VA - Alexis Murphy, 17, Shipman, 3 Aug 2013 - #1

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I get that she may not know/ be close to the family but why not say she didnt know the relatives that lived there instead of just the Uncle?
lol Im probably just being hung up on that part because it would help steer this in a better least in my mind.
Humph.. For the 1st and the 2nd listing, in small print it says, Compensation: no pay

The third says Compensation: TBD

I feel bad even suggesting she'd do something like that -- sure she had racy pix up but nothing that was TOO racy. She was always fully clothed, never responded with anything more than a "no" (for the most part) to all those nasty questions on her ******* page... the only one that could be a possibility is the clothing model one. I doubt she'd hook.
.................... so she worked down the street, was close to her grandmother and "had no idea her uncle lived there"?? Is that right...

But, whoever left that car there likely knew those facts as well. I think word travels fast in that area and someone saw AM and maybe even saw her pages and stalked her OL & IRL. Maybe the car being left there is sending some kind of a message.
But, whoever left that car there likely knew those facts as well. I think word travels fast in that area and someone saw AM and maybe even saw her pages and stalked her OL & IRL. Maybe the car being left there is sending some kind of a message.

I do believe this was done by someone who knew her pretty well (either IRL or from online). But, I also wouldn't discount her leaving the car there as a cry for help.
Starting at the beginning: How did she do the transfer with Dad of the car. Did he drop it off to her (and if so did he get a ride home or did she drop him off somewhere...we are told she lived with her mom but no mention of Dad) or did she get to him to pick it up. Or, did she already have it?
The Liberty gas station is directly off of Rt 29 up a little hill. It is on the outskirts of a tiny shopping center. If you were heading to Cville from Lynchburg, it's on your left. It's fairly "new" being built maybe in the early 90's. The entrance to it is... ...are residences up Rt 29 N but I wouldn't consider them "close" by.

Wendell, I would say your entire description is right on... I agree wholeheartedly..

When you leave the station, there is an incline down to R29. Someone 'could' have jumped onboard then, as Alexis waited to join the freeway?

Having exited there countless times...maybe, but I highly doubt it... its just not a good place for someone to try to do that... IMO... and its not a big major freeway either... I know 29 is considered a "major highway" but through nelson it just isn't really...

It would have had to have been very soon after the gas station that the woman saw the car weaving strangely in her neighborhood, etc. The reason is because LE says that's the gas station is the last place she was known to be, and that the phone went out shortly afterwards. So, if her phone pinged at that house, and it is where the car was seen, then she was there or the phone was there - either inside or outside - when it was turned off/went dead.

to the weaving... it was more that the car was driving thru the loop... not really weaving as ir... but the strangeness was in that it exited through the "entrance" so to speak... think of it this way... two points of entry/exit to cannery loop, one of which easily lets back out on to 29, the other is more dangerous to pull of and not used by the residents who live on the loop... so that it was strange to the resident, that the car left using the exit that someone familiar with the loop would not have chosen to exit by...

as to the phone being inside that particular house... maybe but not necessarily... and here is why... and I think this is part of the problem LE is having... in this area cell signal is not very strong.. there are dips and ridges in the topography that makes dead spots and weak spots... especially near Sunny Mountain store as it is right before the some big hills going into Lovingston.. my fam has "friend finder" apps on our phones so we can find each other for these very reasons... too many back roads, night time driving and way too many deer jumping out in front of you that could cause you to go off the road and not be found otherwise... and i know for a fact that in this particular area, around Sunny Mount (what we call that store 'round here) that the signal is less then great... when the signal is poor like that, apps and gps, etc, that normally give location within a couple of feet, shoot the location off several hundred feet... I can watch my mom drive down 29 past Sunny Mount, her dot will be right on 29 south... and suddenly it is off in the woods... a minute or two later it is back on 29... at my own house, which is in a very bad signal area... down in a valley surrounded by ridges... i see my own dot, in my neighbors house two houses away... when I know for a fact that I am standing on my front porch... I also believe it was mention that the tenet was a woman who was open and helpful to LE from the first time they searched her house, and the times since, but that she was getting "flustered" according to her landlord... that combined with shots of little flower gardens and such makes me lean toward tenet possibly being a "little old country gramma" feeling... very typical of what one might see around here in similar houses.. having lived here my whole life...... just thinking out loud on that last one...

