VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #3

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The site is associated with the email address through the donation thing at the bottom.

The site does contain links to commerce opportunities for SKR merchandise as well as Syko Sam t-shirts.

A search for the email address produces nothing, although I did finds some racist postings associated with the handle zombie23

The site contains no such commercial links, nor does it seem to be associated with zombie23.

The site is supposedly created by Paul Calgano who seems to be a real person, but of course we can't know he made that site or that he's really the person in the video.
Sure. I understand. I'm a DJ and I used to be in the digital music business as a founder of Live365. Just like to be clear about what we are talking about.

Glad we understand each other. As for the image being altered I myself am technologically inclined. I would have never noticed if you hadn't mentioned it. But i assure you the CD was not something we released as a means to get publicity. Like i mentioned before I never knew Sam. Drama was close to him and maybe Sam gave it to him to listen to. Artist that early in development are very wary of who they show their music to.
Glad we understand each other. As for the image being altered I myself am technologically inclined. I would have never noticed if you hadn't mentioned it. But i assure you the CD was not something we released as a means to get publicity. Like i mentioned before I never knew Sam. Drama was close to him and maybe Sam gave it to him to listen to. Artist that early in development are very wary of who they show their music to.

The timing of the release is what makes people think you did if for publicity. I don't care much either way personally. The key issue for me (and I expect most of the people here) is whether he titled his own album "I Kill People for Real" before these murders were committed.
The timing of the release is what makes people think you did if for publicity. I don't care much either way personally. The key issue for me (and I expect most of the people here) is whether he titled his own album "I Kill People for Real" before these murders were committed.

Once again Sam and Drama are friends. I am sure Drama released it with good intentions for Sam in mind. And regardless of the albums title the lyrics are the center of attention. I could name my album "**** tha World" and rap about world peace from track 1 to track 12. A title doesnt mean anything its the content that people will criticize.
Once again Sam and Drama are friends. I am sure Drama released it with good intentions for Sam in mind. And regardless of the albums title the lyrics are the center of attention. I could name my album "**** tha World" and rap about world peace from track 1 to track 12. A title doesnt mean anything its the content that people will criticize.

I think you are wrong about this particular album title. The prosecution is likely going to try and show that Sam not only committed the murders, but that he planned to commit them in advance, possibly even before he even came to Virginia. This isn't about taste or freedom of speech.
Another question for the locals...

Anyone care to locate this sign on a map for me?

drama,I'm trying to figure out what you mean by "the girls weren't innocent"...I can see sam as someone that may be bullied around....but they are the victims !....unless they were part in trying to make sam kill for profit and sam turned around and went dexter on them for that reason....that would explain the other girl saying"why them?"....
drama,I'm trying to figure out what you mean by "the girls weren't innocent"...I can see sam as someone that may be bullied around....but they are the victims !....unless they were part in trying to make sam kill for profit and sam turned around and went dexter on them for that reason....that would explain the other girl saying"why them?"....

I agree. Drama, part of your story I don't understand is the bit where the girls are texting that they're "dead" to someone...

I'm not sure when or to whom these were sent and I don't understand how that fits in with the notion that girls were in on it somehow. Maybe "the girls weren't innocent", but we know for sure they are dead. Other than the police, there is only one person that was in the house that isn't dead that we know of.

I don't know. Together with the vague references about various things in your story this is pretty unconvincing frankly. I remain open minded however.
dangrsmind,I always wanted to ask you actually believe there is more to the occult and an actual demonic possession could be something you could imagine?...or that sicktanick used sam to make his stuff look more real?...i still don't understand your theory...
This girl was sending out text messages saying she knew they were dead to people. I also have aim logs with a certain person that can prove fabrication of the story he used to get media attention. I have sent my info to CNN but they do not care. Honestly I hope the FBI is checking phone records. I personally believe those girls weren't innocent in the matter, or someone else was involved. Sam is a kid that can be bullied. I have seen him let others push him around.

His sister was logging into his myspace trying to find out if her brother was ok.

Hi drama and all: here's how I'm interpreting this post:

A certain girl was sending texts to people saying she knew the 4 in VA were dead. Would this girl be one very high profile female in the horror core community? Seems to me that Sam might have contacted someone. I mean really, I'd be freaking out and maybe needing to talk or text someone.

The girls, Mel and Emma were perhaps not innocent in the matter - maybe they were complicit with a plan to kill one of the parents, maybe the mom? Maybe Sam was pushed around by Sick, Emma, whoever to start something he ended up having to finish. Was Sam talked into doing something like this for someone else because he was an easy *****-like boy?

