Vaccine case draws new attention to autism debate

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Here's that link to the JABS article above...forgot to place it in there...

I can only imagine the horror and frustration parents of autistic children feel. Every person I know with a child w/ autism and in one case twins, KNEW it was somehow linked to vaccines! I personally witnessed the dramatic difference in a close friend's twin boys very shortly after getting vaccinated.

When will "professionals" ever concede that parents KNOW their own children? From the CDC on the link between mitochondrial dysfunction and autism. At least one child other than Miss. Poling has now been shown to have suffered this regression directly related to her vaccines. Two other children as possible cases as well. Up to 5% of people with autism may have mitochondrial dysfunction. Why can't people just realize autism has many causes and vaccines are quite possibly one of them.
I want real numbers of children with autism that were never vaccinated.

Here is a link to a great article written by David Kirby re: your question.;


Posted June 27, 2007 | 11:01 PM (EST)
Read More: Julie Gerberding, Washington , Breaking Living News

..."A simple study of autism rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated children "could be done and should be done" to help settle the raging debate that has now spilled into the U.S. Federal Courts."

"The words of some anti-vaccine zealot? An overwrought parent lashing out at something, anything, to blame? Or perhaps a greedy trial lawyer pining for the big bucks of injured-kiddie tort?"

"No, these were the measured, thoughtful remarks of CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding, at a Washington press conference two years ago."

"But Gerberding never ordered the study -- one that could silence this tiresome argument once and for all, a study that any rational person would concur "should be done."

"Why not? One reason, the powerful director said, is that "very high levels of vaccination...record immunization levels," make it "very, very difficult to get an effective numerator and denominator to get a reliable diagnosis."

"But maybe it's not that difficult to find an "effective numerator" (i.e., unvaccinated children) after all."

"It certainly wasn't hard for the respected polling company, Survey USA, to find nearly 1,000 unvaccinated children living in nine counties in California and Oregon. All they had to do was pick up the phone."

"Survey USA, commissioned by the anti-thimerosal group Generation Rescue, completed telephone interviews in 11,817 households with one or more children age 4 to 17. Of the 17,674 children inventoried, 991 were described as being completely unvaccinated."

"Interestingly, the survey found that, among boys (who have neurodevelopmental disorders at a 4-to-1 ratio over girls) vaccinated children were 155 percent more likely to have a neurological disorder, 224 percent more likely to have ADHD, and 61 percent more likely to have autism. Among boys aged 11-18, the increased autism risk was 112 percent."

"This survey suggests there might be a trend here worthy of further investigation. But is it hard science? Of course not, and that is precisely my point.."
If I recall correctly, a scientific study was completed.

When Mercury was removed from vaccines, a scientific group in California determined that the removal of mercury did not decrease the rate of autism.

In a nutshell, if people are correct that "mercury" leads to autism and the mercury is removed, then a sharp drop in "new" autism rates should have occurred.

But it did not occur, nor since mercury has been removed from vaccines, has it occurred anywhere in the USA.

Therefore the correct conclusion, is that "vaccines" do not cause or lead to autism.

When will people accept the conclusion based on fact and evidence, which is in direct conflict with the "belief" that still prevails.
If I recall correctly, a scientific study was completed.

When Mercury was removed from vaccines, a scientific group in California determined that the removal of mercury did not decrease the rate of autism.

In a nutshell, if people are correct that "mercury" leads to autism and the mercury is removed, then a sharp drop in "new" autism rates should have occurred.

But it did not occur, nor since mercury has been removed from vaccines, has it occurred anywhere in the USA.

Therefore the correct conclusion, is that "vaccines" do not cause or lead to autism.

When will people accept the conclusion based on fact and evidence, which is in direct conflict with the "belief" that still prevails.

