Urgent:The FCC Won't Help KlaasKids Find the Missing./FCC Finally Provides Answer

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Now You Are Thinking!! I am meeting with our top minds at WS tonight. I'll run this by them.

Thank you so much. This is a great idea.
Just an FYI, there are 8 million RV owners that are each on the road for long treks at least a few times a year. The big RV's, like the motorhomes and 5th wheelers also fuel up at Flying J's around the country and lot dock overnight with the truckers, use rest areas, etc. Of course, not all RV's are running 24/7/365 like a semi, but each of these vehicles are on the road for months out of each year and everyone is hooked up with cellphones, cameras, wireless internet, etc. There is usually a driver and a co-pilot in the passenger seat, so even more eyes would be on the lookout.

I belong to an RV forum and will post a plea to the 1 million plus members to sign up for Amber Alerts and to advise them of the ongoing battle between the FCC and Flying J for Trucker TV and Marc Klass' connection to the project.

I wonder if Trucker TV will be accessible to RVr's who are lot docking too?

RVr's are some of the best, most helpful people in the world and I am sure many of them would be interested in helping in this cause. And, like truckers, we are everywhere.
I sent mine, with a cc to Tricia. I am glad I checked this thread and got the email addys as I also had trouble which is why I haven't done this sooner.
I posted the info over at the John Douglas' Mindhunter forum, sent an email to the editor at thetrucker.com, asking them to fan out the email to their membership, sent the same request to the PR department of American Trucker Magazine, and put an ad on Dallas craiglist. Could only put one ad on Craiglist without having a membership, so chose Dallas cuz I heard everything in Texas is big ;)

For anyone else who could help by putting ads in other craigslist cities, please copy and paste the following (it is intentionally short and to the point, just to direct them to Marc's site). Then please post here which city you placed the ad in. Then other members so inclined can choose another city to post to. I placed it in the craigslist "Community" section "General" classification:

"Child advocate, Marc Klaas of KlaasKids.org is seeking help from the public in the form of an email campaign to the FCC in support of Trucker TV at Flying J rest stops in America.

Please take a couple of minutes to read the background by visiting KlaasKids:


To express your support, click REPLY, compose your message, click SEND. Your email will go to Marc who will forward all responses to the FCC.

Please forward the info/link to your all your email contacts or any individuals or organizations that you feel may help support this worthy cause."
"Child advocate, Marc Klaas of KlaasKids.org is seeking help from the public in the form of an email campaign to the FCC in support of Trucker TV at Flying J rest stops in America.

Please take a couple of minutes to read the background by visiting KlaasKids:


To express your support, click REPLY, compose your message, click SEND. Your email will go to Marc who will forward all responses to the FCC.

Please forward the info/link to your all your email contacts or any individuals or organizations that you feel may help support this worthy cause."

Snipped by me. :dance:
What a Fantastic idea Sillybilly! I posted your ad in the Detroit craigs list this morning! :woohoo:

P.S. Ad hasn't shown up yet so maybe I did something wrong. I'll give it a little more time and try it again.
P.S. #2 4 hrs later and it still isn't showing up after I fixed the email addy and emailed them to say I'd repost with the correct one. I don't know if they're sleeping in Detroit or what but I'll keep checking!
P.S. Ad hasn't shown up yet so maybe I did something wrong. I'll give it a little more time and try it again.
P.S. #2 4 hrs later and it still isn't showing up after I fixed the email addy and emailed them to say I'd repost with the correct one. I don't know if they're sleeping in Detroit or what but I'll keep checking!

Thanks Lu !! Guess we'll just to keep trying. I know in the past, craigslist wouldn't let me post the same ad twice because it picks it up as spam. I assumed that their detection process was related to an individual IP, but am now wondering if it is based on detecting duplicationof ad content no matter whose IP it is coming from. That would suck !

PS: After you made your post, did you receive an email back from craigslist that requires you to click on their link in order to "publish, edit or delete" the post?
Thanks Lu !! Guess we'll just to keep trying. I know in the past, craigslist wouldn't let me post the same ad twice because it picks it up as spam. I assumed that their detection process was related to an individual IP, but am now wondering if it is based on detecting duplicationof ad content no matter whose IP it is coming from. That would suck !

PS: After you made your post, did you receive an email back from craigslist that requires you to click on their link in order to "publish, edit or delete" the post?

