Identified! VA - Annandale, WhtFem 245UFVA, ~60, 'NO CODE, DNR, No Penicillin', Dec'96

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I think she may have been affiliated with the university de liege
its a huge university.
Btw, spent the last hour looking for references to CSL and did find some CSL sunglasses by a brand manufacturer. It appears CSL is a type vs. Brand
I think she may have been affiliated with the university de liege

its a huge university.

As far as I am aware, the only connection made to the university was the assumption CSL on the glasses was the university, right?

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Delurking here to post some thoughts on the Belgium and eyeglasses connections since I know Annandale pretty well. First, this is an area where there are a lot of American Foreign Service and military employees and dependents. Many rotate through for short periods of time between overseas postings. Someone with a long career in the FS would be familiar with the area but never lived there for very long at one stretch and wouldn't have family there. It might still be a place where loved ones were buried or just a place with pleasant memories that one might seek out in a time of trouble.

Also, someone who was posted to Belgium in the past may have bought eyeglasses there. A FS posting would usually last at least a couple of years. Not so much in the 1990s but earlier than that, maybe as late as the late 1980s, Americans traveling in Europe even on short trips often bought eyeglasses there because the quality of the lenses was so good, especially in Germany. You couldn't get anything comparable to them in the US, but it's possible the the better quality lenses were available in Belgium.

My thoughts are that she was some kind of government employee who had been in foreign service. Just something about the things she had with her says that to me fwiw. If she did originate from French speaking Belgium that could explain her like for that particular clothing brand too. Many people also purchase eyeglasses in Europe because they are generally cheaper and better quality. Of course this could also mean she came from anywhere in the world and just happened to serve in the US, Belgium, and maybe the UK too (Monty python tape)! I haven't been very helpful I'm afraid!
My thoughts are that she was some kind of government employee who had been in foreign service. Just something about the things she had with her says that to me fwiw. If she did originate from French speaking Belgium that could explain her like for that particular clothing brand too. Many people also purchase eyeglasses in Europe because they are generally cheaper and better quality. Of course this could also mean she came from anywhere in the world and just happened to serve in the US, Belgium, and maybe the UK too (Monty python tape)! I haven't been very helpful I'm afraid!

If she were a government employee her finger prints would be easy to match.

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Maybe CSL means "corrective spatial lenses" or "corrective s_________?? lenses"??

I hate to say this but I sincerely think we are putting too much stock in the glasses being from Belgium, and her affiliation with said University.
Guys, what if CSL were her initials?

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I see those letters meaning more of like, the type of lens. You know, maybe she picked them up at the drug store along with that DNR bracelet?
I googled "csl eyeglass lenses" and the first result was "cheap stock lenses." ....

Or how about "correctional segment(al?) lens"??
I see those letters meaning more of like, the type of lens. You know, maybe she picked them up at the drug store along with that DNR bracelet?

I thought they were prescription lenses? I think you need a prescription for trifocals.

I agree though. I'm growing very skeptical of the Belgium connection based just on someone's interpretation of where the glasses originated.
I thought they were prescription lenses? I think you need a prescription for trifocals.

I agree though. I'm growing very skeptical of the Belgium connection based just on someone's interpretation of where the glasses originated.

That and the Belgian juice connection. I'm sure you can/could buy that anywhere.

(I had a dream I saw some at CVS!!)
C-section scars:



Hysterectomy scars seem to be similar:



My aunt has had a hysterectomy and her scar is similar to this vertical one, but her goes up to the belly button, due to the doctor's inexperience. But I agree that de UID's scar is more likely a laparotomy.

I thought a laparotomy is an incision into the abdominal wall done for exploratory purposes, to figure out why a patient is in pain. I had an acquaintance a few years ago whose father died from stomach cancer within 6 weeks of his diagnosis. This same acquaintance had some of the same symptoms as her father so she sought medical attention. They did this procedure and found that she had stomach cancer. She went through numerous surgeries & was 62 pounds when she died - 44 or 45 years old. She had sooo much removed from inside that its a wonder she loved afterward! She was cut top to bottom like this Jane Doe.