When will you accept people are entitled to believe what ever gives them comfort? Do you think the Poling family believes incorrectly that vaccinations caused their daughters autism, or does autistic like symptoms not mean autism in your book? It has been shown there is a link between regressive type autism in those patients with mitochondrial dysfunction. Does it really matter that they had an underlying condition that was aggravated by vaccinations which caused the autistic symptoms? They still have autism after the vaccinations that they did not have before them. Maybe you should open your mind just a little and look outside the box. At the very least respect what these parents are going through. Calling them stupid for believing that vaccinations injured their child is one of the least helpful and unsupportive things you can do. How would you like it if someone told you something that you believe about your child is wrong and you are stupid for not seeing things their way? One day we will know the causes of autism but until then we all need to respect and understand everyone is entitled to their own opinions with out being told they are wrong. That is why it's called and opinion. If someone choses to think an opinion is fact that is their choice, and we should support them or ignore them.

NIXA, Mo., March 28 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Parents of children who regressed into autism after receiving vaccines are expressing cautious optimism that government health officials may at last be catching on to the link between vaccines and autism.
An article published on Huffington Post by investigative journalist David Kirby reported details of a conference call held earlier in March, bringing together federal vaccine safety officials to discuss concerns surrounding mitochondrial dysfunction, autism and vaccines.
The call came on the heels of a concession by the federal government that vaccines lead to regressive autism in nine-year-old Hannah Poling of Atlanta. The ruling is raising many questions, especially in the area of mitochondrial dysfunction, which the government conceded was exacerbated by Hannah's vaccines.
In the article, Kirby stated, "The hot topic of the day was mitochondria - the little powerhouses within each cell that convert food and oxygen into energy." And that, "Some researchers on the call reported that mitochondrial dysfunction is probably much more common than the current estimate of 1-in-4,000 people, making the potential implications for autism staggering."
Of utmost significance are the following points:
-- Up to 1 in 50 children (2%) may be at risk for mitochondrial dysfunction.
-- Thimerosal, mercury, aluminum, pollution, pesticides, medicines and prenatal alcohol exposure have all been shown to damage mitochondria.
-- Up to 20% of all children with autism may have underlying mitochondrial dysfunction.
-- The CDC is aware of this situation and is immediately taking measures to address the current national vaccine schedule.
-- The genetic susceptibility for mitochondrial dysfunction is not rare.
What documentation I DO have in my possession is NOT my opinion...the scientific findings of MANY, MANY credible researchers and scientists, going all the way back to the 1940's, shows, unequivocally, that Thimerosal was toxic THEN (1940's aka PINK DISEASE) and it is STILL TOXIC NOW.

That FACT has been the basis for a continued cover-up amongst various medical institutions/scientific groups/financial boards, ever since.

The scandal is NOT that they don't KNOW what causes autism. THEY DO know, they HAVE known. The problem is NOW that extremely credible researchers have found, using the CDC's OWN DATA BASE, showing how deadly toxic mercury is in our systems -- how on earth do you handle this issue when an entire generation's worth of children have been harmed? The amount of money tied up in lawsuits would be untold. If you dare to admit any culpability/liability in this issue -- my will have opened up a huge can of worms.

Not everyone involved with this issue are evil, greedy/controlling people. But this issue is just so huge and it's totally out of hand.

Some people, for whatever reason, don't or won't, see the Truth with any of this. It is perhaps too difficult to wrap your brain around the fact that so many, many children have been knowingly harmed by those few who have caused, and continue to cause, this horrendous cover-up, through various politically motivated means. (Ask Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center about that one -- she knows.)

I have provided, on this thread, an interview done by a well known Vaccine Researcher, who feared for his life as he gave this interview with respect to what he knows about the vaccine safety issue cover-up. He would not give his name, as his life and that of his family's, has been threatened.

Some folks just cannot wrap their heads around the fact that in the real world of business, corruption abounds. I've seen it in the law firms I've worked with as well. No, not everyone is part of the corruptive process, but the bigger the fish, the higher up they are, the bigger the lies when something goes so horrendously wrong.

It's been that way since Adam and Eve's's all just happening on a bigger and broader scale in today's time.

The sad fact of the truth is that there are those that work in the 'need to know' categories in all business/finance/medical institutions who would willingly sacrifice YOUR children and/or your grandchildren, or YOU, to cover-up, distort, disinform, cook research, print false research data in medical records/journals, to cover their own sorry butts in times of their own potential financial crisis.

