GUILTY UK - Tia Sharp, 12, New Addington, London, 3 Aug 2012 #2

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I plan on going back to uni to study to become a pathologist and I imagine that no matter how many bodies in all different states it would still shock me,but it's something that's always interested me,the thought of helping nail a murderer or just giving a family some peace of mind and closure.
The human body fascinates me

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He'd babble like a brook. Only this time it would be likely to be some semblance of truth, resulting in a confession, sparing genuine grievers an horrific court case and the public millions of dollars

Then I'd hand him a rope, show him to the bathroom and tell him I'm going for a smoke

Edit: Just my own personal opinion of course and in the event he's guilty

Additional edit: I am disgusted by the way in which the body was disposed, as reported in the media. I wouldn't treat the family pet of my worst enemy that way, let alone a child ' I loved like a daw-uh'

we don't all talk like that, i can do if i want to as i was born just down the road but i chose not to lol
article from the Indy on the review into Tia's death.

on another thing - if they are using dental records to confirm identity - could that be the reason the PM was delayed. if by some outrageous possibility it was not Tia that was found, mightn't the pathologist conduct the exam one way whereas if it is Tia (and we all "know" it is) then the PM would be conducted in a specific way looking for specific things?? just throwing this out.
article from the Indy on the review into Tia's death.

on another thing - if they are using dental records to confirm identity - could that be the reason the PM was delayed. if by some outrageous possibility it was not Tia that was found, mightn't the pathologist conduct the exam one way whereas if it is Tia (and we all "know" it is) then the PM would be conducted in a specific way looking for specific things?? just throwing this out.

there could be many reasons as to why they stopped it and i guess we won't know until they tell us.
This has been speculated by other posters.

It would certainly be a motive to kill her.It could also be a reason why the postmortum was halted.

Mmm there's a thought. Don't think we are allowed to bander around the pregnancy theory on here though?
we don't all talk like that, i can do if i want to as i was born just down the road but i chose not to lol

Lost it for a bit there. Sorry

Took myself for a walk

Sincere apologies. I don't usually sink so low. There are no excuses
unfortunately I have that feeling too.

Makes sense to me regarding the bed sheet,she died while in the bed so panics runs to the kitchen grabs bin liners, pulls the corner of the sheets from under the bed wraps her up then stuffs her in the bin liners.

To me that seems like the simplest explanation if it is correct the way she was found

What's puzzled me is how did he get her you to the loft.he Doesn't look the strongest of guys,depending on how high their ceilings are he'd need to stand on something (I can stand on a chair and still not reach my loft hatch,4step on a ladder and I can just pop my head up) I'm guessing tia would be around 7ish stone so I'm imagining he would need help.

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The initial reports said that she was in a black bag. They did not specify whether that bag was a plastic rubbish bag or perhaps something like a sports holdall.

If it were the latter, then I assume he could have tied a rope to the handles, climbed into the loft and hauled the bag up. It might not have been easy to do alone but I think it's possible.
Something I've been thinking about whenever I've read how Tia 'had her whole life ahead of her' etc. She did have her whole life ahead of her, but I wonder what life it would have been. Her role models appear to have been, mum, stepdad, gran and Hazell. What sort of family dynamics do you think she witnessed?

I know it sounds very negative, but I honestly don't get the impression that Tia would have had a safe, loving or productive life ahead of her. I think she'd have followed the same pattern as her female role models, early pregnancy and multiple destructive relationships (having never witnessed a nurturing one herself, and therefore not knowing how to seek one out).

If you grew up surrounded by that kind of environment, it would be 'normal' to you because it's all you'd have known. If you witnessed your dad hit your mum all the time, or if your 'granddad' was a little handy after a few drinks, and your parents shrugged it off - well, then it's easy to see how very inappropriate behaviour would eventually become your 'normality'.

Any of that make sense?

Guess I'm just trying to reason what her life would really have been like if she'd have lived, and I don't think it would have been great. I don't get the feeling that a single member of her family loved her in a normal and unconditional way, or that she was ever made to feel important to any of them. Her life would have mirrored her mum and gran's life, I think. And then the same 'skills' would have been passed down to her own children. Maybe she'd have broken free of all that. It does happen, but not often. I don't think she had a bright future ahead of her, not while she was surrounded by people who didn't seem to know what responsible parenting was about.

