VA - Alexis Murphy, 17, Shipman, 3 Aug 2013 - #1

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Given what Betty has said, I'm going to take this opportunity to repeat something that I stated earlier. Her online persona is relevant but not necessarily in the way one might expect. She posted pics of her butt in tight pants because she wears those same pants in public. She chatted with random strangers because she is young and naive. But these characteristics aren't just who she is on Twitter. They are also who she is when she's not on Twitter.

Imagine her jumping out of one of those sexy Twitter photos and walking around like that. If you think 11,000 Twitter followers is a lot, just imagine how many guys look at a woman's butt when she's walking through the grocery store or the mall in tight pants. I bet 80 percent of men do that. The other 20 percent probably have wives who do kick boxing. In a single day, that might be hundreds if not thousands of guys radaring in on this girl. And there are probably lots of guys striking up conversations with her in real life. Social media seems very foreign and different from day-to-day life. But it's really just an extension of it. Sure, people are more likely to make a comment on Twitter than while walking through the grocery store. But they're also much more likely to follow a girl to her car impulsively than to go through days or weeks of prepping to abduct a particular girl.

It's possible that someone she met through social media hurt her. But it might not have been a stalker at all. It might have been a random 19-year-old boy who had no plans of hurting her but reacted spontaneously and impulsively. It might have been a guy she had been dating for weeks who finally lost control and gave into the sickness in his mind.
Everything you said about predator psychology is correct. Sometimes all I can do when I try to make sense of this horrible aspect of life is generalize, but I'll probably never come close to understanding, or being less scared every day.

And it's true that we need to take precautions, especially since (and I won't drag up this debate again, sorry in advance!) up to 1 in 3 girls/1 in 4 women will be sexually abused. But so many of those cases involve caretakers, people in authority, school acquaintances, and I start to think the way we talk about rape just isn't productive. I don't mean to criticize the tone of discussion when a person's activities were obviously relevant, but it just makes me sad to read after-the-fact rape prevention tips when the victim in question was going about her business in a way that wasn't inherently hazardous.

I can do my best to not walk to my car alone at night—as of right now it's unavoidable—but when I read about a girl being assaulted by a knife-wielding man at 3 PM on a running trail I frequent, I wonder how all the rape-prevention advice I've been given could've come in handy at all. I'm equally as likely to run on that trail as I am to walk the half mile to my house from a bar on a well-lit street with a few beers in me, or completely sober from a late-night meeting on campus. At what point do I reconsider my behavior, when the world seems to want to compare my body being violated by a psychopath to a car stereo being stolen out of an unlocked car?

Sadly, though, a lot of people of both sexes seem to take more caution to protect their possessions than they do their bodies/self. We lock up our cars at night if on the street and alarm the house but go out walking or jogging after dark, for example. Of COURSE people should be able to do what they want without fear of violence, but life just is not that way and we show we know that by how we protect our things, IMO.
But, this "Bible belt", rural country. Lynchburg is a progressive college town, with heavy influence of Liberty University (Falwells).

I live in Lynchburg and I have NEVER heard the words progressive and Falwell in the same sentence. Just sayin'
Also worth mentioning...

1. This is a very fast, very fit young lady. It would be fairly difficult for someone to abduct her. It would almost certainly require a weapon or for her to be enclosed in a vehicle or room before realizing that she was in danger.

2. This girl had her phone with her constantly. Yet she wasn't able to send as much as two words to indicate that there was a problem.
Does anyone else find it odd that her car was locked? If I was dumping a car, I wouldn't think of locking it...I'd be more concerned about getting out of there without somebody seeing me.

It's a Nissan...they have been known to lock themselves after a few minutes. Not sure that is what happened here but from personal experience, I know it does happens.

One thing that really bothers me...the scent leading to the clubhouse. In the 2005 Fairfax Rape & vicious attack...the victim was dragged to the clubhouse. The sketch, in Morgan H's case comes from that case and DNA linked one man to both the FFX victim and MH.

I checked the court records for SMC and he has lots of arrests for minor offenses in Appomattox County but it does not appear as if he was incarcerated at the time of MH's death. I checked court records for Nelson, Albemarle, Fairfax and Orange Counties in Virginia and found nothing further.

