Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase #2

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Why? Wasn't it on the list of 1000 places to see?

Is there really any confirmation that they were really in the Grand Canyon, seems like it is just speculation that snowballed here? I know they said sightseeing.....but where?

Looks like life goes on without her. Her and the phony Christmas tree picture. Hasn't the murderer heard of photoshop? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Everyones emotions are "raw". I am glad there is a cooling down time before a decision to continue will be made. I will be okay with LWOP, no appeals, no TV interviews, and isolation. I am so sorry for Travis' family and I hope they can find a calmness in the future. I am so angry with the TH saying how this was a big win for the defense. Since when did this become a game. The only one who has lost is TA family and because of CMJA. JSS is NOT going to give her LWP. And if this is a do over CMJA will more than likely get the DP.

a trial is theater though. there were tons of theatrics in this trial----all from the DT, IMO, and i believe some of them worked. hey, she hasn't got a date with the gurney for now. they're happy with that. it was written all over JW's face yesterday.
I have an idea for Juan;

Next time, he should say : Imagine if it were Travis that pre-meditated this crime and killed Jodi in this cruel way : Imagine that he stabbed her in the heart, then proceeded to stab her 29 times, and then slashed her throat, THEN shot her and stuffed her in the shower to rot. Would you think he deserved the death penalty??

I think this will really bring it into light for the next jury, and take away the "woman" bias. He needs to make the jury aware of this bias, so they are aware of it and can catch themselves in deliberations if they start to cut her some slack.

I believe that he should be allowed by law to say that at least in his closing remarks. And I guarantee you just that visual will clear up this "woman" problem we seem to have with this jury. If the jurors are made aware ahead of time that there might be this bias, I think it will go a long, long way in them recognizing it and stopping it. If they're not made aware, they might not even realize they are doing it.

I think Juan was afraid to "go there" b/c he was afraid of alienating jurors. But he NEEDS to go there. The reality is that this looming "woman" thing is a problem, and it's there, and he needs to address it to the next jury.

GREAT post! I strongly believe some of the jurors just didn't feel they could put a woman on death row. But if the situation was reversed and it was Travis who had slashed Jodi's tires, peered in her windows, followed her on dates, hacked into her accounts and then brutally murdered her, they would have voted for the DP!

If it was Jodi who had ranted in a text to Travis after all he had put her through, I highly doubt the jury foreman who spoke out today would have accused her of being emotional/verbally abusive.
Judges are allowed to show some emotion. Check out all the youtube's of sentencing of any notorious murderer. They are human, the trial is DONE at that point, so they can finally let a little out. She did a good job hiding most of what she was holding in, and her hopes were not just for the public safety from JA.....
Someone was on the chat (HLN) with Ryan and said that the gun a pillowcase, a jersey and floormats (bloody) had been found 19 miles (south?) of the Hoover dam, and had been turned into Las Vegas PD. Recently. Stranger things have happened. But anyone hear anything like that?

I referred him to this site. LOL

19 miles down river from Hoover? I doubt the items would be bloody.
Why? Wasn't it on the list of 1000 places to see?

Is there really any confirmation that they were really in the Grand Canyon, seems like it is just speculation that snowballed here? I know they said sightseeing.....but where?

I liken the situation to having a loved one in a trauma unit, on life support wavering between life or death...they family is told the next few days are the most critical.....immediate family is only allowed to spent 10 minutes, twice a day visiting that loved one......

and the family opts to go touring...'s just bizarre
brought over from last thread:

Well, see this CMJA creature is very, verrrryyyy sneaky...and what she did was she kept most of her side of the story verbally OVER THE PHONE, so there is no record of exactly went on and what started it and what the conversation was. That's pertaining to the May 26 text. Didn't she say that it started over IM on the computer, then it went to phone, and then finally I think what happened was that Jodi went into stubborn mode, got off the computer, prob. hung up on him over the phone, and so he was resorted to letting her know his side and unleashing on her thru text. That is the story there.

As far as the e-mails, I don't know why those weren't allowed in.

you're right----and this 'tirade' as jenny loved to call it was after she'd already recorded the sex tape without his knowledge.

she prepared for this case well before she committed it.

Hi KS, you beat me to it! I was going to bring this reply over. :)

I would really like to know how long Arias had this plan percolating. Travis finishing the relationship would constitute abuse to the warped Arias. He was no longer going along with her plan. A plan that she had put huge effort into. In her mind, she would have put up with a ton of $#!t from Travis for nothing.

Some of those with AS personality disorders can be parasitic, as Arias was. They are also unable to love properly. Sex is a manipulation and a weapon.

This is conjecture, but in her eyes she debased herself for Travis and got no return out of it. He didn't come up with the goods (marriage, stability, etc.). In her own eyes, she did nothing wrong. She was undeserving of the names he called her. Travis' frustration would have been meaningless to her and she would have been incapable of responding emotionally to those texts. I'm sure her replies to his messages were quite calm, for the most part. A last attempt to get what she needed.

