Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #10

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I thought she did try to get back in....didn't gate security see her with a cut on her face??

Yes she tried to get back in at several gates..and was denied entrance per their regular rules

In regards to "why didn't she buy another ticket"? It has been stated here various times that her debit card did NOT have enough money on it to do so.

The arena is large, crowded, and the music is loud...

she kisses friends and (according to them, we did find the quote) "went to the ladies room"..

then she is outside, trying to get in with a cut on her chin

she makes one call...friends suggest places to try to re-enter ...

and then she does not call back and does not answer phone

now....where and how would the friends find her in that crush of people??
Yes she tried to get back in at several gates..and was denied entrance per their regular rules

In regards to "why didn't she buy another ticket"? It has been stated here various times that her debit card did NOT have enough money on it to do so.

The arena is large, crowded, and the music is loud...

she kisses friends and (according to them, we did find the quote) "went to the ladies room"..

then she is outside, trying to get in with a cut on her chin

she makes one call...friends suggest places to try to re-enter ...

and then she does not call back and does not answer phone

now....where and how would the friends find her in that crush of people??

BBM.. Why would you kiss your friends goodbye if you are only heading to the ladies room? :waitasec:
BBM.. Why would you kiss your friends goodbye if you are only heading to the ladies room? :waitasec:

If you are 20, excited, maybe a bit drunk or high....??

why not?? Have you seen the myspace pics , etc?? Kids love to be dramatic


I am still waiting to hear how someone could arrange to "throw" the keys down from an arena to someone when they have NO idea where that someone is in a vast parking lot, in a large arena with various enterances, levels, with heavy metal music blaring

Morgan did NOT call back after her first call to them...and did not answer her how would they arrange this??

JMO It is time to narrow down the ideas...these same ones keep popping up

>>> they had no way to contact her or find her

>>> the arena policy is set in is what it is

>>> the designated driver was for the reason designated drivers are usually for....a great idea to prevent drunk driving

>>> Morgan could not buy a 2nd ticket cause she did not have money on her debit card

>>> the "guy" knew Morgan but was not close to her...he was there as a music fan, driver or whatever...not a boyfriend, not close

>>> LE has "cleared" the "friends" long ago

I think these are all valid and proven where do we go from there??
My understanding from previous articles is that MH did not call her friend/s - they called her at 8:48 - so at that moment they did have a way to contact her.

If they offered her several ideas for trying to get back into the arena then why didn't one say... "I'll meet you at the doors to the right or left of the box office." "I'll meet you at the door we entered thru."

It wasn't necessary that they gave her the keys to her car if they knew she had been drinking... However, isn't it possible that someone could have brought her the 'clicker' so she could have unlocked her car and sat inside of it?

I haven't heard anyone refer to this Dan as MH's bf. I've always heard of him as being the bf of a friend. And I've not seen anything saying that MH couldn't buy another ticket for the concert because of insufficient funds on her debit card. Besides that, I really can't see the Harrington's letting their daughter go 2 hrs. away/overnight without some kind of money somewhere - whether it's cash or a deposit to her checking account, JMO.
Below is a post that was on WS back in early Nov. I had not seen it but it contains some key questions regarding what happened that night. Questions which were answered indirectly by the friends themselves. With so much discussion being about the friends that went that night and what happend, I thought I'd re-post it. I know some of you have seen it before but I thought there may be a few folks like me that hadn't.

11-02-2009, 10:15 PM
Registered User Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 23

Originally Posted by FifthEssence
Hello again TARHEELPLAYA....have assembled a few questions in an orderly fashion as you requested.

1. Please confirm, was Morgan's car the auto the group drove in
to the arena ?
a. yes
b. no

2. If yes, why did she not take possession of her keys upon arrival?
a. wasn't a big deal, not an issue
b. she suggested she may be staying in Charlottesville
and was OK letting friends take the car back home

3. Do the girlfriends know WHY she left their group prior to Metallica
and what TIME was it?
a. bathroom break
b. feeling ill
c. smoke a cigarette
d. was going to look for a friend she thought might be at the concert?
e. girls were not aware she had walked away from group

4. Law Enforcement reported one of the girls initiated
a call to Morgan @8:48pm.
Was this a conversation or texting back and forth?

