GUILTY UK - Michelle, 36, Demi, 14, Brandon, 8, Lacie, 7, & Lia Pearson, 3, die in arson fire, 11 Dec 2017

Not wanting to step on your toes Legally, but here is another interview with the family from the Manchester Evening News:

Michelle Pearson's children were killed by monsters and let down by the authorities say devastated family
'They said she wasn’t in danger - they said she was fine and the police were always there when she needs them. But they just didn’t help her'

Michelle Pearson's murdered children were let down by the authorities say family
Not wanting to step on your toes Legally, but here is another interview with the family from the Manchester Evening News:

Michelle Pearson's children were killed by monsters and let down by the authorities say devastated family
'They said she wasn’t in danger - they said she was fine and the police were always there when she needs them. But they just didn’t help her'

Michelle Pearson's murdered children were let down by the authorities say family
You're not stepping on anyone's toes, Karen. The more people who post the better, whether it's opinions or articles/updates.
Michelle Pearson's tributes to each of her children
Michelle Pearson’s tribute also mentioned each of her children in turn.

Of Lia, three, she said: “She is dead clever, big blue eyes and a smile that melted your heart.”

Of Lacie, who was seven when she was killed, she said: “She loves to dance and sing. She would turn the TV on and just sing and dance along. It makes me smile just thinking about it.”

She described Brandon, eight, as ‘a little architect in the making. He promised me he would build me a house’.

Paying tribute to 15-year-old Demi, Michelle said: “We did a lot together. She was my best friend.”

Four kids killed in arson attack finally laid to rest - but mum can't be there

Mourners line streets for funeral of four children killed in arson attack
I live three streets away from this and it has affected the whole community. My son was at school with Demi. I know that Courtney has launched an appeal, but the other two haven’t. The family keep the house covered in tributes to the children, it is all so sad and meaningless.
I live three streets away from this and it has affected the whole community. My son was at school with Demi. I know that Courtney has launched an appeal, but the other two haven’t. The family keep the house covered in tributes to the children, it is all so sad and meaningless.

I'm so sorry Sally, for you, the community, and of course most of all for Michelle. What a senseless crime.
From last month:

A woman jailed over a petrol bomb attack that killed four children has lost an appeal against her conviction.


Brierley, who was cleared of murder at a trial at Manchester Crown Court, appealed against her conviction, arguing it was inconsistent with the jury's verdicts in relation to Bolland and Worrall.

Lord Justice Holroyde, sitting with Mr Justice Warby and Mr Justice Julian Knowles, said: "There is no arguable ground on which the safety of the convictions can be challenged."

Fatal fire conviction appeal rejected

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