His last arrest was for leaving the scene of an accident...not sure if that was a felony or not. AFAIK, Virginia requires DNA for felonies and possibly not Misdemeanors. However, the Fairfax County Police arrested Vanessa Pham's killer on a simple retail charge of something similar to changing a tag on an item. But the value of the item may have made it a felony. With that arrest they actually had forensic evidence linking him to VP's murder. Had to have been DNA because, it seems, he would have been fingerprinted for his other earlier arrests.
Exactly! And if someone didn't take it but still rummaged through it, then their fingerprints would be all over everything. Locking the car seems like something Alexis may have done herself. I always lock my car when I get out.

In the 2005 Taylor Behl case, Ben Fawley parked her car on a public street and deliberately left it unlocked. He also switched out the license plates. The car sat parked for two weeks before it was identified as Taylor's and a guy by the name of Jessie was under the microscope for a few days because he had some connection to the car...scent dogs, IIRC, tracked to his aunt's apartment...a few blocks away.
Before I head off to bed, I want to mention one more thing. She had a midnight curfew. If something happened, it must have happened Saturday before about 11:30 p.m., which is when she would have been on her way home. That window is prime dating and partying time.
Sorry if this has already been posted.

I found it interesting that, to paraphrase, mgt of Carmike say the car Alexis was driving showed up in their parking lot sometime after 11 am on Tuesday. The theatre is 20 yards from her grandmother's backyard. As well, Alexis's uncle lives at Rio Hill Apartments, which is also close to the theatre parking lot.

I don't think there is video surveillance of the parking lot, which is really unfortunate.
One thing that really bothers me...the scent leading to the clubhouse. In the 2005 Fairfax Rape & vicious attack...the victim was dragged to the clubhouse. The sketch, in Morgan H's case comes from that case and DNA linked one man to both the FFX victim and MH.

Interesting. I wonder if this is why they called Mrs. Harrington this AM.
Still, it seems weird to me that LE would contact Morgan's parents. Why wouldn't they just contact the LE on her case? What could the parents know that they could not get from LE? I have never heard of this happening before, where parents of another victim were contacted directly so early in another case.
Sorry if this has already been posted.

I found it interesting that, to paraphrase, mgt of Carmike say the car Alexis was driving showed up in their parking lot sometime after 11 am on Tuesday. The theatre is 20 yards from her grandmother's backyard. As well, Alexis's uncle lives at Rio Hill Apartments, which is also close to the theatre parking lot.

I don't think there is video surveillance of the parking lot, which is really unfortunate.

I'm having hinks due to the proximities of these persons and her car. Might just be a coincidence though.

Also, the gym nearby is on record as stating that their cameras point in that direction but LE hasn't (as of this AM) came by to look to see if they are of any help. I imagine LE has done this by now though.
Interesting. I wonder if this is why they called Mrs. Harrington this AM.

This is very interesting. I didn't know the details of the 2005 attack. Could this all be coincidental? It doesn't really seem that way, but who knows?
Also worth mentioning...

1. This is a very fast, very fit young lady. It would be fairly difficult for someone to abduct her. It would almost certainly require a weapon or for her to be enclosed in a vehicle or room before realizing that she was in danger.

2. This girl had her phone with her constantly. Yet she wasn't able to send as much as two words to indicate that there was a problem.

If Alexis had met someone she trusted, however naively, she might have agreed to go for a drink with him (gender is just my guess). I think it could have been pretty easy for that person to slip Rohypnol, or ecstasy, or something like it, into her glass when she was distracted. It would not have mattered then how athletic or strong Alexis was.

In an acquaintance rape situation, Alexis could well have been in a state of physical weakness and/or mental confusion in which she was unable to defend herself or to communicate her situation to anyone else. She could have been transported in the passenger seat of her own car, carried or dragged to another location, and been unaware of what was going on.

When such drugs are mixed with alcohol, the effects are amplified and can lead to serious health problems. Possibly even death.