I didn't want to believe any of that when our son was suffering with his vaccine reactions. In fact, I did not believe any of this at first. But after awhile, I could no longer deny what I was finding in my research.

With the Poling decision, slowly the wheels are turning in a more positive and just position. But believe me, there will be those groups of people -- folks who sit on so-called Vaccine Safety Boards (some sit on these Boards who do not even have backgrounds in science and/or medicine) -- and other 'scientific/medical groups' -- who will continually pump out their falsehoods about the lack of evidence (re: Thimerosal toxicity) until the dam breaks and they, too, will no longer be able to deny the Truth.

MERCURY IS TOXIC. IT KILLS. IT DAMAGES BRAIN CELLS and causes so much damage. As Dr. Boyd Haley has stated, you don't want ANY mercury in your body/system. Watch the University of Calgary's video can GOOGLE it in.

This is not the first issue, nor is it the last, of which your government and other medical officials have knowingly LIED to you.

When I finally realized that ugly TRUTH is the day I finally grew up.
What documentation I DO have in my possession is NOT my opinion...the scientific findings of MANY, MANY credible researchers and scientists, going all the way back to the 1940's, shows, unequivocally, that Thimerosal was toxic THEN (1940's aka PINK DISEASE) and it is STILL TOXIC NOW.

That FACT has been the basis for a continued cover-up amongst various medical institutions/scientific groups/financial boards, ever since.

The scandal is NOT that they don't KNOW what causes autism. THEY DO know, they HAVE known. The problem is NOW that extremely credible researchers have found, using the CDC's OWN DATA BASE, showing how deadly toxic mercury is in our systems -- how on earth do you handle this issue when an entire generation's worth of children have been harmed? The amount of money tied up in lawsuits would be untold. If you dare to admit any culpability/liability in this issue -- my will have opened up a huge can of worms.

Not everyone involved with this issue are evil, greedy/controlling people. But this issue is just so huge and it's totally out of hand.

Some people, for whatever reason, don't or won't, see the Truth with any of this. It is perhaps too difficult to wrap your brain around the fact that so many, many children have been knowingly harmed by those few who have caused, and continue to cause, this horrendous cover-up, through various politically motivated means. (Ask Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center about that one -- she knows.)

I have provided, on this thread, an interview done by a well known Vaccine Researcher, who feared for his life as he gave this interview with respect to what he knows about the vaccine safety issue cover-up. He would not give his name, as his life and that of his family's, has been threatened.

Some folks just cannot wrap their heads around the fact that in the real world of business, corruption abounds. I've seen it in the law firms I've worked with as well. No, not everyone is part of the corruptive process, but the bigger the fish, the higher up they are, the bigger the lies when something goes so horrendously wrong.

It's been that way since Adam and Eve's's all just happening on a bigger and broader scale in today's time.

The sad fact of the truth is that there are those that work in the 'need to know' categories in all business/finance/medical institutions who would willingly sacrifice YOUR children and/or your grandchildren, or YOU, to cover-up, distort, disinform, cook research, print false research data in medical records/journals, to cover their own sorry butts in times of their own potential financial crisis.

I didn't want to believe any of that when our son was suffering with his vaccine reactions. In fact, I did not believe any of this at first. But after awhile, I could no longer deny what I was finding in my research.

With the Poling decision, slowly the wheels are turning in a more positive and just position. But believe me, there will be those groups of people -- folks who sit on so-called Vaccine Safety Boards (some sit on these Boards who do not even have backgrounds in science and/or medicine) -- and other 'scientific/medical groups' -- who will continually pump out their falsehoods about the lack of evidence (re: Thimerosal toxicity) until the dam breaks and they, too, will no longer be able to deny the Truth.

MERCURY IS TOXIC. IT KILLS. IT DAMAGES BRAIN CELLS and causes so much damage. As Dr. Boyd Haley has stated, you don't want ANY mercury in your body/system. Watch the University of Calgary's video can GOOGLE it in.

This is not the first issue, nor is it the last, of which your government and other medical officials have knowingly LIED to you.

When I finally realized that ugly TRUTH is the day I finally grew up.

