UK - Stephen Baxter, 61, Carol Baxter, 64, West Mersea, Essex, Easter Sunday 2023, Murder Investigation

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From yesterday - defendant's evidence in chief



We are not in court just yet. There are some complications this morning as Luke D'Wit will be giving evidence from a wheelchair, but that has meant some parts of the court have to be re-arranged.
Proceedings are expected to start at 11am.



The court is packed and the public gallery is completely full.
Luke D'Wit has appeared in a wheelchair and is being questioned by defence barrister Adam Davis KC.


Why is the defendant in a wheelchair?​

Adam Davis KC has asked D’Wit about his health.
D’Wit has told the court he has a growth on his leg and now requires a suprapubic catheter because of a bladder infection.
He said: “I have a growth on my leg which is getting worse. My foot has distorted round and I can no longer put any pressure onto that.
"A bladder infection has affected neurological pathways which is why I have to wear a suprapubic catheter."


Carol Baxter ‘lost £140,000 to £200,000 from scam’​

D’Wit has told the court about a scam which he says lost Carol Baxter between £140,000 and £200,000.
The money was eventually retrieved, D’Wit says, partly because of his research on the company responsible for the fraud and because of his work with Mrs Baxter’s bank, HSBC.
He said: “Carol invested £20,000 into an initial trading platform and they were meant to pay her back double, but as the scam kept rolling, they needed more and more for [Carol] to get her money back to the point [the Baxters] had no money left.
“Carol managed to get the money back. I compiled all the reports to the bank. I did as much research on the companies as I could.”


‘Stephen had the idea Carol needed someone to talk to’​

D’Wit is now being asked by the defence about the fake personalities which he created to communicate with the Baxter family.
He has said that it was Stephen Baxter’s idea.
One fake personality is Cheryl – supposedly a patient of Dr Andrea Bowden’s, who is another fake personality created to communicate with Carol Baxter.
D’Wit said: “The first person was Cheryl in late 2021. Steve had the idea that she needed someone to talk to and air all her grievances to, and it might get some of [Carol’s] anxiety away.
“We created an email so Carol could talk to someone.”
“As Carol’s behaviour and wellness worsened, after the first identity [we created], Steve and I thought of more identities, especially Dr Bowden which was based on someone Carol had been talking to online.
“We made an email address and copied what happened with Cheryl but this time it was a so-called professional.”


'What was the intended motive?'​

Adam Davis KC, defending, asks why these personalities were created.
D’Wit says it was to improve Carol Baxter’s health, and her relationship with Stephen Baxter.


‘Jenny Trencher – how did that come about?'​

Adam Davis KC, defending, asks D’Wit about Jenny Trencher – a fake personality who communicated with Ellena Baxter, who is Carol Baxter's daughter.
D’Wit tells the court that the Jenny Trencher personality was Steve’s idea to kickstart Ellena Baxter’s singing career.
He said: “Jenny was, in the story, Cheryl’s sister. Carol involuntarily sent a photo of Ellena singing to Cheryl’s number.
“It triggered an idea for Steve – could it get Ellena back into singing, and possibly get her a career? She doesn’t work and she’s got [her voice] at disposal, why not use it?
“I did a lot of the messaging as Jenny to Ellena, and I came up with the idea we could do a recording, because I can do the software, I know how to use it.
“Steve thought we can get those samples sent off and do something for Ellena, even if just send her to a different singing school or something.”


Finding the Baxters in their conservatory​

D'Wit recounts the sequence of events which took place on Easter Sunday, the day the Baxters were found dead.
He said he received a phone call from Ellena Baxter at 11.52am, when she had gone to her parents' address in Victory Road, West Mersea.
He said: "I had a phone call from Marcus who said [Mr and Mrs Baxter] are grey, they’re not moving, and I could hear Ellie crying in the background.
"When I got there, I could see the door had been smashed and Ellie was inside the house shouting.
"Marcus was unlocking the door to walk in - I arrived and I followed him in.
"I looked at them, I could see they were grey and there was discharge coming from Carol.
"Ellie said she touched them and they were cold and hard and couldn’t move."


