GUILTY UK - Logan Mwangi, 5, found dead in Wales River, Bridgend, 31 July 2021 *arrests, inc. minor* #6

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Body of five-year-old child found in south Wales river

A body of a 5 year old child has been found in a river yesterday. Today We have 3 arrests.

#UPDATE | We can confirm that following reports of concerns for a missing five year old boy in #Sarn #Bridgend and the subsequent finding of the body in the Ogmore River near Pandy Park, three people have been arrested.

A 39-year-old man, 30-year-old woman and 13-year-old boy, all from the Bridgend area, have been arrested on suspicion of murder. We are not looking for anyone else in relation to this incident.

Anyone who has any information in relation to the incident can contact the Major Crime Team directly via this portal link Public Portal or alternatively via one of the following means quoting reference number 2100268674.

• Go to: Provide more information to be added to a crime report
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• Phone: 101
Man, woman and boy, 13, arrested over death of five-year-old in Bridgend

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I think the general public don't have distain for social workers for 'child stealing' as keeps being mentioned.

They do have distain for the constant cases like this, that keep appearing across the country where children are being failed again and again, by incompetent at best, and worst uncaring social workers, who look to cover themselves in court.
Dear god …. <modsnip> The youth was apparently eating chocolate in the dock also.
What an utter disgrace they all are. I hope the rest of their miserable pitiful existences are filled with horror. That poor little boy.
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wow! This makes me believe it was the youth who murdered him. And that Jc was indeed covering for him. Plus probably contributed. Still can’t help thinking AW should’ve only been convicted for allowing the death of. I don’t believe she okayed a part in his murder.
Legally speaking, you might be correct.

But to me, it does feel like 'murder' when I read the long list of injuries, and the severity of them, and the long window of his time of suffering. Anyone who has 'mothered' a child or a fur baby, or an ailing parent, knows what it is like when the dependent is injured or ill. Your total focus is upon them and their progress and how they are feeling.

How could she have ignored his dire situation? As the doctor testified, the child would have been in and out of consciousness, in severe pain, unable to eat or use the bathroom, probably crying when conscious, and in very obvious distress.

In my mind, IT IS MURDER to ignore all that and refuse to get him medical aid. So I have no problem with the Murder conviction. He had an 80% chance of recovery if AW had called for help, instead of watched you tube clips.
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I’ve never heard any testimony from A stating anything racially motivated from JC towards her son. Which there obviously was. The fact that she let him around her son knowing he was racist is just beyond me. Logan never really had a chance in my opinion, especially given that services were not doing their job correctly.
Everything about AW Is performative. She has the audacity to self describe as over protective when she let him down right until the end, and let him be dumped by the river. It’s not uncommon for one child to take all of the abuse in a household, and in my experience it’s also not uncommon for some mothers to stop caring about their kids after the ‘baby stage’ is over. I think that’s what happened here unfortunately, I don’t think AW was stable ever in Logan’s short life. My take.

"It’s not uncommon for one child to take all of the abuse in a household, and in my experience it’s also not uncommon for some mothers to stop caring about their kids after the ‘baby stage’ is over."

I have had similar thoughts. It seems like she was willing to sacrifice her 5 yr old to try and keep her baby. Some troubled women decide to have children because they want to have 'unconditional love' from someone, expecting their child will ALWAYS, in every moment, be a fountain of love and gratitude. But once the child hits natural stages of emotional growth where they become resistant and oppositional, these same moms can become irate and resentful. Their fantasy is shattered. Which is one reason why there are so many toddlers and young children killed by raging parents. :(
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The other factors would have to be known and raised though, I wonder if the courts were aware of the wider picture.
I think they tend to take the suggestion and opinion of the specific case worker, most familiar with the family situation. That seems to be how it is set up, and it does make the most sense, until it doesn't. :confused:
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Singing "Kill the Jews" treated by Social Service as banter???

Im simply lost for words, and it doesn't happen often :(
I asm so relieved that the young girls who were in that home with him, smartly refused to go with him down to the water, alone. I have no doubt they might have been earlier victims of his, if they had agreed to go.
The more I read about JC and the youth, the more strange I find it that AW didn't just call an ambulance on that last day and blame everything on them. Given the long, hideous and well-evidenced history of casual cruelty and violence on their part, all their appalling personal history, and the fact that up until the point where Logan died everyone thought of her as a basically good mother with dubious taste in men means she would probably have got off scot-free and Logan might still be alive.

I guess it tells us either that she's as cruel and amoral as they are, or that she was so bewitched by her fantasies of living a 'perfect' family life with her 'phenomenal' man that she completely parted company with reality. Or both perhaps.
I think she may have been tempted to do so, but she was afraid of losing custody of the baby. And she probably would have, even if she was not charged with harming Logan herself. JMO
I think they tend to take the suggestion and opinion of the specific case worker, most familiar with the case. That seems to be how it is set ups, and it does make the most sense, until it doesn't. :confused:

I agree @katydid23.

I also think we are seeing the exception where (going from memory) one assessor noted the youth as violent since age 8 and the worse intake she'd ever encountered, while another caseworker treated the youth as if they were buddies, and his crude behavior toward her perfectly acceptable (and not taking the foster family's concerns as serious).
I think they tend to take the suggestion and opinion of the specific case worker, most familiar with the family situation. That seems to be how it is set up, and it does make the most sense, until it doesn't. :confused:

Yeah that’s what I was trying to say, in a round about way, sorry … the sheriff wouldn’t have known if the worker didn’t tell them, basically. It sounds like the youth and Logan’s workers were from different locality offices, too, so no crossover or linking within the database, especially when they had separate residences.

I’m still puzzled as to why JC’s involvement with Logan is reported to have triggered a CP investigation, yet the youth was actively placed with him. Not sure we’ll ever find out if the youth remains anonymous.

Reading the FC’s interview again, the following was quite telling:

They said the teen was murder obsessed and had a 'cruel streak' which saw him stamp on one girl's toes after she had had an operation on her feet”

Logan’s hand was stamped on and crushed.
I’m still puzzled as to why JC’s involvement with Logan is reported to have triggered a CP investigation, yet the youth was actively placed with him. Not sure we’ll ever find out if the youth remains anonymous.

It was AW reporting that the youth pushed Logan downstairs that triggered social work involvement for Logan and resulted in the youth being placed in foster care in January 2021, although the incident was months earlier. This makes it all the more inappropriate that the youth was placed back in Logan’s household 5 months later, with Logan passing just after the youth was placed back with JC and AW, especially as he continued to be a danger to younger children whilst in foster care
I asm so relieved that the young girls who were in that home with him, smartly refused to go with him down to the water, alone. I have no doubt they might have been earlier victims of his, if they had agreed to go.

Reading again the interview with the foster parents and about the youth's "murder game" where he wanted to place the young girls in bin bags has suddenly made me wonder if Logan's murder was completely premeditated. He told the foster parents he wanted to kill Logan and then he did. Perhaps he and JC planned it together right down to the disposal of Logan's body.
I recall there was a family friend who babysat for them who said she had no idea anything was going on. Unlike the lady who said they witnessed the push ups etc. AW was clearly good at hiding things.

Seems that there were some people they felt comfortable enough with that they blatantly abused Logan in front of them. Not one of them stopping to consider just what horrors they may have, therefore, been inflicting on him behind closed doors.
The foster parents mentioned knives hidden around the house, and him also carrying a knife not from the household.

What does it say about him?

Did he fear an attack and want to be prepared?
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