By the way, the real dad had a Tia tattoo (or something) somewhere on his person, and Gran had one on her foot. Do we know if these were done after Tia went 'missing'?
The initial reports said that she was in a black bag. They did not specify whether that bag was a plastic rubbish bag or perhaps something like a sports holdall.

If it were the latter, then I assume he could have tied a rope to the handles, climbed into the loft and hauled the bag up. It might not have been easy to do alone but I think it's possible.

SH is not a small guy, so I don't understand why there is such a big thing about his ability to carry a body into a loft. Yes the entrance to the loft would be quite small, but we've all heard of a fireman's lift. Poor Tia was just 4ft 5. It wouldn't be too much trouble for a strong man.
By the way, the real dad had a Tia tattoo (or something) somewhere on his person, and Gran had one on her foot. Do we know if these were done after Tia went 'missing'?

I doubt v v much that they would have had the time or the inclination to go to a tattooist in that short and horrific period of time. And tattoos also take time to heal.
I doubt v v much that they would have had the time or the inclination to go to a tattooist in that short and horrific period of time. And tattoos also take time to heal.
I was thinking of the stick-on tattoos. Yes, real ones wouldn't have healed that fast.
Angie Niles is saying that Tia spent almost every other weekend with her (read it in the Sun online, so take that how you will!) - and CS also said Tia spent most of her weekends there too. So when was Tia actually home with her mum and stepdad, Monday-Friday? She sure seems to have been shoved from pillar to post in her young life, and I don't think it had anything to do with 'loving relatives' wanting to see more of her, but more to do with Tia's mum perhaps feeling overburdened with the 2 young ones and needing time away from Tia so she had one less to look after.

#tiasharp Scot Yard says formal identification of body still awaited, but "its believed to be" Tia's
Hi all, new here, came across this site after searching for more info on this case as have been shocked by the details (or lack of them..). Didn't know such a site existed, my hubby tells me I have a morbid curiosity!!

There's lots about this case which confuses me:

Tia's phone being broken and having mum's phone instead - is it possible her phone was broken during a struggle (attempting to use it) and the family covered up and swapped on the Friday night rather than explain why a 12 year old was allowed to travel to Grans with a broken one or without one. I'd never lend my phone to a 12 year old, mum's still young so can't imagine she'd want to be without one. Or maybe Tia's phone had stuff on it they didn't want other people seeing and thought by saying it was broken police wouldn't check the records on that sim card (I hope they did!).

I can't believe Gran didn't know about the body, my suspicion is that TS found something she shouldn't have found belonging to Gran or to Gran and SH (drugs/something on computer..?) and SH panicked tried to stop her phoning someone or leaving the house, restrained her and "smothered" her to keep her quiet. SH tells Gran and they clear up and go to damage control mode.

We can't assume that SH isn't smart, his arrest for drug dealing wasn't a simple arrest but part of what the police referred to on the press reports from back in 2003 as a huge covert operation. He must have been good at lying and covering up or they would have simply just arrested him without the need for undercover work.

I have a similar loft access hatch, if they have no ladder then it's difficult to get up without carrying something, I think he must have had help. To get stuff into mine (not a body of course!!!) without a ladder i've stood on a chair with my hubby boosting me up, clambered in, sat on the beam and had hubby pass me the stuff up...hubby couldn't do it on his own. Although I suppose it's possible with a rope tied around.

My own opinion is that the wider family were aware of at least some of what happened and that the absence of NS was due to guilt. They may not have been aware of everything but enough to convince them to back the story being told.

Anyway...all just theories at this time, I really hope the delay's in the post mortum and announcing the ID isn't because something more sinister has been discovered. I hope the lack of smell at the first "poking head into the loft" wasn't because she was still alive at that point...shudders to think.

All just IMO of course!
The case review by the local authority is really for their own benefit. A child has died and they need to establish if they were at fault in anyway by not acting on any reports that the child was at risk. The UK has become quite litigious and the council could face a claim for compensation if it can be proved that they failed to take action to protect Tia following reports that she may have been vulnerable.

I think the likelihood will be that the local authority had no reason to believe that Tia was at risk which is why they are being very pro-active in announcing the review.
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