Verdict Watch 05/04/ and 05/05/2013

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Did she return those gas cans to who? Darryal ? Or whomever she borrowed them from? If so? when?

Deathrow for female inmates is at Perryville. Currently, they are being sued because of the violence that occurs on a daily basis. The number of gang members is growing and the vioience continues in prison. Where jodi is held now is Club Med in comparison. If she is convicted of felony murder, she will be exposed to the violence that occurs in prison. She will retreat to her alternate reality to survive.

Or she will shiv somebody. She knows exactly where to stab someone now.
I'll have to ask this on the legal thread as well, but someone here may know the answer.

The jury foreman is to memorialize of how many jurors voted for premeditation, how many for felony murder, and how many voted both (which I didn't know was possible).
I'm curious why it matters which way they got to M1. Do these numbers have anything to do with the mitigation phase?
Any ideas my intelligent sleuthers??
Its just a matter of documentation.
No problem, Justice Junkie produced faster results. I am always up for a challenge, plus I meant to go read it myself. I still cannot get over that Jodi attempted to represent herself initially. Such narcissism. I know.

Actually, that was a strategy.

In defending herself, she received access to the evidence personally without having to request access to it from her counsel.

She indicated that's really what she was after all along, from the first moments of awareness after Det. Flores disclosed the mountain of evidence -- especially those resurrected photos she thought she had 'killed' forever.

Once she had her special personal time to pridefully revel in all the evidence, and had laid her plans for concocting those ridiculous fabrications to explain it, she conveniently changed her mind and handed the Defense Team keys back to Nurmi.

She doesn't do things accidentally, nor does she overlook much.

She is one of the more dangerous humans to ever live.

Which is why there needs to be a

with her name on it.
The PPL theory is interesting, but I cannot imagine TA not reporting that immediately.

I've always thought that she told him she had gotten pregnant with his baby and aborted it. That would make him furious, for sure. It seems this line of lies is being floated to the National Enquirer now.
Am I dreaming or mistaken? I thought Dr DeMarte answered that question for us. Did she?
I remember her saying that Travis was so angry because she had hacked into his accounts yet again. I'm going to have to go back and watch her testimony -- maybe she was speaking of a different communication???? Anyone else recall that?
The one person who I truly admire that spoke up for Travis in this trial is Deanna Reid. She, I am certain, was aware that the cross-examination would be humiliating and brutal. However, she was willing to take that risk. This woman is the one girlfriend who loved Travis unconditionally. The fact that Napoleon now resides with her speaks volumes regarding how Travis felt about Deanna.

Respectfully, I don't think it was humiliating. It was probably embarrassing for her, but i hope she did not find it humiliating. There is no reason for her to feel humiliated in any way.

That woman is a class act and very courageous.
I have some questions.....

Will we get to see all trial transcripts, side bars, jury discussions/notes, etc? If so, where would we find this stuff.

Would we ever get to see notes/discussions between arias and her attorneys?

Would we ever get to see notes/discussions from the Prosecution team?

I'm assuming probably no discussion with attorneys because of appeals but it would be great to see that info.

Will the Alexander family and friends get to speak at all?

How long until sentencing? Days? Weeks? Months?

Do you think we'll ever see the manifesto?

Can the state demand any money made from her, ahem, artwork be used to pay for her defense?
The one person who I truly admire that spoke up for Travis in this trial is Deanna Reid. She, I am certain, was aware that the cross-examination would be humiliating and brutal. However, she was willing to take that risk. This woman is the one girlfriend who loved Travis unconditionally. The fact that Napoleon now resides with her speaks volumes regarding how Travis felt about Deanna.

I agree, and it was both heartwarming and sad to see Deanna sitting with the family during closing arguments.

I hope the jury paid really close attention to the nice girls that Travis dated.
Smokey, you aked for the plea deal on the last thread. Here it is:

I was just rereading it last night. The original plea deal was Oct 26, 2010,and Juan didn't bother to answer them. lol So they sent another letter in Dec, which Juan also didn't bother to answer.
The plea deal in this link in in July 7 of 2011 , is their third try, and they are saying they now have even MORE blackmail material, so Juan had better cave. LOL
It talks about the family's response to the earlier plea deals, and warns that the collateral damage to "others" will be even worse. What dirty blackmail - and all to save a lying murderer.

The response from the family, as elegantly as they may have put it was a big, f you Jodi Arias.....BRING IT!!! They have held their heads high and sat there through all of it, as all of Travis' friends have been interviewed saying we could not care less if Travis was a virgin. We adored him, he was our loyal, trusted friend, he was "BELOVED" by us, there is nothing Jodi Arias could come up with to make us ashamed, or the Mormon church ashamed of this child of GOD. How dare you?
I admire them so much, especially since that overt blackmail. Juan not even responding, well....that is very Juan of him. He's the kind of guy every woman would want to marry and every man would want to be.