I first listed this w/craigs list at 8:? am this morning...it is now 7:45 p.m. and still nothing.
The 1st time I put it in, I hesitated when it asked for the email addy, (normally mine) but I over thought it and put in the one for Klass Kids thinking in this case, that would be the perfect one for them to use.
Immediately, I felt like that was probably a mistake so I waited a few hours and saw ads come on and on and on....and I emailed the craigslist 'team' or whatever, and told them I felt I may have used the wrong one so I would send it again with my email this time and we certainly were not attempting to run it twice, just felt I must have done it wrong the first time. So, that's what I did. I reposted it, adding my email addy and still....8 hrs later NOTHING. No return email, no posting, nothing. :banghead:

Sorry, I thought it was SUCH a good idea Sillybilly! And the whole reason I changed the email after a few hrs was exactly what you stated, that maybe they'd ask the ad to be verified or something. Anyway, I tried. Sorry!
I first listed this w/craigs list at 8:? am this morning...it is now 7:45 p.m. and still nothing.
The 1st time I put it in, I hesitated when it asked for the email addy, (normally mine) but I over thought it and put in the one for Klass Kids thinking in this case, that would be the perfect one for them to use.
Immediately, I felt like that was probably a mistake so I waited a few hours and saw ads come on and on and on....and I emailed the craigslist 'team' or whatever, and told them I felt I may have used the wrong one so I would send it again with my email this time and we certainly were not attempting to run it twice, just felt I must have done it wrong the first time. So, that's what I did. I reposted it, adding my email addy and still....8 hrs later NOTHING. No return email, no posting, nothing. :banghead:

Sorry, I thought it was SUCH a good idea Sillybilly! And the whole reason I changed the email after a few hrs was exactly what you stated, that maybe they'd ask the ad to be verified or something. Anyway, I tried. Sorry!

Well, good effort anyway. With a bit of luck, maybe someone at KlaasKids will get the email and publish it :))
Has everyone had a chance to help by sending an email? Let me know if you are having any problems!
I tried to reply and it took me to a setup wizzard,you should just be able to hit send!!
Ok, here it goes. Since Jan 2001, I started up a company to help find missing kids. Back then I had what I call play money to help develop my network. I made waves in the state government. I've made waves with places like NCMEC, Polly Klaas, AMW, etc. Heck, I honestly think I'm the one that coined the term Silver Alert (I have over 100 people that will testify to this being used WAY before the Amber Alert was even thought of). But as with almost everything about me, I was too stupid to trade mark it. Being a trucker, I can see where this type of network would be great. As well as expensive. However, back in 2004, Be On The Look Out For already made the plans to include TV in with our network of kiosks. We even had contracts set up with Hughes Network for transponder space. We've had contracts set up with Dish Network and DirecTV to give us a channel at half the cost. My old buds from college who runs a production company in CA was going to do everything that I needed for half price. Everything was going great till I hit a wall with ID theft. 85k of my savings, daughters college fund, GONE. No trace. Thank you Bank of America for all the lies you preach on TV and radio. In other words, BofA refused to refund the money they claimed they would do in ID theft situations. Any way, what's happening to me right this very second.... I'm seeing all these big named people finally getting around to doing what I've been planning for years. Because of their tragedy, they have the so called lime light to make bigger waves than me. And yet, NONE of them would even give me the time of day when I asked for help. When I asked if I can help them. I'm literally a lone wolf in something that for God only know why, I'm involved in. I don't know anyone missing. I'm not affected by what goes on in the realm of missing kids, but yet I'm being sucked into all this by a so called higher power. But it's getting to me in the worst way. After seeing 5 different doctors, they ALL have told me to "take it easy", "get rest", "become stress free".... All the BS doctors can tell a person.
I not like all these people in the lime light. I don't have nice suits (not even sure I have 1 any more), I don't have all the contacts in the world. I don't get paid by my own company. I don't care that others are cashing in on the ideas I had years ago. I do however wonder if I should continue doing what I've been doing. My ticker isn't running right any more and from what I can tell, it's because of all the stress this whole thing has put me under. Even though I'm in a business where I WANT competition, it still makes me sick that the people I have spoken to over the years about what needs to be done, I get turned down like I'm the plague, and yet after a few years, all the sudden it's a great idea when they announce that they are going to do it.
What does Be On The Look Out For Corporation have on the books to do?

Phase 1: Jan 4, 2001 - Web site - get every missing kid on the TOP of all search engines. DONE!
Phase 2: May 2002 - Build and Place Kiosks in public locations though out the country. These kiosks display missing kids 24/7 updated in real time. Funding is made by simple and small ads at the bottom of the screen. (not to get rich from by any means, but to be able to expand the network)
Be On The Look Out For TV : simply put, be the next weather channel or court TV for missing kids. 24/7 shows dealing with child safety. Missing kid cases (both current and cold cases), Discus issues with Amber Alerts, Silver Alerts, etc.

Phase 3: Take over Missing Kids Clearing houses - By privatizing the all states missing kids clearing houses, this frees up tax payers money for the state to do other things with the money. By integrating with my existing network, once a kid is entered into the NCIC or the states own network, the basic information about the kid is INSTANTLY displayed in the area. No need for worrying about Amber Alerts. ALL KIDS THAT GO MISSING NEEDS TO BE ANNOUNCED TO THE PUBLIC! No matter if the kids are cute, angelic looking, black, white, or whatever. THEY ALL GET DISPLAYED IN THOUSANDS OF LOCATIONS IN THE PUBLIC VIEW IN SECONDS, not HOURS or DAYS (Florida). Every one knows time is a key factor here. So what better way of getting the info out than to be the guys taking it it!

