Verdict Watch 05/04/ and 05/05/2013

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I am hoping these Arizona jurors show the 'Pinellas 12' how to git er' done.
That was so damned shameful. I don't care what the pundits say. That was a lapse in the integrity of our Justice System. Period.
I don't know if I would have ANY faith left in our system if this cold blooded murderer walks. I have very little faith now to be honest. I am hoping this case will restore my faith just a lil bit when the jurors come forth with the appropriate verdict.
Murder 1, premeditated. It's the only shoe that fits in this case.
Agree she could have done that for sure. Only I believe whatever he was that angry about had to be more than JA lying about an abortion or pregnancy. IMO, it had to be something he knew was true from a source other than JA.

Last night on HLN it was mentioned that perhaps JA told Travis about all the phone sex calls she taped without his permission and she threatened to expose that to his friends and that is why he was furious with her and sent her those text messages said she was the worst thing that ever happened to him etc,

Imho I think that really makes sense.

I am happy for you. Enjoy your new grandbaby
. Let us know if its a boy or girl.:seeya:
Bringing this over from the last thread...

I never said that Travis raped Jodi. I said that Nurmi IS correct that penetrating a sleeping woman is rape because she is not in a condition to give consent. It's exactly the same thing as penetrating a woman who is passed out or otherwise unconscious. I have no idea why ANYONE would try to argue this FACT that someone who is asleep is not in a condition where they are ABLE to give consent.

I also said that between many couples this is acceptable behavior because the consent is implied as they both KNOW that the consent is implied are ok with doing this. Though I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want to be treated like nothing more than a semen receptacle and particularly by someone that they believe loves or at least cares for them. If a guy can't be BOTHERED to wake you up first and make sexual advances FIRST to see if you are interested in having sex at that time then I have a lot of choice four letter words for someone like that.

I also said that in the case of Jodi and Travis, Jodi said herself that she enjoyed it when he woke her up by having sex with her, and OBVIOUSLY in that case it is not rape because of the implied consent - they both KNEW that this activity was something that they were ok with doing. And I also said that I don't believe it ever happened at all anyway, and this is just one more of Jodi's many fabricated sex stories. Sorry, but I just can't believe that Travis was the kind of person (particularly being so inexperienced with sex compared to the average non-Mormon unmarried male) would be so gross and selfish to do something like that even if he knew she was ok with it.

Just because Jodi is a murdering monster is no reason to pretend that penetrating a woman when she is asleep and therefore cannot consent to sex is not rape and no big deal. And AGAIN, I'm NOT saying that this is what happened to Jodi with Travis. In their particular case it was either implied consent since Jodi said that she enjoyed it or just another one of her infinite fabricated sex stories.

Again, all I was doing was correcting another person's post about this that Nurmi IS correct that penetrating a women when she is asleep and therefore unable to give consent to sex is rape according to the law and according to anyone with even a modicum of a moral compass. What he was incorrect about was that Travis did this to Jodi and trying to claim it was rape when she said herself that she enjoyed it and therefore there was implied consent between them.

Just because you have a sexual relationship with someone does not give that someone all sexual rights to your body as though you were nothing more than a lump of flesh that said someone owns.

Incidently, just because someone was raped 5 years ago doesn't make it any less rape just because they never go to the police about it or even tell anyone at all about it. How sick a society we live in where women are STILL made to feel dirty and ashamed because they were raped. And how sick a society we live in that there are so many people - even women - that actually believe that a man has some God given right to penetrate a woman they have a sexual relationship with while she is asleep and unable to give consent.

I don't think anyone on here is arguing the rape aspect of someone ELSE.

On the issue of JA and sleeping or what have you, basically most of what there is for evidence is the word of a self-admitted LIAR. She's a complete liar.

If we look at simply the evidence...there is none. The other party also is not there to offer his opinion, why? Because SHE SLAUGHTERED HIM.

I agree with you so wholeheartedly that rape is rape is rape is rape and it doesn't matter if it was yesterday or TEN years ago.

The major problem I have is women who CLAIM rape in order to fit their own agenda and with JA? she CLEARLY has her own agenda.
JMO . I doubt JM will write a book ...he has other cases to seek justice...The "Lifetime movie" will address JM in the bio they are able to put together.....and this lifetime movie, imo will be from Travis's perspective..IF not ..Not watching , caring and will turn chamme when advertised....
I went to bed last night thinking about what I would do if I were on the jury and woke up still thinking about it and I came to the conclusion that it's the slit throat that will unanimously get JA convicted of 1st Degree Murder.