5. What was the tone & nature of that 8:48 communication?
a. upset she could not get back in
b. wasn't a big deal she couldn't get in
c. was? or was not? interested in getting the car keys
d. she had already contacted someone in Charlottesville or met up
with someone
e. she was or had been hassled by some strange guy(s)

6. Did she mention she had an injury to her face, chin?
a. if yes, did she say when-(time) and how it happen?
b. no, she never mentioned an injury, that she fell or slipped?
c. she fell, tripped, slipped? while with the girlfriends?

7. Did she mention a male person she was hoping or planning to run into
at the concert? (discuss w/ girl pals days before, or on the drive down?)

8. Were there plans for the group of friends to party in Charlottesville after
the concert or was the original plan, everyone would go back home?

9. VERY important, Did the girls ever communicate with her again
after the 8:48pm call?
Could the girls please provide us with the TIME of their earliest call to her
when they didn't get a response following the 8:48pm communication?

10. Were any of the girl pals aware of some new male interest, perhaps
someone she never met in person but had been communicating
w/on Facebook?

If you could please respond to the above, we can see how those pieces of info you provide us with fit into the chart activity already discussed. It would help to determine those areas of the chart aspects we could further exploit.


these are only the ones i could find out bc the ones i couldnt were too personal to ask.

5)d but could also be a
7)could not tell because it was "confidental info for the police only"
8)plans were to go back to JMU where the gf and bf lived but plans were altered
9)did not call before battery taken out, but not a specific time when the next call took place
10)they do not know if the friends knew who she was with, but they feel that the group did know who she was supposed to be with since they would not leave her alone. but again, the girls would not admit if they didnt because they would be ashamed.

and guys i dont think i can get much more info out of the friends, they kind of want to be left alone so hopefully this helps, but tarheelplaya06 is going to be signing out on info giving out because i dont want it to seem like im invesigating them since they already have enough of that going on. hope you respect that.

i appreciate all of your help and maybe we can now give them an update astrology since i told them you guys would.
My understanding from previous articles is that MH did not call her friend/s - they called her at 8:48 - so at that moment they did have a way to contact her.

If they offered her several ideas for trying to get back into the arena then why didn't one say... "I'll meet you at the doors to the right or left of the box office." "I'll meet you at the door we entered thru."

It wasn't necessary that they gave her the keys to her car if they knew she had been drinking... However, isn't it possible that someone could have brought her the 'clicker' so she could have unlocked her car and sat inside of it?

I haven't heard anyone refer to this Dan as MH's bf. I've always heard of him as being the bf of a friend. And I've not seen anything saying that MH couldn't buy another ticket for the concert because of insufficient funds on her debit card. Besides that, I really can't see the Harrington's letting their daughter go 2 hrs. away/overnight without some kind of money somewhere - whether it's cash or a deposit to her checking account, JMO.

If you google "Morgan Harrington overdrawn" there are many many references to this, just not sure I can post all the sites
It was on one of the videos..

Morgan was due to go to her parent's the next day to study for a math test and to BALANCE HER CHECKBOOK with her dad...supposedly she had overdrawn it "buying groceries"

So maybe they were going to help her with her finances the next day

if we are ready to "scope" the friends, then maybe we should look at this with a clear mind...when I do that I see 2 things that might have helped her

1) having money in her debit card

2) having a better cell phone...apparently her's was? defective/broken...battery kept falling out (again, this has been stated before)

and of course, we all can say in hindsight that she should have stuck with her friends, and so on and so on, and the friends shoulda/coulda/woulda

but the bottom line is money and a phone might have led to a different outcome...also Morgan seems to have been pretty "young" for her age, a sweet girl but immature...having a designated driver was a good idea...the gal in NY Katie had a limo to drive them...but she took off

bad choices, bad decisions....the friends were not the only ones who made bad decisions JMO
My understanding from previous articles is that MH did not call her friend/s - they called her at 8:48 - so at that moment they did have a way to contact her.

Most everything I have read, including MSNBC , Fox says Morgan called them
Here is info from

She had gone there with friends, but between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. she called them to say she was outside and couldn't get back in, and that she would either find them after the show or find another way home.