When it didn't work she would have been angry, but not in a way that we can identify with. Putting up with his insults and allowing him to demean her sexually, would have been in vain. It is this that would have angered her and caused her to want to seek revenge. There is no knowing how long she was plotting.

The last few hours they spent together are very twisted, knowing that Arias pre-meditated this. Having her hair in plaits meant it was harder to pull it out. There was only a single hair found. She is clothed in the shower photos. This is not normal if they were having a 'playful' photo session. It suggests to me she was ready to run. I read somewhere that there was a knife already in the bathroom that had been used to cut rope for binds. Having him in the shower when she attacked meant it would be easier to clean up. But that went wrong.

The above is conjecture and opinions. Anything stated about Travis is based in trying to imagine Arias' perspective.

Someone else mentioned that her character should be an element in the trial and should be judged. Sorry, I can't remember who you are, but you are absolutely correct. To be able to understand the crime and motivations, the character type needs to be clear. This is a classic machiavellian character and a woman to boot. Arias is not a person that is readily familiar to the majority of people.
OMG, this drives me insane! and have you noticed the latest little thing she adds on to everything she says? BY DEFINITION.

like 'that settles the matter.' i want to smack her into the next millenium when she says that.
YES, dear, a person who lies IS a liar. BY DEFINITION.


That was a gift from Alyce....
I think it's seriously messed up.

I can't believe they were touring the Grand Canyon ! It's beyond my comprehension.

I know! I keep trying to imagine how that conversation went:

"Hey everyone! Since Dad's feeling a little better and the jury is busy deliberating whether Jodi lives or dies, let's take in a few of the local attractions! Whaddaya say?" Mamma Arias
Back towards the beginning of the trial not sure where I read it. I think it is SA's brother or something that lives there.

I can't confirm this with any source - let alone a reputable one.
I can't even confirm that SA has a brother.
HLN is reporting that Its mother thought it was just another question and her and her family were off sightseeing at the time the verdict came down. It looks like some miscommunication. In fairness to Jodi's mother, she has been there every day since January and although I think it was foolish to plan sightseeing trips right at a time when a verdict was expected, she was told that it was a question so I guess she did not think it was imperative to be in court.

Not that I'm sticking up for Jodi, but I have a sneaking suspicion that she's put up with a lot of this type of thing. To be fair, though, nothing short of divining what she needs and being there for her 100% of the time would suffice.
Two things: when I brought up the subject in the other thread about a jury of peers, I think I was clear when I posted that I would want a jury from my demographic group and that encompasses more than age but the age is what stopped a lot of posters in their tracks. It isn't just age although age is a big part of it. There are cultural, educational, financial and social components that make up a jury of peers.

The second thing is that once again, the little psycho is manipulating everyone. We only have her word that he "strung" her along, used her, treated her like a prostitute. I've never bought that for a second. She admitted during cross he never gave her the impression he would marry her or have a serious relationship with her. She pretended to be ok with it.

She ran that let's be friends hustle on him and he fell for it. "Travis, I know you don't want a serious relationship and neither do I. Let's just hang out and have fun together. No pressure, no commitment."

She hustled him. He believed she meant it. Poor guy.

it sucks sometimes that hearsay isn't allowed. because TA had a lot of friends who could shed so much light on this relationship and on how HE saw it. he did confide in people about her and it's such a shame the jury will never hear his side.
because i'm with you----i don't believe anything she says. at all. NONE of it. and i think her version of their relationship is about as accurate as her version of his murder.
OMG, this drives me insane! and have you noticed the latest little thing she adds on to everything she says? BY DEFINITION.

like 'that settles the matter.' i want to smack her into the next millenium when she says that.
YES, dear, a person who lies IS a liar. BY DEFINITION.


"By definition" and "technically" - from Vol. I of "Jodi Ann Arias - Words To Live By."
I think it's seriously messed up.

I can't believe they were touring the Grand Canyon ! It's beyond my comprehension.

Right! :lol:

I'd like to hear the conversation that lead up to the decision to mosey on over to the Grand Canyon while there was a little down time in the action while waiting for sissy's/DD's possible DP verdict to be reached. :notgood:

Dear Mods,

Thank you for all the hours you have been here for this trial. You are a big part of why this is a great place to share insights and opinions and questions and hugs.

I am glad you have left this thread for the trial and not changed to just a side bar. My request would be to have both this weekend. I think they should be separate if possible. IMO.

Thanks again!!
I liken the situation to having a loved one in a trauma unit, on life support wavering between life or death...they family is told the next few days are the most critical.....immediate family is only allowed to spent 10 minutes, twice a day visiting that loved one......

and the family opts to go touring...'s just bizarre

Often times mental problems are inherited. Could be Mom has a touch of the personality disorder as well.
Beth was on HLN and said a producer talked to Jodi's mom. According to her she was close but was told it was only a question and that the jury wouldn't even be in the room.

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