If I were in the room, what I would suggest to my fellow jurors is this, lets start with the presumption that every single thing JA and her team of psychologists have told us is the absolute truth, every last bit of it, regardless of any other evidence. JA was a battered woman, her self-esteem was low, Travis was a deviant, and the result of her killing him has caused her PTSD. Lets assume she is absolutely truthful that he kept a gun in his closet, that he threatened her that day and she feared for her life, she ran for the gun terrified of this man, pointed it at him, didn't know it was loaded and shot and it went off and hit him in the head and he lunged at her. Her fog rolls in here, but lets imagine the chaotic scenario that could have happened next that Mr. Nurmi laid out for us.

He's still alive and able to attack her, gunshot wound and all, he still has the strength to physically confront her in a total rage, she fears for her life and grabs the knife off the counter and just starts stabbing wildly and blindly. One of those stab wounds pierces his heart. In your deepest imagination, put yourself in that position, a gunshot wound to the head, a heart that is pierced, two major organs that essentially give you all life are damaged and bleeding. What is your automatic response to pain or even a cut? To put your hands on the pain/wound to apply pressure and try to relieve the pain or stop the bleeding. He's bleeding out from his head, he's bleeding out from his heart. Where are his hands? Even if I can somehow convince myself that he's not got his hands covering both major wounds and is still trying to attack her, at the very least, there is so much blood loss happening that he is disoriented, coughing out blood and weakening rapidly, any cyborg attempt to still hurt JA has got to be utterly compromised. There is no human way for him to be strong enough to still be a threat to her life. He is, at the very least, on his knees. She is blind with rage after all the abuse she feels she's suffered (though apparently did not feel abused until several years later when ALV has reluctantly dragged it out of her) and fears for her life and looking at him on his knees, she must know she can get away at this point, that he is wounded enough that he is no longer a threat to her safety.

And this is where she makes the choice to slit his throat, to make sure he is dead for once and for all. And it's that choice, that 1-10 seconds, whatever it may have been where she can assess what has happened, what is happening, what the state of him is, which is clearly from behind, thus not making him a threat to her, the heat of passion dulled ever so slightly, the clear and present danger and fear of it, lulled ever so slightly and lifts his head, slicing a clean wound from ear to ear. That is an absolutely premeditated choice.

Then I would suggest to the other jurors that if you can get premeditation from even the worst imaginable scenario where Travis is everything the defense has made him out to be and more and was the sole aggressor in that confrontation, then lets consider the severity of what has happened as measured by our common sense and what we heard on the stand and what we would do in any of these scenarios and find that there is literally no way around the notion of premeditation, whether she planned it weeks before or made the choice in seconds and the choice should be clear.

(For the record, of course, I do not believe one word out of JA or her defense's mouths with regards to what actually happened or who Travis truly was and was merely trying to imagine how I would lay out how all roads lead back to the throat slitting, ultimately, no matter what took place first gunshot or stabbing and no matter whose version is more accurate.)
still would like to know JM's birth day he is a person with conviction [ pun intended] so he must be a fire sign?

I don't think he's ever done time...

Oh, you said "conviction", not "a conviction".

OTOH, we know he's won many convictions.

Never mind.

He acquired his AZ law license in 1984.

Would probably make him between 50 and 60 years of age, but don't know his DOB.
her butt is up in the air in the one pic[ I do not wanna see that again]
but looks like she was pretty well agreeable to all they did, she just made stuff up to make him seem bad. I do not think he had it in him to be bad to anybody.Obviously he was a trusting man, look where kindness and trust got him..:(
Don't be sad friend, she is laughing all the way to the bank. So many people say that in real life she is the sweetest, most giving person you ever want to meet. On screen she has a persona, much like Beyoncé on stage, compared to the sweet Beyoncé in interviews. It is all for show. The lawyers she chews up and spits out on her show.....they are often times her very best buddies of twenty five years or more. The show is set up to be adversary. The guests are assigned sides to argue for at the beginning of the show.

She does amazing work fighting for victims. She was paid close to nothing all those years as a prosecutor, and she spent years volunteering for a battered women's hotline, for no pay, no audience. I think that takes a good spirit, on the inside. I like, trust and respect her.