Jodi had no idea who she was dealing with
Travis' family
Travis' friends, all the good women Travis truly did love
Detective Flores, Juan Martinez

she had no idea, but come Monday....she is about to find out.

Child of God
, beautiful LDS song
I rarely watch HLN. I only like Beth and Nancy Grace ( the old Nancy that is) I just watched a couple of youtube videos about her upbringing and life in general. She has always been a voice for the victims. Very inspiring. I wish she'd go back to having grit AND Grace!

Respectfully, I don't think it was humiliating. It was probably embarrassing for her, but i hope she did not find it humiliating. There is no reason for her to feel humiliated in any way.

That woman is a class act and very courageous.

She seems like a strong, confident woman. I don't think she really cares what anyone else thinks. I'm sure she was concerned about family and close friends but the rest of the world wouldn't matter to her. And, I agree. She shouldn't feel humiliated.

Me too BGFPA - I can't look at that beautiful picture of Travis driving with sweet little Napolean in his lap looking right into the camera with his huge, loving, loyal eyes. I thank God Deanna was able to take Napolean and give him a loving secure home all this time. She's truly an angel on Earth.

I agree with you. Im glad Deanna is taking care of him. Shes been at the trial closing this past week. Travis friends are loving and loyal.

When you think of the snarky, arrogant, defiant Jodi who was being cross-examined by Juan and you remember the death looks that she shot at witnesses, gallery attendees, the prosecutor or even the jury, it's hard to believe this is the same person.

I find her extremely frightening and way beyond anything I have ever witnessed before. To see the contrasting sides of Jodi further proves to me (although I have NEVER had any doubt) that she needs to receive the death penalty.

The jury is going to think Travis was a saint to put up with her B.S. After watching her preen, give supercilious little smirks and snark for 18 days, they won't care what was behind Travis going off on her. They'll know he was completely justified and wonder what took him so long.
Hugs to you...I'm sorry for Bunny going on ahead of you....For some reason, the mere mention of furbabies makes me tear up. Especially precious Napoleon. TBO, not that I expect to shuffle off this mortal coil anytime soon, one of my most serious issues is what would happen to my furbabies if I left them....they are my world and are so spoiled. The Puggles are little brothers and have never been apart. When I come home and see those tails wagging and the leaps they make just to see me, my heart is filled. God Bless You for your words about your Bunny getting the ear scritches from Travis, while he waits for Naps.... That has tears streaming down my face. For all the gifts I am most thankful for in this life, second to my precious children, are my critters. They are gifts from God. TY for sharing that :)

Sorry if OT, but I am so with you on this.

My little Terrier has become so attached to me that he is beside me every single moment I am home. He literally follows me around the house wherever I go. When I get up, he gets up. LOL

The funny thing is the 2 past dogs we had years ago were my choice and finally this time around it was my wife's choice and she picked him out. He is a small lap type terrirer and for some reason, he chose to be more closer to me than my wife. Shes a little jealous, but she understands sometimes the breed chooses one person over the other. I think maybe because I spoil him so much with wrestling and taking him out a lot. He has become so attached to me like no other pet I have ever had, and its mutual. :floorlaugh:

Deathrow for female inmates is at Perryville. Currently, they are being sued because of the violence that occurs on a daily basis. The number of gang members is growing and the vioience continues in prison. Where jodi is held now is Club Med in comparison. If she is convicted of felony murder, she will be exposed to the violence that occurs in prison. She will retreat to her alternate reality to survive.
ALSO, her buddy that testified for her during the pedo hearing was reassigned there shortly after testifying. Is JA mad she didn't do better in her testimony? Will she have access to her? That would scare me if I were her - JA already has been caught with pencilshidden in her cell, and I imagine they could be used to stab someone if necessary in JA's mind.
Do you think Jodi could have held a decorative pillow to Travis's head and shot thru it, thinking it would have helped silence the shot? She took the pillow with that would be where the fiber/loop came from and no stippling they were looking for.
Did you notice JM got a crack in about Nurmis hair? Nurmi had a physical reaction. JM must of been pizzed at him for something. You can see this in part 4 day 56. Its within the first minute .
So Nurmi does have another speed other than slomo? What was the point of drawing out every syllable during his direct examination of JA? What better way to turn off a jury, IMO. Did someone tap him on the shoulder and say...hey, speed it up bub or your goose is cooked? Wow! I wish that had happened sooner. Those are daaaays I'll never get back. lol
Its just a matter of documentation.

Just guessing...

If she was found guilty of both: 1) premeditated, and 2) felony murder, then she's convicted on two charges.

I would guess if any fault was found by an appellate court regarding issues related one of those convictions, the other could, theoretically, still stand. The grounds by which they find her guilty will vary by charge.
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