UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #6

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Hi LA :blowkiss:

... believe me I'm just gettin warmed up friend... lol :biggrin:


(bump, snip, bbm) My tongue-in-cheek humor seems to have been lost on some...

Fa-ce-tious: not meant to be taken seriously or literally: a facetious remark.
2. amusing; humorous.
3. lacking serious intent; concerned with something nonessential, amusing, or frivolous: a facetious person.


My apologies, that totally passed over my head. I was not expecting humor in a missing person suspected-murder discussion.
JP was gonna do--had already done--w/e he was gonna do w Susan's things. And I seriously doubt Susan would be nearly as concerned re whether a few of her belongings got tossed or where her boys' toys are packed as she is re their mother being tossed like trash and where their father put their mother--and thus insisting this unruly husband and POI submit to LE's authority before they "help" any further. :rolleyes:

It is possible to "confront" (if that's one's goal) w/out going to such lengths to sympathize, ("Josh is hurting...") and support ("Josh needs our help...") her murderer. Conversely, one needn't facilitate someone's decision to abscond and avoid police questioning nor participate, coooperate nor otherwise assist in absolving her murderer of his responsiblity to stay and work w LE, in order to merely "confront" them.

Still not legit reasons, real pressure could only be applied by taking a firm stand against JP's actions--the perp's plans to pack up Susan's house, take her motherless children and leave jurisdiction where LE's made it known this POI is being uncooperative and withholding info.

Anything less is disingenuous IMHO (bump)

If I am ever murdered, my children left motherless, and my murderer disposes of me and lies to LE denying his involvement, refusing to be forthright w police... and then four weeks after I've been tossed off an icy cliff or dumped in a ditch along a snowcovered road this murderer makes plans to up and leave w my precious babies, who have no clue where I am and may even be told I've abandoned them... please do not honor me by offering to facilitate his plan. Please I am pleading w you don't honor me by offering to lighten his load or by preparing the way for him to shun his moral and legal duties to give LE the assistance they need to bring me home to my distraught family. Please do not honor me by helping him to ease his burden of guilt or reward his treachery by speaking of his suffering and how much he's hurting, when my children may live their entire lives never learning what became of me--and my parents may never even be able to lay me to rest nor have the solace of visiting my gravesite. Please don't honor me by worrying about possessions when he's fleeing w the most valuable treasures of all--my precious children in his ruthless hands. Please do not honor me by aiding him in taking my children to a home where his vindictive, meddlesome, controlling sycophant father will also make my sons his next emotional victims.

Please I implore you instead to honor my memory and my legacy by joining together in strong and prayerful unison to send a silent message loud and clear--that you will neither encourage the unruly, support injustice, nor assist unrighteousness--and that before he should expect your support or assistance he must heed LE's pleas to either corroborate his tales or tell them where the frozen lifeless body of his children's mother lies so they can say goodbye to me, and to ease the darkened anguish of my family so they can at least begin to grieve and rebuild their lives.

Relieved, like everyone, to learn LE was in fact waiting for Joshy when he got around to coming home after being informed of his "missing" wife. I hoped this was the case, but later told otherwise. So if JP knew no one could find his wife and everyone was looking for her, why did he say "She wuz at werk."

He's starting to sound like Ron Cummings.

My apologies, that totally passed over my head. I was not expecting humor in a missing person suspected-murder discussion. I shall take your posts less seriously in future.

(bbm) "Apology" ;) noted. But for the record the comment you quoted ("Wonder how much Josh paid to have that photo opp snapped," paraphrasing) wasn't humor at a victim's expense. It was unquestionably frustration--conveyed thru saracasm--aimed solely at the perp. I've been consistent in my outrage at this case--nor have I ever treated any violence or victimization lightly.

If one hasn't in a few weeks come across any humor yet while posting here, then one clearly has not read the threads in this forum--nor any other crime forum here. While following any murder or missing person's case, particularly a long protracted one, I've seen even humor (vs sarcasm I used re perp's deception and manipulation) used never at a victim's expense but sparingly, judiciously and appropriately to break up stress and a near constant tension and frustration at the injustice and often slow progress.

If after 40 posts eg one is unable to discern nor appreciate the difference, one will become quickly offended but when you go the long haul--as in Haleigh case eg, where we are approaching the one-year mark w still no arrest--we see irony, sarcasm, dry wit and humor interlaced liberally and by some of the most dedicated posters we have. The same ones who contribute serious posts and useful info. Again, if that is offensive one may need to skip vast majority of posts altogether. The comment quoted re photo opp was an eg of sarcasm directed at the POI--not attacking a poster. If I couldn't recognize the difference or appreciate the "lighter" moments around here, I'd have flown the coop a long time ago.

Prayers as always for Susan to be found, her boys kept safe from harm, and her family comforted. :prayer:

Ok, call me confused,..............or just dense. I don't get this deal with Josh's dad and Susan. Are we to understand that the discord between Susan and Steven is more than just an interferring in-law? I mean I know of a mil vs. dil where the mil constantly tried to come between her son and dil and she had even managed at one point, to break-up the bros first marriage.

