VERDICT is IN!! #1

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no there was a space for the options..."premed"..."felony"..."both".. 7 marked premed only and 5 marked "both" ALL said premed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have it mixed up: 5 for premeditated only; 7 for premeditated AND felony.
Wow, Jean C just said she didn't see Jodi ever look at her family today.
A civil suit will ensure she never has any!!

Her paintings she's selling on and off ebay.whatever profits maybe even money people have sent to her. I'm glad the attorney came forward and said they would file a wrongful death suit. It sent her and her family a message. As much as Jodie's family mocked and giggled along with Jodie everyone even the prosecutor.
All the behaviour mean at that she showed to the family glaring! It's all come against her.
Wait, so y'all are telling me the jury didn't fall for Jodi's brown hair and glasses?! I thought that was a foolproof plan!!!
I couldn't be happier for that!!! MOO
What a great day for justice in America. Woohoo!

When does aggravation phase begin?

Thanks. ustream went out on me! I didn't e en get to hear "guilty,"
I really want to "meet" all the jurors that bring justice to Travis!
Jodi Arias convicted of first-degree murder

19 minutes ago

PHOENIX (AP) — Jodi Arias was convicted of first-degree murder Wednesday in the gruesome killing of her one-time boyfriend in Arizona after a four-month trial that captured headlines with lurid tales of sex, lies, religion and a salacious relationship that ended in a blood bath.

Arias fought back tears, and family members of the victim wept and hugged each other as the verdict was announced in the hushed, packed courtroom.

Outside, a huge crowd that had gathered on the courthouse steps screamed, whistled and cheered the news in a case that has attracted fans from across the country who traveled to Phoenix to be close to the proceedings. Some chanted, "USA, USA, USA!"

The jury of eight men and four women took about 15 hours to reach its verdict after four months of testimony, including 18 days on the witness stand by the 32-year-old Arias. The jury will return to the courtroom Thursday to begin the next phase of the trial that could set the stage for her being sentenced to death...
God bless you, jury, for all of your time and attention over the past 4+ months. Thank you for taking this case seriously and giving it the careful deliberation that it deserved. Thank you for making what I'm sure was a difficult decision.

God bless you, Mr. Martinez and Detective Flores, for you and your teams' hard work and personal sacrifices over the past 5 years. YOU are the reason this murderer has been brought to justice!

God bless you, Alexander family, for what you have been through. Losing your brother under such horrific circumstances and then having to sit through all of the lies and sleeze told by the murderer, DT, and defense witnesses. You have held your head up, been gracious, and have consistently taken the high road. I know this verdict will not bring back Travis, but at least rest knowing that justice has been served!

And finally, God bless all of you fellow Websleuthers. I came into this trial a little late in the process - actually when the murderer took the stand. I have learned so much from you, cried with you, and laughed with you when the going got tough.

My faith in our justice system has been restored!

5 for premeditated murder alone
0 for felony murder alone
7 for BOTH premeditated and felony murder

So not "only" felony murder, but five ALSO found felony murder.

Me personally, I was for premeditated alone. I can understand why they've been deliberating for so long.

I'm sure they'll have a chance to tell people - if they choose to.

Otherwise - there's no way to know.

Still, even if they all began from the point of 1st Degree - I'm glad they took the time to take their decision seriously - think it through and weigh the elements.
I re-watched the verdict being read. The clerk says:

5 Premeditated
0 Felony
7 Premeditated and Felony

Sorry for asking a question that had such an obvious answer (I might as well asked where was Arias in the court when the verdict was read)?

What does the 5 Premeditated 0 Felony 7 Premeditated and Felony mean?

When I heard the words "guilty" I think I just was overcome that justice for Travis Alexander had been rendered in a court of law had been served - I missed the clerk giving the "numbers."

Thank you jurors for giving Travis Alexander Justice!
just STHU, at least now. I was so, so , so sick of all their "critiques" of Juan's performance. As he has in so many other cases, he brought it home. I am in awe of that man.

JM proved premeditation. Talking heads and naysayers were clearly wrong. He has another successful case to head to his impeccable trial record. The jury got it. Either DP or LWOP, she will never leave a prison again. She will die there alone.
In THAT OTHER CASE after the verdict, I sent a thank you card to the prosecutors for their hard work, etc.

I will do the same thing here.
Is everyone here delighted then? Nobody who finds the whole thing really sad?
Beth stayed in court afterward. Jodi mom, aunt and grandma huddled with Willmott and mitigation specialist.
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