LE says they know when the car was parked. So, that means they probably know if a male or female parked the car and what direction the person or people went. Also, if there is video, it might show if the person or people got into another vehicle.

I agree wholeheartedly... I think this is why they are not bothering with any real investigation (it appears) in the c'ville area right now... in fact, around 9:30 this morning (witnessed by my hubby) they was a team of about 1/2 dozen FBI and local LE searching ditches on side of 29 south beside Sunny Mount, my guess, still looking for her phone...

My understanding is that different carriers keep messages for different lengths of time and iirc AT&T doesn't keep them at all. I remember that they were trying to make it mandatory for all carriers to keep them for a certain length of time for LE reasons but not sure of that outcome.

I can tell you around here you would be hard pressed to be able to use any other carrier other then Verizon if you plan on having a signal... even pre-paids like straight-talk have to go through the Verizon towers here in order to be able to work.. ATT def does not pick up signal well in Nelson...

I just 'Google streetview drove' from the Liberty up to the place where police searched for her phone. A couple things stood out:

1. The Liberty is up on a hill. From the light and from the road it is perched pretty high up. It is doubtful that any cameras from the Liberty/McDonalds would have been able to capture which way she turned from the light.

2. There are virtually no other places in that few mile stretch that could have captured her car going northbound. There are a couple of businesses, but they don't look like the kinds of places that would have cameras pointing towards the highway.

that's all pretty accurate for a Google... maybe the BB&T or convenience store across the intersection may have been able to catch something, but my feeling is the LE already have all that if there is something... the business you refer to that don't look like the kinds of places, one of those is Sunny Mount... just FYI

Some good news is that LE was issued multiple search warrants today (though sealed). It leads me to believe that they are onto something potentially big.

Like some of you, I don't believe this case has anything to do with her online persona. Well, in the sense that it was random stalking anyway. To me, it seems more likely that it was either someone she knew or a random crime of opportunity at or near the Liberty.

An article - I can't find it now - states that she was seen going in the store and then leaving with something. I suppose this implies that she bought something at the store. I wonder if it was blunts or something*? Then again, she is only 17, so she may not be able to purchase them in VA.

if they didn't id her she could have bought blunts but i think at 17 you can buy papers (I can be wrong though). I don't think she actually smoked though.

must be 18 for papers or anything like that... also not sure if she fronted about that... due to her testing for the team... but who knows, kids are savvy these days... still... her game, team, and skills were pretty important to her... and knowing she was going be captain... her level of responsibility, commitment to her teammates... i don't think she really smoked either... not just because of testing... but because of what how it would/could affect her ability to perform physically... and most teammates wouldn't let her either... especially if she was held in high enough esteem to be made captain. that's not just a coach decision, its a team decision...

Good morning, all. I was thinking of something last night. I originally thought that perhaps Alexis NEVER intended to head out to Lynchburg at all. I thought maybe she had told her family that she was school shopping just to get out of the house. But, I thought of something. Now that we know that this school shopping was for extensions for school pics later in the week, she must have intended to go to Lynchburg. She would have been expected to return home with extensions, I would think. I don't personally have extensions, but my understanding from other African American females who do, if you want the "good stuff" you don't buy it off of rack at a beauty store like Sally's. I know of at least 3 stores in Lynchburg that sell extensions off of the rack. But, if she purchased it in that way she could have just gone to the Sally's at Rio Hill Shopping center which is across the street from Kids to Kids. It is also my understanding that if you but it like that, you'd better call first or have them order enough of the same hair for you. Alexis wore a LOT of hair (in volume) from what pics and vids show. She wore it long and thick. If she had it special ordered from some other source and was going to get it from Lynchburg OR had ordered some from one of the other stores, I wonder if she ever got that far? Could be that she actually made it to Lynchburg. Being that she was used to getting her hair weaves, she would know that you usually don't just walk into a store to get what you need without making arrangements for it prior to pick up. In July 2013, our laws changed making it a primary offense to text while driving. Knowing that she was an active phone communicator, perhaps her family insisted that she focus on the road while driving. Maybe she got to Lynchburg, got the hair, and whatever happened on her return trip or after returning. Of course I'm sure LE has contacted people in the 'burg to see if she made it there at all. I guess my point is, I do believe she really did have the intensional of going to Lynchburg and wasn't trying to deceive her family about that part.