Thank you. :blowkiss: I am staying out of this from now on as it is just added insult to injury when told how safe mercury is, but wanted to let you know that you have a Number One fan out there hanging on your every word.
Video link to Univ. of Calgary's video re: HOW MERCURY CAUSES BRAIN NEURON DEGENERATION:

It is NOT JUST the mercury that causes so many problems for these kids. It's the aluminum (an adjuvant) and all the other toxic chemicals/brews they put into these vaccines. It's also how they culture the vaccines (using egg yolks when many are allergic to eggs for instance).

There are many complex issues tied into this issue; it isn't just one particular ingredient. BUT...mercury is indeed, the most likely culprit for most of the damage.

Enough said.

See my pm to you...:)

A friend in need of a pick-me-up is a friend indeed. Please know that your understanding is half the battle........however - on this one - I am battle weary, so carry on - you are a wonderful soldier for The Troops.


Thanks...but I'm done. I think I've provided more than enough information for those on this thread who truly want to research this subject more so for themselves.

I can only provide the information I have and share my story. The rest is up to them...:) :)
:) :rolleyes: Well, I just now found Jenny McCarthy's editorial re: autism/Poling decision on CNN's website and I just HAD :) to post that link here.

It's an amazing article and to tell you the truth, I am so wonderfully glad to see these words actually written on a mainstream website!

(Hmmm...for some reason I can't paste the link here, so I will provide a snip. Read the rest of her editorial, which has just been written, by GOOGLING instead...)

The Snip:

(CNN) -- "In light of the recent Hannah Poling decision, in which the federal court conceded that vaccines could have contributed to her autism, we think the tide is finally turning in the direction of parents like us who have been shouting concerns from our rooftops for years."

..."We believe what helped Evan recover was starting a gluten-free, casein-free diet, vitamin supplementation, detox of metals, and anti-fungals for yeast overgrowth that plagued his intestines. Once Evan's neurological function was recovered through these medical treatments, speech therapy and applied behavior analysis helped him quickly learn the skills he could not learn while he was frozen in autism. After we implemented these therapies for one year, the state re-evaluated Evan for further services. They spent five minutes with Evan and said, "What happened? We've never seen a recovery like this."

"Evan is now 5 years old and what might surprise a lot of you is that we've never been contacted by a single member of the CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, or any other health authority to evaluate and understand how Evan recovered from autism. When Evan meets doctors and neurologists, to this day they tell us he was misdiagnosed -- that he never had autism to begin with. It's as if they are wired to believe that children can't recover from autism."

"So where's the cavalry? Where are all the doctors beating down our door to take a closer look at Evan? We think we know why they haven't arrived. Most of the parents we've met who have recovered their child from autism as we did (and we have met many) blame vaccines for their child's autism."

We think our health authorities don't want to open this can of worms, so they don't even look or listen. While there is strong debate on this topic, many parents of recovered children will tell you they didn't treat their child for autism; they treated them for vaccine injury."

"Many people aren't aware that in the 1980s our children received only 10 vaccines by age 5, whereas today they are given 36 immunizations, most of them by age 2. With billions of pharmaceutical dollars, could it be possible that the vaccine program is becoming more of a profit engine then a means of prevention?"

"We believe autism is an environmental illness. Vaccines are not the only environmental trigger, but we do think they play a major role. If we are going to solve this problem and finally start to reverse the rate of autism, we need to consider changing the vaccine schedule, reducing the number of shots given and removing certain ingredients that could be toxic to some children."

"We wish to state, very clearly, that we are not against all vaccines, but we do believe there is strong evidence to suggest that some of the ingredients may be hazardous and that our children are being given too many, too soon!"

Jenny McCarthy is to be commended for stepping up to the plate and saying it like it is.
"We wish to state, very clearly, that we are not against all vaccines, but we do believe there is strong evidence to suggest that some of the ingredients may be hazardous and that our children are being given too many, too soon!"
I heard someone say once that if the ANGELS were in charge of our medical care, he'd trust the CDC, FDA, etc. DITTO...

