*UPDATED* Trial Date May 9, 2011!

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Oh, it will definitely go into July, imo. I always thought it would take 8 weeks from start to finish, but if Jose says 9 weeks for trial and another week for the penalty phase, I'll just go with it.

We'll get the verdict in July... sentencing might go into August? But looks more like the end of July. Either way, looks like Justice for Caylee will be right on time for her sixth birthday!

BBM- Oh, my...now doesn't that put everything into perspective.
Thank you for bumping this thread. May '11 will be here before we know it.

I hope that KC hears the sound of that train that is picking up speed now and will be at full throttle when it comes around that bend to serve justice for Caylee.

I'm looking forward to May.
I'll say about three weeks. I think we will only be seeing witness' and experts from the prosecution. They'll only need a day or two for the defense, they'll only have the Anthony family as witness' and Cindy will probably stand in as an expert since all the experts seem to be jumping ship..
Anyone thinking 2 + months ? Into July ?

I'm thinking by Caylee's birthday, August 9, 2011...How sweet would that be for Caylee's justice to happen on her birthday...Best gift ever! That would be one date the Anthony's/ICA couldn't forget or be confused about! JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Oh, it will definitely go into July, imo. I always thought it would take 8 weeks from start to finish, but if Jose says 9 weeks for trial and another week for the penalty phase, I'll just go with it.

We'll get the verdict in July... sentencing might go into August? But looks more like the end of July. Either way, looks like Justice for Caylee will be right on time for her sixth birthday!

I hope her sentence comes down the DAY of Caylee's birthday. Convicted before that, but on the day Caylee was born, Casey should find out where she's spending the rest of her life. I want that so bad! Sweet justice RIGHT THERE!

ETA: I think I might cry on New Year's Day this year, just knowing that justice for Caylee is finally coming! I'm almost teary eyed right now!
BBM- Oh, my...now doesn't that put everything into perspective.

Oh, it will definitely go into July, imo. I always thought it would take 8 weeks from start to finish, but if Jose says 9 weeks for trial and another week for the penalty phase, I'll just go with it.

We'll get the verdict in July... sentencing might go into August? But looks more like the end of July. Either way, looks like Justice for Caylee will be right on time for her sixth birthday!

Isn't this just a sad statement? To think that she lost her little life before her 3rd birthday, yet it will take to her 6th birthday to serve justice. That's just wrong, imo.
Okay, so let's give them the week of May 9th-13th for jury selection. Trial starts the week of May 16th-20th.

9 weeks for the actual trial would put us at the week of July 18th-22nd

Jury goes into deliberations, again I don't think it will take them more than five days, so we will get a sentence ETA: I mean't VERDICT! back the week of July 25th-29th.

Sentencing phase a week puts us in the week of August 1st-5th.

Ahhhhh.... giving us the week of the 8th-12th for Casey to be sentenced!!! Oh man, if this works out, we could easily have Casey sentenced on Caylee's Birthday!! At least the week of her birthday!


(I'm just going by Jose's timeline here!!)

ETA: Wonder if Casey knows about this?

BBM...I do believe, May 2nd is when jury selection starts...the trail will definately start May 9th...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Isn't this just a sad statement? To think that she lost her little life before her 3rd birthday, yet it will take to her 6th birthday to serve justice. That's just wrong, imo.

Yep, at that point, Caylee would have been entering the first grade. Instead, her mother will be judged guilty on charges of first degree murder in Caylee's death. The irony of that does not escape me.
I have a deadline for my screenplays on May 1st, 2011 (trying to get a Fellowship through the Academy of Motion Pictures :dance:). Since the trial doesn't start until May 9th, 2011, I think I will take a mini-vacation before settling in for a long couple months. I plan on dedicating a lot of my life to this trial... as depressing as that sounds, I have been waiting way too long to witness Justice for Caylee and I want to see it all. Hope my DVR can handle it?

I can't believe we have just over four months left? It is going to go by so quick! We have New Years, Super Bowl (It's a Holiday in my house), Valentines Day, St. Patricks Day (Had to throw in Casey's favorite Holiday), and Easter. Not to mention all the hearings that are going to be held these next four months, including the Frye hearing.

It's going to be interesting when Casey makes it to the end of this hallway... is she going to take the risk of going through with the trial or is she going to plead guilty at the last minute?

I don't think she has the chance to plead Guilty once the trial starts, I could be wrong about that though.

Why be wasting 3 + years of Taxpayers dollars etc. just to plead guilty at the last minute?

Plus, she would have to give details, descriptive details about what she did exactly to Caylee.

NONE of us ( yourself included) have been waiting 3 years just to hear Casey say the words " Guilty".