I don't think so either.. at 17, she is an "older teen" so to speak... more independent, even if she did just turn 17... this is a rural area.. she's been out driving on her own for over a year... around here... we don't lock our doors at night, we don't worry about things like this happening... well, maybe we do a bit more these days then we used to, but still... you get my meaning... she had a curfew of midnight... it was Saturday night... there didn't have to be any deception at all... it could have been as simple as "I'm going out shopping..." with no discussion of plans after shopping, just expectation of being home by midnight... she didn't necessarily say she was going shopping then coming straight home... so I don't think she was trying to hide anything... I think she was an independent teen, who did plan on going shopping, then changed her plans, or had them changed for her...

But, the thing is. Do we know if didn't use her phone at all at the gas station? I've never heard anything about the exact moment she stopped using her phone. Just because she didn't call/test post or anything doesn't mean she didn't use it - she could have just checked what she needed to check on it but never posted anything on twitter or Facebook or anything. She could have just easily messaged some people back on KIK. I guess what I'm trying to say is just because she didn't post anything, text, or call anyone doesn't mean she didn't use it.. she could have easily been private messaging people. Not trying to be rude :blushing:

that would have been accessible to authorities I would imagine, and IMO they already have all that... which leads my to my grand ol' theory below :)

So honestly, what do you all individually think happened to her at this point in time?

ooookkkkaaaay..... welp, since you ask.... grab a coffee and pull up a chair... this might take a few... so bear with my craziness.... and my disclaimer of course.... all this is just my opinion and will be nothing more than that, and will often be confusing, jumbled, and make no sense whatsoever... so apologies ahead of time...

there are rumors floating around here now... you know the kind... my friend heard from his friend who heard from her friend that he overheard someone say blah blah, etc... anyway... those rumors are that she was at a party in shipman Saturday night... another rumor... she was seen over the past few months walking along and by 29 with a white male around her age or a little older who appeared to be a friend, nothing concerning in their behavior...

i don't think Alexis ever left nelson... if she did, I don't think it was willing... I think LE has known this all along, which is why they were surprised about the car being in CV... I also think they are fully aware of when the car got there and who put it there which is why they do not appear to be investigating up in CV anymore at all... If she did indeed go to a party then perhaps something happened to her or was done to her as in foul play or accidentally, and out of fear or covering trax, the people responsible hide her body somewhere around here and dumped the car in CV... or perhaps she was drugged unknowingly at party and taken, carried northward for use nefarious reasons and again car dumped along way in CV... perhaps party is only a rumor, and any of the above happened at a friend, a friend of a friend, or someone she thought was a friends house here locally... welp... I had a lot more theory but I just lost my train of thought... so I will end with that... Im sure it will come back to me...
I do believe this was done by someone who knew her pretty well (either IRL or from online). But, I also wouldn't discount her leaving the car there as a cry for help.

I still think she parked the car there herself and went off to meet someone and they drove off or someone snatched her while she was walking to wherever she was going. But, I'm probably wrong!
Starting at the beginning: How did she do the transfer with Dad of the car. Did he drop it off to her (and if so did he get a ride home or did she drop him off somewhere...we are told she lived with her mom but no mention of Dad) or did she get to him to pick it up. Or, did she already have it?

Doesn't she live with both parents?

I can't shake the feeling a family member is connected to this.
Just a reminder. She was holding her phone at the Liberty. So, she definitely had it then. All we know is that no family heard from her after she left. We have also heard that she did not post anything publicly. But, the phone pinged so it was still turned on in the area of Canary Loop.
I still think she parked the car there herself and went off to meet someone and they drove off or someone snatched her while she was walking to wherever she was going. But, I'm probably wrong!

I think so too. Its just too much of a coincidence to me....its right by her work and grandmothers so she was familiar with the area.
Doesn't she live with both parents?