(And I, too, agree with that last sentence, although the science is still out as to how or even if, vaccines really do what 'they' say they do. I'm still on the fence with that one.)
did anyone watch this the other night on CNN?...i think it was CNN, or msnbc....

"In My Language"

The first part is in my "native language," and then the second part provides a translation, or at least an explanation. This is not a look-at-the-autie gawking freakshow as much as it is a statement about what gets considered thought, intelligence, personhood, language, and communication, and what does not.

65% Autistic Children Found To Have Mitochondrial Disorder

At an American Academy of Neurology meeting last Sunday it was revealed in a recent research paper, see below, that 65% of children with Austistic Spectrum Disorders assessed were found to have mitochondrial disorder (MtD) and so were always at risk of autism caused by one or more vaccines.

Oxidative Phosphorylation (OXPHOS) Defects in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders [IN1-1.004]

John Shoffner, Lauren C. Hyams, Genevieve N. Langley, Atlanta, GA

OBJECTIVE: To retrospectively survey patients with autistic spectrum disorders that were evaluated clinically for mitochondrial disease and to assess the clinical and laboratory features of this group of patients.
BACKGROUND: Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by disturbance in language, perception and socialization. A variety of biochemical, anatomical and neuroradiographical studies imply a disturbance of brain energy metabolism in autistic patients. Recent studies confirmed the previously reported high frequency of biochemical markers of mitochondrial dysfunction, namely hyperlactacidemia and increased lactate/pyruvate ratio, in a significant fraction of 210 autistic patients. (J Autism Dev Disord, 2006. 36:1137) Although rare, Mecp2 mutations can produce autistic features and the mouse model has significant mitochondrial defects. (Mol Cell Biol, 2006. 26: 5033) Additional genetic defects associated with mitochondrial dysfunction include inverted 15q11-13 duplication (Complex III defect) (Ann Neurol, 2003,53,801), A3243G mutation (mitochondrial transfer RNALeucine(UUR) gene, mtDNA depletion(J Pediatr, 2004,144,81), G8363A mutation (mitochondrial transfer RNALysine gene. (J Child Neurol, 2000,15,357).
DESIGN/METHODS: Retrospective analysis of 37 children with autistic spectrum disorders. Clinical, biochemical, metabolic, and genetic data is assessed.
RESULTS: Twenty four children (65%) had skeletal muscle OXPHOS defects: Complex I (16), Complex I and Complex III (5), Complex III (1), Complex I and Complex IV (2). Thirteen (35%) had normal skeletal muscle OXPHOS enzyme activities for Complexes I-IV. Clinical, metabolic, protein chemistry, and sequencing of coding regions of the mitochondrial DNA will be reported.
If I recall correctly, a scientific study was completed.

When Mercury was removed from vaccines, a scientific group in California determined that the removal of mercury did not decrease the rate of autism.

In a nutshell, if people are correct that "mercury" leads to autism and the mercury is removed, then a sharp drop in "new" autism rates should have occurred.

But it did not occur, nor since mercury has been removed from vaccines, has it occurred anywhere in the USA.

Therefore the correct conclusion, is that "vaccines" do not cause or lead to autism.

When will people accept the conclusion based on fact and evidence, which is in direct conflict with the "belief" that still prevails.

I was told by my youngest daughters' pediatrician, that while it's been removed from CURRENT vaccines, Dr's still use the vaccines that they have stockpiled/ordered/on the shelf etc. So it doesn't necessarily mean it's NOT in the vaccines that a child is receiving just that going forward it's not supposed to be used with NEW batches of the vaccine being created.
My daughter just had her baby on Friday and they wanted to give the baby HIB vaccine. She refused as her best friend works with children with autism and she said all the parents believe it came from the vacinations they had as babies. Her friend did not know which vaccines were the dangerous ones. So I will tell her about the mmr (to get them separately), are there any others that would be considered dangerous as well?

I suppose for the person wanting to know one person whose child has autism and did not get vacinations would have to be John Travolta's son. His son has autism and I don't believe Scientologists believe in drs and such things as vacinations.

Please PM me with any current information so I can share with my daughter. I'm a first time granma and it is her first baby so we have much to learn about having a baby in the "modern" times.


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