case).

I think, after watching her boyfriend and the youth punch, kick and abuse Logan over a prolonged period of time she would have had far more than an inkling - the PM report verifies that.
Yes, just a reminder of some of the evidence -

"Dr Stalker said: “Logan had quite extensive bruising including deep bruising on the back of the scalp. It would have been painful at the time it was inflicted and tender to the touch. He wouldn’t have wanted to lie down on it. He had severe brain injuries too.

“We don’t know whether Logan was knocked out and did not regain consciousness, or whether he gained consciousness, or whether he was knocked out and suffered a progression of the symptoms which would lead to his death.”

The progressive symptoms of the brain injuries would include a headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, a difficulty in concentrating, visual disturbances, fitting, posturing, decrease in consciousness and a deep coma.

The doctor said the symptoms and change in behaviour would have been apparent to those looking after Logan. The posturing, stiffness of the body, would have been a particularly worrying sign"


"John Hipkin QC, for the youth, says the evidence suggests there was trauma “one or two hours” before Logan’s death. Dr Lammie agrees."

"Ms Rees said: “There appears to be a significant period of survival after injury to the head and damage to the brain… The length of survival period is difficult to estimate but is at least several hours and there is evidence of more than one brain injury.”

Dr Lammie agreed with the statement."


"In reference to the hypoxic ischemic brain injury, Dr Lammie said a pathologist could only detect such injury if an individual survived at least four to six hours after sustaining it."


"Turning to the brain injuries, Mr Rouch asked if the older brain injury could have been caused between 36 and 48 hours.

Dr Williams said: “At least.”

Mr Rouch said: “Was that injury fatal?

Dr Williams said: “No.”

The court heard the fatal brain and abdominal injuries were caused “hours before death”."


"It was put to the defendant she grabbed Logan and threw him on the bed but she said she picked him up and put him on the bed, telling him to "stop waffling" and go to sleep. She said: “His knees were up, he liked to snuggle, and I kissed him goodnight.”"


"He said:”I woke up to Angharad screaming ‘He’s dead, Logan’s dead’. He was lying on his back with his head to the side in a weird position. His eyes were wide open, I moved his head and it flopped and there was no response."

"It was also asked if Cole had caused the injury to Logan during CPR.

Coles said: “He was actually dead. I was trying to get him back. Angharad said she heard him take his last breath. I didn’t, I panicked.”"


"Cole said in a statement: "I came running through, he was lying on his back with his head to the side and up in a weird position - his legs half cocked at the knees."


"“She saw the body of a young child laying on his right side with his knees bent in an open foetal position. It was Logan."


Logan Mwangi murder trial - live updates

Logan Mwangi stepfather claims he woke to find the five-year-old lifeless in bed | ITV News
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Re the youth being tried as an adult, I thought he was as he is in the same trial/court as the adults. I'm not sure how it works in Wales but in Scotland depending on the severity of the crime, youths can be tried in adult courts, receive appropriate sentences but serve the first part of their sentence in a youth detention centre before moving on to an adult prison, usually at 18 but sometimes later if they are deemed vulnerable in any way.
Re the youth being tried as an adult, I thought he was as he is in the same trial/court as the adults. I'm not sure how it works in Wales but in Scotland depending on the severity of the crime, youths can be tried in adult courts, receive appropriate sentences but serve the first part of their sentence in a youth detention centre before moving on to an adult prison, usually at 18 but sometimes later if they are deemed vulnerable in any way.
Maybe it was such a common occurrence that in this instance she thought it was more of the same and she didn’t recognise the seriousness in this instance. I’m not sure a 5 year old could articulate the difference between levels of pain. The use of the word “ouchy” is like a dagger to my heart because that is the word my sons use when they are hurt - but there is no degrees to it. So as a parent one needs to determine how serious that “ouchy” is. And in AW’s case, i could see how she possibly WAS in denial because Logan’s protestations we’re maybe no different to usual. And she didn’t want to risk going to hospital for the questions it would raise. But I still struggle with her essentially consciously being aware he was dying and still doing nothing about it. But that is why we have juries in this country so we can all bring our own thoughts and interpretations and experiences to bear in order to try to arrive at an appropriate level of justice and truth. (Although I am not sure we will ever know any sort of “truth” in this case).

I honestly doubt that Logan was saying ‘I’ve got an ouchy’ - I think this is them trying to make out they thought he had a mild stomach ache, instead of severe abdominal trauma; thereby excusing their lack of action.

In addition to the brain injuries:

RSbm from link below.

……Logan also suffered abdominal injuries, including a torn liver, perforation of the bowel, and damage to the small intestine. Dr Stalker said blood entering the abdominal cavity would have caused "extreme pain". She added: " This was a very nasty injury.”

The witness said a child being treated in hospital for these injuries would have been given morphine as pain relief. Ms Rees said: “Would you have expected Logan to have reacted?” Dr Stalker said: “Oh yes – blunt force to the abdomen would have been very painful.” Ms Rees said: “Would there be a vocal reaction?” Dr Stalker said: “He would cry and maybe scream – he certainly wouldn’t have been silent. What we don’t know is if he was conscious from the head injuries.”

The paediatrician was asked if Logan's caregivers would have been aware Logan was in pain. She said: "Yes – his hands and feet would be ice cold and he would have been very pale. It would have been obvious the child was very unwell.”

Logan Mwangi left to die in extreme pain, doctor tells murder trial
That list of videos is evocative, especially the teen that murdered the infant. Is there a chance we'll ever know the true story? I believe AW is a narcissist of some variety and that most of her relationships are instrumental. Her children enhanced her appearance to others. I'm not sure how attached she was to Logan. It's possible that Logan lost value to her when she had another child and another significant other. He had become an impediment to developing her new family. In the end Logan death could have made her into a mother who had lost a child, a martyr. JMO
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