UK - Nurse Lucy Letby, Faces 22 Charges - 7 Murder/15 Attempted Murder of Babies #24

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Mr Johnson turns to the second set of events for Child N on June 15, when the plan was for Child N to go home that week. Letby agrees he only needed phototherapy at this stage.
A feeding chart is shown for Child N, who was being fed mostly expressed breast milk.
Child N's mother had visited on the morning of June 14, and in the evening, at 5.15pm. Child N had taken a 60ml bottle feed. Letby agrees with mr Johnson this was "a very good sign".
Mr Johnson suggests Letby did something to destabilise Child N before the end of her day shift.
LL: "No I did not."
Letby says it was a "coincidence" Child N was, according to nursing notes that night "very unsettled early part of night", with observations of mottling.

Hi Sweeper, there were no words used which were that obvious and descriptive and definitely no bold words like “manufacturer” which stuck out in particular but have you ever been in a conversation with someone where you are almost finishing their sentence in your own head or almost willing/expecting them to use a specific word, it was very much like that.

This was when Mr Johnson was asking Letby “Well how could that insulin have found itself in that bag!?”

In that moment it felt like I was watching someone who was equally searching for answers or ways in which this could have happened but not in a deflective manner.

It certainly was by no means fluid but from memory Letby said something to the affect of “Well I wouldn’t know how it got there, I didn’t put it in the bag….pauses….I don’t know…I don’t know….if the evidence is saying it was administered via the TPN then I don’t know…maybe it came from the outside”

Her reply was in no way frantic, it was to be honest quite confused and perplexed, almost searching for answers in her own mind.

The one phrase I definitely remember is her suggesting it could have come from outside (which is what I thought she was trying to get at the entire time but I was expecting a word to come out of her mouth like manufacturer or maybe it was delivered like that)

It didn’t feel like Letby believed this was a very likely scenario but it was almost like “Well if it’s in the bag and I haven’t put it there then how is it there” was it there the entire time ?

This didn’t feel like she was clutching at straws, it just appeared to be someone who genuinely felt confused by how this has happened.

It is so hard to articulate what I mean when I say this but it wasn’t a bold, confident deflection or a bold claim it could have come from elsewhere and it didn’t appear like a response out of desperation either. Before she could actually articulate what she meant Mr Johnson was already asking her another question.

I could be totally wrong but these are just my interpretations having seen her giving evidence that day.
Hey :) . That’s an excellent description of her speech, thankyou.

It also seems genuine, could mean she is genuinely still trying to cooperate with the process or it could be a very carefully presented act, tbh I don’t think she has the capacity to fake it to that extent. If those are the only two options I go with the former. It’s very worrying to hear actually.

Letby is asked about a message sent by a nursing colleague at 5.26am which said 'Baby [N] screened, looks like [s***]'
Letby responded: 'Oh no'
Letby denies she saw this as an opportunity to sabotage Child N during the day shift.
LL: "No, that's not what happened."


Letby was texting 'non-stop' while feeding a baby​

Questioning continues about how Letby could have been texting her colleague "non-stop" while she was allegedly feeding a baby.
"I couldn't feed a baby while texting so it must have happened at a different time," Letby replies.
"What must have happened?" Mr Johnson asks.
"The feed."
Mr Johnson then says: "Or the alternative is, to use your phrase, you pushed it through."
"No," says Letby.
Child N collapsed at 1am on Friday 3 June. Notes written hours later said his oxygen levels dipped right down to 40%. He is also recorded as "screaming".
"Screaming is very unusual of a child of this age," Mr Johnson says.
"Yes," says Letby.
Mr Johnson then says: "This was your doing."
"No, it was not," says Letby.


Letby messaged a doctor colleague at 6.04am on June 15: 'Wonder if I'll find my way back into 1 today then....',
This is in response to his message at 5.53am, which begins: 'What a chaotic 7 hours!
'Sorry - I may have filled NICU [...]
'Have a good breakfast I think your day may be busy.'


Judith Moritz


Nick Johnson KC turns to the first occasion when baby N collapsed. He shows clinical notes which record the baby as having been screaming. Lucy Letby agrees it's very unusual for a neonatal baby to scream. Also agrees there are two other babies in the case who did this.

Nick Johnson KC says that baby N's designated nurse had gone on his break when the infant collapsed. NJKC: "You took that opportunity to sabotage baby N didn’t you..." LL: "No" NJKC: "This was your doing" LL: "No, it was not"

Nick Johnson KC turns to the next two occasions when baby N collapsed - 11 days after his first collapse in June 2016. Says that at this stage the baby's parents had been preparing to take him home.

Letby 'destabilised' baby as she went off shift​

Nick Johnson, the prosecution barrister, then moves on to 14 June.
Child N was doing well and was expecting to go home that week. But Letby is accused of manufacturing an incident as she went off shift on 14 June to divert attention away from herself.
"Just before you handed him over that evening, you did something to destabilise [Child N]," Mr Johnson says.
"No," says Letby.
Medical notes show the infant was "unsettled" for the first half of the night shift - when Letby was not working.
In a Facebook message sent to Letby, a doctor on the unit later told her: 'Unsure why became unwell... They're optimistic he'll be okay.'
On 15 June she began a text message conversation with her colleague at 5.10am. At 5.26am her colleague said: 'Child N screened, looks like s***.'
"You saw this as an opportunity to sabotage him on the day shift," Mr Johnson says
"No," says Letby.
"The reason you had done something before you went off the previous day shift was to give the impression there was a decline you could take advantage of on the 15 June," he adds.
"No," says Letby.
Letby is accused of trying to murder the child twice on 15 June - once at 7.15am and again at 3pm.

