Verdict Watch 05/04/ and 05/05/2013

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You're SO RIGHT!!! Sheriff Joe doesn't "suffer fools".:great:

I'd forgo all birthday and Christmas gifts this year just to see her in leg irons/shackles picking up roadside trash or scrubbing outhouse toilets in 115 degree heat.

Oh boy! I'm so excited about this! Please, God, make this happen. :please: :please: :please:

P.S. We need one of our talented WSers to PhotoShop Jodi's head onto one of Sheriff Joe's chain gang inmates.:twocents:

Well let's think positive thoughts here for what's-her-name. Think of the good coloring she'll get in her cheeks so she won't have to stand on her head anymore. Working outside in the summer in AZ will do that for you I'm told. This will be a positive thing she can write about in her journal.
One of the other ways she will continue to torture Travis' family, she will never say she is sorry. She is ashamed, yeah ashamed she got caught. I would like to hold a glimmer of hope that during the penalty/sentencing phase she might eek out an apology. BUt I ain't going to hold my breath. I actually see her doing just the opposite. It will be her one last chance to destroy as many people as she can.

I certainly hope Jodi never claims she's sorry, because (1) it won't be true and (2) it's a mitigating factor jurors would be asked to consider re sentencing.
Awesome post. I sure wish the jurors could read this one. Makes perfect sense. :winner:

Excellent, excellent points. I wish you were on the jury! I realize it's easy for me to say M1DP without a 2nd thought, but that I would take my role as a juror on a capital case much more serious. I try to imagine what it must be like, but I just can't. Thank you for providing some insight :)
Who else is feeling nervous over the verdict? I'm not confident in a first degree verdict. Someone reassure me!

I feel confident, especially when you hear JM explain it. If they go by the jury instructions and start with 1st degree premeditated or 1st degree felony murder they cannot possibly go any further. Why am I so confident?

Because to come to any other verdict, other than 1st degree, they would have to believe Jodi!~These jurors aren't naive or stupid! They can't possibly believe anything she's said in this trial. There is no reasonable doubt if you disregard her testimony. So the only logical verdict will be 1st degree murder! Now......does that mean she will get the death penalty? I doubt it, but I'm still hopeful. Either way, she will live her remaining days in a miserable existence.

The only thing Juan had missing in his closing, was to bring up her own prophetic words in the Flores interrogation tape, when she said.....

If I killed Travis, I would BEG for the death penalty!

Too bad he couldn't say that!
Who else is feeling nervous over the verdict? I'm not confident in a first degree verdict. Someone reassure me!

oh i'm nervous too. it seems like whenever i think something is for sure going to happen something screws it up. so i'm going to say second degree. just so that i'm not disappointed if it happens, and will be pleasantly suprised if it doesnt and she gets first degree.


i would like to thank the casey A trial for this lesson.
Did I see JA at one point a few years ago saying she would rather get the death penalty than life in I dreaming or did anyone else see that in one of her interviews before she admitted she did it?
Who else is feeling nervous over the verdict? I'm not confident in a first degree verdict. Someone reassure me!

Don't you worry! This jury will convict her on murder the end of the day on Monday!
Did I see JA at one point a few years ago saying she would rather get the death penalty than life in I dreaming or did anyone else see that in one of her interviews before she admitted she did it?

She said it. Yep.
I don't believe it "He will take me back or I'll kill him." I think it was seduce him into getting rid of the evidence against her, or I'll kill him, which is why there is no evidence as to what that fight was about and what she did to him to ellicit that response.

It's killing me not being able to figure out it could be though..

<respectfully snipped>

I recall near the end of her testimony (when she was reading from some text in response to a jury question) that 'the last few messages had not been recovered' or words to that effect and looked a bit smug. I figured they gave the reason for his angry text and whatever voice messages she left just before leaving California. I was so hoping she only thought they were lost forever and JM had them for rebuttal. I guess we never will really *know* what the last text of his we saw was all about.
Hypocrisy bugs. Wish we could shine a spotlight on all of Juan's lies, lies he's made on record over the years in a court of law.

Jodi is tweeting up a storm.

The poor lit'l killer is mad at Juan............ I hope she is having a restful weekend.


