Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #10

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MBLover; To answer some of your questions, Dan, who was the driver that night did not have his named leaked. It was offered in an interview by Dr. Harrington. He had not been named before because to know his name would serve no purpose. Dan goes to JMU. He is a basketball player there in his second year. He is the boyfriend of a girl named Morgan but not Morgan Harrington. His girlfriend knows Morgan Harrington, Sarah and Amy. She is not one of the nine. She did not like Metallica and elected to stay behind that night. Dan went with her knowing about it. There was no “other girlfriend” on his part. He is not involved with Morgan, Sarah or Amy other than being friends. His older brother went to college in Virginia and is a public school teacher in Virginia; and his family lives on Long Island where is father is a financial planner. The family is well respected in New York and in Virginia. You asked how long it took to find out about him; it took no time at all. The people who need to know that info had it the very next day. There is a great deal of information that is known to the family and LE that the general public just doesn’t need to know. His last name and the last name of his girlfriend are readily available several places on the internet in other forums regarding Morgan. Try reading the family’s forum if you want more information. Just because it hasn’t been posted here doesn’t mean the information isn’t out there. Out of respect for the rules here and the moderator who runs this forum I will not post their last names because these folks are innocent parties. There is no mystery concerning Dan, Amy and Sarah. All were vetted weeks ago by LE. Chasing Moxie made a comment that both LE and the Harrington family have made it clear they don’t want to drag the friends into the investigation. The family has said from day one the friends aren’t involved. Law Enforcement just made the same statement last week in their press conference, yet people here pay no attention to those comments and continue to try to tie the friends into things. Why?

The link with Dr. Harrington offering the name of Dan as the driver is here;
Both LE *and* the family of the victim (Morgan) have made it very clear that they don't want to drag the friends or Dan into this investigation. They have likely looked into him just as much as they looked into the friends, and I'm willing to accept that and let this drop as it seems Mr. Harrington is requesting. I think his hope is that people do not waste time with unnecessary details when the people involved have already been cleared. JMO.

"Dan" himself, his actions or lack of inactions, may be an unnecessary detail. The same with Amy & Sarah.

I personally do not believe that Amy, Sarah or Dan had anything to do with MH being physcially missing, no plans to "do her in" or anything of that sort.

But this one person being 'shielded' for whatever reason is mystifying to me. How does he escape, for so long, the media and why? What's so special about him that he was not in the spotlight like Amy & Sarah? (Until the last few weeks)

I just find this odd, and am sure there are others who do as well.
Both LE *and* the family of the victim (Morgan) have made it very clear that they don't want to drag the friends or Dan into this investigation. They have likely looked into him just as much as they looked into the friends, and I'm willing to accept that and let this drop as it seems Mr. Harrington is requesting. I think his hope is that people do not waste time with unnecessary details when the people involved have already been cleared. JMO.

This young woman is dead, Mox. And, these companions did withhold info. We have every right to question their public statements and their motives. SS perhaps just had a case of nerves, but the reporter would surely have been willing to edit or clarify her statement made two months ago. And, how long did it take for them to reveal that "Dan" was traveling with them? JMO: "Dan" is an athlete, and instead of solving the crime, people are wasting their time focusing on preserving his career.
MBLover; When I say there are a great many things we don’t hear about concerning this case, I’m afraid one of them may well be influence. UVA and to a lesser extent, JMU have a great deal at stake here. UVA wants to preserve its outstanding reputation as a safe learning environment, blah, blah, blah… Trouble is that UVA already has one unsolved missing student case that was never solved going back about 10 years ago. JMU and UVA both want to protect their money making, cash cow basketball program at all costs. You ask what’s so special about Dan; just like the Harrington’s have UVA influence, his family has a certain amount of influence with the school he plays basketball for. Yes, it would serve no purpose to reveal his name because he is not a suspect. (They finally did it to shut people up and let them know the driver was innocent) But any negative reflection on either one of these schools is avoided at ALL costs, especially in the area of sports. (Gotta keep those alumni donations and high school recruits coming in, ya know!) Walker is right when he says that Dan’s named wasn’t released until last week to protect his career; but he’s only partially right; the bigger picture is to protect the “program” at JMU. If this sounds familiar, maybe because UVA protected its program by sweeping their basketball players that allegedly saw Morgan under the rug so quickly. Like so many other things in this world, it’s all about money. Sad but true.
Is it too far-fectched to think that Dan C. -- a sophomore basketball player at JMU and allegedly the driver of Morgan and her friends the evening of the concert -- was acquainted with the basketball players from UVA who reportedly engaged in some conversation with Morgan?
This young woman is dead, Mox. And, these companions did withhold info. We have every right to question their public statements and their motives. SS perhaps just had a case of nerves, but the reporter would surely have been willing to edit or clarify her statement made two months ago. And, how long did it take for them to reveal that "Dan" was traveling with them? JMO: "Dan" is an athlete, and instead of solving the crime, people are wasting their time focusing on preserving his career.