Now I'm wondering, could Annandale Jane Doe have possibly suffered from some kind of stomach cancer? If so, she would have probably been educated on the fact that its the most physically painful type of cancer and fastest acting once its far enough along. If stomach cancer isn't caught in its early stages, 9 times out of 10 it's too late to save the person bc it would have spread already. This presents a problem to the patient being diagnosed bc with stomach cancer, most people don't know until its too late to reverse or successfully treat, as the majority of the symptoms are symptoms that every disease free person experiences sometimes. Living near a nuclear power plant or big industry such as DuPonts, Motiva, ICI, etc increases not only the risk of thyroid or lung cancer, but also increases the risk of stomach cancer when eating food grown in the surrounding lands (if same water used to feed) or fish from water/rivers/lakes those industries empty into.

So, I wonder if its possible...and if so, how can this info help? I can't believe I forgot about this thread!!!!!
Also, the Belgian juice might have been something she normally had bc it's healthier. Something with cancer patients - healthy organic foods & beverages. Again, just speculating.

Maybe translate what I said in English into French? I only speak Spanish :/

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The glasses look similar to those Sally Jesse Raphael glasses that were so popular years ago.
Bear with me, I'm going to post the original emails from the original detective on the case. Maybe you guys can sort through the facts here. This will be long...

I have attached photos of the small (about 1' tall) Christmas Tree and the cassette player. The player appears to be a GE and I think the batteries were pretty standard, although I don't recall the brand. I looked at the batteries because they leaked in the player

Sherry Dedrick in San Francisco was not identified or excluded. The PD no longer has a file on the case and there aren't any fingerprints or dental records for her as far as we can tell.
The DNR pendant outcome is equally unsatisfying. Apparently, many states require a form and a doctor's authorization, but many other jurisdictions don't have such laws. Virginia has had a program since the early 1990's, but the Dept. of Health does not keep any records of who gets them. The pendants that are sold now have the doctor's name and address/telephone number. This one did not have anything else engraved on it. A Hospital DNR is a plastic bracelet as were Virginia's early products. We don't think this one came from Virginia or their vendors, one of whom you found on the Internet. The other was very helpful, but did not recognize it. As to its origin, it is probably an old one she obtained in any number of unknown ways. I have enclosed a photograph of it for you, since it no longer exists. Our ME took a photo and I learned she was cremated with it on her. I suspect she was hooked into the Hemlock Society because she appeared to be using the book I mentioned earlier. The Hemlock Society probably is able to provide such things to people or provide vendor's names.
I don't believe this person is local with all the publicity the case has gotten over the years. She may have been associated with the area at one time and knew about the cemetery

I have enclosed several photographs of the woman, which were taken shortly after she was found. Her body was found when the maintenance workers first arrived at the cemetery. She was not there when it closed the previous evening, so the time of death was between 1600 and 0830 hours. The death in the night of December 17-18, 1996, when the weather was cold. The blood you see on her face is pulmonary edema and not a result of trauma. He body was near a mausoleum, not related to her and children's graves. When this cemetery first opened, it was primarily for black people, so we don't think she had a child buried there. We think she picked the location because it is secluded, off of Little River Turnpike, near the Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale.

A full autopsy was not performed by our Medical Examiner because of the victim's request not to have one. I wish one had been done to answer the questions you and others have raised. There was no reason given for the scar on her abdomen, as seen in the attached photograph.

In her property, there was a pair of tri-focal prescription glasses made by CSL, which Ellen Leach at Porchlight found to be from Centre Spatial de Liège, Université de Liège, Av. du Pré-Aily, 4031 Angleur, Belgium. Additionally, she was carrying a backpack, something older women in the USA do not tend to use to put their personal items.






When comparing the cassette player to the cassettes, it's small...not like a cassette player that would have come out when I was a kid. So I wonder - was it a walkman? Anybody remember those? They came out before disc players and MP3 players.
How did she carry that plastic cup in that backpack without it cracking or breaking?
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