VA - Grateful Dead Fan - Social Media Push

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DNA Solves
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I think this is really it, after all these years and all this effort it's finally going to pay off.

thanks greymetal! You really made this happen
No way, I did nothing at all. I wouldn't have ANY of the information I had if it wasn't for everyone on this wonderful, wonderful community.

Furthermore, I thank Imgur and Reddit for all of this. And for the friends of this Jason for coming foward.

I was just the vessel. Nothing more to it than that.
Hi guys,

In receiving some messages, as well as noting the increased interest in this case... I just wanted to ensure that one thing is clear.

We are not POSITIVE that this Jason is our doe. We have not I.D'ed him yet. We have contacted relevant LE agencies and individuals to provide them with the information that we know. This lead is promising, but there is no 100% guarantee just yet!

I am in constant contact with the individuals who have supplied me with this information. They, and I, will know as soon as more comes from the case.

If there is someone claiming to have I.D'ed our doe - Please direct their messages to the mods. The only information you will get is from myself, or from the individuals who have been helping.

Lets be very careful, and take anything that happens from here on out very seriously. It is important to respect the privacy of all individuals involved in this case, and the case itself.
Now that I put them side-by-side, I actually see a major resemblance with the new render as well.

j123; You are AMAZING!

The photos you have been creating are so good! You have such talent.

I certainly agree with you too. The resemblance is there.

I can't stop looking at his face. He has such a warm face.
I just bought a copy of the 1994 year book for Myrtle Beach HS; I didn't see one in a relevant year for Socastee HS.

When it gets here, I will look through it to see if there is a Jason that looks like this kid. When I'm done, I guess I could send it to Carl. He is more intelligent, has a better eye, and has far more patience than I do.
Greymetal you got me hooked on this case on reddit and I've spent many hours researching over the last 4 days. I joined this site a few days ago and have been working my way through the threads. I never saw this one! Just happened to be looking at new posts on reddit an hour ago and saw the pictures posted by waistingthedawn, just blew me away! I know there have been some promising leads in the past with missing persons but if this isn't him I'm throwing in the towel. If this really is him may god rest his soul. Nice work!
I'm glad we have someone else interested in it Dire!

It was all the WebSleuths, Reddit, and Imgur community though :)
Another possible update! From an Imgur user:

"My boyfriend swears he hung around with Jason in Myrtle Beach. He knows his family and is trying to remember to get in touch."

I am making contact with her now.

If you could all help and please share the Imgur link provided:

This can be to The Grateful Doe's facebook, your own personal facebook - ANYWHERE.

Continued exposure will get us the rest of the puzzle! :)
Is there any way we can have a seperate thread set up for this information? I don't want to get too excited yet, but it could lead us somewhere. What do you think?

I shared GD's image again on Imgur. This time, it was seen 337,449 times (and counting), was liked by 5,553 people (and counting), and 600+ comments (some of which, are negative, but most are positive. I have had so many people ask questions, or show interest in the plight of GD).

I monitored every single comment to see what was being said. My heart jumped into my throat when I saw someone posting that the sketches look familiar to a guy he knew. Here is our conversation (which I had permission to post) I have edited names to protect privacy. Any notes I make are initialed with GM:

"Hi. Yes, I think I knew him. The sketches look like a kid I lived with for a few months back in 1994 into 1995.

It was Fall Semester 1994 at University Of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. It was the beginning of my senior year and I was planning to live with two other guys in a two bedroom house just off campus. M & G. M was a couple years older than me and I knew him from a poetry class we had shared the year before. G was a younger guy who M knew from his church group. Anyway, when I arrived in town to move in to the house, it turned out that G had invited an even younger kid he'd met that summer to live with us. It was already going to be tight fit with the three of us in that tiny house. But M & I agreed to let him stay. His name was Jason and he was a laid back surfer dude from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I think that's where G met him. G & Jason lived in one bedroom. I was in the second bedroom and Mark lived in the unfinished basement.

