Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #9

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We had a young woman murdered in our county a couple days ago, and i have a friend who was friends with her. My friend is completely distraught, (she had just hung out with her the weekend before) and is bordering on mentally unstable at the moment out of grief for her friend who was found murdered in her apartment.

I kept thinking about this today (my friend was freaking out that they'd never catch the guy; well they caught him today) anyhow i keep thinking about the reaction from my friend, compared to that of Morgan's friends.

My friend wasn't even with her friend who was murdered (Jami) when she got killed, my friend did nothing that could potentially contribute to Jami's death. Jami was killed by her neighbor who supposedly was stalking her and is mentally unbalanced, and is a disorganized killer.

Morgan's friends could have prevented this tragedy from happening had they accompanied her to the bathroom, or at least went outside to wait with her or even leave, at the least get her her own car keys until the end of the concert. We see such lack of guilt, pleas, or strong emotion from Morgan's friends. It's baffling..

My friend was hysterical, upset, angry at everything in the world, scared, grieving and it sure showed. She said all sorts of things in her grief (which still isn't over yet). My friend wasn't friends with Jami as long as these girls had known Morgan. I want to ask what gives?
Why don't they seem to care about Morgan? Why don't they talk about it at all? Bottling all that up inside isn't healthy.. and their silence sure isn't keeping Morgan in their perspective or helping bring attention to Morgan's cause and finding her.

Jami Erlich, Rockland County NY?

I am sorry to hear of your friend's grief.

I understand your friend's fears completely.

I was attacked years ago in NYC by a gang of eight young men as I walked down 43rd street--I did nothing more than cross in front of them, and wound up beaten to a pulp. They just walked on and left me flat out, unable to move, on the sidewalk. My sense of security was robbed from me that day and for many years I was fearful in many situations and public places; my sense of security was gone. I've tried to understand this fear, and in counseling realized since that act made no sense, and I could in no way see it coming, I felt I had no way of protecting myself from another nonsensical attack occurring. KWIM? (But the way, I am doing very well now, but it took a long time to get to this place.) So, sorry for taking so long to get to the point, yes, once a sense of security is robbed, it takes a while to get it back.

Your friend's fear is normal and understandable. If it lingers though, she might find that she needs to speak with a professional to get through this. No shame in that whatsoever.

And once again on Morgan's friends, if they are afraid, they do not have to speak to the public about a potential POI. But they certainly could express sorrow and grief about Morgan's disappearance. So far, nada.

Truthsleuth I don't even know what to say.... this is one of the most cowardly crimes I've heard of.... I'm so sorry you had to go through this, and I'm so glad that you feel stronger now. How terrifying... especially since you did NOTHING wrong... were any of these people ever caught? Did anyone try to help you? ***sorry to go off topic**
MeoW333, I've been following Jami's story as well. She seemed like a wonderful teacher and friend, beloved by many. I'm so sorry for your friend's loss.

truthsleuth, I'm sorry you had to experience that.

This case has me truly perplexed. I'm not understanding Morgan's friends at all.

Thank you Masterj and Walker for your kind words. It is such a tragedy..
I was searching for Lamb of God videos for that night and stumbled upon their set list. Very creepy when read in order:

In Your Words
Set to Fail
Walk With Me In Hell
Now You've Got Something To Die For
Dead Seeds
Laid to Rest
Black Label


Lamb of God Video. Wait til the person zooms in. Check on bottom left of screen like four people in front of the middle bodyguard whos standing by some black travelling cases. Theres a blond girl with long wavy hair and black short sleeved shirt. Can be seen clearly near the 1:06 mark. SHes standing by a guy with what looks like a grayish baseball cap. They r right on top of the red lit crowd in the white lit crowd area. Shes also 2nd from the bottom left edge of frame a bit later.

Its not Dee cause the girls hair is really long.
Of course. I am assuming, however, that they CAN'T help much more because 1) they have told the police everything they know, and 2) the media blitz about Morgan has been ongoing for some time, and the media burns out on stories quickly; one of the friends coming forward, constrained only to repeat the same old tale we've heard, would not do much to invigorate media coverage. Moreover, because their silence is so absolute (and so unusual), the most likely and logical conclusion is that they have been instructed not to talk by LE, and I assume LE issued this instruction for a very good reason. This is where, in the other post, I made a wild guess that maybe they've been told not to talk for their own safety.