How to delete ring Doorbell videos​

As heard earlier in the trial, there is ring doorbell footage of Luke D'Wit leaving the Baxters' home on Good Friday.
In May, Luke D'Wit searched on his phone how to delete ring videos. The defendant explains he had searched that so he could explain to Ellena Baxter that ring doorbell footage can be deleted.
He said: "I think there was some talk with Harry and Ellie and others about videos going missing.
"Ellie wanted to know can they be deleted, can you do it after."


The arrest and the fentanyl patches​

Adam Davis KC, defending, is now asking Luke D'Wit about his arrest. It was then that his his bag was seized and the fentanyl patches were found inside.
He has told the court that the fentanyl patches belonged to his dad, Vernon D'Wit. This corrected a previous statement he made when he was first arrested, that the patches belonged to his granddad.
D'Wit said: "My dad was on fentanyl for years leading up to his passing in 2021.
"After he died, we were very slow going through all of my dad’s stuff.
I put [the patches] into that Tesco bag - we kept finding more, I kept putting more in the bag, and eventually I would take them to the pharmacy to dispose."

Mersea murder trial live updates - defence to open case for Luke D'Wit
From yesterday - cross-examination


'I answered what the police asked me for'​

Tracy Ayling KC, prosecuting is now cross examining Luke D'Wit about his evidence. She has said the evidence he has given to the court did not feature in his police statement.
Tracy Ayling KC: “When interviewed by police on May 9, and you gave a statement to them, why didn’t you tell them any of the things you have told the jury today?”
D’Wit: “I answered what the police asked me for.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “You didn’t think it would assist them in their investigation, to tell them everything you have told the jury?”
D’Wit: “Like what?”
Mrs Ayling KC: “How about that Stephen Baxter had created some rather strange personalities on his phone, and asked you to assist him?”
D’Wit: “I suppose at the time… it certainly wasn’t murder at the time.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “What about Ellena Baxter asking you to assist her in deleting some ring doorbell footage?”
D’Wit: “It’s normally best not to go against Ellie. You will normally end up injured or the police coming to you.”


Prosecution: ‘You lied about having cancer’​

Tracy Ayling KC, prosecuting, has told D’Wit he lied to the Baxters about having cancer so they would show him sympathy.
Mrs Ayling KC: “You lied to [Mrs Baxter] about the fact you had cancer, didn’t you?”
D’Wit: “No”
Mrs Ayling KC: “The fact you told Carol you had cancer was a complete fabrication, wasn’t it?”
D’Wit: “No.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “We have had a statement read to us that there was no hospital attendance either as an in-patient or an out-patient [at Colchester Hospital] for at least ten years.”
D’Wit: “Definitely not.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “Where have you been in hospital having cancer scans?”
D’Wit: “I have had many, many scans at Broomfields.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “I mean before April 2023.”
D’Wit: “I had scans prior to that, but it appears not even Broomfields can find some of my medical records.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “You have refused the prosecution access to your medical records. Is that because there are no medical records as Eloise Brown [from ESNEFT] said in her statement to the jury?”
D’Wit: “No.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “You told them you had cancer in order to engender their sympathy, and that was a complete lie.”
D’Wit: “No. I’ve been to the hospital for many things over the last ten years.”


Prosecution: ‘You are absolutely lying audibly to this jury’​

Prosecuting barrister, Tracy Ayling KC, has continued her cross-examination of D’Wit.
She said: “I’m sorry Mr D’Wit, but you are absolutely lying audibly to this jury because there is no evidence you had cancer at all, other than what you have told other people to engender sympathy.”
D’Wit: "No."