If they offered her several ideas for trying to get back into the arena then why didn't one say... "I'll meet you at the doors to the right or left of the box office." "I'll meet you at the door we entered thru."

Again, she called and seemed ok, if she had called back or answered her phone maybe then they could have tried other things. Much of what is said about them is second guessing, hindsight

It wasn't necessary that they gave her the keys to her car if they knew she had been drinking... However, isn't it possible that someone could have brought her the 'clicker' so she could have unlocked her car and sat inside of it?

I haven't heard anyone refer to this Dan as MH's bf. I've always heard of him as being the bf of a friend.

Apparently he is more of just a friend/happened to go with them that night cause his girlfriend is not a Metallica fan...and she knew he was going, she had other plans. So more of an aquaintence/school friend not a close friend

And I've not seen anything saying that MH couldn't buy another ticket for the concert because of insufficient funds on her debit card. Besides that, I really can't see the Harrington's letting their daughter go 2 hrs. away/overnight without some kind of money somewhere - whether it's cash or a deposit to her checking account, JMO.

The overdrawn info has been out there from the start...she overdrew "buying groceries" and dad was going to help her balance ck the next day...maybe put money in for her??

many sources, not sure if I can name them...can't find the video
but it is on blink, and also many other places and has been discussed in this forum since end of Oct


I don't know who "tarheelplaya" is ...nor do I know if she is really in the "know" or just someone claiming to be

I thought that people who were "insiders" on cases have to be vetted by the owner of this forum?? Was she??

I try to post newslinks and facts....many of which have already been posted in the various threads on this case many times...

unfortunately there is no real "sticky" so it becomes hard to find those links and facts again....if anyone else has more links and facts I would appreciate seeing them

IF I post something that is my speculation, I try to put it as that
From what I remember reading that tarheelplaya posted is that he/she was a friend of some of the friends. Not one of the friends that attended the concert.
From what I remember reading that tarheelplaya posted is that he/she was a friend of some of the friends. Not one of the friends that attended the concert.

But was she "vetted" or approved by the site owner here?? How do we know that tarheelplaya is for real and not just someone putting their own ideas out there as fact??

In every instance I have provided legitimate media links for things that I say....I post my opinions as opinonis and I post facts as facts

the "empty debit card" (due to "balance checkbook" with dad the next day) is a fact

legit news media have posted that Morgan called them...and didn't seem all that worried.

I will admit that in the beginning I too was "suspicious" of the "friends' but then I came to feel that there just wasn't that much "there" ...

whatever happened that night revolves around the few minutes in which Morgan got into someones car (or was forced into someones car)

did she leave the arena for a cigarette, a joint, a pill, or to say the rosary?? It doesn't matter..the outcome is the same

does D play baseball or her friends cry...will they "tell all" to the public?? I just don't think it really matters that much

bad things do happen...randomly...and happen more often when a series of bad decisions are put into place

woulda coulda shoulda...they say the saddest two words in the English Language are "if only"

I think that sometimes we have all overanalyzed this cause we want to see this beautiful young woman found...we want someone to "blame"...or something to "blame"

This is pretty much a dead end cold case IMHO>>> and no facebook, twitter or whatever is going to "solve" it, the friends tell "all" won't help I don't think... this is a nightmare for her family and a nightmare for LE cause a "no connection" case like this with no witness is the hardest to solve
Yes, if I remember correctly this person was directed to the owner of the site to be vetted and I'm guessing he/she was as their postings are still on WS.

