Update: Kronk once arrested on Kidnapping in the early 1990's

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Is it just me being dense or are the little green dots that tell a user is on-line now new? Sorry for OT
But it's true. He's bringing it up himself, apparently.

This looks bad. I'm still convinced Casey and Casey alone did it, I don't think the MR had anything to do with it, but it looks bad. She could conceivably get off from this?!

No way! The jury will see this for what it is. He didn't have to come forward and go through all this....he had nothing to gain and lots to lose. I feel so sorry for him right now, being punished for doing the right thing.
OMG the twists and turns in this from the very start are just unbelievable, and they keep coming-you couldn't write this stuff!
No he doesn't. This guy is going to end up tarred and feathered before all is said and done. Geraldo Rivera is loving passing this gossip around doing his good buddy Baez a PR favor. Kronk will be just fine in court, he is not Caylee's killer, he's just the guy who found her.
A domestic kidnapping is very different than a random kidnapping and unless he was threatening to harm his child or hold the child for ransom then this is much ado about nothing!
Anyway you slice it this man's discovery of the body and the 3 calls he made cast suspicion on him. I am not saying there is anything going on but it's a bit odd.

Geraldo was on Fox news about an hour ago talking about this and according to him..cough, cough...it is a big coo for the defense. He says that his news crew is investigating this further. I believe he said he will be discussing it on his show this evening.

I wasn't surprised to hear him bring it up on national news. He seems to be helping his buddy Baez again, JMO.

Perhaps this is why he called LE rather then touching the bag. If his fingerprints had been anywhere they could really make a lot of this. IMO

I can't help but wonder if he did know Casey in some way previously.

In this case who knows what is really going on. There is an overabundance of shady characters. JMO

I 100% agree with you. It was said that the kidnapping charges were from 1990 but were expunged. Okay, but to take into account that Kronk's wife dies a year ago of cancer and that he was really in need of money. Okay, so with those 2 issues and the reminder that LP keeps putting the connection of Hoover and Casey (the daisy chain), that makes 3 reasons why he is possibly connected in a shady way. I think slowly the dots are connecting to point fingers everywhere but at Casey.
Whatever past Roy may have- he's not the villain here!
However he came to find Caylee, I'm thankful to him for finding her!
Let's not be constantly distracted by these side stories and go forth to
convict the monster who murdered this little child!
Is it just me being dense or are the little green dots that tell a user is on-line now new? Sorry for OT

They've always been there. They might be more noticable because alot of people are online today.
Well this isn't good. At "least" he "kidnapped" a woman and not a child...

He wasn't found guilty of kidnapping anyone. He claims it was a mistake, the fact that charges were dropped supports him!

That guy needs to take a Lie Dector test, fast.

I thought either LE or his atty said he did take one and passed?

The story says the charges were dropped and his record expunged. This is just cruel for people to dig this stuff up. It was in the early 1990s and he was completely cleared. I guess expungement doesn't mean anything anymore.

It sounds to me that he brought it out himself, knowing chances were very good it would have been found anyway. As much as it sucks if I had been wrongly accused and exonerated, then found myself in the middle of something of this magnitude I'd probably lay it out there too. If he did nothing wrong he has nothing to hide...
Whatever past Roy may have- he's not the villain here!
However he came to find Caylee, I'm thankful to him for finding her!
Let's not be constantly distracted by these side stories and go forth to
convict the monster who murdered this little child!
Mods, can we please have the other thread on this subject that was pulled last night merged with this one. The responses had me splitting at the seams. Absolutely none of this is funny but it so dang bizarre you just have to laugh to keep from crying.

I'm almost afraid to say it but, Could it get any more twisted!
This will have no relevance to the case against KC, since there is no physical evidence tying Kronk to the crime. JMO

This is nothing more than a red herring and I don't believe any judge would allow it any testimony at trial. It simply has no relevance here.

I respectfully disagree. It goes to his credibility. MR is part of this case. He is a witness. MR chose to bring this information to the media himself, therefore, it is my opinion that we can discuss the story here.
Mods, can we please have the other thread on this subject that was pulled last night merged with this one. The responses had me splitting at the seams. Absolutely none of this is funny but it so dang bizarre you just have to laugh to keep from crying.

I'm almost afraid to say it but, Could it get any more twisted!

You need to PM a mod or use the alert button. If you don't, the mods may not see your post. :)
I chose to disclose this arrest and the expungement of the records because I had nothing to hide, and (I) have a personal policy of openness and honesty about events in my life."'

Good for him.

And good legal counsel advising him.
What a nightmare, and you have LP stating that the info was fed to him.
<I need a drink>
I respectfully disagree. It goes to his credibility. MR is part of this case. He is a witness. MR chose to bring this information to the media himself, therefore, it is my opinion that we can discuss the story here.

Unless the defense calls him I see no reason the state would need to, the detective called to the scene can testify to the findings and the crime scene.
He wasn't found guilty of kidnapping anyone. He claims it was a mistake, the fact that charges were dropped supports him!

Take it easy. Thats why I put kidnapped in quotes. I believe him, but just because charges are dropped doesn't prove anything btw.
Mods, can we please have the other thread on this subject that was pulled last night merged with this one. The responses had me splitting at the seams. Absolutely none of this is funny but it so dang bizarre you just have to laugh to keep from crying.

I'm almost afraid to say it but, Could it get any more twisted!

exactly! and what on earth next??
I 100% agree with you. It was said that the kidnapping charges were from 1990 but were expunged. Okay, but to take into account that Kronk's wife dies a year ago of cancer and that he was really in need of money. Okay, so with those 2 issues and the reminder that LP keeps putting the connection of Hoover and Casey (the daisy chain), that makes 3 reasons why he is possibly connected in a shady way. I think slowly the dots are connecting to point fingers everywhere but at Casey.

I don't think fingers are being pointed everywhere but KC, but more like trying to connect the dots to who all was involved and who knew what, when.
Mods, can we please have the other thread on this subject that was pulled last night merged with this one. The responses had me splitting at the seams. Absolutely none of this is funny but it so dang bizarre you just have to laugh to keep from crying.

I'm almost afraid to say it but, Could it get any more twisted!
let's just discuss as is.
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