‘It’s easy for you to blame Stephen because he’s not around’​

When cross-examined by the defence earlier today, D’Wit told the court the creating of fake personas Dr Andrea Bowden, Cheryl Harring, Jenny Trencher, and Linda Edwards had been Stephen Baxter’s idea.
Luke D’Wit has claimed both himself and Mr Baxter were operating the fake personalities.
Tracy Ayling KC said: “The only connection between Stephen Baxter and any of the messages is that he received these false persona’s messages – everything else is on your phone.
“There is no data on Stephen Baxter’s devices that relates to him setting up any of these false personas.”
She continued: “Stephen Baxter had absolutely no involvement in any of these false personas and would be horrified to hear you say so.”
D’Wit replied: “No. It was his idea.”


‘You are making this up as you go along’​

Mrs Ayling KC moves onto the medical advice which D’Wit had been providing to Mrs Baxter to help combat Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.
On Friday, Dr Naveed Younis told the court the advice Mrs Baxter was receiving was “complete rubbish”.
Mrs Ayling KC asked: “Why are you giving Carol Baxter medical advice in relation to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis which is completely wrong?”
D’Wit replied: “It was something Steve and I were doing together.
“The idea was that Steve, because of Carol’s behaviour, wanted some way of getting Carol to do things.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “Are you going to say Stephen’s name every time you answer a question?”
D’Wit: “Well, I have to, because he was involved in it.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “Well, he wasn’t, was he. That’s the problem. It’s on your phone. You just make it up as you go along, don’t you, Mr D’Wit?”


'I wasn’t going to go against the advice given by my solicitor'​

D’Wit has said he did not tell the police about the evidence he is now giving in court because he was told to give a ‘no comment’ interview by his solicitor.
Tracy Ayling KC said: “You haven’t mentioned any of this to the police.”
D’Wit: “Haven’t mentioned what?”
Mrs Ayling KC: “Everything you’ve just said, Mr D’Wit, please don’t be difficult. You haven’t told the police any of this.
D’Wit: “I wasn’t going to go against the advice given by my solicitor.”


Finished for the day​

Proceedings have finished for the day and the court is cleared.
Luke D'Wit will continue to be questioned tomorrow.

Mersea murder trial live updates - defence to open case for Luke D'Wit
Today - cross-examination continues


Day 13 Underway​

We are back underway here as Luke D'Wit takes to the stand for a second day of questioning.
The court is much less busy today and there are bout eight people in the public gallery.



Tracy Ayling KC starts her questioning of D'Wit but the defence solicitor, Adam Davis KC, wishes to rase a point of law with the judge, Justice Lavender.
The jury leaves the court.


Back underway​

The jury returns and Mrs Ayling KC, prosecuting, continues her questioning of D'Wit.
She argues that Stephen Baxter did not know who was behind the fake personalities and had no idea they were created by D'Wit.
D'Wit claims he and Mr Baxter made the personalities together to help Carol Baxter deal with Hashimoto's thyroiditis.


Texts from Stephen Baxter​

Mrs Ayling KC reads out a text sent by Stephen Baxter to the fake personality, Dr Andrea Bowden.
She asks: "As far as that [text] is concerned, are you suggesting that was Stephen Baxter writing to himself with details of Carol's day?"
D'Wit replies: "Yes. Andrea - me or Steve - would reply and we would show the messages to Carol so she would read them."
Mrs Ayling: "[These messages] are Stephen Baxter genuinely believing that Andrea Bowden exists, and telling her how bad things are how good things are [with her health]."
D'Wit: "Incorrect."


'He knows everything about us and the family'​

Mrs Ayling KC reads a text sent from Stephen Baxter to Andrea Bowden.
It reads: "Regarding Luke, he has worked for Carol for about ten years. He is her IT guy. He has been pretty much running the business. He is not an innovator - he just about keeps it ticking over.
"He knows everything about us and the family, both good and bad. He has recently got a girlfriend and says she is the one. He is super smart but a stereotypical IT geek. He is a little different in a nice caring way, but on the spectrum.”
D'Wit tells the court that that text was was written by Carol and Stephen Baxter together.