And frankly, if that's the case, I don't think it's cowardly or wrong of them to keep quiet, even if talking could generate more awareness in the public. Seriously, if your daughter could raise awareness about her missing friend but it required drawing danger to herself, would you advocate that?? At this late date? When there was no guarantee it would lead to any good news? I mean, all of us are here because we are concerned for the safety of a girl; surely, then, we would not want other girls to endanger themselves, particularly when LE themselves apparently don't think anything good would come of Morgan's friends talking to the public. This isn't a television drama, where some heroine is going to put herself out there as bait to catch a killer. This is real life, and if we value one girl's safety, we also should value another's.

Sorry if I sound frustrated, I just think it's time we give her friends a break. Until and IF that time should come when we actually have information that allows us to form judgments about why they aren't talking, it just seems kinder NOT to continue to criticize and rail against them for their silence, because it's far more likely than not that they have a very good reason for it/a request by LE to remain silent.

You know, I think one reason I am frustrated at the friends silence is probably because of what happened in the Madeleine McCann case. Her family saying they couldn't talk because they were arguidos - and yet once the arguido status was dropped they still didn't answer any of the numerous questions. And maybe it just seems this is going that way too, to me anyway. I am just beginning to doubt we'll ever hear the real reason Morgan left the arena or so many other points, that I'm not all that sure LE would advise them to be quiet on. As someone else just said, more likely it would be lawyers telling their clients not to say anything.

JMO, of course, and not very articulate, sorry.]

Lamb of God Video. Wait til the person zooms in. Check on bottom left of screen like four rows behind the bodyguard whos standing by some black travelling cases. Theres a blond girl with long wavy hair and black short sleeved shirt. Can be seen clearly near the 1:06 mark. SHes standing by a guy with a cap. They r right on top of the red lighted crowd in the white lighted crowd area. Shes 2nd from the bottom left edge of frame.

Its not Dee cause the girls hair is really long.
Thank you for posting Janeumayer.

I’m not seeing it; watched it four times…I will have to put earplugs in if I listen again. Lol Is this section 312? Has anyone checked the seating chart for the event that night? Isn’t section 312 usually way further back from the stage? Right around the stage is usually general admission standing area?
It would seem that the Harrington’s are undertaking a new effort to get the word out about Morgan at Christmas parades this week-end. Not a bad idea... Go here;
Thank you for posting Janeumayer.

I’m not seeing it; watched it four times…I will have to put earplugs in if I listen again. Lol Is this section 312? Has anyone checked the seating chart for the event that night? Isn’t section 312 usually way further back from the stage? Right around the stage is usually general admission standing area?

Section 312 is up high, not on the floor, but it's conceivable people can move around within the arena, especially for opening acts, as one poster somewhere pointed out.

Here's the seating chart set up for Phish at JPJ, an upcoming show. It was the same for Jimmy Buffett a few weeks ago, but I don't know about Metallica.
I'd be willing to bet the black attendance at this show was less than 1% of ticket sales. And i don't think hes off base.

Uh, why in the he%% is the percentage of blacks at the Metallica concert relevant to Morgan's case anyhow? Oh, I forgot, because there is a picture somewhere of her with a black male. :waitasec:
MeoW333, I've been following Jami's story as well. She seemed like a wonderful teacher and friend, beloved by many. I'm so sorry for your friend's loss.

truthsleuth, I'm sorry you had to experience that.

This case has me truly perplexed. I'm not understanding Morgan's friends at all.

Thanks Masterj. Life just keeps marching on, even after such life-jolting experiences.

Yep, the friends. A true conundrum.
Truthsleuth I don't even know what to say.... this is one of the most cowardly crimes I've heard of.... I'm so sorry you had to go through this, and I'm so glad that you feel stronger now. How terrifying... especially since you did NOTHING wrong... were any of these people ever caught? Did anyone try to help you? ***sorry to go off topic**

Thanks, Javabean. I so appreciate your words. No one should ever be robbed of their sense of security. You just spend your life constantly looking over your shoulder. ... No one was ever caught, no--and someone from inside the building I was attempting to enter helped by getting me up off the ground and going with me to a hospital. A simple moment--just seconds' worth of time--changed my life for such a long time.

As for Morgan, every day I get up and immediately search out news of whether or not she has been found. On the other hand, my impression is that the friends get up and simply go on with life and parties. It's an enigma.

