VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #7

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....I could imagine that he may have killed Mr.Niederbrock out there...if Mr.Niederbrock came into the house calling Kelley and Emma but got no reply maybe he went out there and checked to see if they were there?...Sam could have taken that opportunity to sneak up and knock him out and drag him back in to finish the job..
....I could imagine that he may have killed Mr.Niederbrock out there...if Mr.Niederbrock came into the house calling Kelley and Emma but got no reply maybe he went out there and checked to see if they were there?...Sam could have taken that opportunity to sneak up and knock him out and drag him back in to finish the job..

Yeah, thats what had been reported. The girls were killed while they slept, but sam snuck up behind Mr. Niederbrock and hit him with something (the source said a block of wood).
All I know is from the new TruTV show with Jesse Ventura (yeah, THAT Jesse Ventura!) called "Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura." Pretty goofy, but then, that's Jesse
One of his episodes was on HAARP.

Jesse is in several of Alex Jones' films. He's a full on a conspiracy dude and I bet he's not just hosting that show for the money.

Dammit Tapu I see you outside my window lurking in the bushes with your mind control gun. Are you using my wireless to post from a laptop?? Taking evasive measures. . .
Jesse is in several of Alex Jones' films. He's a full on a conspiracy dude and I bet he's not just hosting that show for the money.

Dammit Tapu I see you outside my window lurking in the bushes with your mind control gun. Are you using my wireless to post from a laptop?? Taking evasive measures. . .

Ha, just toying with you. I was experimenting to see if my mind control gun could make you see Tapu. Thanks for confirming that it works.

You just like most people mistook aluminum foil for tin foil. You will also need some 1/4" thick felt, baking powder(not baking soda), distilled water, and a bit of pure walrus blubber (fat from a red heifer will work in a pinch, just make sure it doesn't have a single black hair) along with the tinfoil if you are going to have any real protection from mind control rays.

I don't know how to upload a construction diagram, so you will have to experiment. Hell, maybe I'll just take control once you let me know you've got the material and I'll steer you through the construction.
Wonder if they will take the jury into the house so they can get a feel of how secluded it really is. A picture can not explain it, they need to walk thru the house, inside and out.

This only happens on TV shows or in extremely unusual cases. In reality, the jury will be barred from doing any additional research on the case (i.e. reading this) and will not be allowed to visit any of the locations where the events transpired.
because they were doing a murder investigation? And they were going to comb through as much of the property as possible to collect as much evidence as possible? And there was probably evidence of Sam smoking cigarettes out there?

Also Melanie smoked. Not sure about Emma. Examining cigarette butts might be a method of determining if any other individuals were present at the scene as well.
This only happens on TV shows or in extremely unusual cases. In reality, the jury will be barred from doing any additional research on the case (i.e. reading this) and will not be allowed to visit any of the locations where the events transpired.

Not so fast, though, brother.... This IS an extremely unusual case and may require exactly the kind of physical understanding of the surroundings to explain what happened. Not out of the question, I don't think.

Have you seen The Staircase, documentary about Michael and Kathleen Peterson? I can't recall if the jury went to the scene there, but I think they did. Wait, maybe they just used models....
This only happens on TV shows or in extremely unusual cases. In reality, the jury will be barred from doing any additional research on the case (i.e. reading this) and will not be allowed to visit any of the locations where the events transpired.

I wouldn't even say "extremely unusual cases", this is against modern evidence rules. If this were allowed despite the attorney's repeated objections, it would absolutely be overturned on appeal. This is just something that happens in TV shows and movies.
That is really weird. Who even thinks to kill the cows? >:-?

COPAKE, N.Y. – The widow of a New York dairy farmer who methodically slaughtered 51 cows before taking his own life says she wants to figure out a way to keep the farm going.

Dean Pierson, 59, was found dead Thursday on the floor of his barn in Copake, a rural hamlet 115 miles north of New York City. Nearby, half his herd lay in their milking stalls, also dead of gunshot wounds.

Pierson left no explanation for what he'd done, just a simple note on the barn door warning whoever found it not to come in and to call the police.

But there appeared to be a method to his bloody work. He killed only the cows that required frequent milking, letting 50 others live, including heifers and calves.

Neighbors speculated that he was trying to spare his family the burden of caring for the animals.

He left no suicide note, said his wife, Gwynneth, who was home at the time of the shootings but heard nothing.

"No one knows why for sure," she told the Times Union of Albany, adding that her husband had been "talking a lot to his mom."

Now, she said, "We need to figure out how to keep the farm going ... It wouldn't be right for all that work he put into it to go to nothing."

On Friday, neighboring farmers used a backhoe and bulldozer to bury the animals, pushing them into a deep pit in the Columbia County soil.

Pierson had four children, but he milked the herd alone — once before sunrise and again at night, neighbors said. He kept mostly to himself, rarely visiting with other farmers.
"Dean had no help on the farm and he worked really hard to do it all himself," neighbor Susan Kiernan told the Times Union.

"It's hard to hang in now and a lot of dairy farmers are going out of business," she added. Kiernan's family has operated a dairy farm for three generations.

The gruesome scene in the barn was discovered at about 1 p.m. Thursday by a neighboring farmer
State police Capt. Scott Brown told the Rockford Register-Star that an investigation revealed that the farmer was having "personal issues."

The farm was founded by Pierson's father, a Swedish immigrant. He named the property High Low Farm.

Not so fast, though, brother.... This IS an extremely unusual case and may require exactly the kind of physical understanding of the surroundings to explain what happened. Not out of the question, I don't think.

Have you seen The Staircase, documentary about Michael and Kathleen Peterson? I can't recall if the jury went to the scene there, but I think they did. Wait, maybe they just used models....

Well we shall see. I'm skeptical that anyone will visit the scene.

In the case that I was a juror on they specifically directed the jury not to visit any of the locations mentioned in the case.

Also, FWIW, an acquaintance of mine was the GPS expert in the Peterson case.
Long about cow 36 wouldn't you be going, "Gah, this is insane..."
Long about cow 36 wouldn't you be going, "Gah, this is insane..."

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein

Maybe he wanted to find out which cow was bulletproof. When none were, he couldn't handle the disappointment.
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