'He did have hygiene issues'​

Mrs Ayling KC reads out a message sent by Stephen Baxter to Dr Andrea Bowden.
It reads: "Luke did have hygiene issues [but] Carol saw him as a son."
The prosecution argue Mr Baxter would not have sent this message to Dr Andrea Bowden had he known that D'Wit was in fact behind the Dr Bowden fake persona.
She says: "Stephen Baxter would not have sent this to you, would he - about your personal hygiene issues, if he knew you were Andrea Bowden.
"Why did this need to go in a message?"
D'Wit: "This was all to do to get Carol to get to like me and Steve again."
Mrs Ayling KC: "That is not an explanation about these messages. It’s just nonsense, and you are just lying about it because you can’t get round the fact these messages were sent by Stephen Baxter to Andrea Bowden, believing her to be real.
"He would not have said these things if he had known it was you."
D'Wit: "No."


'These messages are inexplicable'​

The cross-examination of D'Wit continues as Tracy Ayling KC reads out another text from Stephen Baxter to Dr Andrea Bowden.
It reads: “[D'Wit] is really different. He has a habit of popping up going back to before Carol was ill. He was always asking Carol what she is doing of where we are going - like he is checking on us.
“We tell him we are going out. If for some reason we change our minds, surprise surprise, it’s always Luke. When he is in the house, he doesn’t know when it’s time to leave.
“When Carol was working in the warehouse, we would go out for breakfast three times per week. We always paid. Luke has never offered. On the whole, we are OK with that. If they are out together, Carol always pays. If they are out to the shop and bring food back, Carol always pays.
“She’s got a bit fed up with him overall. I seem to be able manage Luke much better. Carol has got too close to him over the years so I tend to deal with Luke now. It works better.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “What’s that all about?”
D’Wit: “Carol had at that point [got up with me]. I usually would always pay and Steve would pay me back. In Carol’s mind, she thought she was always paying for things.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “I’m going to suggest that Stephen Baxter is sending this to Andrea Bowden, giving info about you he would never have done if he had known Andrea Bowden was you.
“That’s right isn’t it?”
D’Wit: No.
Mrs Ayling KC: “He wouldn’t have told you were always around and being a bit of a pain.”
D’Wit: “No, but Carol would have.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “Then why doesn’t this message say ‘Hi it’s Carol’?
D’Wit: “Because that’s not what they did.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “You really are just making it up aren’t you, Mr D’Wit. These messages are inexplicable. You have no reason for them other than that you were Andrew Bowden.”


The Tack and the Tablet​

The case moves to the subject of a black bag which was found in D'Wit's house when it was searched last year.
D’Wit has argued that the black bag containing tacks and open plastic tablets belonged to the Cazsplash business and had nothing to do with him.
The court has heard how, in February 2022, Mrs Baxter had gone to hospital complaining of stomach pains. It eventually transpired that a tack Mrs Baxter had ingested was the cause of the pain.
The prosecution say D’Wit was responsible for this, arguing he altered Mrs Baxter's medication by opening a pill and placing a tack inside for her to ingest.
The prosecution argue that the bag containing empty pills and tacks, found in D'Wit's room, proves their case.
D’Wit argues this bag belonged to the Cazsplash business and that he took the bag home after the Baxters died.
Tracy Ayling KC, prosecuting, asks: “We can see in that bag there are tacks and open plastic tablets. What are those doing in the bag at the end of your bed?”
D’Wit: “I collected that bag from Cazsplash, from the office area [in the warehouse] after Carol and Steve had passed away.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “But you must have looked inside it first before you took it home.”
D’Wit: “I don’t think I did. I just knew that’s the bag we took the laptop in, so I just took it back with me.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “You didn’t check if the laptop was inside?”
D’Wit: “No, it was on the desk.”


