GUILTY UK - Rebecca Watts, 16, Bristol, 19 Feb 2015 #11

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Even if they had a conservatory they could sit in? We know people smoked in there, there was a full ashtray. Why go outside, in the rain/drizzle, in February, when she could sit in warmth while keeping an eye/ear on her toddler? Most smoking mums would not take their kid with them for a smoke, they'd wait until they were engrossed in the TV and sneak out quickly I reckon.

Maybe she didn't want to smoke inside around the child, and/or she was in the habit of smoking outside. I doubt she smoked inside at home.

It doesn't look like torrential rain to me, spitting a bit perhaps. It's a bit hard to say from the footage.
I agree with you there. I know of someone ( friend of friend ) who is doing exactly that. Has left his own kids with partner ( so she now becomes a single mum ) and is happily living with and raising another woman's kids - all the fun and none of the responsibility.
And yet as the government and society is concerned - him and his new family are the perfect picture and his ex, now a single mother is a second class citizen who is vilified by many! So unfair.
UK & Eire database for all crimes against children She says: "It wasn't my money, it was his." - and briefly turns to face Nathan who is the dock behind the glass, he smiles

First, I do not know how he can smile! in front of Becky's family to do that is beyond comprehension, how on earth can he do that? but it feels like he is smiling at her to say yes its ok to say all of this about me.
ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial 30 secs31 seconds ago
"I didn't want anyone to come to my house because there was stuff everywhere" Hoare tells the court #beckywatts

ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial 3 mins3 minutes ago
Hoare says at one point she had to pay Matthews £5 a week to smoke one pack of cigarettes #beckywatts

ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial 4 mins4 minutes ago
"I was allowed to smoke, if he said so" Hoare says #beckywatts

ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial 5 mins5 minutes ago
When asked if she believed it, she says "after a time, yes" #beckywatts

ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial 5 mins5 minutes ago
SH would ask for sandwiches, pastries etc but NM would tell her it had too much fat in it and she needed to lose weight #beckywatts

ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial 7 mins7 minutes ago
SH says NM did all the food shopping and she could "on occasion" buy what she wanted, but not often #beckywatts

ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial 11 mins11 minutes ago
SH tells the court that NM had full control of their separate bank accounts - and would keep her bank card #beckywatts

ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial 12 mins12 minutes ago
SH says when she moved into Cotton Mill Lane NM was at pains to appear like he was not living there. #beckywatts

ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial 21 mins21 minutes ago
SH says when she met NM she spent most of her time with him, and lost contact with a lot of her friends #beckywatts

ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial 24 mins24 minutes ago
She says after being introduced to NM they "quite quickly" became partners #beckywatts

ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial 27 mins27 minutes ago
SH says she was taken into care, alongside her three brothers and sisters at age 3 or 4 #beckywatts

ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial 30 mins30 minutes ago
She's wearing black trousers, a black jacket and a peach-coloured top #beckywatts

ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial 31 mins31 minutes ago
Court has resumed again, Shauna Hoare has taken the stand #beckywatts
It seems contradictory - he has full control of their bank accounts and the bank cards yet when she is discussing his control over her smoking she says she could go withdraw cash to buy them and hide the cigs
Shauna Hoare takes the stand

The prosecution have confirmed they have no further questions for Nathan Matthews and Shauna Hoare is going to take the stand instead.
She has just made her way to the witness stand.
Hoare is wearing a peach blouse, black jacket, black trousers and a multi coloured necklace.
I agree with you there. I know of someone ( friend of friend ) who is doing exactly that. Has left his own kids with partner ( so she now becomes a single mum ) and is happily living with and raising another woman's kids - all the fun and none of the responsibility.

Yup, I see that happen again and again, they raise one set of kids for a while meet somebody else raise another for a while, meet someone else raise their's ...
Maybe she didn't want to smoke inside around the child, and/or she was in the habit of smoking outside. I doubt she smoked inside at home.

It doesn't look like torrential rain to me, spitting a bit perhaps. It's a bit hard to say from the footage.

Well that would be ironic, given she was pregnant :)

I still find it hard to believe she was oblivious to everything that day, and the days following. And I don't think NM could have risked doing ANY of it knowing she could bust him at any time. What would he have done then, killed her too?
Shauna Hoare takes the stand

The prosecution have confirmed they have no further questions for Nathan Matthews and Shauna Hoare is going to take the stand instead.
She has just made her way to the witness stand.
Hoare is wearing a peach blouse, black jacket, black trousers and a multi coloured necklace.