I can't shake the feeling a family member is connected to this.

To my knowledge, her father does not live with her. I could be wrong. But I saw a family photo somewhere, and it showed four people: mom, grandma, Alexis and a sibling.
to the weaving... it was more that the car was driving thru the loop... not really weaving as ir... but the strangeness was in that it exited through the "entrance" so to speak... think of it this way... two points of entry/exit to cannery loop, one of which easily lets back out on to 29, the other is more dangerous to pull of and not used by the residents who live on the loop... so that it was strange to the resident, that the car left using the exit that someone familiar with the loop would not have chosen to exit by...

First of all, great long post - in its entirety. The party angle sounds plausible, but it would have had to have been up near Cannery Loop and soon after she left the Liberty. Reports are that her phone went dead soon after she left the Liberty, and it purportedly went dead up near that area. I feel confident that if she attended a party that her phone would have been on up until something 'bad' happened.

As to what I've snipped above:

That's interesting about it going out the wrong way. However, I wouldn't say that whomever was driving did that because they didn't know the area. I think it was more like they turned down that road for some reason and then went back the same way so they could easily cross to get back on 29N towards Charlottesville. If they went the 'regular way' they would have had to have gone south a little while to be able to turn around and head north.

I think someone turned down that road to ditch something, either a phone or worse. When I look from Google satellite, Red Clay lane going off of Cannery Loop looks like it goes up into the middle of nowhere. I wonder if they have followed that road all the way up.
that last update from moxie (abc link) re: places of interest

I think the phone may have pinged in other locations. Just a guess.
I just want to clarify that only one story I read said that no one heard from her after the 6:40 PM tweet. That seemed to have been a general statement in the article. By no means does it absolutely mean that she did not contact anyone. By now, LE probably knows about All communications from her phone and any PMs on any of her many accounts.
Doesn't she live with both parents?

I can't shake the feeling a family member is connected to this.

Heres the thing with this, know this could totally be totally wrong just throwing it out there. Something with the car being 20 yards from the grandmas house just throws me off. Something in this case seems fishy to me. First off, the same grandma that the car was found at didn't want to be on camera but she did talk to them which is great, but she also said that when she looked at Alexis' social media pages it shocked her, so they somewhat had to have a relationship. Also, the FBI was called in to help with the search because of "family reasonings" what does this mean? Does this mean someone in their family (Uncle, Aunt, Cousin) have some type of criminal history that possibly could be major? (Harrassment, Stalking) Just saying .. Also I'm fairly young not as young as alexis but i'm 23. I played single "A" volleyball for VHSL (Virginia High School League) and back in 2009, we did not get drugged tested. Honestly, if we did probably half of the student athletes probably wouldn't be playing any sports right now lol .. Honestly just because she blowed a little smoke doesn't mean shes a bad person (Not saying anyone said she was). But think about it, Nelson county .. you either drive North or South 45 mins to have any type of entertainment so I'm pretty sure a lot of them have house parties or smoke weed when there is nothing around there.. Okay so I guess I am running my mouth way to much.

Also, this is a bittersweet thing for me to say, but as a girl with 11,000 followers and loves the attention .. I'm am praying for some reason this was a cry for help and that she is doing this for attention.. The reason I say that is because I really want them to find her alive and I wanna think she has no reason for her to do something like that but I really do hope this is the case.
I've been keeping up with everyone's posts and each of them makes me go, "Oh! That could be it!" That's what scares me about this whole thing. There are soooo many, TOO many, scenerios that this could be or hybrids of different ones. I'm 41 and not a parent, but I'm not out of touch with what young people are doing. This case has really opened my eyes about what some kids are REALLY doing online. It's opened my eyes about how a family can see someone one way, but their online personality or what they show to their friends can be completely different. It also scares me to think that this could be anybody that did this. It could have been jealous girls at school. It could have been a girl who wanted to take her spot as the popular girl at school. It could have been a male family member who wanted a relationship with her that he shouldn't have. It could be a person who befriended her, got to know intimate details, and then hurt her. It could be a random person and she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. At this point, the definites are that she's not at home and that her car was found. Period. Everything else is in the wind and that makes me nervous. Plus, you guys are just making me crazy because you're so sleuthy. :blushing: I think I finally found a community of people who think like I do when things happen.
Also, this is a bittersweet thing for me to say, but as a girl with 11,000 followers and loves the attention .. I'm am praying for some reason this was a cry for help and that she is doing this for attention.. The reason I say that is because I really want them to find her alive and I wanna think she has no reason for her to do something like that but I really do hope this is the case.