Walker, how are you so sure that Morgan is dead? While we all know that the circumstances of missing persons cases that have went on this long usually don't have good outcomes, there is always that slight chance such as Jaycee Duggard (spelling).
Yet to state that Morgan is dead like that.. Good Lord!!!

At first i was suspicious of SS, yet know that i know LE has CLEARED Morgan's friends who were there that night, i cast my suspicions aside.
I have confidence in LE that none of Morgan's friends there that night were involved with her disappearance in a criminal manner. Granted her friends seemed to act untypical as we would expect since Morgan went missing, doesn't mean they are responsible, if LE says they are cleared that's good enough for me, time to pursue another avenue.

IMO, your assumptions of Dan and Morgan's friends, what are you basing your theories on?
How do you know the friends are withholding info?
If LE has cleared her friends (the ones there that night), it seems that they have cooperated just fine with LE.

In the first presser, LE told Morgan's friends to keep her in their perspective, maybe it's possible the perp is an acquaintance of any of her friends, not just those there that night or the 9, or that the perp may attend or work around or at JMU, VT, or any of the surrounding universities.

On the FindMorgan website, Ghost is right, there is a lot of info out there. Evidently Morgan's parents have told her friends present that night to not talk to the media. That could explain why we've not heard outcries from them. To me, it sounds like the Harringtons just want to protect Morgan's friends from the cruel media.

LE has cleared the friends. Most likely this was done early on in the case, seeing the recent heat the friends present that night have been taking (and i am guilty of this as well) LE announced that they have been cleared.
With that announcement, it is time to check out other leads, other theories not having to do with the friends there that night.

IMO, i think it possible Morgan met a charmer she either vaguely was acquainted with or met that night. Most likely he would live in the surrounding or nearby area or attend one of the schools there.
Is it too far-fectched to think that Dan C. -- a sophomore basketball player at JMU and allegedly the driver of Morgan and her friends the evening of the concert -- was acquainted with the basketball players from UVA who reportedly engaged in some conversation with Morgan?

Dan C was cleared by LE, he was with Morgan's other friends that night who were at the concert.
Honestly, IMO, i don't see the logic or conspiracy theory of him talking to the other basketball players let alone knowing them.
LE has cleared her friends present that night. LE wouldn't clear them without good reason.

I hate to say it but I don't hold much "hope" for these clues or for anything in this case, which I feel has been mismanaged from the LE, maybe by the famiily, friends or whatever

what are they going to do...give a clue every 6 weeks??

why didn't they have pics of the necklace and camera right from the start??

as for "Outrageous discussion"..well maybe it is because this case was outrageously misreported from the start?? I don't know why but the information that has been given is confusing to say the least

Camera and necklace/? Not worth killing for ...I don't think anyone thinks that she was kidnapped for those items...

most likely the "perp" has destroyed them, gotten rid of them

or if they are found (slim chance)....they won't really prove anything

this truly seems like a "spur of the moment"...semi-stranger/daterape turned to murder type situation

I feel very sad for Morgan...I feel that most likely there was no way to find her alive
but this could have been handled so much better, to find her, to give her family closure

I hate to be so negative but I get that "vibe" from the way this is handled...I can just imagine that a month or two from now LE in VIR will have a new press release "be on the lookout for this ring that Morgan was wearing"...or "keep your eyes open for this laptop that Morgan was carrying"

JMO>> I will say it again...the time to have these reports out was right from the beginning...when this was getting airplay

IMO, i don't think the info about the camera and necklace was released due to LE thinking she was mugged for them.
It was released so that if anyone stumbles across them at a pawn shop, ebay, on their friend's neck, etc they can turn them in hopefully to police and solve another piece to this puzzle.

There was info out there awhile ago about the necklace (not the new recent info) if you google a search more articles will come up.
As for the camera, this is the first i've read about the make and model in a media report. There's been forum rumors of it here and there, however the article gives us a visual an exact picture of the make and model.

