UK - Woman receives hate mail for eight years, Jersey

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She was divorced 40 yrs ago, when she was 32. The letters started 8 yrs ago. I assume that her ex has long forgotten about her, so the person who normally would be high on the list of suspects, is not likely involved at all.

I wonder if LE used a criminal psychologist to do a personality profile of the writer. It might be possible to trace the source of his/her anger and might give some leads. The writer certainly has sympathy for her "poor boys".
My vote goes to one of her sons' wives...
Whoever is doing this is not a random stranger. I suspect it could be the ex-husband. Granted, the divorce happened 40 years unless he had some grudge issues.
Cases like this terrify me. It could happen to any of us.
IMO, absolutely written by a woman, maybe even someone she considers a friend. I believe the person has dementia, or is an alcoholic. They have a diseased mind full of bitterness and jealousy. Men don't write stuff like this; its a woman.
IMO, absolutely written by a woman, maybe even someone she considers a friend. I believe the person has dementia, or is an alcoholic. They have a diseased mind full of bitterness and jealousy. Men don't write stuff like this; its a woman.

Looking at it, I see a lot of typos and errors. It could very well be an alcoholic or someone with dementia. I can imagine all the anger they have all pent up.
And it must be considered -- and I trust authorities have done -- that she sends them herself.
She was divorced 40 yrs ago, when she was 32. The letters started 8 yrs ago. I assume that her ex has long forgotten about her, so the person who normally would be high on the list of suspects, is not likely involved at all.

I wonder if LE used a criminal psychologist to do a personality profile of the writer. It might be possible to trace the source of his/her anger and might give some leads. The writer certainly has sympathy for her "poor boys".

Unless his partner had recently died.....
My guess is she writes them herself, or it's a former co-worker who still lives nearby.

Hate to say it but many personality disordered people don't realize how badly they come off to others. There might be grains of truth to the complaints in the letters. BUT it seems weird someone would put so much effort into this.....

Ugh. Just ugh. To all of it.
My guess is she writes them herself, or it's a former co-worker who still lives nearby.

Hate to say it but many personality disordered people don't realize how badly they come off to others. There might be grains of truth to the complaints in the letters. BUT it seems weird someone would put so much effort into this.....

Ugh. Just ugh. To all of it.

She might have written them herself but I'm sure LE would have discovered it by now.

Even if aspects of the letter are true, the anonymous writer is a coward of the worse kind. If someone has a grievance they should own it, imo. I wrote a letter to my foster mother, it wasn't nasty or full of foul language, but I had to tell her how her actions and abuse affected my childhood and life. She probably threw it in the bin but no matter, writing the letter had a cathartic effect on me, she was finally out of my life. I had/have no intentions in terrorizing that woman, I'm not HER!

I have very strong feelings about self righteous people who anonymously harass and stalk others, sometimes, purely based on gossip and hearsay. They enjoy the fear and anxiety they cause their victim knowing they will never be held accountable. They sit back and watch the fire, like an arsonist enjoying his handy work, and when it finally dies out, they reignite it.

Sorry for the rant. :blushing:
She might have written them herself but I'm sure LE would have discovered it by now.

Even if aspects of the letter are true, the anonymous writer is a coward of the worse kind. If someone has a grievance they should own it, imo. I wrote a letter to my foster mother, it wasn't nasty or full of foul language, but I had to tell her how her actions and abuse affected my childhood and life. She probably threw it in the bin but no matter, writing the letter had a cathartic effect on me, she was finally out of my life. I had/have no intentions in terrorizing that woman, I'm not HER!

I have very strong feelings about self righteous people who anonymously harass and stalk others, sometimes, purely based on gossip and hearsay. They enjoy the fear and anxiety they cause their victim knowing they will never be held accountable. They sit back and watch the fire, like an arsonist enjoying his handy work, and when it finally dies out, they reignite it.