VAgirl...I didn't want to say it, but I was hoping the same thing. Back in 1989, I had a cousin who was a "wild" girl. She lived out in Amherst county. She got mad at her parents because they wouldn't let her go to some party, so as payback she "disappeared". She had skipped out before and they didn't think much about it. For about a week we called friends and searched and did everything (except calling the police because her parents were embarrassed...stupid, right?) When she finally showed up, we discovered that she had been staying in the basement across the road from her house watching as people were coming and going in the attempts to find her. The owners of the home never knew that she was there and neither did anyone else. She laughed about it later. She got PLENTY of attention from people who were looking, crying, and stressing about her being gone.

I WANT so badly for that to be the case here. I want her to be out there watching all of this and waiting to reemerge. I actually hope that's what has happened. I just wish I could get my head and my heart to agree on that.

I'm not sure if I can post this information here so i'm not going to. Instead, If you want to investigate some more than I will tell you and you can go look it up. So remember when I said when does the FBI get involved and they said because of family reasons.. So I looked up "Murphy" on the VA court information system under Nelson county-Few things popped up, but I don't know her family and if they could even be related to her (Not that Nelson Co is that big but its possible that the people on here could not be relatives) Also, looked up the uncles name on there.. Nothing to bad, just saying. I think i seen on her twitter that she is related to Martins too. But anyhow you can just google va court system info, the county name, and the last name and first if you know it. I just looked up to see if any "murphys" had any type of protection order placed against them.
[ame=""][/ame] Nation hitz music group Dedication record to Alexis Murphy & Sagey So'unique - Titled "Gone Missing"
Wendell, I would say your entire description is right on... I agree wholeheartedly..

Having exited there countless times...maybe, but I highly doubt it... its just not a good place for someone to try to do that... IMO... and its not a big major freeway either... I know 29 is considered a "major highway" but through nelson it just isn't really...

to the weaving... it was more that the car was driving thru the loop... not really weaving as ir... but the strangeness was in that it exited through the "entrance" so to speak... think of it this way... two points of entry/exit to cannery loop, one of which easily lets back out on to 29, the other is more dangerous to pull of and not used by the residents who live on the loop... so that it was strange to the resident, that the car left using the exit that someone familiar with the loop would not have chosen to exit by...

as to the phone being inside that particular house... maybe but not necessarily... and here is why... and I think this is part of the problem LE is having... in this area cell signal is not very strong.. there are dips and ridges in the topography that makes dead spots and weak spots... especially near Sunny Mountain store as it is right before the some big hills going into Lovingston.. my fam has "friend finder" apps on our phones so we can find each other for these very reasons... too many back roads, night time driving and way too many deer jumping out in front of you that could cause you to go off the road and not be found otherwise... and i know for a fact that in this particular area, around Sunny Mount (what we call that store 'round here) that the signal is less then great... when the signal is poor like that, apps and gps, etc, that normally give location within a couple of feet, shoot the location off several hundred feet... I can watch my mom drive down 29 past Sunny Mount, her dot will be right on 29 south... and suddenly it is off in the woods... a minute or two later it is back on 29... at my own house, which is in a very bad signal area... down in a valley surrounded by ridges... i see my own dot, in my neighbors house two houses away... when I know for a fact that I am standing on my front porch... I also believe it was mention that the tenet was a woman who was open and helpful to LE from the first time they searched her house, and the times since, but that she was getting "flustered" according to her landlord... that combined with shots of little flower gardens and such makes me lean toward tenet possibly being a "little old country gramma" feeling... very typical of what one might see around here in similar houses.. having lived here my whole life...... just thinking out loud on that last one...