We WANT her to go to trial, be found Guilty and eventually sentenced to death.

I'm hoping against hope KC DOES NOT plead guilty at the very last minute.

P.S. Please don't take it as i'm yelling at you because I'm not.

I don't think she has the chance to plead Guilty once the trial starts, I could be wrong about that though.

Why be wasting 3 + years of Taxpayers dollars etc. just to plead guilty at the last minute?

Plus, she would have to give details, descriptive details about what she did exactly to Caylee.

NONE of us ( yourself included) have been waiting 3 years just to hear Casey say the words " Guilty".

We WANT her to go to trial, be found Guilty and eventually sentenced to death.

I'm hoping against hope KC DOES NOT plead guilty at the very last minute.

P.S. Please don't take it as i'm yelling at you because I'm not.

I think she can plead guilty at any time; I just don't think she will. She believes no one saw me so they can't prove it - total sociopath.

I know this is off topic, but in doing research on Perry, this man goes completely by the law. The last person he sentenced to death was a man who kept a woman in a trunk and then killed her. He also prosecuted in his early years a woman who killed her husband and wheelchair bound son and asked for death and got it. She was put to death.

What I don't understand is why the Defense team wanted Strickland off the case when he has NEVER sentenced anyone to death and they knew they were taking a chance by NOT KNOWING who they would get and lo and behold Perry decides to take the case himself. He has no problem whatsoever in sentencing her to death if the jury goes for that. He believes in the death penalty. And if Ashton can bring this death in all its horror to light and center on how much suffering it entailed, she could get death. Otherwise, I think it is life without parole - no matter what the so called "experts" on TV say. This girl is going down.
BBM...I do believe, May 2nd is when jury selection starts...the trail will definately start May 9th...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

The jury selection WAS set for May 2nd but Judge Perry was nice enough to move it to May 9th due to Andrea Lyon's daughter's graduation.

I don't think she has the chance to plead Guilty once the trial starts, I could be wrong about that though.

Why be wasting 3 + years of Taxpayers dollars etc. just to plead guilty at the last minute?

Plus, she would have to give details, descriptive details about what she did exactly to Caylee.

NONE of us ( yourself included) have been waiting 3 years just to hear Casey say the words " Guilty".

We WANT her to go to trial, be found Guilty and eventually sentenced to death.

I'm hoping against hope KC DOES NOT plead guilty at the very last minute.

P.S. Please don't take it as i'm yelling at you because I'm not.

There have been cases where the dependent has plead guilty while the jury was deliberating. I think she can plead at anytime before the jury comes back with a verdict. I agree with you I don't think she will.
I'm looking for a knitting pattern that is simple enough to allow me to watch the trial more than the knitting needles...

Well, there's my birthday on May 8th, and then I have finals the week after that. Then it's nothing but work during the day and catching up on the trial at night! Woot! I figure Casey's conviction is going to be a late birthday present for me, LOL.
The jury selection WAS set for May 2nd but Judge Perry was nice enough to move it to May 9th due to Andrea Lyon's daughter's graduation.

A fact that still burns me up today because Andrea Lyons is NO LONGER on the defense team!!!! ARGH!

ETA: But if Lyons doing that makes sentencing during the week of Caylee's birthday, possibly on her birthday, I am okay with it.
Okay, so let's give them the week of May 9th-13th for jury selection.

Trial starts the week of May 16th-20th.

9 weeks for the actual trial would put us at the week of July 18th-22nd

Jury goes into deliberations, again I don't think it will take them more than five days, so we will get a sentence ETA: I mean't VERDICT! back the week of July 25th-29th.

Sentencing phase a week puts us in the week of August 1st-5th.

Ahhhhh.... giving us the week of the 8th-12th for Casey to be sentenced!!! Oh man, if this works out, we could easily have Casey sentenced on Caylee's Birthday!! At least the week of her birthday!


(I'm just going by Jose's timeline here!!)

ETA: Wonder if Casey knows about this?

And that would be an AWESOME birthday gift for me!
I'm looking for a knitting pattern that is simple enough to allow me to watch the trial more than the knitting needles...

When you find one let me know. I don't want to start anything I have to pull out at the end of the day. :floorlaugh:

And welcome to our cosy group.
This thread made me pause and think about Caylee and the date of May 2011.

In May of 2011 Caylee should have been finishing up her year in Kindergarten. She would have learned that those funny squiggles on the pages of her favorite book actually have something to do language and the telling of the story. A whole new world would have opened up for her because she would now see the squiggles everywhere she looked, in her home, in her favorite books, at the store. She already pretended to read, this would have excited her very much!