M and I were both attending classes at U of I and G may have been enrolled at a community college. I can't remember. Jason just hung out really. Even though the kid was probably only 17 or 18, he was a major Dead Head. I loved 60s music in a big way but had no interest in the Dead. M on the other hand was a big fan of the Dead and had plenty of conversations with Jason about their shared love of the band. I remember having long discussions with Jason about Atheism and about experiences with hallucinogens. Jason believed he could talk to trees. Not that all that unusual really. Jason did get a job at some point. He was working at a McDonalds near our house. I believe it was the one at *edited out for privacy* (maybe I can PM this address to someone in this area; They can call and confirm if there has ever been as Jason employed there? If it still exists!). He ended up getting involved romantically with a female manager there who was in her 30s or 40s. I can't remember if I ever met her. Then he disappeared. I don't remember exactly when or what the circumstances were. It seems like it was in mid to late winter, so maybe Feb 1995. It could have been Spring. I can't remember.

What I do remember is that when the next phone bill arrived, the three of us were shocked to find Jason had racked up hundreds of dollars in charges to a 1-900 line for Dead Heads. It's funny now but we were pissed off at the time. Unfortunately I have no photos of Jason. G might though. I have my doubts. But G was the one who met him and brought him to live with us. They spent a lot of time together so he should be able to fill in more of the blanks. I friended him on FB but he hasn't responded yet to the message I sent. (GM: 1900 line would have been 1900-RUN-DEAD as per: A line for fans to call and be provided with information about setlists of concerts.)

Jason had a slight build and his hair looked sun bleached like he spent plenty of time at the beach. Reminded me of Jeff Spicoli from "Fast Times At Ridgemont High." His eyes were always slightly closed. He was baked a lot I think.

I got a brief message from G this AM. He remembers Jason. I asked him to tell me Jason's last name and see if he has any photos of him.

I can't promise our Jason is your GD, but I have a strong feeling from the sketches and the descriptions that it is.

He was a lost hippie kid. We took him under our wings. M & I were older and both had an affection for Jason. I can't say exactly what G's relationship was to Jason.

It didn't jump out at me at first. But then I remembered our Hippie kid was named Jason and I looked closer at those sketches... That nose, those eyes.

The newer computer image doesn't look like him. They made him look too conventional/mainstream/awake.

He talked like a soft-spoken surfer dude, although I think he could get quite animated.

My sister says he had hair like Kurt Cobain.

No recollection of Jason speaking about his family.

He worked at McDonalds. Probably for enough dough to make rent and get high.

I think he shroomed. (I asked if he was just a pot smoker)

It's hard to believe someone could die in a car accident and absolutely no one who knew him would know.

But, from what I remember of jason, it's not that hard to fathom.
He very well could have been hitching a ride.

While I'm waiting to hear from G for details, you might try searching Myrtle Beach area high school yearbooks from the early 90s. He may be in there."

There you have it folks. I will continue to update as soon as I get information (no sleep tonight for me!)

Let me know if you want it split out to a new post; I'll talk to Carl. If you want it split, it should be with your 1st post which is #23.

Did you contact Lesha?

I have. I have put the link on the Facebook wall, and I have asked her to send the Imgur link as a status with all of the information. She posted a status earlier today but said she wouldn't share any information until she has checked.

We are in contact with the same people. I see no harm in posting up this new information, even if it is a dead end. The exposure is doing wonders, and I have had a new user come on Imgur with information. I will update when I have more information from that user.

Hope you agree.

I have. I have put the link on the Facebook wall, and I have asked her to send the Imgur link as a status with all of the information. She posted a status earlier today but said she wouldn't share any information until she has checked.

We are in contact with the same people. I see no harm in posting up this new information, even if it is a dead end. The exposure is doing wonders, and I have had a new user come on Imgur with information. I will update when I have more information from that user.

Hope you agree.

Glad you spoke to her! I texted Alyssa last night then sent Lesha a FB PM; she said she already knew lol

Do you want it split into a new thread? I was thinking naming it social media push to identify GDF
Are there any reports of a missing "Jason" from Myrtle Beach, SC around 94-95?
Are there any reports of a missing "Jason" from Myrtle Beach, SC around 94-95?

I haven't seen any that even closely match. Of course I'm not sure of all the sites though either. I checked Illinois also.
I haven't seen any that even closely match. Of course I'm not sure of all the sites though either. I checked Illinois also.

You know, I was thinking maybe a missing person's report was never filled because he left home knowingly and then just never returned.

His parents may have felt that he was just travelling and would eventually come back...
Sounds good to me! I'm going to try and be online for a few more hours! :)
I looked at all the SC MPs a few days ago. Noone was even close.
greymetal, could you ask Jason's friends if they knew or crossed paths with a Caroline T. or Caroline O., or have any idea where that note might have come from?
I'm pretty sure the Carolines were just people he met at the concert.
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