Update your Avatar with a PINK BALLOON for Caylee

I know, I get side tracked a lot lately myself Annie. LOL

How's these balloons? Great idea everyone! Tks again coltsgal for the heart balloon ideas. :)
Hello everyone! Newby here and not too computer savvy...could someone help me get a pink balloon? I tried to follow the instructions but when i paste the link into the box all I get is a message saying INVALID URL. HELP????......PLEASE
Hello everyone! Newby here and not too computer savvy...could someone help me get a pink balloon? I tried to follow the instructions but when i paste the link into the box all I get is a message saying INVALID URL. HELP????......PLEASE

Try this - click on User CP up in the corner.
Click on change avatar
Copy and paste this line http://images.google.com/imgres?img...=102&prev=/images?q=pink+balloons&gbv=2&hl=en

into the space provided in box labeled #1 - but be sure to take out anything that is already in there. I hope it works. If it doesn't maybe someone else can help you out.
Thanks! I am able to upload the avitar but I still can't see anyone else's, where do I fix that?

I can't see them either...oddly, I can't see any avatars. I used to see them, but something happened recently.

I can't see them either...oddly, I can't see any avatars. I used to see them, but something happened recently.

Go to User CP, Edit Options, scroll down to
Thread Display Options, Visible Post Elements - check the ones you want.
Yes poco-did that exactly. Still couldn't get it to work..oh well..thanks anyway!
Yes poco-did that exactly. Still couldn't get it to work..oh well..thanks anyway!

Right click on the balloon you want. pick properties, then copy the location url.
go to CP . Go to custom avatar
pick option 1.
Option 1 - Enter the URL to the Image on Another Website

paste the location you copied there and hit save.
What a wonderful idea for a tribute to Caylee! I'm working on mine right now.
Aw, your quote is sweet, coltsgal. And true unfortunately. :(
Can someone maybe pm websurfer and help her out - i tried to explain to her how to get a balloon avatar but i probably didn't tell her right. Thanks to anyone that can help her.

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