UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 *Arrests* #6

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One thing that I haven’t seen mentioned is about the outside of Poynders Court (sorry if I’m repeating a post I’ve missed) pictures in Daily Mail and other newspapers showed forensics swabbing the pavement (right near the kerb) outside Poynders Court as soon as they blocked it off ! I googled the make of wipes and they are used to retrieve blood traces! Did they find something on the pavement to suggest a kidnap occurred there?

Search for missing Sarah Everard, 33, enters sixth day as new CCTV footage shows no sign of her | Daily Mail Online

That would tie in with the UV light photography of the drains.

We’ve all held back from discussing the possibility he used a weapon, but although it’s a horrible thought, injuring her to overpower her and smashing the phone at the same time, might explain a lot.

A strong, confident man who had committed previous crimes could do all that on a minute.
I think a bit too much weight is being put on the fact that she was too savvy to get into his car. The mindset in the UK right now is mostly one of covid paranoia, further clouded by ever-changing rules. Whilst in no way criticising her, chances are SE knew she was gently bending a few of these rules - and (speaking for myself) when you’re in that mental space, you’re almost waiting to be pulled up for your actions. I would fully expect a lockdown enforcing officer to be plain clothes in a major inner city, and a convincing looking badge would seal the deal - even if it were just for long enough to restrain/‘ask some questions’.

It’s not worth losing sight of the fact that current social circumstances could make otherwise streetwise individuals make unusual or plain bad choices.

They must have loads more information...

“Met police officer Wayne Couzens arrested in Kent on suspicion of kidnap. A 39-year-old woman at the same address is arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender.”

They wouldn’t arrest the woman without some other information.

this to me reeks of impulse and unplanned
I think the natural reaction when crimes of this nature happen is for people to immediately think of violence and the victim being forced, when in reality a lot of these case where people are taken off the street end up being due to the victim being coerced rather than forced. A prime example of this being the Libby Squire case where she was lead to the car by her killer on the pretence of a lift home.

I think with the news coming out this morning that he may have used his badge would suggest he tricked her in some way, the thought in my mind would be that he falsely arrested her for breaking lockdown rules, which led to her getting in the car thinking she was under arrest... :( but equally it could be the offer of a lift home etc.

I think there will be a lot more to come from this, it would be an incredible occurrence for a serving police officer to commit a murder on his first offence... there are a lot of stones about to be unturned IMO

I think i maybe read it slightly differently. (JMO).

Maybe naively, but let’s give him the benefit of the doubt (even if he is not talking at the moment).
- He has nefarious sexually motivated intentions. (Indicated by possible indecent exposure and possibly other events that have not yet been discovered or processed).
- He is escalating but not necessarily with an intention to kill - he is serving police officer with some degree of vetting so (again naively) would like to think he is not a calculated psychopath (yet).
- He is as frustrated as the rest of us by lockdown so goes out to get his “kicks” by attempting to pick up a young woman. He doesn’t use his warrant card at that stage because he actually doesn’t have a kill intention and is expecting to be able to let her go, so wouldn’t risk being identified as such. He maybe uses a false cry for help (he is the father of 2 young children, maybe plays up fatherly instincts and asks for her help, or he just rapidly overpowers her without saying anything). Bundles her into the car (child and window locks the back). Has intentions of some sort of assault BUT (here is where I maybe trying to write SE as the extremely tragic but feisty hero of this story) SHE FIGHTS back. At this point he panics and does something stupid.
- And now things are suddenly FUBAR, he can’t leave her there, she’ll be found quickly in central london so drives her to Kent. He is a serving police officer, there will be evidence on her. So he dumps the body under cover of darkness and goes home.
- But, he knows it might only be a matter of time before she is discovered in tact, and he can’t “wash” her of potential traces of DNA.
- So he then goes back the subsequent night (or maybe more recently) and does what by then he thinks is is best option which is destroy ALL the evidence (fire?).
- But these subsequent movements etc are also caused on ANPR and the net has closed around him.
- he could still be staying silent on the basis that unless they can identify her, everything else is circumstantial (“so what I was in central london, I work there”, “so what I drove near here I went for a nighttime walk to clear my head”, “so what a body was found - could be anyone, quite a common body dumping ground”. While the police don’t appear to be able to identify her immediately, once they do it seems to me to be over for him - since they could only have found her because HIS suspicious movements led them there (can you see a jury believing “yes I was caught on CCTV in the exact vicinity of SE going missing in London and she turned up dead at a spot recently visited by me - but that is all coincidence). I would imagine the police were confident enough that what they found were human remains that were perhaps identifiable as having been placed there/tampered with, fairly recently. But I hope to god they DO manage to identify her (mitochondrial DNA?) because if not, then the above COULD work for him.

The alternative is that he is an arrogant psychopath who planned all this including the method of body disposal (I’ve seen mention of some documentary on Netflix about being able to essentially “cremate” a body with a bonfire hot enough to leave no personal trace) - could this have been massively, methodically planned - yes.

But for Sarah’s sake, and his children’s sake, I really, really, really hope it was the former. Unless he talks we might ever know.

(And that is also truly horrifying)

All the above pure speculation, but it makes me feel safer to imagine stupid/pathetic/impulsive/ disgusting men roam the streets rather than psychotic men.
I’m still not 100% convinced that she didn’t know him. I know her family have said she doesn’t but I know lots of people who my family do not know I know.

It can’t be ruled out that she didn’t know him.