It always amazes me how many very bright people watch her and complain about her. The channel clicker is a wonderful thing. I do not spend two seconds watching someone I do not like, trust or respect. Please don't make me name them. You know I can. I'd rather turn on the radio than watch someone who upsets me or that I think is a jerk, right?

She finally got to marry after all these years and have her children. Good for her. Seeing her say it takes nights and weekends with no pay when you are a prosecutor you live, eat and breath the case.....made me think of Mr. Martinez. If anyone deserves the three hundred fifty dollars an hour those silly experts were paid, it is Juan Martinez, and then some. I imagine he is on a salary and gets the same payday, if he works one hour of overtime or one hundred. If he ever wants to write a book....I'll take two!

I love this post! Thank you so much <3
I don't think he's ever done time...

Oh, you said "conviction", not "a conviction".

OTOH, we know he's won many convictions.

Never mind.

He acquired his AZ law license in 1984.

Would probably make between 50 and 60 years of age, but don't know his DOB.
The more Juan focused on Travis' May 26th text. The more confused I get as to motive. It appeared to be this jealousy, the cancun trip, Travis being done with her etc. But there is the other aspect of the statement of "punishment will be greater than the lie." and the "Dildo with a heart beat comment." An obsessed lover who stalks and is sociopath, and he feels like a dildo with a heartbeat? Why would be feel like a booty call given the context of everything we know about her love, and stalker behavior? If anything he would feel obsessed about and controlled. Not devalued. Unless he potentially learned that behavior was really masking something criminal on her, perhaps?

I feel like Jodi enjoys that the drama surrounding the obsession and sex, because it takes away the focus of the real motive. I just can't phathom what it actually was that he knew, but it seemed emotionally charged AND criminal. It hurt him deeply, he wanted proof from someone because he doesn't believe her--which makes me feel like his presense was a key component to her behavior, and the "punishment" had to be prison not just public exposure. He HAD to have had something solid-- because Borderlines are good at blame shifting and could have easily turned herself into a victim. Her behavior prior to this text was classic borderline, but the crime it's self seemed to be manufactored by a psychopath.

I don't believe it "He will take me back or I'll kill him." I think it was seduce him into getting rid of the evidence against her, or I'll kill him, which is why there is no evidence as to what that fight was about and what she did to him to ellicit that response. She knew she would be suspect number one, and I would think it would be less planned if she were frantic about Travis moving on. Her focus would be getting to him and changing his mind, and THEN killing him. If he had sex with her she would still believe she had a chance with him, plus Mimi wasn't into him and she knew it. There was no urgency that would take him away for ever and she couldn't sway him into sex--she's done it before. Whatever it was required a risk of getting caught to cover his discovery is what I think. And as long as that motive is deeply concealed, shes willing to do whatever it takes to distract from that. Just my Opinion.

It's killing me not being able to figure out it could be though..

Jodi's behaviour fit with Dr.Demarte evaluation of her: that she has borderline personality disorder: A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. So Jodi could be stalking TA and then turn around and make him feel like "a dildo with a heartbeat".

She actually said to Det.Flores that she didn't know the relationship with Mimi wasn't serious. That she was trying to move on because she thought Travis had found someone he wanted to marry.
One of the other ways she will continue to torture Travis' family, she will never say she is sorry. She is ashamed, yeah ashamed she got caught. I would like to hold a glimmer of hope that during the penalty/sentencing phase she might eek out an apology. BUt I ain't going to hold my breath. I actually see her doing just the opposite. It will be her one last chance to destroy as many people as she can.
Bringing this over from the last thread...

I never said that Travis raped Jodi. I said that Nurmi IS correct that penetrating a sleeping woman is rape because she is not in a condition to give consent. It's exactly the same thing as penetrating a woman who is passed out or otherwise unconscious. I have no idea why ANYONE would try to argue this FACT that someone who is asleep is not in a condition where they are ABLE to give consent.

I also said that between many couples this is acceptable behavior because the consent is implied as they both KNOW that the consent is implied are ok with doing this. Though I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want to be treated like nothing more than a semen receptacle and particularly by someone that they believe loves or at least cares for them. If a guy can't be BOTHERED to wake you up first and make sexual advances FIRST to see if you are interested in having sex at that time then I have a lot of choice four letter words for someone like that.

