Found Deceased UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #16 *ARREST*

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breakfast at 3am? I must admit that is a new one on me.

let's say she wanted a nice big pancake breakfast at 3am, why not a girlfriend? Or why not instruct the lyft driver to drop off at the restaurant?

After a long exhausting flight especially one that arrives in the
middle of the night, the very first thing I want to do is get home.

there is no indication their relationship was sd/sb
there is no evidence that aa "failed many times" with girls.
evidence suggests he had no shortage of female visitors.

I don't believe this was an SD/SB situation
I think there is a lot of evidence he failed with women. His wife, after a short amount of time being married, feared him. A woman made an incident report of rape. There has been a few other women, the housecleaner and a girl who went on a date and a girl who almost went on a date that have expressed him being creepy and weird. Those are just the ones we have heard about. Those sound like big fails to me. The evidence that supports him having lots of girls around does not specify the nature of those girls being there. For all, we know they could have been getting paid for whatever reason.

I don't know old you are but just because you personally would want to go right home doesn't mean that Kenzie's felt like that. We know she was texting AA at 6 pm that night. He could have said let's grab some food (doesn't need to mean a HUGE pancake breakfast) when you fly in, and I will drive you home, and it's possible he convinced her he would be up and it wasn't a problem. Kenzie might have known none of her other friends would be up at that time because the next day was Monday so maybe they had work or school. I don't think it's out of the realm of possibilities that he said the airport is a mess it would just be easier to meet at the park near my house so as not to wake the people in my house and we will decide where to grab some food. If Kenzie had never been to his house, she might not have known it wasn't near his. The park aspect throws me off because why not meet at a gas station or somewhere but I do think whatever he told her made her comfortable with the explanation. We also don't know if she suggested meeting there.

ETA: I also would not consider a 90-minute plane ride, "a long and exhausting flight."

Ayoola Ajayi, accused of killing MacKenzie Lueck, was once investigated for rape. And his ex-wife feared him.

Woman recounts almost going on date with suspected killer
Hi everyone. Happy Tuesday.

Just an observation on my part. I’m comparing all of the photos from AA home during the active search and then the day after, and IMO it does appear that a video doorbell was next to the front door (in the nighttime photos) and then in the daytime ones it seems to be gone. Did anyone else see that?

I bet that doorbell camera holds a wealth of information.

I sure am anxious for the DA to announce these charges.
I’d be curious to hear other people’s thoughts on timing for the marriage but this is what I am currently thinking over here:

  • June 2011 - AA meets TA and they are quickly married
  • Later in 2011 - AA decides he wants to move back to Utah
  • Late 2011 / Early 2012 - TA gives birth to her son
  • 2012 - Party at friend’s house where he attacks her and TA flees
  • Sometime thereafter (time unknown) - TA seeks the divorce but he won’t grant it because he knows he will lose his right to stay.
  • July 2012 - AA is arrested searching for a new wife on a stolen iPad so he won’t be deported. iPad is confiscated and searches are logged as part of the arrest record.
  • Following his arrest - Somehow they reach a point where they are estranged but not divorced despite the abuse and harassment.
  • 2019 - Now that TA has been married long enough to stay on his own, he petitions for divorce claiming that he can not locate his estranged wife, therefore, she doesn’t know they are actually divorced.
Let me know your thoughts or if I might be missing something. I know we all think something is off with that marriage. That’s the only approximate course of events which makes sense to me given what we know but I might be missing something.

Edited to add - July 2012 events
Great summary. One change on 2011: TA is introduced to AA and they quickly get married. I don’t think he ever lived in Texas, but just traveled to Dallas for the “wedding”. The marriage was arranged.
I think the one he really wanted was KL and he couldn’t have her so he killed her.

Yeah his modeling pics look a lot different than the person arrested on video and also the mugshot. Looks like he let himself go, gained weight, and subsequently may have had more trouble sustaining female attention which lead to a more aggressive approach.

At the same time, he was personally becoming more empowered. Now he was a homeowner that didn't need to share space with roommates. He controlled all aspects. He set up the Air BnB, so neighbors were used to seeing random strangers arrive and depart at all hours. . The home was also in a very diverse part of town, where it's estimated that 70% of school children are Hispanic and English is a second language for many. Folks here wouldn't be calling police for minor infractions like other neighborhoods in SLC that are more well to do. It was a nice set up on multiple fronts.