ETA: I believe on the astrology forum
It still doesn't mean that she actually knew that much or that her postings were accurate....JMO

Why would Morgan leave the arena to smoke a cigarette when they have "smoking areas" for people to go to for a smoke break?? I can imagine she might smoke, or "smoke when drinking"..tho her parents did say she gave up the habit 6 months before

Everything I have read , and googled, says that Morgan called her friends not the other way around

• 8:10: Left the arena
• 8:20-8:30: Seen outside the entrance of John Paul Jones Arena
• 8:30-8:48: Seen at various locations, including on the University Hall side of the arena
• 8:48: A friend who accompanied her to the Metallica concert called Harrington, who said she would try to get a ride home from friends around Charlottesville.
• 8:48-9: Seen in the arena area; there is no credible information that she re-entered the arena.
• 9-9:10: Witnesses saw her, carrying a black purse, walking through the University Hall parking area. No one can confirm that she was with anyone in particular, but she was around other people.
• 9:10-9:20: Seen in the Lannigan Field parking area near the track and had limited interaction with individuals who have come forward or were identified; may have talked to other people during this time period.
• 9:20: The individuals who had encountered her left in their vehicles; there is no indication she left with any of them.
• 9:20-9:30: Police have reports that she was on the Copeley Road bridge over the railroad tracks, near the intersection with Ivy Road.

8:30 p.m. - Outside John Paul Jones Arena
8:48 p.m. - Friend called Morgan's cell phone
9:00 p.m. - Seen in University Hall parking lot adjacent to JPJ
9:10 p.m. - Near Davenport Field RV Park and UVA Track
9:20 p.m. - On Copeley Bridge near intersection with Ivy Road

8:48 - friend calls and offers other entry door suggestions, but Harrington says she’ll try to get a ride home from “friends around

All of these newstories - all legitimate have stated that the friend called MH. In all of the other legitimate news stories I read it states there was conversation with MH & the friend - doesn't specify who called who.
It still doesn't mean that she actually knew that much or that her postings were accurate....JMO

Why would Morgan leave the arena to smoke a cigarette when they have "smoking areas" for people to go to for a smoke break?? I can imagine she might smoke, or "smoke when drinking"..tho her parents did say she gave up the habit 6 months before

Everything I have read , and googled, says that Morgan called her friends not the other way around

You know...I didn't say it was accurate. I have no idea. You asked if this person had been vetted and I gave you an answer.

You seem to have a great problem with me and I'm not quite sure why. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and their feelings about this case.
Yes, if I remember correctly this person was directed to the owner of the site to be vetted and I'm guessing he/she was as their postings are still on WS.

ETA: I believe on the astrology forum

well...I personally don't like "guessing">> I would rather "google" LOL
or in this case search this forum

this person came on the site and seems to only have hung out on the forensic thread from Nov 1 to 6th

I do NOT see where he was "approved" or vetted as an insider

introduced himself as a "friend".. in first post... one of her friends and even closer to the girls she was with...ill get to u within 10 minutes whose car she was in to go to the concert and where it was parked at.

and it was 6 friends...

yet in profile says "I am a private investigator and working on the morgan harrington case. " claims to be a 'dude'...has said other odd things such as "the amount of people was not four. i dont know what source released that but the is DEFINITELY incorrect. I know every exact person that went with them"Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - MORGAN HARRINGTON, missing @concert 10/17/09 Charlottesville,VA

says in several posts that Morgan and her crowd were used to leaving each other at I guess we should all stop worrying??

they said they always ventured away at concerts. it was a norm to them but it might lose one of their friends lives. i miss morgan thats why i want u to continue this astrology bc evidence is at a stallmate right now

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - MORGAN HARRINGTON, missing @concert 10/17/09 Charlottesville,VA

IF you click on these links you will see the posts he/whoever made..

and NO one "vetted" one questioned him...and no one stepped in to tell him to be approved as an "inside' poster

no more posts from him after Nov 6th

soooo....I personally have to rely on the information on the web , in established news sources, and from the Harrisons themselves

I would appreciate seeing links and proof from others if they have links or information that is different from what I have found..thanks
LogicalMinds; I am the one who re-posted the tarheelplaya06 post. I ran across it here on WS. I thought the name looked familiar and it dawned on me where I had seen it. While I only belong to this forum, I do read the Harrington family’s forum. Tarheelplaya06 was at one time active on that forum. But this does not validate the post here per say. The same post as was posted here was posted over there regarding these questions and answers. I don't know about this person however, something doesn't "feel" right. There are several young ladies on the family forum that really do know friends of Morgan's and share insight into how they feel but I have not read that this person, tarheelplaya06, is one of them.
well...I personally don't like "guessing">> I would rather "google" LOL
or in this case search this forum

this person came on the site and seems to only have hung out on the forensic thread from Nov 1 to 6th