Ok, so??????????? Steven has made some type of advances toward Susan? Just a yes or no.

or............was he just an interferring so and so who wanted to control his son's relationship?

This COULD put an ugly twist to this case and muddy the waters with suspects and motive.


The more I read, the more I realize how hard Susan's marriage must have been.

Chuck Cox said he bought his daughter a cell phone when she moved to Utah so she could use it for emergencies. Joshua Powell knew about the phone, he said, but he and Judy paid the bill each month to ensure his daughter had a way to call them. "We wanted her to be able to call us whenever she wanted -- just on the off chance that if something ever got really weird -- we wanted to cover all of our bases so she could call us for help," he said.

He said it's excruciating to hear his 4-year-old grandchild, Charlie, talking about "Mommy being lost."
"That's all he knows," Chuck Cox said. "He's too young to understand."

Ok, call me confused,..............or just dense. I don't get this deal with Josh's dad and Susan. Are we to understand that the discord between Susan and Steven is more than just an interferring in-law? I mean I know of a mil vs. dil where the mil constantly tried to come between her son and dil and she had even managed at one point, to break-up the bros first marriage.

Ok, so??????????? Steven has made some type of advances toward Susan? Just a yes or no.

or............was he just an interferring so and so who wanted to control his son's relationship?

This COULD put an ugly twist to this case and muddy the waters with suspects and motive.



(bbm) Thanks fran for beating me to this... couldn't have put it better myself and by doing so you've undoubtedly spared me even more "admiration" :biggrin: or at least kept it all from going to my head... don't know how many more warm fuzzies I can take today ;) :crazy:

I used to like to play "Hot and Cold" when I was in grade school... when a person is missing or murdered, on a crime forum... not so much.

If we have evidence on which to base those allegations or knowledge that there was something of a sexual nature then that should be revealed to LE vs. simply dangling hints or salacious tidbits here like proverbial carrots on a string.


(bbm) "Apology" ;) noted. But for the record the comment you quoted ("Wonder how much Josh paid to have that photo opp snapped," paraphrasing) wasn't humor at a victim's expense. It was unquestionably frustration--conveyed thru saracasm--aimed solely at the perp. I've been consistent in my outrage at this case--nor have I ever treated any violence or victimization lightly.

If one hasn't in a few weeks come across any humor yet while posting here, then one clearly has not read the threads in this forum--nor any other crime forum here. While following any murder or missing person's case, particularly a long protracted one, I've seen even humor (vs sarcasm I used re perp's deception and manipulation) used never at a victim's expense but sparingly, judiciously and appropriately to break up stress and a near constant tension and frustration at the injustice and often slow progress.

If after 40 posts eg one is unable to discern nor appreciate the difference, one will become quickly offended but when you go the long haul--as in Haleigh case eg, where we are approaching the one-year mark w still no arrest--we see irony, sarcasm, dry wit and humor interlaced liberally and by some of the most dedicated posters we have. The same ones who contribute serious posts and useful info. Again, if that is offensive one may need to skip vast majority of posts altogether. The comment quoted re photo opp was an eg of sarcasm directed at the POI--not attacking a poster. If I couldn't recognize the difference or appreciate the "lighter" moments around here, I'd have flown the coop a long time ago.

Prayers as always for Susan to be found, her boys kept safe from harm, and her family comforted. :prayer:


Amen, kiki my friend! Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. That said, I imagine that if one was just starting to follow cases such as this, humor could possible seem out of place at times. Give it a few months Bartleby, you will thankful for every little chuckle you can find. Following these cases (even though we are just armchair sleuths for the most part) can become a huge stressor in life if you don't watch out. Just sayin..:innocent:
Amen, kiki my friend! Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. That said, I imagine that if one was just starting to follow cases such as this, humor could possible seem out of place at times. Give it a few months Bartleby, you will thankful for every little chuckle you can find. Following these cases (even though we are just armchair sleuths for the most part) can become a huge stressor in life if you don't watch out. Just sayin..:innocent:

Thanks friend :hug: I feel certain however that if I did even a search of lo these long 13 days ;) or so, that I could find egs of humor by some already encountered even enjoyed, but for w/e reason others become the personal recipient of sarcasm. I'm a big bird... I can take it.:biggrin:

I just needed to make a distinction between the two. Our newcomers will be hard pressed to find posters here or anywhere else who take this nor any other crime, domestic abuse, or victim advocacy more seriously than I do. JMO

IMO "camping" is code for any surreptitious, secretive trip into the wilderness including, but not limited to, any of the following activities:

a) avoiding being home or otherwise accounted for protracted periods of time;
b) failing to make other suitable accommodations which could be traceable;
c) escaping detection by making one's specific whereabouts explicitly known
d) eluding arrest by driving in any unknown direction for great distances
e) traveling in which one's only "destination" is a suitable disposal site

Totally on target oh feathered one. This is what that camping trip was all about, no question.
Something inconsistent here in Joshy's story (what else is new?)