I'm totally on a speculative rant here. I can see that some guy, who would never see himself as a villain, might have been slipped something into her drink. Unprepared for anything serious to happen, he found himself way out of his depth if Alexis suffered a bad reaction and reacted in a way to protect himself rather than to help her.

She's just so very young.
I checked the court records for SMC and he has lots of arrests for minor offenses in Appomattox County but it does not appear as if he was incarcerated at the time of MH's death. I checked court records for Nelson, Albemarle, Fairfax and Orange Counties in Virginia and found nothing further. His last arrest was for leaving the scene of an accident...not sure if that was a felony or not.

hi all.. new on this forum... so bear with me.. this is my first post. I have been trying to read the AM board from post one... I've made thru page 13 so far... taking a break and skipped ahead to the last few pages.. thought I'd give a little input as a means of dipping my toes in the water :)

SMC is a domestic abuser who killed his wife, and all around absolute jerk of a guy in various other ways... but imho, I think the only possible connection he may have had with AM is if there was an "wrong place/wrong time" encounter along the way after killing his wife... and after Am left gas station... I honestly do not believe there is any personal connection between them or that he is a likely person of interest in MH or other cases out there... again, just my opinion... but I believe he is a spousal abuser turned spousal killer... verses serial

Also, I believe "Uncle Tony" is a family member who was out looking for Alexis and had not been heard from... I also believe that this is an extremely close family, including the extended family... very tight-knit...

Other things I picked up from reading through way, way, way back posts...

The FBI, I understand/believe is not allowing the family to speak hardly at all, and what little they are allowed to say is coached and only through the aunts... for the most part...

I live around this area.. I can tell you what I know.. but most is what you already have gleaned from various accounts... she was supposed to go to Lynchburg, she left home in Shipman, heading to Lovingston to gas up... that would certainly be the normal course to take... there may have been a side gas station between her house and Lovingston but with cheaper quality gas at a higher price, often dimly lit in the evening if open at all... not a place where a smart girl like her would probably stop... the Liberty gas station however, is in/next to a tiny plaza and is the biggest gas station in all of Nelson County... meaning it maybe has five pumps? AND, it even is located near the one and only stop light in the entire county.. :) In the Liberty gas station building... the same little square building, is a McDonalds.... and yep, it is the only one in the entire county too... and right across the parking lot is the only chain grocery store in the entire county, a Food Lion... So the Liberty would be a smart option for her to get gas at since it is on 29 and when leaving the gas station a right takes you straight to Lynchburg, and a left takes you straight to C'ville... 30 miles to each, roughly... so... if you want something other then groceries, gas, or a mcChicken... you have to go either to Lynchburg or Charlottesville for any good stores or anything else... Mad Heights does have a Walmart, but its small and a limited selection compared to most. Most people, even teens, around here make drives regularly to either LB or CV to shop, hair, work, for her to do this "long trip" in either direction should not be considered unusual, its actually pretty typical.

Also, as a phone/tweet/text/SM hound, AM stopped all communication from her phone shortly after leaving the gas station, as I understand it. This to me, tells me that something happened to her within the vicinity of her getting gas... in Lovingston... very much only IMO, but I do not believe in anyway that she went to meet anyone in LB or CV... My personal opinion... and it is only just that.. is she either unintentionally met someone at, or gave a ride to someone, male or female, at the gas station, and that person either has her or harmed her... I think her online "fieriness" covers up a shy-ier girl internally... I believe a family member said in one interview that she was afraid of her own shadow... this was a little rural country girl in a newly blossoming want-to-be urban/city big girl body... Athlete and athletic yes... when with her team and on the court, yes... but psychologically... in a dangerous situation, alone... I'm not as sure...

as to her connection to family, turning tricks, pimping, having her head on straight... etc, etc..... her page... read between the posts... when asked her three most important things in her life... family was number one... having her head straight number two, money number 3... she talks a lot of talk about sex yes... mostly... um... oral... can I say that? sorry! but when straight up asked her body count, she replied only 1, and that she wished she never had... this is not a girl going out to meet guys to have sex... she is accepting offers to text, tweet, talk... and it appears to me the stuff you see when someone say they see her, more then likely is a class mate because EVERYONE KNOWS YOU HERE... There is one high school for the entire county, and not that many kids in the school! My step-daughter lives in Portsmouth and I think her graduating class had more students then NCHS does in all four grades, and PCPS has lots of high schools!

