Found Deceased UK - Nicola Bulley Last Seen Walking Dog Near River - St Michaels on Wyre (Lancashire) #3

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''But while there is still hope and a will to do whatever is necessary to help, there is also a sense of unease over being in the national spotlight for a week.
"It's very alien for us as a small village", said one local mum.

"It's a close-knit, rural community, and obviously there's been a lot of media attention and a lot of police.
"The whole thing just has the community in shock."

''Another mum said: "Taking our children to school, they can see all of this and they are asking questions. It's hard because you want to shield them from any upset, but they do know something's going on.''

''Village car parks were filled with cars and outside broadcast vans this morning, with Sky News recording live from the bank of the River Wyre, next to the bench where Nicola's belongings were found.
The area is no longer cordoned off, and many people were seen milling around the muddy embankment.
Many police officers are partroling the area and specialist underwater teams and a van with equipment could be seen parked up on a track a short distance from the area around the bench.''
from the scene.
The Majority of animals wouldn’t leave their owners so if she was in that water I don’t believe the dog then wandered off.

It also makes no sense if she fell in that after a week no body was located as the police were so quick to respond from my understanding.
Agree completely. My dog would stand there barking her head off if I’d fallen/jumped into water, or done anything else out of the ordinary or sudden.
I have been wondering myself if anyone else on the call heard something unusual or if Nicola didn't sound like herself. If they did though then I'm sure they wouldn't have disconnected from the team call unless it was to phone the emergency services or someone in NB's family to alert them something was wrong. It a habit for nearly everyone to disconnect from a call once its ended so could something have happened as she was about to disconnect? Was someone watching her and waiting for the phone call to finish? JMO
The only fact that doesn't seem to have changed every day is that she was muted on the teams call, if only all the other aspects could be so certain
Just a thought and please ignore if considered stupid but I was wondering if there has been many incidents of drowning in this location? I have looked on google but I'm falling short of finding an answer.
I know several have touched on the point of her falling into the river and other's touching on the current speed and depth wouldn't allow for her to move too far down but being a river fisherman myself I've seen people trip into a two foot river and move down over fifty yards before getting their feet under them and getting up. The current wasn't at speed as well, zero rapid's but the clothing worn along with temp can zap one of their strength and draw them to the bottom where they steadily move down the river. If the Police believe no foul play was involved then the river is the culprit. I would go as far as to move a several miles down the river then start the search up along with checking undercut's in the bank and overhanging trees that submerge into the water.
Ok, so, is it the perceived understanding that at 9.10am, after being spotted by the second witness along the path near upper field, at some point Nicola doubled back to the bench that she was seen at 8.53pm?
I don't perceive it that way.
''Village car parks were filled with cars and outside broadcast vans this morning, with Sky News recording live from the bank of the River Wyre, next to the bench where Nicola's belongings were found.
The area is no longer cordoned off, and many people were seen milling around the muddy embankment

Interesting they have removed the cordon along with the pending press release. I wonder if in fact this will still be treated as missing person and not escalated as hinted.

We need council CCTV in remote woodland and parks. People are still vanishing in the digital age.

My thoughts regarding this case are firstly, river or secondly, abduction.

All missing persons cases should get national publicity like this.

Honestly, from a lot of the comments here, you can tell a lot of people's only experience of water is swimming pools.

For anyone doubting the affect cold water can have on you, go fill your bath up from the cold tap and then submerge yourself in it. Make sure soneone else is nearby for safety.

Remember that feeling of freezing cold, and then remember that tap water is about 10c at the moment, or twice as warm as the river wyre.

In my opinion the water will hold the answers. Yes, something else could have happened, but time and time again when people go missing around water, the water is the key.

All MOO of course.
Completely agree and I walk a river bank regularly with my dog. So many times when people go missing in my locality it’s a fall into the river, often drink related drownings. I think this will be a dreadful accident IMHO but I’m desperately hoping I’m wrong and she’s just taken herself off for a break away.
It occurred to me that one enormously relevant piece of information could not be publicly disclosed due to its confidential nature: namely, IF Nicola was being treated for depression or any other mental health issue.
(Edited for typo)

The site is nine miles downstream from where Ms Bulley went missing last Friday. However, this afternoon, a Lancashire Police spokesman it was part of an inquiries relating to a suspicious vehicle.

It occurred to me that one enormously relevant piece of information could not be publicly disclosed due to its confidential nature: namely, IF Nicola was being treated for depression or any other mental health issue.
(Edited for typo)
I have a depressive illness, social interaction etc doesn't fit with a depressive state,I know can be masked but she genuinely does present as loving her life IMO
Yes I agree they should look here because it’s the closest point to her last sighting but as stated above if she was abducted from there, the perp would have to cross back over the field back to the bench to plant the dog, harness and phone in a short time frame. Very tight timeline and risky without being seen. IMO.
If there is foul play involved, perhaps there is more than one "perp" - and one of them took Willow & the phone to the bench & departed from there ?
Ok, so, is it the perceived understanding that at 9.10am, after being spotted by the second witness along the path near upper field, at some point Nicola doubled back to the bench that she was seen at 8.53pm?

I don't perceive it that way.

Yeah. We don't know whether:
  • she doubled back to the bench and if so why
  • continued on the loop back around to the bench
  • someone took the phone and dog back to the bench
Phone data might tell us some of this, which the police would already know if so.

I find it hard to believe the third option, as the dog complicates things. Unless they knew the dog well.
It occurred to me that one enormously relevant piece of information could not be publicly disclosed due to its confidential nature: namely, IF Nicola was being treated for depression or any other mental health issue.
(Edited for typo)
As someone who has attempted suicide and went to the effort of researching methods that are used. Water is quite an unusual way to attempt, drowning is one of the worst ways to go. It'd be even more unusual to go for an area of water that wouldn't even come up to your waist. Obviously cold shock is a thing, but you'd be very much relying on that to take over or your natural instinct would likely force you to surface/stand.

I have a depressive illness, social interaction etc doesn't fit with a depressive state,I know can be masked but she genuinely does present as loving her life IMO
It can present differently for everyone so I don't think it could be generalised. How often do we hear of when people harm themselves and those closest around them saying they seemed themselves, there were no obvious warning signs etc? Sometimes those who appear the happiest, aren't always so happy.

I'm not saying this is the case for NB, just stating. IMO
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