Thanks again for your post!
My Virginia buddies gave me a heads up on a benefit that is being held in Richmond, VA on Dec. 19th at The Canal Club, which is a popular local/college bar. The same folks that have put this together are trying to do one on Dec. 18th in Lynchburg, VA. Apparently plans just came together for the Richmond one. I have not heard anything before my buddy sent me this. Maybe posting the info here will help get the word out for those who are local enough to attend. If the link doesn’t open to the December colander, just click Dec. and look at the nineteenth.

Go here;
I have not personally seen them yet, but will be out tomorrow and see if I can get a look at any of them. I need to go back and look at MBLover's post and see where they are, other than the one off of 581 at "Buds Suds", Elm Ave exit. If I do see them I'll be sure to take a pic and upload them tomorrow. Not sure about any other locations besides Rke.

Sorry but it rained most of the day yesterday and could not get out to get a picture of the billboard. Had to take our truck in for service and was going to try to get a pic then, but due to weather, decided not to do it yet. I did try to see the one over on Orange Ave/460, but it changed so slowly, by the time the two stoplights changed, it had not changed enough to see if MH's poster was on it, and again due to the rain, did not pursue it further. By changing, I mean because these are electronic billboards and change their info slowly.
I would like to know if the area from Harrisonburg,straight down 81 then onto 64 has been searched? If Morgan, said she would get a ride..doesn't mean she meant home..could have meant back to Harrisonburg where her car would be after the concert...that way parents wouldn't have questions about "how did you get here... ""where is your car"..."how you gonna get it back" see what I'm saying?
The hour drive is nothing but huge mountains,deep valleys,isolated areas between Harrisonburg,and Charlottesville and I wanted to know if any search effort had been made along 64?
I looked on several sites but couldn't see any date set to search for Morgan.I would like to see her found before the snow lays on the mountains here. Yes,I feel she is gone, I have no moments of doubt that she ran away, is off on vacation..taking a holiday..I wish I could feel this way..but I feel like she will be found between Harrisonburg, and
Charlottesville. We have no concrete proof she even made it to the concert!!
BTW: Anything I suggest is just a theory. If we could rule out certain possibilities, maybe we will see more clearly what happened.

Let's assume that Morgan OD'd at Harrisburg, possibly through no fault of her own. Her guests for the concert panic, and decide to get rid of her body somehow. Then, they need an alibi of some sort. Some of the girls had to attend the concert so their cell phones would provide evidence to their locations. One of the girls dresses up as Morgan; she leaves the concert early, then she makes several scenes, and finally puts on a great show of hitchhiking --- all just to make it seem that MH was the victim of a predator.

The only problem with this theory is that the girls probably have clean records or could find someone who did. Bringing a friend to the ER isn't really going to hurt them. Unless some guy (or less likely another girl) actually killed Morgan somehow, and they are covering up for him (her). Maybe Morgan had suffered something much worse than a drug overdose. Maybe "I don't know, Officer, she just took something at the party ..." wasn't going to work.

Another difficulty is that this cover-up would require at least three or four people (the fake Morgan, the two girl companions at the concert and the killer) to cooperate with each other fully.

NO WAY could any of the "9" pass for Morgan! We've all seen pictures of the 9. Most of them are short and stocky, while Morgan is taller and thin. And none of them have long blonde hair. Even IF one did dress up in Morgan's clothes and somehow got their hands on a long blonde wig or extensions, not only would they look ridiculous and like a man dressed up as a woman or something, they definitely wouldn't resemble Morgan enough that people at the concert or in the parking lot would mistake them for Morgan. Imaginative theory, though.
Why didn't anyone have any cell phone pictures of them arriving at the concert..most people with a cell phone are always taking pictures...that is only one of the things that has my hinky meter going off...the days of misinformation about the car...such a simple question"what car did you drive to the concert" "who was in the car?'' "did you discuss the possibility of getting separated?" Did you have a plan?" Didn't you find it strange that you couldn't reach Morgan?" When was the last time anyone tried to call her?? I wish I could ask some questions and watch the reaction...
Reasons why there are no pics of MH and/or friends at concert

1. No one thought to take pics
2. Pics showed that the group was inebriated and don't want this portrayed to the media

The others of the group immediately obtained legal counsel (or the one who has the father in LE) and a lawyer has told these other "friends" not to release these pics to media and/or LE

Since there is no evidence of a crime or crime scene, these girls (just as in the Brittanee Drexel case) do not have to speak to anyone, show anyone any possible pictures. Their phones cannot be tapped, they cannot be "hauled" in for questioning.

Everyone in the world knows there has probably been a crime committed in this case...the problem is until MH shows up in one way or another LE's hands are basically tied.
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