GUILTY UK - Nurse Lucy Letby, murder of babies, 7 Guilty of murder verdicts; 7 Guilty of attempted murder; 2 Not Guilty of attempted; 6 hung re attempted #31

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Quite a thorough overview I think. The jurors crying, how sad. They can be proud though.

I have a question:

Since we now know the verdicts came in batches, the second batch being on Friday 11th Aug, who, apart from the (under embargo) media would have known about them? Would the general public attending have also been privy to them?

Thanks in advance for clarification on this.
I am surprised the insulin poisonings were unanimous but all other other verdicts were majority. So someone thinks she was poisoning babies but not harming any of the others?
Or that they think the medical evidence didn’t support a deliberate act of harm by anyone and instead suggested natural causes
'' Aug 18, 2023
Neonatal nurse Lucy Letby has been found guilty of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder six more. The 33-year-old, whilst working at Chester hospital between June 2015 and 2016, carried out the killings. She was convicted at Manchester crown court.''

'Aug 18, 2023 #lucyletby
A senior detective tells Sky News how his team went about building a case to prosecute Lucy Letby. Sky's Data and Forensics unit looks at the evidence the police had and how it pointed to the nurse as the killer. The 33-year-old was convicted of murdering babies while working at the Countess of Chester Hospital between June 2015 and June 2016.''
I have a question:

Since we now know the verdicts came in batches, the second batch being on Friday 11th Aug, who, apart from the (under embargo) media would have known about them? Would the general public attending have also been privy to them?

Thanks in advance for clarification on this.
I have wondered if it was a closed court room with only authorised individuals allowed to attend. JMO
In all fairness it is an opinion I am allowed to have. One of the reports today has shared how her father made up her bed and repositioned the bears on her bed moments after she was arrested. Is it not reasonable to think he would have seen all that paperwork too? He was there after all- not forgetting when they arrested her; it was heard in evidence, the bin bags in the garage? How could he possibly not have seen it? She claimed she had acquired the shredder recently, it is a fair view to think he might have given it her, thought he needed to help her to tidy up? She was arrested fairly early in the morning and her father was already there with her. I think it’s a little odd that he was there so early in the morning and then there’s the bin bags in the garage. Doting parents, the “perfect” child, a misunderstanding it may have been painted as etc.. why would he not want to help her if he thought she was innocent or just collected stuff? It’s possible, we just don’t know.
In my opinion.
The question now is, why?
Munchausen by Proxy is my guess. She fits the definition and symptoms perfectly.

She loved manipulating and deceiving herr colleagues and especially the doctors. She loved sharing faux grief with the families by creating their devastation and wallowing in it with them, as the one in total control.
I am surprised the insulin poisonings were unanimous but all other other verdicts were majority. So someone thinks she was poisoning babies but not harming any of the others?
This is not correct, the verdict of guilty for baby O's murder was also a unanimous verdict. Also, I assume both the not guilty verdicts were unanimous. So, one count each not guilty for babies G and H. [EDIT: Baby L's attempted murder charge was also unanimous.]

Also, we have absolutely no idea who the 'one' was in any of the majority verdicts. There's nothing to say it was the same person with each charge. It could have been a different juror holding out every time.

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Some violent and serial offenders have a relationship dynamic with their parent/s where they can 'do no wrong' and parents will prevent them from consequences of their actions. Not saying it's necessarily the case here, but if so, this is one consequence that they have no way of preventing her from receiving.


I know a parent like this in my friendship circle and it's quite baffling.
We were all so worried about the insulin questions, but those were the first two guilty verdicts, and two of the only unanimous verdicts. (The others being guilty for Child O and not guilty for one charge each of attempted murder for children H and G (though majority verdicts were reached for other AM charges for G, and an AM charge for H still has the possibility of a verdict if she is retried on that count.)

Interesting there was unanimous Guilty for baby O but not for P, the triplet sibling attacked the very next day?
This is not a funding or staffing issue. They had the required number of staff available.

It's about culture and, to be frank, people in management positions, sometimes senior management positions, who are clearly incompetent or who simply did not care.

