Identified! UK - Sheerness, Kent, 'Piano Man' mystery, Apr'05 - Andreas Grassl

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Until Sunday, hospital authorities had not made any comment on the possible Prague connection, but after stories ran this weekend in the British press, the hospital issued a statement saying it was a noteworthy development.

The statement, attributed to a spokesman from the Kent and Medway National Health Service Trust, said: "At this stage it is not possible to confirm the identity of Mr. X, but it is fair to say this is a significant lead. The trust will however continue to work with the police to review and investigate the rest of the information that people have supplied.

"The trust now plans to bring in a Czech interpreter. Mr. X continues to be cared for by the trust, his physical health remains good and his mental health continues to be assessed."
It's like he just fell in the river from a space ship or something ;)

poor guy! I wonder if they will ever figure out who he is
I wonder that too! It is sooooo mysterious. As if from thin air. SOMEBODY has to know who this fellow is!
There is something that does not seem "right" here.

ThisisLondon - May 19, 2005 By Katharine Barney And Oliver Finegold, Evening Standard

He had no wallet and, in a slight Yorkshire accent, he said he had no idea who he was. Doctors diagnosed amnesia.

Now he has not said a word. That could be because his accent would be recognized in England. Amnesia can be faked no problem, especially by someone who has experience in "conning" people.

There are striking similarities between him and the man found on 7 April on the Isle of Sheppey. The two are the same age, with dyed blonde hair. All labels had been torn from their clothes and both had lost their memory.

I find it very hard to believe that two people of the same age, with the same colour of hair with labels missing from their clothes and both had memory lost would not be the same person. That stretches my logic.......

Mr Skeid's attempts to apply for a British and Canadian passports have failed and with no identity he cannot work.

So he is supported by the "social system" instead of working and supporting himself. "Playing on people sympathy and emotions" is the con itself and also the "control" and "manipulation" aspect.

Detective Stephen Bone of Toronto police said he was suspicious of Mr Skeid's motives.

"I believed he deceived me in 1999 and continues to deceive authorities."

Who knows what his motives are: Free ride in life, conning people, manipulation, who knows.

After all of this time: Not one person worldwide has come forward, not one caregiver, not one former teacher, friend, neighbour, relative, past employer, social service provider, not anyone.

This just does not sound "legit" to me, especially after the amount of time that has gone by.

Something just does not add up........

CyberLaw said:
There is something that does not seem "right" here.

ThisisLondon - May 19, 2005 By Katharine Barney And Oliver Finegold, Evening Standard

He had no wallet and, in a slight Yorkshire accent, he said he had no idea who he was. Doctors diagnosed amnesia.

Now he has not said a word. That could be because his accent would be recognized in England. Amnesia can be faked no problem, especially by someone who has experience in "conning" people.

There are striking similarities between him and the man found on 7 April on the Isle of Sheppey. The two are the same age, with dyed blonde hair. All labels had been torn from their clothes and both had lost their memory.

I find it very hard to believe that two people of the same age, with the same colour of hair with labels missing from their clothes and both had memory lost would not be the same person. That stretches my logic.......
Did the article mention what had happened to the other man??
Did they ever find out who he was?? and if not why did they let him

I think it's really odd as well.
two men, who look the same, with the same labels removed???
sounds fishy to me
The reason he was "let go" was that he was let out of Prison after being convicted of immigration offences. He was an illegal alien.

He had no passport so he could not travel. He had lawyers working for him and he received "welfare".

He was granted a temporary 18 months citizenship in Canada in 1999-2000, but it did not allow him to leave Canada.

I feel that he "expects" not to be identified in Britain, like in Canada. His appearance is apparently "not natural", possibly to hinder any further identification.

In Canada he also had unusual talent: He spoke French, italian and LATIN.

In Toronto, he dropped out of nowhere and showed up at the hospital. Just like he dropped out of no where in Britain.

He has apparently changed his name a couple of time. He "suddenly" remember his name, but nothing else.

Canada did not keep track of him. The last anyone knew is that he was living in Victoria, B.C.

If it is the same man, he would have needed ID. and a Passport to LEAVE Canada.

What do you think of the two pictures? Please note the eyes.


W5 did an entire show on this guy - Staufen. I've watched it a couple of times. He married his lawyer's daughter and she was continuing his legal battles. Yes I believe they have moved to the west coast.
Did you look at the pictures?

The Fifth Estate - CBC News.