He was setting up shop and this may have been the beginning. The cameras. The creation of a sound proof room with hooks, that only he could access, lead me to believe he was planning something bigger. Seemed to have a lot of money at his disposal too.

The fact that the Lyft driver went to park and not his home, bought him extra days to cover or try to destroy evidence. The coincidence that her cell phone stopped receiving/sending data when they met, I can't take as a coincidence. This leads me to believe this meeting was a set up, and possibly just the beginning for this guy. He thought he could get away with something, because he always had.

But yes, maybe this particular meeting didn't go according to plan and things escalated quicker than expected. This is my opinion only and could very well prove to be wrong in the upcoming weeks as more evidence is released.
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I'm not aware of an industry-wide opt-in list. (I really like your idea though!) There are numerous SOS apps; however, when activated they will send exact coordinates and a real- time video clip with audio. Most require only the press of 1 button 2Xs in quick succession. But many have a voice activated feature, too. I know they work and are very precise. As long as the person can keep activating the feature, in fact, it will continue to send updated, real-time information to anyone (usually a half dozen or so) who the user designates to receive the data.

I have accidentally activated the feature a time or three. :oops: It's not audible and doesn't alert the user when it's activated. But panicked phone calls and texts from family/friends alerted me immediately of my mistake.

It offers one more layer of protection, one additional tool. :)
Yes, you are correct. My iPhone pulls up emergency call if you press a button in quick succession. Sadly, I don’t know how to do that. I need to learn. I have accidentally brought up the screen, but I luckily didn’t hit the call button. You just have to hit it and it dials 911. Clearly, I need to learn about it.:)
Hi everyone. Happy Tuesday.

Just an observation on my part. I’m comparing all of the photos from AA home during the active search and then the day after, and IMO it does appear that a video doorbell was next to the front door (in the nighttime photos) and then in the daytime ones it seems to be gone. Did anyone else see that?

I bet that doorbell camera holds a wealth of information.

I sure am anxious for the DA to announce these charges.
There are photos in the media thread showing LE removing the doorbell IIRC.
Investigators tracking her cell phone discovered that 23-year-old KL and the man expected to be charged with her murder were both in the park where she was last seen on June 17 within a minute of one another.

That was around the time KLs phone stopped receiving data or location services, police said.

Police said Friday that all communications with KLs phone ceased around 3 a.m. that morning -- the same time they said she left the park with the suspect.

Mackenzie Lueck killing: Cell phone photos and rideshare helped lead to arrest

IMO there is an assumption that due to location services /receiving data was stopped, the phone was shut off.

ETA: meant to include this post:
With respect, to me, it doesn't. Because I simply don't know. Does anyone actually know? If you are just sitting there not using your phone for 15 minutes, will location services/receiving data show up somewhere? Not being argumentative....I just don't know enough about the technology for that one fact equaling the phone was shut off, and IMO that makes a big difference in the timeline. If they were that close to his house, and she and he had only been texting each other, it would make sense that if you are now with that person you wouldn't be texting them any longer.


many threads ago there was detailed discussions about how a cell phone gives location data in the on/off position/when a battery is removed/etc. We simply do not know yet other than what has been reported in MSM that her phone stopped giving this information - so one may assume from that it is either on and in airplane mode, or off, or the battery was removed or smashed or tasered, etc. We don't know what we don't know IMO

and adding this thought - I don't think it much matters regarding the phone - IMO he had a plan and either way, she was dead as soon as she got out of the rideshare car. We will know more when the arrest affidavit is public although it is UT so we probably will have to pay for that JMO
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I have only seen youtube videos (usually pranks) using tasers. Does anyone have any knowledge about them and if they are powerful enough that AA might have subdued ML with one?
I have one. It’s saved me a few times. I’ve never had to touch it to anyone. Just sparking it freaked them out and they left. The directions said to hold it to their skin 3 seconds or more. The longer, the more impaired they are. If you can get it on a joint, it’s supposed to be more effective. 10 seconds is the preferred amount of time. It really just buys me time to scream and run. I wish we could own ones like LE has, that shoot those wires. Mine cost $30 and plugs in to the wall outlet to recharge. It definitely packs a punch. It freezes someone’s muscles up for a minute, and hurts like hades.
Hello PixieStix! Thank you for the welcome :)

I have to say I agree with your line of thinking. He has the perfect excuse to meet her at the park since he runs an AirBnB and wouldn’t want to disturb the tenants that late. It makes much more sense to me than the other theories I’ve heard.