The fabrication of the story to get media attention has me baffled.
...i agree ziggy,maybe emma "used" sam to get rid of her mom and when he found out that's what happened he killed emma and mel....oh and about him signing on to that dating site even though he was "in love" with emma...I don't find that strange....he's a guy ...and i believe he needed lots of assurance....i know guys that get manically jealous even though they don't talk to just one girl...
dangrsmind,I always wanted to ask you actually believe there is more to the occult and an actual demonic possession could be something you could imagine?...or that sicktanick used sam to make his stuff look more real?...i still don't understand your theory...

"Belief is the death of intelligence" -- Robert Anton Wilson

I don't "believe" anything.

For example I don't believe in supernatural forces. On the other hand, I know that we don't understand the entirety of the universe either. There are obviously lot's of things left undiscovered and unimagined and this can in fact be demonstrated mathematically.

I observe certain facts such as the existence of a website making specific claims or the symbols on SickTanick's CD cover and in his music. I can make inferences about these observables, create theories, and explore ideas without "believing" anything about them. I remain open to possibility. Some of the things I have observed in my life are hard to explain, but this isn't the time or place to go into that.

There are observable facts here like the references to Pazuzu on SickTanick's CD. And we know that some people that listen to this music ARE interested in the hidden messages, and there are multiple levels of hidden messages.

Now clearly I didn't make up the Humbaba myth where a demon that smells like death is associated with a star known as the "little dog star". But it does not matter one wit whether Humbaba is real or imaginary. The connection to the myth was created by SickTanick, by employing the symbols in his music and on his CD. That's magic. See how it works?

It operates by tapping into what Jung called the collective unconscious. IMO it has nothing to do with the supernatural as most people imagine it. Not everyone would agree with this reading of course and YMMV.

If this isn't the Kenneth Anger/Rolling Stones video Invocation of My Demon Brother which I linked previously. At the end of the video there is a sign that says "Zap. You're Pregnant. That's Witchcraft." This is what they are talking about.

We know that some of the people involved in the case do profess to "believe" in some of these things, although I think you need to peel back a few the layers of the onion to understand what exactly it is that people believe. See the SickTanick quotation I posted earlier today.

A word of warning as well. Be careful what you believe in, because it might come true.

Recommended reading:

Cosmic Trigger I, Robert Anton Wilson
Focault's Pendulum, Umberto Eco
VALIS, Philip K. Dick
...i agree ziggy,maybe emma "used" sam to get rid of her mom and when he found out that's what happened he killed emma and mel....oh and about him signing on to that dating site even though he was "in love" with emma...I don't find that strange....he's a guy ...and i believe he needed lots of assurance....i know guys that get manically jealous even though they don't talk to just one girl...

Maybe Emma did use Sam. Maybe Sam got fed up with being used, pushed.

I don't think it's strange that he signed onto the dating site either. I think they were both caught up in a gooey online thing, but were keeping their options open because it was fun to flirt online and you are right, guys do need a LOT of reassuring that they can get chicks.
ohh,so like people believing in something positive like prayer and stuff to get over diseases and such? you think sick or sinister told sam about all this stuff and it became real to him?...i don't believe in anything so i guess i'm save either
...and danger,that video you posted earlier just made me think "damn those people got high in the 70's" and I could have done without the male nudity,that was gross
....and ziggy I agree that theory would make we know anymore about emma's realationship with her mom?...could she have been that sinister?
How come I ALWAYS miss the male nudity? I was not paying attention, darn.

OT - dangrs - I LOVE Live 365. Thanks for helping to start it.

I appreciate dangrs trips into the occult. I think SKR club are pretty serious about their messages and I don't think they try to hide it and I bet they are talking about it and imparting these messages to their young followers. Of course they are. Now whether some of them get it and are into it and others are just there to get baked and be into something horribly rebellious is the question.

Edited to add: Claudicci I am now under the assumption that ALL teenage girls are sinister and capable of horrible things! I mean, I was one, I knew some pretty bad ones, I've had a stepdaughter and umpteen nieces and great nieces. If they can make it through that period, there's a chance they can grow up to be decent people, but teen age girls can be vicious little creatures!
ohh,so like people believing in something positive like prayer and stuff to get over diseases and such? you think sick or sinister told sam about all this stuff and it became real to him?...i don't believe in anything so i guess i'm save either

Not exactly...

"In this book it is spoken of the sephiroth & the paths, of spirits & conjurations, of gods, spheres, planes & many other things which may or may not exist. It is immaterial whether they exist or not. By doing certain things certain results follow; students are most earnestly warned against atributing objective reality or philosophical validity to any of them."
--Aleister Crowley

Per RAW, there are really two choices or paths you can consider if you delve into esoterica. Either you "believe" in it, in which case you will likely become a hard core paranoiac, or you become an extreme agnostic, you don't believe anything. This isn't the same as not believing in the occult in the conventional sense, because another thing I don't believe in is coincidence.

Hopefully now I've confused you further ;)
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