He told a reporter that he was "confused about what day it was." Since he missed church, he thought it was still Sunday.

Then, when Jovonna finally gets him on his cell, he tells her Susan is "at work"!

Which is it, Josh? Did you know it was Monday, or not? Did you purposely miss work without calling in, or did you think it was Sunday. And if you thought it was Sunday, why would Susan be at work?

And...if Susan was "at work," how the H*LL did she get there when you were driving the only car?!!!!

Re: the humor situation, I think most of us totally got the joke. Don't worry about it.

Re: the humor situation, I think most of us totally got the joke. Don't worry about it.

And thank heavens there are funnier people than me lol, true comedians (and comediennes) among us... Dr. Fessel eg keeps me in stitches :biglaugh: and I was lost, depressed bird w/out that lifesaving humor. Whether dealing w these stressful cases or even personal life circumstances and tragedies, for me humor has become survival.

(I'm still laughing about "Billy, Go Stand By the Wet Spot..." lol!! :floorlaugh:) JMO

The more I read, the more I realize how hard Susan's marriage must have been.

Chuck Cox said he bought his daughter a cell phone when she moved to Utah so she could use it for emergencies. Joshua Powell knew about the phone, he said, but he and Judy paid the bill each month to ensure his daughter had a way to call them. "We wanted her to be able to call us whenever she wanted -- just on the off chance that if something ever got really weird -- we wanted to cover all of our bases so she could call us for help," he said.

He said it's excruciating to hear his 4-year-old grandchild, Charlie, talking about "Mommy being lost."
"That's all he knows," Chuck Cox said. "He's too young to understand."


Oh wow, that's just sad..and scary..
I haven't been able to keep up the last couple of days...but I have to say..that comment from her dad is just so sad to me. JMO, but it tells me that whether or not they ever even admitted it to each other, her parents knew that there was potential for major problems AND were worried about it before Susan and J even moved to Utah...

That one statement from them puts a knot in my stomach, not because I believe that it changes the outcome, but because her family (not saying that they could have done anything about it) had apparently actually thought out scenarios where Susan would have no way to get in touch with them early on and had to make sure that being able to stay in touch was not in Josh's hands to decide. What had happened up until that point (before they moved to Utah) to make her family feel this way? Has anyone heard what their life was like before?

JMHO and not worth a plug nickle to most :D but Joshy boy is guilty, guilty, guilty, doesn't appear to have a lick of common sense...and has just gotten lucky up to this point. Everyday I log on praying first to read that Susan has been found :( and next hoping to see that an arrest has been made and that Joshy's sniveling, cowardly, whimpering, wussy boy azz is behind bars where he belongs. <<< ALL JMO and for those that feel differently, hopefully we can just agree to disagree....:)
IMO "camping" is code for any surreptitious, secretive trip into the wilderness including, but not limited to, any of the following activities:

a) avoiding being home or otherwise accounted for protracted periods of time;
b) failing to make other suitable accommodations which could be traceable;
c) escaping detection by making one's specific whereabouts explicitly known
d) eluding arrest by driving in any unknown direction for great distances
e) traveling in which one's only "destination" is a suitable disposal site

Totally on target oh feathered one. This is what that camping trip was all about, no question.

Hey, when someone says smores it means camping!:rolleyes:
Something inconsistent here in Joshy's story (what else is new?)

He told a reporter that he was "confused about what day it was." Since he missed church, he thought it was still Sunday.

Then, when Jovonna finally gets him on his cell, he tells her Susan is "at work"!

Which is it, Josh? Did you know it was Monday, or not? Did you purposely miss work without calling in, or did you think it was Sunday. And if you thought it was Sunday, why would Susan be at work?

And...if Susan was "at work," how the H*LL did she get there when you were driving the only car?!!!!

Gold star for you Gwen. 2 excellent catches!!! and right in a row :woohoo:

We understood the BS about "I was thinking it was Sunday", but then when asked where Susan was....and stating "at work" IOW--"It is MONDAY"
(bbm) Thanks fran for beating me to this... couldn't have put it better myself and by doing so you've undoubtedly spared me even more "admiration" :biggrin: or at least kept it all from going to my head... don't know how many more warm fuzzies I can take today ;) :crazy:

I used to like to play "Hot and Cold" when I was in grade school... when a person is missing or murdered, on a crime forum... not so much.

If we have evidence on which to base those allegations or knowledge that there was something of a sexual nature then that should be revealed vs. simply dropping hints or salacious tidbits like proverbial carrots on a string.



kiki, here's one more warm and fuzzy coming your way.:thumb::bow::beagle-flip::grouphug:

The humor we have all shared in the middle of our anguish and yearning to find Susan is needed.
It's great that Mr Cox was willing to foot the bill for the cellphone. I know first hand that a husband with a controlling personality will use the expense of phone calls as a reason to cut off the relationship between his wife and her family, even while buying a new generator.
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