Have a great Tuesday:)


Except that darn Hatch Park is always the flea in the ointment!

From his home, AA has to travel about 5 miles north to get to the Park.

From the airport, ML traveled north (past AA's house), almost 14 miles to arrive Hatch Park.

As locals can attest, 24 hour diners are not plentiful in SLC, and you won't likely find them in North SLC. Best chance for breakfast would more likely require the couple to backtrack 14+ miles south and/or closer to the University.

Unless they were going to grill up some hasbrowns and eggs on the spot, meeting for breakfast via Hatch Park just doesn't fit the facts for me.

I have still not seen definitively that the cell phone was actually "turned off". The last article I read, long since lost about 15 threads back, read that (and sorry, like I say that was a few threads ago) that LE stated that "around 3 a.m." is when "all communication from Kenzie's phone ceased". If there is some information that someone knows of that states with certainty it was "turned off at 3:00 a.m.", that would go a long way in convincing me that he was the one who did so. If not, then I still speculate that she went to his house under her own power where things went south, and he then turned off the phone sometime during/after that. Seems kind of stupid (and of course, we have all come to the conclusion he was no rocket scientist), to be texting back and forth with her right up to that point then all of the sudden thinking to turn the phone off to cover his tracks.
I think it might have been stated in one of the press conferences held by the police department that ML's phone was offline (or some wording like that) within one minute of arriving at Hatch Park. Maybe someone else has the link to that info, but that's how I recall that.
To my mind, it fits and it doesn't necessarily apply to the night of the murder.

It fits with fantasy turned to obsession, with one additional ingredient - rejection.

I think it's possible rejection led to rage, leading to a plan to exact revenge, due to obsession, and to kill her.

That's why I think she had met him before in a date setting, for this to have involved a rejection. How he came to have her phone number. Why her phone was disabled quickly because the situation didn't develop that night, it already existed. Perhaps she wasn't able to be as direct with him as she needed to be - he as a predator would recognize her 'weaknesses' and possibly a difficulty with saying I don't want to give you my number, and I don't want you to contact me again. Maybe he tricked her with something along the lines of 'fine, can we just be friends at least, I know you don't have time to see me this week so can we meet and talk and I'll pay for your taxi home.'

Speculation and moo.

In the scenario of rejection, I can see what you mean. I guess we vary on our thoughts in that regard but none of us know. I think it likely she knew him and there was no immediate rejection by her as she went to him willingly, suitcase and all, after a trip, funeral and flight no less. So again, to me, if there was nothing to hide and no murder plan and a blonde white woman is a status symbol, then why not pick her up at the airport, again to show her off on your arm and even to impress or "woo" her if he wants such a status symbol?

I do understand the overall thought of rejection by a type of woman he wanted but I guess I do not see her happy to see him one minute and rejecting him the next second that quickly. It also appears something was planned by him that had nothing to do with rejection again as he did not pick her up at the airport and they met at the park. I don't know that I see him wanting a status symbol and/or a relationship even--I think women more likely have no value at all in his mind, even as a status symbol, other than to use and throw away.

I base this on I think at least two accounts of women who said he did not even try to get to know them nor ask them any questions about themselves, their lives, etc. All he wanted was to go from talking to them to suggesting meeting at their home or getting them into his car. That sounds like looking for some one nighter/booty call (or worse) and nothing to do with ending up with a status symbol.

I do see where he I guess could have a hatred of white blonde women if he had a lot of rejection from such but I still lean more towards he had no respect for women at all and in fact saw them only as something to use as a means to his ends--whether financial, his violent fantasies, sex or whatever.

It is interesting to discuss though, so I am not responding in argument but in discussion. We will probably come to find out we are all wrong on our theories. If we ever hear any more facts that is :)
Except that darn Hatch Park is always the flea in the ointment!

From his home, AA has to travel about 5 miles north to get to the Park.