I agree wholeheartedly... I think this is why they are not bothering with any real investigation (it appears) in the c'ville area right now... in fact, around 9:30 this morning (witnessed by my hubby) they was a team of about 1/2 dozen FBI and local LE searching ditches on side of 29 south beside Sunny Mount, my guess, still looking for her phone...

I can tell you around here you would be hard pressed to be able to use any other carrier other then Verizon if you plan on having a signal... even pre-paids like straight-talk have to go through the Verizon towers here in order to be able to work.. ATT def does not pick up signal well in Nelson...

that's all pretty accurate for a Google... maybe the BB&T or convenience store across the intersection may have been able to catch something, but my feeling is the LE already have all that if there is something... the business you refer to that don't look like the kinds of places, one of those is Sunny Mount... just FYI

must be 18 for papers or anything like that... also not sure if she fronted about that... due to her testing for the team... but who knows, kids are savvy these days... still... her game, team, and skills were pretty important to her... and knowing she was going be captain... her level of responsibility, commitment to her teammates... i don't think she really smoked either... not just because of testing... but because of what how it would/could affect her ability to perform physically... and most teammates wouldn't let her either... especially if she was held in high enough esteem to be made captain. that's not just a coach decision, its a team decision...

I don't think so either.. at 17, she is an "older teen" so to speak... more independent, even if she did just turn 17... this is a rural area.. she's been out driving on her own for over a year... around here... we don't lock our doors at night, we don't worry about things like this happening... well, maybe we do a bit more these days then we used to, but still... you get my meaning... she had a curfew of midnight... it was Saturday night... there didn't have to be any deception at all... it could have been as simple as "I'm going out shopping..." with no discussion of plans after shopping, just expectation of being home by midnight... she didn't necessarily say she was going shopping then coming straight home... so I don't think she was trying to hide anything... I think she was an independent teen, who did plan on going shopping, then changed her plans, or had them changed for her...

that would have been accessible to authorities I would imagine, and IMO they already have all that... which leads my to my grand ol' theory below :)

ooookkkkaaaay..... welp, since you ask.... grab a coffee and pull up a chair... this might take a few... so bear with my craziness.... and my disclaimer of course.... all this is just my opinion and will be nothing more than that, and will often be confusing, jumbled, and make no sense whatsoever... so apologies ahead of time...

there are rumors floating around here now... you know the kind... my friend heard from his friend who heard from her friend that he overheard someone say blah blah, etc... anyway... those rumors are that she was at a party in shipman Saturday night... another rumor... she was seen over the past few months walking along and by 29 with a white male around her age or a little older who appeared to be a friend, nothing concerning in their behavior...

i don't think Alexis ever left nelson... if she did, I don't think it was willing... I think LE has known this all along, which is why they were surprised about the car being in CV... I also think they are fully aware of when the car got there and who put it there which is why they do not appear to be investigating up in CV anymore at all... If she did indeed go to a party then perhaps something happened to her or was done to her as in foul play or accidentally, and out of fear or covering trax, the people responsible hide her body somewhere around here and dumped the car in CV... or perhaps she was drugged unknowingly at party and taken, carried northward for use nefarious reasons and again car dumped along way in CV... perhaps party is only a rumor, and any of the above happened at a friend, a friend of a friend, or someone she thought was a friends house here locally... welp... I had a lot more theory but I just lost my train of thought... so I will end with that... Im sure it will come back to me...[/QUOTE]

In regards to that part of your theory, there is a white male RSO age 26 by the name of Dwayne Breeden that lives on Thomas Nelson Hwy in the vicinity of Cannery Loop and Liberty station(google maps) according to the VA SR. I am pretty sure the FBI should know this information already as RSO offenders in the area are the first they look at usually. The information is obtainable by looking at the Virginia sex registry site under the zip code of 22949. Also, according to a distance relative that I am mutual friends with it was said by her friends that no one heard from her after her last tweet. That information was given to me just awhile ago. So, IMO the white male would be the leading suspect and the possibility of more that one person might be an option also, or a male that fled the state and just dropped her car off in Charlottesville, VA. Another then that was mention by the distant relative is that two strange mexican men had been seen in the past weeks in that area.
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