VERDICT is IN!! #1

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(my toes are really getting sore!:anguish: I swear, every time I post a long post the thread closes...)
I will repost it here.

After a rather brutal day on the board yesterday, with lots of pot-stirring, sniping and complaining about the jury in this trial, I was very depressed.

I was up very late and wrote the following thoughts to post today. Although a verdict has been reached, I am still going to post it with an update at the end.

Here it is:
I know many of us are tense waiting for a verdict. I’m sure the Alexander Family is even more tense than we are.

I truly believe the jurors are just doing the very serious job set before them. We have to remember that we have had daily debates, exchanges and conversations to dissect every piece of evidence, witness, and piece of testimony. I know there were many times that I didn’t catch an important point until someone else mentioned it on the boards. There were also many times that I thought I understood a certain thing about the trial and then someone else’s post would show another angle and cause an AHA moment for me. We have had time to discuss testimony, it’s validity and/or believability, it’s relevance, etc.

The jurors have been completely silent for four long months. They have been taking in massive amounts of information without any ability to process it with others or discuss it. They are just now having some of the same discussions we have been having for months. (not to mention the poor alternates who STILL can’t discuss it!)

It is going to take time to sort through WHAT to believe and WHO to believe (thanks to some of the questionable characters that have testified in this case). They may want to discuss the almost 700 pieces of evidence, the photos, the witnesses and their credentials and credibility, JA’s behavior on the stand and in the courtroom, the testimony, the journals, the text messages/emails/online chats, the relevance of certain things, the timeline, premeditation, the layout of the bathroom/bedroom, the sequence of events on June 4, the gun, the gas cans, the trashing of Travis, and on and on…. Just like we did.

I think it is totally unfair to guess at: the motives of the jurors, the intelligence of the jurors, the reasons why the jurors are laughing as they leave the courthouse, whether or not they “should” be laughing as they leave the courthouse, IF there is a hold up or WHO is the hold out, the ability for male jurors to reach a decision without their testosterone getting in the way, or compare them to the CA jury.

Other than the Alexander family, I can’t imagine anyone who wants this trial to be behind them MORE than the jurors. Although they haven’t been sequestered, their entire lives have been altered during this trial. I think we should commend them for resisting the urge to rush a verdict, get to the next stage (if there is one) and get this over with.
They have the weight of this decision on their shoulders. Many say they wouldn’t think twice, M1. I am sure it is very different when you REALLY have this decision in your hands. No matter what JA did, these jurors have to live the rest of their lives with the decision they make. They have the responsibility and the RIGHT to take the time to be comfortable with their vote.

Lastly, after this trial is over the jurors may read the posts here. Although
the LARGE majority of WS posters are respectful of the task the jurors have taken on (even if anxious for a verdict), there are some posts that would really TICK ME OFF and offend me if I was a juror. WS is a victim friendly site. We support those looking for and working toward justice. These jurors are working hard to find a fair and just verdict. They deserve our support and respect, not to be picked apart, insulted and judged.

Sorry for the length of this post, just really needed to get these feelings out of my head and onto the board. All IMO.

(stepping off the soapbox now)

PS I trust this jury. I trust they are going to come to the verdict the majority of us feel she should receive.
Take a breath. Get some sunshine. Hug your loved ones. And know that this will all work out in the end.
Justice for Travis (and all who love him) is on its way!

Now that a verdict has been reached I think the bolded section is particularly important. Even IF we get a verdict we don't agree with (which I DO NOT believe will happen) we OWE these jurors the respect they have earned by being willing to take on this large task and interrupt their lives for this search for justice.
Oh I do hope all our dismissed jurors show up!!!! They should be there!

I was in kitchen makin grilled cheese and heard CEO & Poquito are there..

TEARS FILLED my eyes because something told me that possible the remaining requested the 3 be told so that they'd all be there when they handed down the Verdict!!

It's amost feels a sign of solidarity and sign of Murder 1 :please:
First part of my appt is done waiting to see dr about results of test. Need to get out of here by 1:15 to get home by verdict time. But I do have HLN on the TV in the waiting room. I'm the only one in the waiting room.
Difference between Murder and felony murder? How much time for 2nd degree?
I just downloaded Ustream on my Droid, can someone tell me what to do now so I can watch on my phone?? TIA!
:seeya: Gotta run to the post office to make sure my Mother's Day cards go out today! Please save me a seat for the reading of the MURDER 1 VERDICT!

:skip: :skip:
Finally got out of Costco and I am home...on a day I should be working but I am happy! I couldn't work straight right now if I was there! My kids are all grouchy I cut them off the pizza samples :facepalm:

Tell them they'll have plenty because that's all they are getting for dinner I texted hubby "Chinese or Papa Johns? You pick and order"
It's pretty impressive that 12 "otherwise strangers" could reach a unanimous decision, much less in so short of time.

They saw right through JA and her BS. My thinking is either she implodes or just sits there acting like she doesn't care...and she will seethe on the inside. Good Riddance to BAD EVIL RUBBISH
I just saw the first hummingbird of the season in the back yard, flitting among the red yucca and lantana. I always feel so peaceful when I see one, I'll take it as a good sign today. :)
Michelle Lee@myhleeTravis Alexander's sisters just arrived to courtroom. #JodiArias
New thread and I didn't see any warning. Gosha!. Ok, any way my friend can watch on her iphone?

Download the UStream App and the in the search box type "AZfamily" then choose the one with the seal up on it :)
WS seems to be running just like a Mercedes for me!!!
the crowds are growing in front of the courthouse
I just texted my son's school principal to tell my son that a verdict has been reached in the Jodi Arias trial LOL
oh man JVM found some victims....she is a tiny little thing
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