From the airport, ML traveled north (past AA's house), almost 14 miles to arrive Hatch Park.

As locals can attest, 24 hour diners are not plentiful in SLC, and you won't likely find them in North SLC. Best chance for breakfast would more likely require the couple to backtrack 14+ miles south and/or closer to the University.

Unless they were going to grill up some hasbrowns and eggs on the spot, meeting for breakfast via Hatch Park just doesn't fit the facts for me.



I agree the meeting at the park is, "the flea in the ointment."
Why the meeting in the park is my biggest question. I am not sold one way or another I just feel strongly he was not a stranger and did have some sort of prior friendship or relationship of sorts.
I have been saying this from the beginning. It just doesn't make sense to me that he got her there (via lyft) 100% voluntarily, it seems. If so, what would be the point in attacking her in a car, in the middle of a parking lot, where there *could* have been other people around, as opposed to just driving to his (or even her!) house? If he was there to give her a ride home, he could have just done that, and attacked her at her own house. If she was there willingly to go to his house, just take her there. I just don't get the disconnect between "Young woman meets person voluntarily in parking lot" and THEN suddenly decides, after the Lyft driver is gone, to start being uncooperative. That's the only way I think she would have been attacked in the car, if he had said "Ok let's go to my place" and she said no. But after taking a Lyft to obviously meet him, that just doesn't seem plausible.
He has a history of rape he like Ted bundy could be sweet and charming and could have easily lured her into his car with empathy and support as a caring friend to get her in his car and kill her because she wasn’t being cooperative. Men rape and kill women in cars inside and outside of cars this is nothing new.

IMHO I think he planned to kill her all along by all the ways of him avoiding detection. I think she had turned him down in the past had no sexual interest in him whatsoever and he couldn’t accept it. I think he played the good caring friend card to get her in the car. If they had plans on going to his house they would have met at his house.

This reminds me so much of the Blaze Bernstein case. He was a guy in college visiting his family in CA. Blaze was a gay guy that everyone loved. A guy friend he knew from his past Sam Woodward met up with him at a small family park in Lake Forest CA late at night to chat and catch up. While chatting in the car Blaze tried to softly kiss Sam on the lips it enraged Sam so he killed Blaze by stabbing him over 20 times and dumped his body in the park.

Blaze Bernstein murder case: Samuel Woodward charged with a hate crime, DA says – Orange County Register
Except that darn Hatch Park is always the flea in the ointment!

From his home, AA has to travel about 5 miles north to get to the Park.

From the airport, ML traveled north (past AA's house), almost 14 miles to arrive Hatch Park.

As locals can attest, 24 hour diners are not plentiful in SLC, and you won't likely find them in North SLC. Best chance for breakfast would more likely require the couple to backtrack 14+ miles south and/or closer to the University.

Unless they were going to grill up some hasbrowns and eggs on the spot, meeting for breakfast via Hatch Park just doesn't fit the facts for me.


I have wondered if she knew him casually from when he lived at the apartments across the street and was recently reconnecting with him. What we do know is that he is a liar. So he could have said a number of things.

Characteristics of hunters:
1: They know habits and behavior of their prey
2: They use bait to attract prey
3: They use camouflage and subterfuge to confuse and disarm
4: The thrill of the chase keeps them active

I agree the meeting at the park is, "the flea in the ointment."
Why the meeting in the park is my biggest question. I am not sold one way or another I just feel strongly he was not a stranger and did have some sort of prior friendship or relationship of sorts.
I think they'd kept their interactions "online" up until that point... maybe he'd been telling her he lived in a fancy house closer to Hatch Park than his actual house... (?)
I do not buy the rejection/rage killing scenario. He didn't want her dropped off at his home, he lied to LE all the way to his arrest, and ML has been found dead. He had been trying to lure and isolate other women and it hadn't worked. I believe he found a way to bait ML to the park and the rest is details of a premeditated agenda.
Hello PixieStix! Thank you for the welcome :)

I have to say I agree with your line of thinking. He has the perfect excuse to meet her at the park since he runs an AirBnB and wouldn’t want to disturb the tenants that late. It makes much more sense to me than the other theories I’ve heard.

Have a great Tuesday:)

Didn't she gave a final exam for that morning?
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