VA - Johnny Depp's defamation case against ex Amber Heard, who countersued #6

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Websleuths Victim Friendly rule does not allow members to poke fun at an alleged victim, trash them, or blame them for what they claim has happened to them.

If you want to do any of the above, WS isn't the place to do it.

ETA: Hopefully this clarifies ...

Johnny Depp has claimed defamation. Amber Heard is counter suing and has claimed DV.

Members shouldn't be poking fun at or trashing either of them. If you wish to make a respectful point based on known fact, that's fine, but please leave snarky comments about appearances and attire out of this discussion.

While this case has something for everyone to :rolleyes: at, WS still aims to be above the fray of the rest of the internet by following these key TOS:

- derogatory nicknames are not allowed.
- bashing anyone’s appearance is a violation.
- social media comments are not allowed.
- if you “saw” it or “heard” it but don’t have a link to substantiate it, it is considered rumor and subject to removal.

Thanks for checking yourself before you click REPLY.
For the longest time I thought the EM, Delevingne and AH thing was just celebrity fodder until I read Josh Drew's deposition. Of course, that part wasn't mentioned in court, though. :rolleyes: Dang, they should have included Josh for a first hand account :D
I wouldn't swear this is a transcript of the same depo we just saw him give, but you can find **advertiser censored* transcript of his earlier testimony/depo here at the end of his UK witness statement; as well as I think several other documents like Rocky's:

@Seni , you might like to see the Heard U.S. witness list:

As for “Kouvelis, Peter (Sgt.)”; “Lemoyne, Armand (Sgt.)”; “Lopez, Roberto (Officer)”; “Sandanaga, Marie (LAPD)”; I’ve no idea why they are included by Heard on her defense list as this is the first time I've seen or heard their names; and unfortunately I can't find the tweet of the name of whomever is supposed to show up as her "police expert" at this moment.

Nobody else on her witness list is outwardly identified as belonging to or being identified with any type of law enforcement.
From the prior US Weekly article at the end of the last thread… oh dear…

“[the op-Ed is] not about Johnny. The only person who thinks it is about Johnny is Johnny,” the Aquaman actress said in her courtroom testimony in May 2022. “It’s about me and what happened to me.”

… the delusions are strong with this one IMO … where do you think she went in her head, when the ACLU counsel was testifying the exact opposite?!?
From the prior US Weekly article at the end of the last thread… oh dear…

“[the op-Ed is] not about Johnny. The only person who thinks it is about Johnny is Johnny,” the Aquaman actress said in her courtroom testimony in May 2022. “It’s about me and what happened to me.”

… the delusions are strong with this one IMO … where do you think she went in her head, when the ACLU counsel was testifying the exact opposite?!?

“[the op-Ed is] not about Johnny. The only person who thinks it is about Johnny is Johnny,” “It’s about me and what happened to me.”

That^^^ statement makes no logical sense. :oops:

It cannot be 'only' about her because the OP ED is literally about her being abused by someone. How can it only be about her if it introduces another important person into the mix?

It is also silly to say that "the only person who thinks it is about Johnny is Johnny,

NO, that is not true. Many people thought it was about Johnny because of their divorce. And because IT WAS WRITTEN ABOUT JOHNNY.

How can she get on the witness stand and describe a dozen allegedly abusive incidents and then say the article she published was not about the man she says was her abuser?
“[the op-Ed is] not about Johnny. The only person who thinks it is about Johnny is Johnny,” “It’s about me and what happened to me.”

That^^^ statement makes no logical sense. :oops:

It cannot be 'only' about her because the OP ED is literally about her being abused by someone. How can it only be about her if it introduces another important person into the mix?

It is also silly to say that "the only person who thinks it is about Johnny is Johnny,

NO, that is not true. Many people thought it was about Johnny because of their divorce. And because IT WAS WRITTEN ABOUT JOHNNY.

How can she get on the witness stand and describe a dozen allegedly abusive incidents and then say the article she published was not about the man she says was her abuser?
I think ... she thinks she's in fact much more important than she in fact is.

I think she might be known to LGBTQIA+ activists and similar, but that doesn't translate to any type of worldwide knowledge or cross-community appeal.