Prosecution: ‘Cazsplash was failing because of fake personalities’​

The court heard earlier in the trial that Cazsplash was ‘a failing business’ by 2023.
The prosecution has argued the reason the business was starting to fail was because D’Wit didn’t have time to run the business. Tracy Ayling KC argued he was “so busy writing false personality emails” to run Cazsplash, and Mrs Baxter couldn’t run the business because her health was failing.
Tracy Ayling KC said: “You were running Cazsplash down because you were so busy writing false personality emails that you weren’t able to run the business.”
D’Wit: “Incorrect.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “And that you were so busy dosing Carol up that she couldn’t run the business either.”
D’Wit: “Incorrect.”


Good Friday 2023​

Tracy Ayling KC, prosecuting, is going through the events which took place on Good Friday last year, when the Baxters were last seen alive.
D’Wit says he went into the Baxters’ house in Victory Road at 5.45pm on Friday, April 7, so he could discuss new business for Cazsplash with Stephen Baxter.
Mrs Ayling KC said: “You had been there all morning, it was Good Friday, you told Ellena Baxter they wanted some peace and quiet and needed lots of rest. Why were you returning at all?”
D’Wit: “I just told you. Steve told me to come back to discuss new ideas.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “There was nothing to discuss, was there.”
D’Wit:” Incorrect.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “You returned to the house to see if they were still alive.”
D’Wit: “No.”


D'Wit: 'It was manners to close the door quietly'​

Ring doorbell footage is shown of D'Wit leaving the Baxters' address in Victory Road at 7.55pm on Friday night.
The prosecution say D'Wit had gone to check whether the Baxters were still alive.
D'Wit is asked why the ring doorbell footage shows him closing the front door quietly.
He said: "Because someone was sleeping."
Tracy Ayling KC: "Why did you lock the door when you left?"
D'Wit: "The door was hard locked, meaning the key had been turned many times on the inside, so once I was out, I relocked the door to the same standard it was already locked at."
Mrs Ayling KC: "You didn’t need to lock the door if Stephen Baxter was inside."
D'Wit: "It was just manners to re lock the door to how it was."
Mrs Ayling KC: "Stephen doesn’t show you to the door. He doesn’t say 'cheerio, see you tomorrow'. You locked the door because you didn’t want anyone to disturb the Baxters who were already on their way to being dead."
D'Wit: "No."


D’Wit ‘transferred £6,000 to himself from Baxters’ bank account’​

D’Wit is now accused transferring himself several thousand pounds to his bank account by using the Baxters’ phone after they had died.
The prosecution say that before leaving their address at 7.55pm on Good Friday, D'Wit used Mr Baxter's device to transfer £6,000 to himself.
Tracy Ayling KC, prosecuting, said: “You were using their devices, unlocking them, walking them around, looking at them... at 6.14pm, the HSBC mobile banking is launched on the handset belonging to Stephen Baxter.
“Were you looking at his mobile banking?”
D’Wit: “No.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “His laptop is being used and his Nationwide mobile banking is launched at 4.20pm until 4.22pm.”
D’Wit: “Correct”
Mrs Ayling KC: “Whilst you were discussing the business, why would he go on his banking app?”
D’Wit then explains Mr Baxter went on his app so he could repay a loan to D’Wit concerning the Cazsplash business.


D’Wit: ‘There was a poor decision I made on April 9’​

After Stephen and Carol Baxter died, D’Wit tells the court he continued to operate the fake personality known as Jenny Trencher – the theatre producer who had been helping Ellena Baxter’s singing career.
D’Wit has admitted it was “a poor decision” to continue operating the account after the Baxters died.
Tracy Ayling KC: “You see, you had Ellena Baxter well under control by now, hadn’t you, after her parents died.”
D’Wit: “No.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “You took advantage of her belief in Jenny Trencher even after her parents died.”
D’Wit: “No.”
Mrs Ayling KC: “Why did you need to be Jenny Trencher after the Baxters had died?”
D’Wit: “There was a poor decision I made on April 9 when she said ‘I need to tell Jenny’ and I could tell she needed to talk to her.
“That was a poor decision on my part to reply and not delete [the Jenny Trencher account].”
Mrs Ayling KC: “You’re giving her advice as Jenny. Why not give advice personally?”
D’Wit: “Sometimes I wasn’t always listened to. I thought, ‘she does listen to Jenny’ so I thought I could help her.”