Sorry for the rant. :blushing:

The self-righteous are the worst kinds. They are so repressed and insecure.
I wonder if it might not be related somehow to a previous incident wherein she was scammed out of a fair bit of money:
There would certainly be a motive if the letters were coming from a friend or family (or one of their family members) who was duped out of a large sum of money. But, that incident happened less than 3 years ago, so she had been receiving the hate mail for 5 years prior to the dating scam. It would explain, though, why the letters have gotten increasingly nasty.

I would look at a friend or relative who was affected by the dating scam, and may have already been carrying a grudge against her for some other reason. It could be a spouse or offspring of someone defrauded - thus, the reference in one letter to stabbing someone in the back, and implying in the other that if she weren't living in a house owned by one of her sons, she would be living in government housing.

My first thought had been that the letters are written by the teenage son/daughter of a neighbor or friend. Perhaps someone she had reproved and perhaps reported an incident involving the child when he/she was younger. He/she may not be aware of details of the dating fiasco (there's no mention of it in the letters), but is well aware that KF's sons and a friend were inveigled out of money.
She seems to have aged 4 years in less than 18 months.
There would certainly be a motive if the letters were coming from a friend or family (or one of their family members) who was duped out of a large sum of money. But, that incident happened less than 3 years ago, so she had been receiving the hate mail for 5 years prior to the dating scam. It would explain, though, why the letters have gotten increasingly nasty.

I would look at a friend or relative who was affected by the dating scam, and may have already been carrying a grudge against her for some other reason. It could be a spouse or offspring of someone defrauded - thus, the reference in one letter to stabbing someone in the back, and implying in the other that if she weren't living in a house owned by one of her sons, she would be living in government housing.

My first thought had been that the letters are written by the teenage son/daughter of a neighbor or friend. Perhaps someone she had reproved and perhaps reported an incident involving the child when he/she was younger. He/she may not be aware of details of the dating fiasco (there's no mention of it in the letters), but is well aware that KF's sons and a friend were inveigled out of money.

She had been receiving the letters for 8 years, according to her. The original report said that she had turned the last two letters in to the police, so that would be about a year. Other than her claims, there is nothing to suggest that these letters predated the fraud episode.

My guess is that this was all made up, perhaps as a cover to deflect the consequences of the earlier disappearance of money. Maybe the fraud thing was made up as well.

I find it highly suspicious that the same individual makes the papers for two separate but very odd incidents.
My guess is she writes them herself, or it's a former co-worker who still lives nearby.

I think it's likely a coworker. Why would a family member or friend bring up a past job in this way? This is the quote (pictured in a letter at the source linked in the OP) that makes me feel it's a coworker.

Worknig at Durell and pretend to everyone what a nice human being you are when realy your just plotting when your next going to stab someone in the back.

The quote contains the text exactly as written in the letter.

I just don't see a family member writing that, or even knowing enough intimate work details to have made the comment about backstabbing. I would first want to examine anyone she had an issue with at work who left the job before she did, followed by anyone she had an issue with at work who left after she did, or who is still employed there.

Looking at it, I see a lot of typos and errors. It could very well be an alcoholic or someone with dementia. I can imagine all the anger they have all pent up.

I would not call the ridiculous amount errors in the letter 'typos.'

Due to their large number, it is my opinion that the errors are intentional, or mostly intentional. Reasons the letter writer might do this include disguising the writing style of a person whose writing may be known to the recipient or disguising the intelligence level of the writer.
I haven't read the article yet. Only the comments here. It's possible it can be an ex.

Stalking can happen in spurts. I haven't seen an ex in over 12 years and every few years he goes completely nuts and starts cyber stalking, emailing, and mailing me letters. I can go 3 years without a peep and then for 9 months it's non stop harassment. I always know at those times he's probably going through something in his life. I'm always silent and never respond, but it's so tiring and draining. Perhaps that's what's happening to her. I'll read the article now.
I thought at first they might have been written by her, but they aren't flattering to her. People who write "stalking" letters to themselves to gain attention write flattering letters. These are ugly.

The sender is illiterate, and hates her, in my opinion. And knows a LOT about her.

I think someone who said upthread that it might be a former girlfriend of one of her sons, is likely correct.

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