I could have sworn that someone (the ACLU counsel?) had said that the ACLU basically looked at her number of social media followers; which sounds good, except for the fact that so many people on CourtTV have said "I had no idea who she was before you in fact asked me to show up and do commentary on this trial"; and in fact the more we hear her admit to and dissect her own career when forced ("small roles in big movies and sometimes leading roles in indie movies"), the more obtuse this somehow seems on her part.

I mean, I get that if you're used to being a totally obscure person and you suddenly start to get notice and interest, to you anything might seem like a bigger more thrilling deal that it in fact is; but IIRC the editorial even literally says "Two years ago", and one of the JD experts literally said "Does she have any other ex-husbands?", which i believe even caused some of the members of the gallery to laugh.

Not to say that I think if they omitted the "two years ago" portion from the editorial it would necessarily help in any way, shape, or form; but it certainly doesn't help her case in terms of any plausible deniability either; and even in that case, as long as she's denying any spousal abuse occurred in her marriage to her ex-wife, there's also no other reason to believe it's about anyone else other than Johnny Depp.
Amber Heard leaving court goes viral: "Moment she knew she lost the case"

JD is suing ex-wife AH for libel after she wrote an op-ed piece in TWP in 2018 referring to herself as a public figure representing domestic abuse.

As AH was being questioned by her own attorney EB, CV repeatedly objected to the testimony as hearsay and lacking evidence.

EB conceded that she had no more questions and the judge told Heard to go and sit with her counsel.

However, Heard was shown choosing not to sit with EB and instead left the courtroom.

Names redacted and replaced with initials
I think ... she thinks she's in fact much more important than she in fact is.

I think she might be known to LGBTQIA+ activists and similar, but that doesn't translate to any type of worldwide knowledge or cross-community appeal.

I could have sworn that someone (the ACLU counsel?) had said that the ACLU basically looked at her number of social media followers; which sounds good, except for the fact that so many people on CourtTV have said "I had no idea who she was before you in fact asked me to show up and do commentary on this trial"; and in fact the more we hear her admit to and dissect her own career when forced ("small roles in big movies and sometimes leading roles in indie movies"), the more obtuse this somehow seems on her part.

I mean, I get that if you're used to being a totally obscure person and you suddenly start to get notice and interest, to you anything might seem like a bigger more thrilling deal that it in fact is; but IIRC the editorial even literally says "Two years ago", and one of the JD experts literally said "Does she have any other ex-husbands?", which i believe even caused some of the members of the gallery to laugh.

Not to say that I think if they omitted the "two years ago" portion from the editorial it would necessarily help in any way, shape, or form; but it certainly doesn't help her case in terms of any plausible deniability either; and even in that case, as long as she's denying any spousal abuse occurred in her marriage to her ex-wife, there's also no other reason to believe it's about anyone else other than Johnny Depp.

I had heard of her purely because I saw the reports about her arrest for dv,never knew who she was before that and couldnt tell you a movie she had been in,had no interest in finding out.
The next time I heard of her was when it was all in the news that she started dating JD,which reminded me where I knew her name from and I remember (sorry ) thinking #1 How disappointed I was in JD for following the Hollywood trend of dating a pretty young thing half his age after leaving a long term relationship,which I admit is judgy but he is one of the stars that seemed above that and it honestly made me think for the first time that he was trying not to be a middle aged man if that makes sense.

#2 That JD was in for a world of drama because the only thing I had heard about her was the dv arrest and she just seemed like trouble with a capital T.

I need to try to work out the Google expert guys method for checking for articles at a particular time to try and find an article referencing her arrest because I know I knew about it when she started dating JD, the article may have come out at the same time they started dating but it was definitely out there way before she says that JD team planted it in the press!.

I will try to find one but I until then consider this JMO :)

Greg Ellis

Reliable sources in the UK have confirmed that Amber Heard is now facing a potential police investigation for perjury and may not be allowed to enter the country again. This would end her ability to film/work on any co-production there. #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeardTrial
5:07 AM · May 18, 2022

(From previous thread).
WOW---that would be amazing, if those sources are reliable.