July 15, 1998

A model in England uses a passport with name "Georges Lecuit".
(see a release signed by "Georges Lecuit" for British photographer Hywel Williams .pdf)
August 17, 1998
The real Georges Lecuit, in Paris, reports his passport stolen.
February, 1999
A man using the same passport (Georges Lecuit) appears in video titled, "Crush".
November 28, 1999
A man walks into Toronto General Hospital​
He gives the name 'Philip Staufen', birth date of June 7, 1975. He's released after several hours with a diagnosis: Post-concussive Global Amnesia.

Toronto Detective Stephen Bone is called in.​
December 17, 1999
Staufen spends 2 months with sympathetic Ontario couple.
January, 2000
Medical experts offer Staufen free amnesia therapy. He refuses.
Spring-Fall 2000
Staufen lives in Toronto, then spends 3 weeks in Montreal
Staufen moves to Vancouver, meets lawyer Manuel Azevedo and his daughter, Nathalie Herve-Azevedo.

Manuel Azevedo takes Staufen's case and agrees to assist him in obtaining Canadian citizenship.
February 15, 2001
In an affidavit, Staufen claims he was unconscious for several days in hospital. He outlines his activities since he 'woke up' at the hospital in Toronto and pleads for Canadian citizenship which would enable him to work and to travel internationally to search for his identity.
(read the affidavit .pdf)
May 28, 2001
B.C. court denies Staufen's petition for a birth certificate.
June 5, 2001
Minister Elinor Caplan offers a "Minister's Permit" to stay and work in Canada for 18 months. Staufen refuses.
June 15, 2001
Staufen signs a second affidavit. Then, Azevedo's office issues a press release (.pdf) announcing Staufen's hunger strike.

June, 2001
Gay *advertiser censored* editor, Sean Spence, offers Manuel and Nathalie Herve-Azevedo evidence that Staufen was a *advertiser censored* model in Britain. Nathalie rejects it.
July 3, 2001
Sean Spence sends pictures of the gay *advertiser censored* model known as Georges Lecuit to Detective Bone.

July 13, 2001
Staufen and Nathalie marry in Vancouver. That same month, Staufen accepts the Minister's Permit, backdated to July 5.

July 17, 2001
After wedding, and Spence's information, Manuel Azevedo quits the case.

August 29, 2001
Staufen loses his appeal for a birth certificate.

September 4, 2001
Immigration officials note that Philip has surgically altered his nose.

October 25, 2001
Staufen changes his name to "Keith Ryan".
Early 2002
Changes name again to "Sywald Skeid".

October, 2002
New immigration minister says Staufen's permit will not be renewed.

January, 2003
Skeid's permit expires. Herve and Skeid move to Ottawa, then Montreal.

September, 2003
Herve and Skeid move to Halifax.

Mid-February, 2004
Detective Stephen Bone receives information that the real Georges Lecuit reported his passport stolen in a Break and Enter on August 17, 1998.

April 28, 2004
Skeid is called to Immigration office in Halifax, arrested and jailed.
April 30, 2004
Immigration adjudicator extends Skeid's time in jail for one week.

May 7, 2004
Skeid is released with conditions. (read the Order For Release .pdf)

October 4, 2004
In Halifax, Skeid almost misses deadline to report to Immigration. Then turns up at Immigration in Victoria, BC.

He was also jailed for a year because without any verifable identity he was deemed an "illegal alien" which he was.

British photographer, Hywell Williams, recalls a man with a plan to make it in North America.

"There was a purpose...his plan of action was to leave the country and go to the States to make some *advertiser censored* films. And he was exceptional in that, I felt, he had a plan of action."​

-Both men are the same age -Have the same striking look -Both have dyed blond hair -Both had labels torn from their clothing -Both are unusually gifted -Both suffering from amnesia
Yes I looked at the pictures. No I don't think they are the same guy.

I think the $64,000.00 question is:

where is Staufen now? If he can't be located anywhere else, then sure, he may be the Piano Man.
From the - May 19, 2005 - Paul Byme, Jan Disley

(Mr. Nobody)Last known to be living in Victoria, British Columbia he appears to have gone missing.