Also, the car thing... about it being left some time tuesday... 11am... that whole thing is bothering me because... I swear I saw a news article yesterday where a guy said he saw the car parked there monday when he was out for a walk... and now I cant find that article. and I remember somewhere else reading that carmike employees never noticed the car and couldnt say when it got there... so how can they now say it got there tuesday at such and such time... this doesnt sit right with me...

also someone had mentioned that due to her midnight curfew, something happening to her on her way home, around 11:30ish, prime time for partying etc.,.. and I get that line of thinking absolutely.... but again... I have to absolutely stress that this girl did not use her phone past the 7ish pm hour Saturday... she did not use her phone beyond leaving the gas station... I do not believe she she willing went somewhere... anywhere... without it... she was a few minutes from home at that point... if she had lost or broken her phone she would have turned around after getting gas rather then make a drive in either direction on 29, when it would be getting dark without a phone... way to risky with all the deer... she just would not have done it... believe me...

anyway.... all points to ponder... LoL... hows that for an introduction! sorry, I'm not usually like this... I haven't slept much this week... and I had a lot of thoughts backed up from reading from post # 1 :) lol ....I either need to make more coffee or go to bed... wow its almost time to get up! :seeya:
Welcome MoxieThyme! Great first post! Glad you're here, I say as I go off to bed too!


:Welcome1: :welcome6: :welcome4:
Great first post and welcome. If she did not use her phone from the gas station forward, then I 100% agree with you that something happened to her there - or close to there. Has it been reported that she didn't use her phone after getting gas?

Which brings me back to that person on her askFM account from 18 days ago who was - erm - 'excited' that he saw her at the Liberty and he specifically mentioned the same floral pants she purportedlly is wearing right now. He may be an employee there, or a regular. Who knows?

ETA: I would really like to know what they found in the car. Sounds like they located some valuable evidence. A phone perhaps?
I live in Lynchburg and I have NEVER heard the words progressive and Falwell in the same sentence. Just sayin'

LOL! Progressive in the sense that it's a college town and most/many college towns offer a wide selection/variety of cultural experiences, restaurants, entertainment, etc. Other towns of the same size without the benefit of colleges/university often do not have access to entertainment and cultural events. That's what I meant. You have to admit, the LU/Falwell influence on Lynchburg has done a lot for the city as far as development, expansion, etc.

And....hello neighbor! :seeya:
Yeah, there's clearly a cross-over from her twitter and , because on her twitter she has posted some pics of people having oral sex, and on quite a few people have commented to her that they'd love to be the one to give her some of that. So, it might be pertinent for LE to see which of her twitter followers also use, since it is a MUCH less used social media-type website than twitter is, and appeals to a much more specific age group (generally speaking) - IMO of course.

Those sorts of comments combined with several comments along the lines of "I'm coming to see you but you don't know who I am" and further coupled with the comment Tonto mentioned above, where somebody says he just saw her at that same gas station in her floral pants and seems rather "excited" about the fact, as Tonto put it....

PLUS the fact her phone hasn't been used since she left the same gas station in the same pants, after her being attached to her phone like almost no other case I've seen....

well, this is why I said last night before bed that my bet is on cyber stalker.
PLUS the fact her phone hasn't been used since she left the same gas station in the same pants, after her being attached to her phone like almost no other case I've seen....

Is it a fact that her phone hasn't been used since she left the gas station? I haven't been able to find this reported anywhere.
According to her family she maintained constant contact with them..... and the Aunt said they became concerned when she wasn't home by her curfew and they couldn't reach her on the phone. The Sheriff stated he was surprised her car was found in Albermarle County (?). These two things lead me to believe that something did not happen to her at the gas station. If it had the FBI would have video of it I would think.

Alexis was just at work a mere couple hours before leaving on her trip, I am confused why she didn't get gas then unless she needed gas money.

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