I just find it very odd that she would have willingly got into his car an unmarked car even with him showing her a warrant badge. And when if he had and she started to notice something wasn’t right, she had her phone. Unless of course the battery did die.

I just find the whole thing strange and I know the sun mentions his car was picked up on a dashcam camera but I thought maybe he was tracked through her phone records.

I’m just speculating anyway and putting another twist on it because the whole thing is just so bizarre.

No offence intended, but I’m assuming that all of the posters like yourself who are talking about whether she would have “willingly” gone along with him or whether she would have “agreed” to get in the car, are either big burly men or women lucky enough never to have been physically attacked.

I am very fortunate to have survived a couple of severe physical attacks with no major damage (many years ago) and my experience is it just doesn’t work like that when a determined and aggressive man suddenly strikes.

I don’t believe the poor woman had any chance of resisting him at all, particularly as it seems he struck suddenly.
Long time lurker first time poster. I'm so devastated for her family. The rental car makes no sense to me... he was a mechanic so he would presumably know how to disable a navigation system, and maybe he even had access to fake license plates or old plates. So why would he not do that if he went to all the trouble to rent a car to commit a crime?
I wonder if she got in the car voluntarily after he gave her a very plausible story and offered her a lift home and something happened, did he make a pass at her and she rejected his advances? Did he rape her? The thought of her suffering is unbearable, her family must be absolutely devastated. Also, his wife’s job and Education suggest that she is intelligent but he could easily have spun lies to her about why he needed her to say he was with her at a time when he wasn’t. He could easily have played it down and she might have no knowledge at all of what he has done. If this is the case, she will be shocked and devastated at what they think he has done, assuming they have told her.
I think a bit too much weight is being put on the fact that she was too savvy to get into his car. The mindset in the UK right now is mostly one of covid paranoia, further clouded by ever-changing rules. Whilst in no way criticising her, chances are SE knew she was gently bending a few of these rules - and (speaking for myself) when you’re in that mental space, you’re almost waiting to be pulled up for your actions. I would fully expect a lockdown enforcing officer to be plain clothes in a major inner city, and a convincing looking badge would seal the deal - even if it were just for long enough to restrain/‘ask some questions’.

It’s not worth losing sight of the fact that current social circumstances could make otherwise streetwise individuals make unusual or plain bad choices.

I would maybe agree with you if this was the first few weeks of the first lockdown in London, nearly a year ago, in terms of the level of 'fear' around lockdown rules. But the atmosphere here, given we are coming out of our third wave, is that clearly, lots of people are not or have not been following the rules. Also - there is no curfew, she was walking home - she wasn't stopped just leaving her friends house, we know she was atleast 20mins walk away from there. So she was just walking home, could have been for exercise, could have been back from the shops.


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So shocking this man has a loving wife and even a daughter and son. Those poor Children are victims too

Those poor children, you are right, they are victims in all of this too, innocent children. If the wife had no knowledge of what he has done, she should admit covering for him and throw him under the bus. Their marriage is surely over now and she has her children who need to come first.
I think a possible scenario is that WC was on foot, with the car parked somewhere nearby. Perhaps he committed the indecent exposure and was on his way back o the parked car when he found himself walking behind SE talking on the phone. So he makes his plan to attack her there and then. In his mind he still has the car parked nearby as his escape. He is likely already aroused and heightened by the response of his previous victim. He attacks as soon as SE ends her phone call.. this would explain the short time frame between phone call and attack. He may have subdued her quickly and attacked her at Poynders Court (hence the forensic search there). He may have carried her unconscious/deceased to the parked car. We don’t know that nobody witnessed this.. perhaps they did and that is why he was found so quickly. IMO
I want to know how Sarah could have gotten into this car, when the family have said (and any reasonably intelligent person would guess) that she would NEVER get into a stranger's car without knowing them. I just don't buy the "i'm a cop get in or i'll arrest you" - perhaps it was a genuine offer of a lift, but even that sounds dodge. How did she interact with him? I guess we'll find out soon enough.

He might have shown her his warrant card
Wow. Took me 8 hours last night and an hour or so this morning to read all of the threads on Sarah.

Horrible business. I suspect that there might be much more to come about regarding WC, as other posters suggest, this seems like one hell of a first offence.

I wonder what effect this will have on public trust in police going forward.

All points are opinion only.
Lye? Commonly known as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. It burns skin, digests tissue and accelerates the whole decomposing's a chemical decomposing. Mainly used on animal carcasses.
I don't know what sort of lab she works in but it's a very common chemical in most ordinary chemistry and biochemistry and probably biology labs as well.
Just my opinion and thought but the body or remains could be another woman’s? That might also be why press embargo. Until some form of ID.

I imagine his wife assisting offender might just be her providing false alibi. E.g. she might have said he had returned home at a certain time but they already had dash cam footage which they knew meant that couldn’t be the case.
Long time lurker first time poster. I'm so devastated for her family. The rental car makes no sense to me... he was a mechanic so he would presumably know how to disable a navigation system, and maybe he even had access to fake license plates or old plates. So why would he not do that if he went to all the trouble to rent a car to commit a crime?

He just doesn’t sound too clever. I wonder whether he has a history of offending, uncaught, building up to this and whether those earlier crimes were largely in Kent, where CCTV is less common.

He lives in East Kent, with lots of countryside and coastal areas.

Maybe possible earlier offences made him overconfident and he struck Sarah on impulse?
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