I'm sorry you feel that this case was handled badly. IMO, LE are doing their job. We have to keep in mind that they can't release everything to us, they are the ones who know what they need to know. LE has cleared the friends that were present that night, so i'm not sure which "outrageous discussions" you mean as there's been a lot. I was suspect of the friends at first, too. However after LE cleared them (to the media in article) i trust LE and they've probably had the friends cleared since the beginning of the case. Certainly they'd be the first LE would look at since they were the last to see Morgan. It seems that people who don't have faith in LE are those still suspecting Morgan's friends present that night.

I'll agree with you about the information given to us in the past by different sources has been very confusing. We have to question the source, and if it's an official article hope for the best. I know info that was brought over from different other websites has been most confusing.

For example SS stating how many went in a car, 3 seemed to be misinterpreted as excluding Morgan, when if SS was thinking aside from herself 3 others, it would be exact. So i guess it's best to ask who is reporting this? (just as an example)

If LE wants to release tidbits of info at a time, thats fine with me. Some cases they hardly release anything at all. In this case thought, i do have faith in them that they know what they are doing. They have their reasons.
BUT.....why hold the info about the camera all this while?? why hold back the necklace info?

In the very beginning this case had a bit of momentum...someone who found either of those items might have heard about them in the media and "done the right thing"..

now...this is backpage news....and unless the person who found the camera etc follows this a lot or reads this site etc, I don't think they would even hear that these item/s were connected to Morgan

I was not saying that they thought she was "mugged" for them...I just don't understand why the info was not made public right from the start?

what would the reason be to hold back a description of jewelry and camera of a missing person, hold it back for months?? why do that ?? seems "illogical" to me JMO
I suspect that this case still has quite an extensive local following. It would not surprise me if women in Charlottesville are still on high alert. So when articles come out, with LE giving additional details, I'm sure lots of people are reading them, and discussing them amongst themselves. Most locals would want to bring closure to this, and find a perp so they can rest easy again!

It makes me wonder why LE is releasing the details on the camera. Is there something that they've recently discovered (or a potential tip they've received) to make them want to ask the public for info again? Just like the searches along I-64 happened all of a sudden, after many weeks.


I've heard that perps usually keep a physical item from their victims. A lot of times they actually have the audacity to give the item (jewelry for instance) to their wife or girlfriend. They like to see it, and recall the crime. I know its sick. Maybe LE are hoping that the perp has gifted the beautiful necklace, and that a woman might come forth saying "I was given the necklace."
Is it too far-fectched to think that Dan C. -- a sophomore basketball player at JMU and allegedly the driver of Morgan and her friends the evening of the concert -- was acquainted with the basketball players from UVA who reportedly engaged in some conversation with Morgan?

I believe the kid actually plays baseball so I doubt he was acquainted with the basketball players.
I believe key player named D to have the last name C, and be a student one year behind MH, at JMU.

No DC's on the basketball roster.

Baseball Roster:

Football Roster:

Couldn't find any DC's. By "player" do you mean an athlete?
Did Dan actually attend the concert? Or did he just leave the three girls off, while he participated in some other activity. Perhaps he had contacts at UVa, and some parts of the athletics facilities at UVa are open to the public. If he left the girls off, then he had the keys to the car. Locked out, MH may have gone looking for him.

The exact locations of the car during the relevant time period has been a major unresolved issue.

Quote from the above link:

According to police, in that phone call, Morgan told her friends she was stuck outside the Arena (which, even with a ticket stub, does not allow reentry) and that she would find her own way home. Police have confirmed that a friend inside the concert had driven Morgan’s car and still had her keys. [all emphasis mine]
I suspect that this case still has quite an extensive local following. It would not surprise me if women in Charlottesville are still on high alert. So when articles come out, with LE giving additional details, I'm sure lots of people are reading them, and discussing them amongst themselves. Most locals would want to bring closure to this, and find a perp so they can rest easy again!

It makes me wonder why LE is releasing the details on the camera. Is there something that they've recently discovered (or a potential tip they've received) to make them want to ask the public for info again? Just like the searches along I-64 happened all of a sudden, after many weeks.


I've heard that perps usually keep a physical item from their victims. A lot of times they actually have the audacity to give the item (jewelry for instance) to their wife or girlfriend. They like to see it, and recall the crime. I know its sick. Maybe LE are hoping that the perp has gifted the beautiful necklace, and that a woman might come forth saying "I was given the necklace."

???? why didn't they just release the info right away??

why not put the info out in the beginning?? I am NOT so "sure" that locals are following this...and the person who found the camera and/or necklace (IF anyone did) might be from another area, traveled to the concert...might not watch much news or follow this....just got "lucky" and found a red camera etc

"Perps" don't usually keep a camera....sorry I feel that LE really had no valid reason to hold this info back
You know...the media attention from some of these cases can be overwhelming to those only slightly involved...