Would she recognize the letter "C"? Would she know and want to tell everyone that listened when she saw the letter "C" that it spelled Caylee?

Would she have had a lot of friends? A friend to create art with, a friend to play with at recess? A friend that sat with her everyday at lunch because they enjoyed each other's company and giggled at silly things?

And counting, I wonder if she would have counted everyday objects just because...because she now could. Because she was in kindergarten and it was May of 2011 and she was going to the first grade with the "big kids" in the fall.

But, May 2011 will come and there won't be a chair in that classroom filled with an eager little girl who wants to explore and learn and show how smart she is and how much she is grown up and not a baby.

May of 2011 will come and it will pass and Caylee will always be gone now. She will always be 2 years old. She will always be just shy of growing out of her toddler stage.

I'll be here with all of you all reading in May. I might not post often anymore but I know I won't miss this one.

I do think that KC will have to repay a debt to society. Part of that debt was taking Caylee out of society permanently by murdering her.

Sorry I just got to thinking about Caylee. What Caylee has missed by not being in the world any longer, and what the world has and will continue to miss.

I really can't wait for May to come on. <sigh>

all jmho and thoughts.
The jury selection WAS set for May 2nd but Judge Perry was nice enough to move it to May 9th due to Andrea Lyon's daughter's graduation.

Please see number 6 of page 2 of this: http://www.wftv.com/pdf/24867469/detail.html

The Jury selection will begin 5/9/2011, the trial will begin 5/16/2011.

A fact that still burns me up today because Andrea Lyons is NO LONGER on the defense team!!!! ARGH!

ETA: But if Lyons doing that makes sentencing during the week of Caylee's birthday, possibly on her birthday, I am okay with it.

Thanks for the correction, I knew I heard the May 2nd date and correct, that was ALyon's child who was graduating that day and she had to attend. Now that she's gone, I wonder why His Honor doesn't move that date back but either way, Caylee will get justice served to her but the topping on that cake would be ICA sentenced on what would have been Caylee's 6th birtday..JMHO

Justice for Caylee
This thread made me pause and think about Caylee and the date of May 2011.

In May of 2011 Caylee should have been finishing up her year in Kindergarten. She would have learned that those funny squiggles on the pages of her favorite book actually have something to do language and the telling of the story. A whole new world would have opened up for her because she would now see the squiggles everywhere she looked, in her home, in her favorite books, at the store. She already pretended to read, this would have excited her very much!

Would she recognize the letter "C"? Would she know and want to tell everyone that listened when she saw the letter "C" that it spelled Caylee?

Would she have had a lot of friends? A friend to create art with, a friend to play with at recess? A friend that sat with her everyday at lunch because they enjoyed each other's company and giggled at silly things?

And counting, I wonder if she would have counted everyday objects just because...because she now could. Because she was in kindergarten and it was May of 2011 and she was going to the first grade with the "big kids" in the fall.

But, May 2011 will come and there won't be a chair in that classroom filled with an eager little girl who wants to explore and learn and show how smart she is and how much she is grown up and not a baby.

May of 2011 will come and it will pass and Caylee will always be gone now. She will always be 2 years old. She will always be just shy of growing out of her toddler stage.

I'll be here with all of you all reading in May. I might not post often anymore but I know I won't miss this one.

I do think that KC will have to repay a debt to society. Part of that debt was taking Caylee out of society permanently by murdering her.

Sorry I just got to thinking about Caylee. What Caylee has missed by not being in the world any longer, and what the world has and will continue to miss.

I really can't wait for May to come on. <sigh>

all jmho and thoughts.

Your post actually made me tear up! My son will be graduating kindergarten in May 2011 and I never really thought about the fact that Caylee should have been. Now I'm picturing all of the beautiful, silly little girls in his class and realize Caylee should be one of them - learning, laughing, growing. As we sit here awaiting the start of the trial, the horrifying reality is baby Caylee will never know the joy of being chased by a boy at recess. I truly, truly hope that at trial, the State brings these points up. She should be in the playrooms of any one of us with kindergarteners on a play date right now.

Thanks for the correction, I knew I heard the May 2nd date and correct, that was ALyon's child who was graduating that day and she had to attend. Now that she's gone, I wonder why His Honor doesn't move that date back but either way, Caylee will get justice served to her but the topping on that cake would be ICA sentenced on what would have been Caylee's 6th birtday..JMHO

Justice for Caylee

:great: Oh absolutely! I will dance in the street if that were to happen!!! :bananajump: And then I'd skip my happy butt from here in Colorado to Orlando to personally give Judge Perry a big 'ol smooch!

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