Our live feed has now finished.​

Mersea murder trial Day 13 - live updates as D'Wit faces prosecution
Seems strange they're doing legal directions before the last witness. I guess it's because it has started to drag on.


Updates from court in the past couple of days​

Hello all, Chief Reporter Ellis Whitehouse here once again from Chelmsford Crown Court.
A little update from the past few days - we're now in the very final stages of the defence case. Yesterday, the jury was not sitting, and today, the judge, Mr Justice Lavender, will be giving the jury his legal directions. This is essentially the points of law they must consider when deliberating their verdicts following the conclusion of the evidence.
There is little else being heard today, with the final expert witnesses set to give evidence tomorrow. Therefore, we will not be bringing any further updates from court today, but hope to share more on Friday.
It is estimated that the jury will be sent out to deliberate at the beginning of next week. More updates will be posted here from tomorrow - thank you for following us.

Prosecution have finished their closing statement. Hopefully they release audio after the trial.


Jury "right to laugh" at D'Wit's "sinister" voice notes where he disguised himself as a woman​

Ms Ayling has touched upon the voice notes that Luke D’Wit admitted creating where he disguised himself as a woman called “Jenny”, who he had been talking to the couple’s daughter Ellie through. She said the jury was right to laugh when they first heard D’Wit’s impression of a woman, but continued that it was “far more sinister”.
She said: “Luke D’Wit had agreed the plan to make Jenny more personable. It can be for no other reason than keeping Ellie under control and possibly keeping the Baxter family under control.”

Prosecution have finished their closing statement. Hopefully they release audio after the trial.


Jury "right to laugh" at D'Wit's "sinister" voice notes where he disguised himself as a woman​

Ms Ayling has touched upon the voice notes that Luke D’Wit admitted creating where he disguised himself as a woman called “Jenny”, who he had been talking to the couple’s daughter Ellie through. She said the jury was right to laugh when they first heard D’Wit’s impression of a woman, but continued that it was “far more sinister”.
She said: “Luke D’Wit had agreed the plan to make Jenny more personable. It can be for no other reason than keeping Ellie under control and possibly keeping the Baxter family under control.”

It's in this article Legally
Jury retires to consider verdicts
Mr Justice Lavender has now finished his summing up of the evidence and the jury have just retired to consider their verdicts.

As soon as we hear anything from them, we will update you in this blog.

Jury to be sent home for the day
The judge is sending the jury home for the day, there have been no verdicts reached yet. We will resume again at 10.30am tomorrow.

Judge wants to consider sentencing notes
The sentencing for D’Wit will not be taking place immediately as Judge Mr Justice Lavender would like to consider sentencing notes from the prosecution and defence. Tracy Ayling KC, for the prosecution, said they will be inviting the judge to consider a whole life order for D’Wit, meaning he would not be released from prison.

What a scary case and how awful for the Baxters’ son and daughter.

Although the crimes were calculated, and a whole life order is available for a double murder, I don’t believe D’Wit will get this for these particular crimes, based on recent sentencing trends and the way the murders played out. I think it will be a mid-30 years sentence in terms of minimum term.

That said, I’d certainly like to see D’Wit get whole life for these highly premeditated and callous crimes.
What a scary case and how awful for the Baxters’ son and daughter.

Although the crimes were calculated, and a whole life order is available for a double murder, I don’t believe D’Wit will get this for these particular crimes, based on recent sentencing trends and the way the murders played out. I think it will be a mid-30 years sentence in terms of minimum term.

That said, I’d certainly like to see D’Wit get whole life for these highly premeditated and callous crimes.
He planned so hard and yet was so stupidly obvious about it.

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