Can you imagine if she was being investigated in Australia for lying about her Yorkies and trying to blame their illegal entry upon others?

And simultaneously she was under investigation in the UK for perjury...

Meanwhile, she is in a civil trial in the US for defamation?

Karma comes calling?
I had heard of her purely because I saw the reports about her arrest for dv,never knew who she was before that and couldnt tell you a movie she had been in,had no interest in finding out.
The next time I heard of her was when it was all in the news that she started dating JD,which reminded me where I knew her name from and I remember (sorry ) thinking #1 How disappointed I was in JD for following the Hollywood trend of dating a pretty young thing half his age after leaving a long term relationship,which I admit is judgy but he is one of the stars that seemed above that and it honestly made me think for the first time that he was trying not to be a middle aged man if that makes sense.

#2 That JD was in for a world of drama because the only thing I had heard about her was the dv arrest and she just seemed like trouble with a capital T.

I need to try to work out the Google expert guys method for checking for articles at a particular time to try and find an article referencing her arrest because I know I knew about it when she started dating JD, the article may have come out at the same time they started dating but it was definitely out there way before she says that JD team planted it in the press!.

I will try to find one but I until then consider this JMO :)
This might in fact help the quest:

I did not have much time yesterday but did watch most of yesterday's testimony and the depos back during the evening.

What struck me immediately during the depo of Melanie Inglessis,the ex- make-up artist, who, to me, came across as a stable, insightful human being, was her statement that after a year of being AH's Make-up Artist and, alledgedly at AH's request, also being AH's friend, Melanie Inglessis couldn't take either relationship anymore. Ms Inglessis commented repeatedly on how all-consuming the interaction was-- listing examples of the drama and hysteria "every contact it was something" and how it completely drained her, and that she eventually had to call AH and tell her she wished her the best in her life but that she did not want to have a relationship with her any longer in any capacity.

This is something in closing arguments that JD's team needs to jump on --- tying this back to their expert's diagnosis of AH's BPD as this is one of the prime examples of how BPD's stand in their "relationships" -- how they manipulatively demand people around them and near them fill the gigantic, bottomless pit of unfulfilled need the BPD has, and try to constantly make people cater to the BPD's arrested emotional development. Hence, why they are exhausting and exasperating and can drive a person, especially a person close to them, like their partner, -- like Johnny Depp-- to want to escape the BPD in any way imaginable.

I wish JD had made such a phone call early in his relationship with AH as well. Would have saved him a decade of grief and misery.
How did JD do this if he was in Europe?

There are two other private entrances to this building for high profile people but she chose to use this and I believe it was unnecessary for her to attend.

@ 1:34 She’s showing off that bruise.

Amazingly the bruise disappeared the next day.

Amber Heard Smiles as She Puts Arm Around Friend One Day After Getting Restraining Order Against Johnny Depp


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How did JD do this if he was in Europe?

There are two other private entrances to this building for high profile people but she chose to use this and I believe it was unnecessary for her to attend.

@ 1:34 She’s showing off that bruise.

Amazingly the bruise disappeared the next day.

Amber Heard Smiles as She Puts Arm Around Friend One Day After Getting Restraining Order Against Johnny Depp
>snipped the video out>

In that video she's also clearly making sure that all of the paparazzi are getting their images by turning her head around instead of burying her head into the bodyguard to avoid them.

E.T.A sorry, you've already mentioned that. I'm having a very blurry eyed day and can't see a lot of text today!
AH sure did choreograph every bit of the TRO courtroom drama. Especially since no photos to be taken inside court, 2 private entrances to come and go, and the amount of paparazzi (sure she did not alert them, lol). No need anyway for the TRO since by then he probably had no desire to even be in touch. Totally on purpose. Thank you for articles and photos, @they'll get you and @kaos. MOO.
Wow that looked so staged. The way she turned her head, wore a plain black dress etc. And I’m sorry but how does the media show up unless they were alerted? That’s why the publicist was there! Ha! I guess it’s possible court employees could have tipped the media, but if that we’re the case only one or two would show, right? Not so many all at once! What do I know?
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