Were we told what Nathan was wearing?! I'm not sure her attire is relevant.

Harriet Hadfield ‏@SkyHarriet 35 mins35 minutes ago
I'm in Bristol live -tweeting as Shauna Hoare, co-accused of murdering of Becky Watts gives evidence for the 1st time.

Shauna Hoare smiling nervously as she takes to the stand. Confirms name and age in quiet voice.

Shauna Hoare says she was 15 when she was was introduced to Nathan by her sister's partner, he quickly became her boyfriend.

Shauna Hoare's lawyer painting picture of a difficult upbringing spent in care. Young victim of sexual assault on way to school

Shauna Hoare tells court Nathan had control of her finances once they shared a house. "It wasn't my money, it was his."

SH says NM controlled her eating & smoking. "Majority of time I'd ask for something and he would say no... Have to almost beg."

SH asked about friends coming over to visit "I didn't want anyone in my house." Why? "Because there was stuff everywhere"

On SH's relationship with Nathan Matthews: "Do you accept there were good times as well as bad times?" "Yes".

SH "We were arguing... He just lost it, grabbed me by my hair... I was pregnant at the time." Did it hurt? "Yes".
I wonder if the neighbour who heard the rowing was correct in her dates and it was the argument with shauna the night before which set Nathan off to do whatever he did the following morning.
I say that because the prosecutor put it to NM yesterday that it was on the night of the murder that the neighbour heard them. I think the prosecutor is assuming, as do I, that the neighbour was a day out with their recollections, because the next day she heard the scraping of furniture around lunch time when she went to put her baby down for a nap, which is when SH and NM were at Anjie's house and the murder took place.

I can remember at the start of the trial someone mentioned the neighbour appeared to have changed the dates and wondered if this would affect how seriously her statement is taken. I wonder if she'd said she heard the noise the day before Becky was missing or something because she didnt find out she was missing to the next day? Or whether she remembered some small detail that helped her pin down the day , eg "Eastenders was on so it was thursday"
Reporter @SkyNews

Harriet Hadfield ‏@SkyHarriet 2 mins2 minutes ago
#beckywatts: "He came at me, put his hands around my neck and strangled me. I could breathe just not very well. I was panicked, scared."

SH "He always apologised. He would explain I shouldn't have been annoying him for him to do these things to me"
ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial 3 mins3 minutes ago
SH says NM would always say to her afterwards she shouldn't have been "annoying him" to make him do "these things" #beckywatts

ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial 4 mins4 minutes ago
She also described an occasion when NM stabbed himself with a fork, said it was "terrifying" #beckywatts

ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial 6 mins6 minutes ago
SH describes a time when NM grabbed her by the hair and pulled her across the bed. Says he was "very very sorry" afterwards #beckywatts

ITV Becky Trial ‏@ITVBeckyTrial 8 mins8 minutes ago
"There were good times as well as bad times with Nathan. It would depend on if he was in a good mood" SH says
I don't really understand how anyone can think SH masterminded this whole thing. Could she have known more than she is letting on? Yes. Was she fully involved in a plot to kidnap and kill a young girl?! That is quite a stretch. MOO, as always.

I'm inclined to believe her about NM being extremely controlling. Of course he's going to deny that and play it down, but his denials haven't exactly been 'She's telling a pack of lies!' but rather 'I wasn't as bad as she's saying, I did grab her neck once but I didn't SQUEEZE' etc. Shows there is more than a grain of truth in what she is saying.
"They went out for drinks". Errrr, she was FOURTEEN.

Perhaps I'm just showing my age here but they start very young these days.
I can rememebr at the start of the trial someone mentione dthe neighbour appeared to have changed th edates and wondered if this would affect how seriosuly her statement is taken. I wonder if she'd said she heard the noise the day before Becky was missing or something because she didnt find out she was missing to the next day? Or whether she remembered some small detail that helped her pin down the day , eg "Eastenders was on so it was thursday"

Neighbour SW interviewed around about 24th,25th Feb said didn't hear anything. Reinterviewed by police after NM,SH arrested on suspicion of murder - that's when she said she had heard argument on night of 18th and furniture being moved etc between 11am and 2pm on 19th.

Have to go now, will find link later
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