IF these friends were "cleared" by LE...maybe there is no real reason to have their faces put all over the internet, news, videos, youtube etc...??

I remember a couple of guys who were only marginally involved with Casey Anthony, they were the roommates of her short term boyfriend (who has denounced her and not supported her)...these guys went on National TV and gave their info/impressions of the short time/few times they observed Casey with Caylee

and.....there were people all over the internet spinning scenarios about them...they had said the name of their school, a film school in Orlando...some googled it and even called the school...I felt at the time it was totally uncalled for

Call me cold...but I don't think a kid's life should be damaged just because they were drinking or doing some drugs one night at a concert and a friend of theirs (or in "Dan" case, an aquaintence) sadly went missing

they didn't do it

maybe they aren't all that visable cause they have seen the effects these cases can bring??? maybe LE has really determined that whatever they did that night had NO impact on what Morgan did and what happened to her
???? why didn't they just release the info right away??

why not put the info out in the beginning?? I am NOT so "sure" that locals are following this...and the person who found the camera and/or necklace (IF anyone did) might be from another area, traveled to the concert...might not watch much news or follow this....just got "lucky" and found a red camera etc

"Perps" don't usually keep a camera....sorry I feel that LE really had no valid reason to hold this info back


Having graduated high school in VA and my immediate family still lives there, I know many people that go to JMU, UVA, and VT (amongst other colleges in the area and state). I can confirm that locals are still following this case. Whenever a news report comes out, they all talk about it.

Having graduated high school in VA and my immediate family still lives there, I know many people that go to JMU, UVA, and VT (amongst other colleges in the area and state). I can confirm that locals are still following this case. Whenever a news report comes out, they all talk about it.

As a local, I do follow along, but I'm not sure how widely the story is staying in the news or in my friends' and acquaintances' minds. And to my mind, this all has not affected young solo women on UVa grounds' behavior all that much.

I drive around the UVa/JPJ area frequently, going to and from my office, and frequently see women by themselves walking or jogging after dark...

And some of the MH flyers that were posted around town are no longer up...
MBLover; To answer some of your questions, Dan, who was the driver that night did not have his named leaked. It was offered in an interview by Dr. Harrington. He had not been named before because to know his name would serve no purpose. Dan goes to JMU. He is a basketball player there in his second year. He is the boyfriend of a girl named Morgan but not Morgan Harrington. His girlfriend knows Morgan Harrington, Sarah and Amy. She is not one of the nine. She did not like Metallica and elected to stay behind that night. Dan went with her knowing about it. There was no “other girlfriend” on his part. He is not involved with Morgan, Sarah or Amy other than being friends. His older brother went to college in Virginia and is a public school teacher in Virginia; and his family lives on Long Island where is father is a financial planner. The family is well respected in New York and in Virginia. You asked how long it took to find out about him; it took no time at all. The people who need to know that info had it the very next day. There is a great deal of information that is known to the family and LE that the general public just doesn’t need to know. His last name and the last name of his girlfriend are readily available several places on the internet in other forums regarding Morgan. Try reading the family’s forum if you want more information. Just because it hasn’t been posted here doesn’t mean the information isn’t out there. Out of respect for the rules here and the moderator who runs this forum I will not post their last names because these folks are innocent parties. There is no mystery concerning Dan, Amy and Sarah. All were vetted weeks ago by LE. Chasing Moxie made a comment that both LE and the Harrington family have made it clear they don’t want to drag the friends into the investigation. The family has said from day one the friends aren’t involved. Law Enforcement just made the same statement last week in their press conference, yet people here pay no attention to those comments and continue to try to tie the friends into things. Why?

The link with Dr. Harrington offering the name of Dan as the driver is here;

Whenever there is an appearanc of a coverup, sleuthers are going to dig it up. It's just that simple.
IOW, if one has nothing to hide, then why hide? Apparently he is from a wealthy family who doesn't want bad press? Morgan's family appears too concerned for her friends, imo. If my kid is missing, then expose it all. Let it all come out, every dirty deep dark secret, just so long as my child is found, and hopefully alive.

I have not been following this case, but from the little I've read on this thread, there seems to be a whole lot of people worrying about the wrong people, when the missing person is the one it should be about.

I makes me wonder if Dan is hiding something other than being from a wealthy family, and it makes me wonder why SS really said what she said, because the excuse given doesn't make sense to me, and when it doesn't make sense, somethings smells hinky. jmo though
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