Nathalie, who said last year "I didn't choose to fall in love. It just happened " is believed to be in Portugal, the country of her birth, to fix a visa for him.​

So this guy shows up in Britain and Mr. Nobody is missing from Victoria B.C. and his wife is in Portugal.​

Mr.Nobody has not come forward and said: Hey this person is not me. This is where I am living, here is my picture. You can see this guy in Britian does not look like me​

But the people that came forward and said Mr. Piano man is a particular person, have come forward and said that they are not him and provided a location where they are living.​
So I am getting more and more convinced each day that this is a scam.​

The picture especially the eyes and the *advertiser censored* picture is strikingly similar. Remember he has altered his look, blond is not his natural colour.​

So why has Mr. Nobody not come forward........?​

It is not like he has ever been Media shy.​
Or it could be a "copycat" who is using the same technique as Mr. Nobody because Mr. Nobody was supported by his wife and the "state", and Mr. Piano Man can be supported for as long as he scams, or he could be an illegal alien who came ashore and refuses to speak as it would ID where he came from.​

Hmmm..., same brow line, possibly same blunt shaped right ear lobe. Cheek bone structure doesn't appear same, but that could be the difference in lighting and/or the way his head is turned. Could be, possibly.
Theories abound, some people near where he "suddenly" showed up seem to think that he may be an illegal alien who came ashore. If he does speak it would ID the country where he is from and he would be sent back posthaste

People may know who he is but because making the illegal and often dangerous trip to Britain is a brave measure, they are not saying anything. Because if they came forward and said this is so and so from this country, well Britain would act upon it.

So people keep quiet, for their safety and his.

After all where he "suddenly" appeared is right near shipping lanes and people often hear speedboats at night.

That would explain why he was wet and the clothing labels removed from his clothes.

Or not.
Just for my 2 cents worth.................. I am british and theres been a lot of media coverage about this case over here. I think its pretty much regarded as some kind of con......... Somebody cut the labels out of his clothes- and the probability is that it was him!! The general census in the newspapers I've read is that he's not speaking through choice as well....................
Well he can certainly read well. The "methods" that he has used are almost identical to Mr. Nobody in Canada.

Except Mr. Nobody could not "remember" where he was from, and Mr. Piano just does not speak. Different methods, same results.

But he is being well taken care the Government and taxpayers, just like Mr. Nobody in Canada is taken care of by his wife and the Canadian Government.
Wouldn't they have run Mr. Nobody's prints when they were searching to identify him? I wonder if anyone has tried to match the prints with Canada?
mysteriew said:
Wouldn't they have run Mr. Nobody's prints when they were searching to identify him? I wonder if anyone has tried to match the prints with Canada?
That's a very good point! Absolutely Mr. Nobody in Canada had his prints taken, and absolutely Mr. Piano Man had HIS prints taken and yepper...they'd have been entered into the international fingerprint database.
mysteriew said:
Wouldn't they have run Mr. Nobody's prints when they were searching to identify him? I wonder if anyone has tried to match the prints with Canada?
excellent point!! :)

it could also be someone who read or heard about the guy from Canada? And decided to give it a go and try it out as well.
Only he decided that he wouldn't speak for a while, maybe until he learns the language?? (If he doesn't already know english?)
If a person does not have a criminal record, then the prints will not be on record in any country worldwide.

I am not aware of an international fingerprint database.

I know Canada cannot access the USA database and vice versa.

Who knows if the person is from Russia, Australia, Canada, Mexico, England, Poland, Germany, Scotland, Spain, Italy, France.

All of these databases would all have to be connected. The complexity and co-operation of this would be mindbogling.

I am not aware of a method of that.

Also a person has to volunteer fingerprints, you just can't take them. That is if a person is not under arrest and charged with a crime.

Good idea though.
CyberLaw said:
If a person does not have a criminal record, then the prints will not be on record in any country worldwide.

I am not aware of an international fingerprint database.

I know Canada cannot access the USA database and vice versa.

Who knows if the person is from Russia, Australia, Canada, Mexico, England, Poland, Germany, Scotland, Spain, Italy, France.

All of these databases would all have to be connected. The complexity and co-operation of this would be mindbogling.

I am not aware of a method of that.

Also a person has to volunteer fingerprints, you just can't take them. That is if a person is not under arrest and charged with a crime.

Good idea though.
I didn't think we were talking about 2 men with criminal records. It's about 2 men who were 'found' and could not say who they were or where they were from. It's standard procedure in these cases to gather whatever identifying information you could get, including taking their fingerprints to check against missing persons. Heck they send their photos around to worldwide media. Let's not forget this man is in another country and we know all about the case here in North America. I have no doubt that every avenue available to law enforcement and health care professionals is being, if not already, explored.

Regarding an international finger print data base, Interpol comes to mind. But I was making reference to the cooperation amongst police departments.

As for Canada not accessing the American database and vice versa, they have been known to be cooperative with each other on cases. Let's not forget the cooperation demonstrated by both American and Canadian police forces regarding the 'Disney' child *advertiser censored* victim.

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