I also said that in the case of Jodi and Travis, Jodi said herself that she enjoyed it when he woke her up by having sex with her, and OBVIOUSLY in that case it is not rape because of the implied consent - they both KNEW that this activity was something that they were ok with doing. And I also said that I don't believe it ever happened at all anyway, and this is just one more of Jodi's many fabricated sex stories. Sorry, but I just can't believe that Travis was the kind of person (particularly being so inexperienced with sex compared to the average non-Mormon unmarried male) would be so gross and selfish to do something like that even if he knew she was ok with it.

Just because Jodi is a murdering monster is no reason to pretend that penetrating a woman when she is asleep and therefore cannot consent to sex is not rape and no big deal. And AGAIN, I'm NOT saying that this is what happened to Jodi with Travis. In their particular case it was either implied consent since Jodi said that she enjoyed it or just another one of her infinite fabricated sex stories.

Again, all I was doing was correcting another person's post about this that Nurmi IS correct that penetrating a women when she is asleep and therefore unable to give consent to sex is rape according to the law and according to anyone with even a modicum of a moral compass. What he was incorrect about was that Travis did this to Jodi and trying to claim it was rape when she said herself that she enjoyed it and therefore there was implied consent between them.

Just because you have a sexual relationship with someone does not give that someone all sexual rights to your body as though you were nothing more than a lump of flesh that said someone owns.

Incidently, just because someone was raped 5 years ago doesn't make it any less rape just because they never go to the police about it or even tell anyone at all about it. How sick a society we live in where women are STILL made to feel dirty and ashamed because they were raped. And how sick a society we live in that there are so many people - even women - that actually believe that a man has some God given right to penetrate a woman they have a sexual relationship with while she is asleep and unable to give consent.

Yes, we all get that, we know what they said on the tape and she liked it, so why is this even being discussed here. It has no relevance, we as human beings understand that there are different versions of sex without consent, that doesn't mean they are all rape. Each individual's situation is different. Here though, it has no bearing, because other than the instance on the recorded sex tape, it is all unsubstantiated allegations on Jodi's part. And I choose not to believe anything she says - especially when on the tape the same exact thing she is accusing him of, she blatantly says she likes it!
I wonder how much sedation JA is requiring this weekend. :please: Not much light at the end of the tunnel she is looking thru. :stormingmad:

I would guess for sure she is on suicide watch.

She better have more than a nic on the wrist. She may go for the dramatic this weekend, to have more news than the verdict. But I think she is being watched very carefully so the state carry out her sentence before she kills herself. Keep in mind it was easier to slaughter Travis, and keep saying she wouldn't be around to be convicted. She's still here.
Is anybody else watching around in a fog today? I feel so lost without my trial fix. I am going to need some serious intervention when this is finally over and done with. JA ruins everything
I hope JM or atleast someone on his behalf writes a book after this trial. Many years ago I received a John Lennon scrapbook of sorts (I think it's called Lennon Legend) with pictures, lyrics, copy of his handwriting, all sorts of things)

I really wish someone would make a book like that about JM. No he is not a 'celebrity'. He's a prosecutor who fights for Justice and he deserves to recognized. We need a book with his biography (what an amazing example of the real American Dream)photos, Juanisms etc. Informative and would serve as a keepsake as well.


Yes! I would love a JM bio or autobio. I think JM is someone who actually deserves celebrity. He is a laudable man, with an interesting story and a life of service. Who deserves our adulation more? A Kardashian? His fans show good sense in admiring a man of substance.

"While Felony Murder is a legal and factual possibility, the probability is the state will have a difficult time convincing a jury to find Jodi guilty of capital murder. It will require quite the feat of mental gymnastics to get a conviction under this theory.

How confident are you now, Mr. Nurmi?

I see it more as a slam dunk!

Heck---I don't even believe it. Was she sleeping nekid on the chair? If not, he'd have to remove her clothing first and'adjust' her legs . Since she wasn't under the influence of anything, how long does it take to wake up anyway?

Well...she had to wait for the FOG to lift... :facepalm: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
I'm sure Travis would sincerely apologize for "violating" Jodi IF he could.
Of all the things to be upset about regarding this case...REALLY??

Plus we only have the lying words of a lying liar to know if this event ever really happened.
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