So I am trying to get the timeline figured out here. Is this saying that LL fed the baby, perhaps fed the baby by pushing it faster, so she could text---

And then afterwards the baby had a mini-collapse and needed facial oxygen to recover?

No, it's another baby that she recorded feeding at 8.30, from the sky reporting above.

Medical records record Lucy Letby as feeding one of the infants in her care at 8.30pm on 3 June 2016, but WhatsApp messages shown to the court dispute this

Swipe data shows that Letby is on the neonatal unit at 7.12am. Child N desaturated three minutes later and was 'crying'.
Letby says she does not recall Child N crying. She says, at the time, she was in the doorway, talking to Jennifer Jones-Key - her friend, when the alarm for Child N went off.
Letby says it "was very busy" and "a lot of intervention was needed" for Child N after he collapsed. She does not cite staffing levels as a contributing factor for the collapse, or a mistake by medical staff.
Letby says she "does not know" if issues with intubating Child N were a factor, and does not know what caused Child N to collapse.
She denies "setting up" Child N to collapse overnight.


Letby, in her defence statement, said she had gone to nursery room 3 not to see Child N specifically, but to speak to Jennifer Jones-Key, her friend.
She said Child N was 'blue' and 'not breathing'. She shouted for a doctor colleague to assist and Neopuff breathing assistance was applied.
Letby is asked about the 'Jennifer and I were talking at the doorway'. Letby says she meant only she was at the doorway, and Jennifer Jones-Key was in the nursery room.


Child's oxygen levels dropped three minutes after Letby arrived on the unit​

At 7am on 15 June, Child N was recorded as receiving fluids, his notes show.
There was nothing "suggested as being a problem" in his charts, Nick Johnson the prosecution barrister asks Letby.
"Yes, I agree, at this point his observations were normal," says Letby.
Swipe data shows Letby entered the neonatal unit (via the labour ward) at 7.12am. She says this is "common practice" as the labour ward is where the scrubs and toilets are.
Within three minutes of Letby arriving on the unit, Child N's oxygen levels had dropped and the infant was crying.
Letby says she was speaking to a colleague at the time Child N's alarm sounded. But that colleague has previously said she was feeding a child at the time.
"I don't know what happened to [Child N] but I know there was a lot of intervention needed from doctors and nurses," says Letby.


Judith Moritz

Nick Johnson KC turns to the first occasion when baby N collapsed. He shows clinical notes which record the baby as having been screaming. Lucy Letby agrees it's very unusual for a neonatal baby to scream. Also agrees there are two other babies in the case who did this.

Nick Johnson KC says that baby N's designated nurse had gone on his break when the infant collapsed. NJKC: "You took that opportunity to sabotage baby N didn’t you..." LL: "No" NJKC: "This was your doing" LL: "No, it was not"

Nick Johnson KC turns to the next two occasions when baby N collapsed - 11 days after his first collapse in June 2016. Says that at this stage the baby's parents had been preparing to take him home.
Nick Johnson KC says that on the second occasion, baby N collapsed three minutes after Lucy Letby arrived to begin her day shift on the neonatal unit.

Court shown early morning text messages which Lucy Letby exchanged with another nurse who had been on shift with baby N overnight. Lucy Letby was about to start her day shift. The other nurse told Lucy Letby that baby N "looked like *advertiser censored*" overnight.

Nick Johnson KC: "You saw that as an opportunity to sabotage baby N..." Lucy Letby: "No" NJKC: "And to make it look as though you’d inherited a problem from the night shift" LL: "No"

Letby, in a Facebook message to a colleague: 'No repeat today. I've escaped being in 1, back in 3' at 7.12pm.
Mr Johnson says Letby had gone in to room 3 as she knew by that point she was designated babies for that room. Letby says she had gone to see her friend.
Letby denies sabotaging Child N.
Letby agrees it was a "serious event" which happened "within a minute or two" of her entering the room. Mr Johnson says it was "bad luck?" Letby replies: "Yes."

Just catching up on this morning… Baby M-

LL: ‘I am saying I wrote notes on a paper towel, yes," she says. "And at the end of the day it came home with me in my pocket."

- she makes it sound like this paper towel hopped in her pocket and said ‘can I come home with you Lucy?’.. she said the same about the handover notes ‘they came home with me’.

I find it so interesting how she refuses to say the words ‘I took them home’.. it’s almost like she cannot bring herself to admit even the tiniest little mistake that could be considered wrongdoing. I’m wondering whether her intention is, if she isn’t convicted, to return to nursing at some point or in some capacity? Is that why she won’t admit to ‘rule breaking’?

Or is she just completely deluded with narcissism so doesn’t believe she’s done anything wrong? I mean, she obviously took the note home with her, yet she even makes this sound like it’s the paper towel’s fault? Is it possible to manipulate a paper towel? She’s such a mystery….

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