I do NOT see where he was "approved" or vetted as an insider

introduced himself as a "friend".. in first post... one of her friends and even closer to the girls she was with...ill get to u within 10 minutes whose car she was in to go to the concert and where it was parked at.

and it was 6 friends...

yet in profile says "I am a private investigator and working on the morgan harrington case. " claims to be a 'dude'...has said other odd things such as "the amount of people was not four. i dont know what source released that but the is DEFINITELY incorrect. I know every exact person that went with them"Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - MORGAN HARRINGTON, missing @concert 10/17/09 Charlottesville,VA

says in several posts that Morgan and her crowd were used to leaving each other at I guess we should all stop worrying??

they said they always ventured away at concerts. it was a norm to them but it might lose one of their friends lives. i miss morgan thats why i want u to continue this astrology bc evidence is at a stallmate right now

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - MORGAN HARRINGTON, missing @concert 10/17/09 Charlottesville,VA

IF you click on these links you will see the posts he/whoever made..

and NO one "vetted" one questioned him...and no one stepped in to tell him to be approved as an "inside' poster

no more posts from him after Nov 6th

soooo....I personally have to rely on the information on the web , in established news sources, and from the Harrisons themselves

I would appreciate seeing links and proof from others if they have links or information that is different from what I have found..thanks

I haven't relied on anything this person has posted.
You know...I didn't say it was accurate. I have no idea. You asked if this person had been vetted and I gave you an answer.

You seem to have a great problem with me and I'm not quite sure why. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and their feelings about this case.

Sorry if I give that impression...

however...if I post an opinion, off the top of my head, I will try to say JMO

Yes we all have opinions....however you have stated some things as facts rather than opinions..
and I posted direct media links
but you have not said a word about what I have posted.

I would like to see a "facts" list about this case...

some things are facts...and some are opinions

we all have opinions..but I hope we can all base them on the same facts? There are not even very many facts out there...but there are a few

For instance...after reading what I posted about the "debit card" had no money, do you now see why Morgan could not get back in?

If you have a link that says the friends called her, please post it..cause every source I have seen says that she called them....

I do know that there are threads for these cases that are "support" threads...and there are the "astrology" threads (honestly I am not into that much myself)...and then there are the "case fact" threads such as this one

where of course we share opinions, ideas, even jokes....but at least try to keep the facts pretty much straight.

LogicalMinds; I am the one who reposted the tarheelplaya06 post. I ran across it here on WS. I thought the name looked familiar and it dawned on me where I had seen it. While I only belong to this forum, I do read the Harrington family’s forum. Tarheelplaya06 is very active on that forum and friends with several young ladies that post there and do know friends of Morgan’s who make up part of the group of nine. Tarheelplaya06 posts much more over on that forum and they seem to know and accept the fact that she is who she says she is. While this does not validate her here per say, it may give you a better comfort level that she is someone that knows friends of Morgan and not just an imposter. If she were, I think she would have been exposed on the family forum long ago.

Do you realize that "she" said "I am a dude" and in profile claims to be a private investigator??


I still feel that I would prefer to rely on the media regarding who called who at the stadium..they all say that Morgan called her friends

do you have any links about that?? thanks
Sorry if I give that impression...

however...if I post an opinion, off the top of my head, I will try to say JMO

Yes we all have opinions....however you have stated some things as facts rather than opinions..
and I posted direct media links
but you have not said a word about what I have posted.

I would like to see a "facts" list about this case...

some things are facts...and some are opinions

we all have opinions..but I hope we can all base them on the same facts? There are not even very many facts out there...but there are a few

For instance...after reading what I posted about the "debit card" had no money, do you now see why Morgan could not get back in?

If you have a link that says the friends called her, please post it..cause every source I have seen says that she called them....

I do know that there are threads for these cases that are "support" threads...and there are the "astrology" threads (honestly I am not into that much myself)...and then there are the "case fact" threads such as this one

where of course we share opinions, ideas, even jokes....but at least try to keep the facts pretty much straight.


I just gave you a bunch of links regarding that 8:48 time that the friend called MH...
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