Phase 4 (kinda already started)- Be On The Look Out For International: Do all the same things we're doing here, but in other countries. Has anyone ever wondered why all these countries around the world are all the sudden talking about missing kids... Yeah, that's me screaming at them to do something about the same problems we have here. And as usual, finally, their own big wigs are taking the credit for it. Does this bother me, yes, but do I care, not really. As long as something is being done, I'm ok with it.

Can anyone understand the stress level of me staying in this line of work? Why am I doing this? Should I continue or just throw my hands up and let all the other guys continue on. I'm not saying any of them has heard of my ideas and running with them. Never the less, it still FEELS like a stab in the back and heart knowing that you're the one that quite possibly came up with the idea first, you just don't have the resources to make it happen. Should I be happy that at least something is being done? can I settle for that? GRRR this is enough to cause the heart to explode (which in my case may very well happen). So says my doc. Did you know having a pulse rate of 185 is not good for ya? Imagine that. :)

Anyway, you the people that do this for the same reasons I do, what do you think? I'm trying to get back into trucking with another company. Should I go back over the road or continue to ruff it out and hope I can get BOTLOF off the ground with phase 2. I mean geez, 2001 to current we still haven't made the 1st dollar yet to support any part of the company. It's all been out of my own pocket. Which is now more dry than the sands of TX, AZ, UT.

I'm done.
Someone give advise. Be On The Look Out For Corporation is now in YOUR hands. My hands have given up.
That was a FANTASTIC letter. Thank you so much.

Marc Klaas has again reiterated to me how highly impressed he is with the quality of the letters he is receiving and therefore so will too the FCC be impressed.

As of two weeks ago we had close to 300 letters if I remember correctly.

I will get you an update soon.

Thanks again to everyone.

I am waiting on an update as we speak.
I spoke with Marc yesterday and he is putting together a review of everything that happened and where the Trucker's Network stands as of now.
The news is not good. Here is a letter from Marc Klaas;

As you may remember, in mid November 2009, I requested the assistance of the good people at Websleuths to prompt the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to take action on a proposal to provide America’s long haul trucking community with access to broadcast quality TV during federally mandated truck stops. Before I report the results of our joint effort I would like to refresh you on the background of the issue.

Since 2006, KlaasKids and Flying J Inc., the company that owns and operates hundreds of Flying J travel plazas across the country’s highways, have aggressively participated in a case at the FCC in Washington, DC. The U.S. Department of Transportation requires America’s 2-million long haul truck drivers to spend 10-hours or more per day resting. We want the FCC to approve a proposal that will provide 70 channels of television programming, not unlike the cable/satellite package that we receive at home, to entertain and inform long haul truckers during federally mandated rest stops. Of particular note and with my assistance, we propose a special Public Safety and Alert Channel that will focus on the plights of missing persons and be the default channel that every truck driver sees when he turns on the television set while at rest in his cab and that plays continuously in the common areas of the highway travel plazas. More information on this important project is available in our winter 2009 online newsletter http://www.klaaskids.org/pg-newsltr.htm.

At my request, Websleuths provided hundreds of emails encouraging the FCC to rule on this issue. The emails were printed, bound and hand delivered to the office of FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski. When a ruling was not forthcoming we took a political approach. The offices of U.S. Senator Orin Hatch (Flying J is located in Utah), Senator Blanch Lincoln (Co-Chair of the Senate Missing and Exploited Caucus), and Senator Barbara Boxer (who represents California and KlaasKids) have made status inquiries to the FCC Chairman’s office regarding the Clarity/KlaasKids case. The response to each inquiry has been that, “The matter is on circulation, no specific time set for concluding the review.” In other words, they have taken no action whatsoever.

Here is what really gets me about the inability of the FCC to make a ruling on this issue. The science has been proven through two rounds of extensive, thorough field testing. By providing truckers with access to local Amber Alerts during mandated rest stops they will be able to notify other truckers on the road and lives will certainly be saved. Truckers are hard working individuals who deserve the same rights and privileges as other American’s and right now they are underserved. Finally, as my daughter’s killer sits on death row he is able to sit in his cell and watch TV 24/7 if he so wishes. Giving truckers the same access to TV as serial killers, terrorists and baby killers is the right thing to do.

When President Obama was campaigning he promised, “Change that we can believe in,” yet here we are more than 1-year later and its still politics as usual in Washington, DC.

Marc Klaas

We tried. Thank you everyone. I don't know what to say.

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