I totally, 100% agree with this. I haven't worked for the NHS but worked for another public sector organisation in the UK and those at the top have huge salaries and pension plans, and IMO just don't want to rock the boat. They create a shedload of work for the people at the bottom (teachers, social workers, nurses etc) who are underpaid and overworked. I know I'm massively generalising here, but this can be seen with the strikes in the UK at the moment. In my case, I raised a safeguarding issue in good faith and was horrified that the safeguarding team brushed the issue aside saying there was nothing they could do. In the end, I resolved the issue myself and put in a formal complaint to the head of the safeguarding team, which resulted in a meeting where all my points were dismissed. They didn't give a damn. I left the organisation in disgust and refuse to ever work in a public sector organisation again.
Interesting there was unanimous Guilty for baby O but not for P, the triplet sibling attacked the very next day?
The poor mother too, I can’t imagine what she must be feeling- after the decision with her surviving triplet aswell; hearing this outcome for 1 triplet but not the sibling. She must be so torn, as must be those who are also left with no answers. :(
Feeling so very sombre this evening. Too many thoughts and emotions. Mainly sadness and anger.

This is one of the most horrific and terrifying cases our country has ever seen. Not just a nurse but a neonatal nurse, the amount of trust parents have to put into these nurses is beyond measure. I practically had to be dragged away from my baby every night because I hated leaving her there to be looked after by strangers. You’ve just given birth, your hormones are going crazy, you’re up on the ward full of other mums with their babies crying, family and friends coming in with balloons and taking pictures. I’ll never forget being discharged while my daughter was still in neonatal walking out the doors without her and seeing other parents leaving carrying their babies cosy in car seats. I sobbed all the way home.

Now I think of those parents who never got to take their baby home. Had to go back and pack away the Moses basket, the clothes, the nappies, the car seat. When your baby is in neonatal the only thing you have to look forward to is your baby coming home, you hope and pray for that day and it’s all you focus on. LL ripped that hope from so many parents. She stamped all over their hearts, betrayed their trust in the worst way possible, abused her position as someone trusted to care for these vulnerable little babies, she revelled in every single moment.

She excitedly text colleagues wanting them all to know about the drama we now know she’d caused. She pretended to think it was ‘awful’, pretended to feel sorry for the parents, spoke about dads being on the floor screaming. She looked into parents eyes and said she was sorry for their loss, she made memory boxes and dressed their tiny little bodies, she gloated about having given one victim her first bath. She portrayed herself as a hardworking, devoted, career driven nurse. She pretended to care. She stole handover notes so she’d always remember parents names, she kept them as trophies, she searched for parents on Facebook on Christmas Day hoping to see a ‘missing you at Christmas’ post so she could enjoy seeing the heartache she’d caused. She wrote a sympathy card with hollow empty words. She told bereaved parents ‘you’ve had long enough now put him in here’ or (words to that effect) as they cradled their dying child.

She hovered around that unit like the grim reaper. And now her evil house of cards has collapsed around her she can’t even face the music in court, she can’t even come up to hear her fate, face the parents, face her parents. She wants complete power and control, and because she’s lost it in every other aspect, the only control she has left is denying her victims parents the chance to physically see her get sentenced and taken away as a convicted multiple murderer.

I have never felt so much total disdain and hatred for an individual in my life. The betrayal is horrifying, the level of calculation and deceit is terrifying. Plain boring ‘nice’ Nurse Lucy - The most prolific child killer of recent times, the only neonatal serial killer in British history. I hope she is haunted forever.

There’s a lump in my throat that just won’t go away. Even though we felt it coming at some point, the reality is really sinking in and it’s so difficult to fathom that anyone could do this but she said it herself ‘I AM EVIL I DID THIS’ - yes she did and now the world knows it too.

This is all JMO and IMOO
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I have wondered if it was a closed court room with only authorised individuals allowed to attend. JMO

Apparently not. Just had my question answered elsewhere and those in the public gallery were also privy to the verdicts as and at the time they were delivered.

And since we've had no leaks, they clearly and very impressively walked the walk with the trust that was placed in them. They knew what was at stake.

So well done, the public. :cool:
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