I always find it interesting how the guilty person always tries to blame their predicament on someone else like the prosecutor. Oh....its all Juan's fault I am going to jail.

Sure Jodi, Its not your fault. It is Juans fault.

GUILTY MURDER 1 cant come quick enough for her
Who else is feeling nervous over the verdict? I'm not confident in a first degree verdict. Someone reassure me!

According to Katy C. she spoke to Juan yesterday and he told her 3 times to be in court Monday for the verdict.

Wow, now that is telling. He is confident these jurors are coming back quickly for a verdict. Sounds positive to me.

Bringing this over from the last thread...

I never said that Travis raped Jodi. I said that Nurmi IS correct that penetrating a sleeping woman is rape because she is not in a condition to give consent. It's exactly the same thing as penetrating a woman who is passed out or otherwise unconscious. I have no idea why ANYONE would try to argue this FACT that someone who is asleep is not in a condition where they are ABLE to give consent.

I also said that between many couples this is acceptable behavior because the consent is implied as they both KNOW that the consent is implied are ok with doing this. Though I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want to be treated like nothing more than a semen receptacle and particularly by someone that they believe loves or at least cares for them. If a guy can't be BOTHERED to wake you up first and make sexual advances FIRST to see if you are interested in having sex at that time then I have a lot of choice four letter words for someone like that.

I also said that in the case of Jodi and Travis, Jodi said herself that she enjoyed it when he woke her up by having sex with her, and OBVIOUSLY in that case it is not rape because of the implied consent - they both KNEW that this activity was something that they were ok with doing. And I also said that I don't believe it ever happened at all anyway, and this is just one more of Jodi's many fabricated sex stories. Sorry, but I just can't believe that Travis was the kind of person (particularly being so inexperienced with sex compared to the average non-Mormon unmarried male) would be so gross and selfish to do something like that even if he knew she was ok with it.

Just because Jodi is a murdering monster is no reason to pretend that penetrating a woman when she is asleep and therefore cannot consent to sex is not rape and no big deal. And AGAIN, I'm NOT saying that this is what happened to Jodi with Travis. In their particular case it was either implied consent since Jodi said that she enjoyed it or just another one of her infinite fabricated sex stories.

Again, all I was doing was correcting another person's post about this that Nurmi IS correct that penetrating a women when she is asleep and therefore unable to give consent to sex is rape according to the law and according to anyone with even a modicum of a moral compass. What he was incorrect about was that Travis did this to Jodi and trying to claim it was rape when she said herself that she enjoyed it and therefore there was implied consent between them.

Just because you have a sexual relationship with someone does not give that someone all sexual rights to your body as though you were nothing more than a lump of flesh that said someone owns.

Incidently, just because someone was raped 5 years ago doesn't make it any less rape just because they never go to the police about it or even tell anyone at all about it. How sick a society we live in where women are STILL made to feel dirty and ashamed because they were raped. And how sick a society we live in that there are so many people - even women - that actually believe that a man has some God given right to penetrate a woman they have a sexual relationship with while she is asleep and unable to give consent.
Confession. This middle of the night sex thing, isn't unusual I don't think. Of course I never took a poll either. Some of the best sex I have ever had was exactly as described. Yes, consent is implied and therefore not rape. I would be awake prior to the actual penetration so don't believe that part of Jodi's story.
The joy is waking up half orgasmic to put it bluntly.
I read some things about the Mormon religion way back then (other religions also had strange things that happened and were awful) and Jodi's ridiculous stories, along with Carr's..and starting thinking. People don't like to think about stuff like this, I even sent a private note to Elle awhile back about that. Jodi is freaking evil and sick. Shedding the blood and the use of water, baptizing. It all fits, where she cut him. Jodi was trying to blame the Mormons in interviews with Flores, the man and woman ...ninjas. (in her usual passive-aggressive way as was Carr)...this was all Jodi.

I seen the Snow White drawing and seen the symbols, seen that eye symbol. So creepy. I've questioned if Jodi was trying to shoot a snuff film. She's that evil, I don't think people can accept the truth...Juan probably knows but most people cannot believe, a woman, especially would do that. It is too complicated and horrifying, but one wants to understand so we can get people like that off the streets before they pull a "Jodi".

G-d help me, I didn't really believe in death penalties before because of all the mistakes happening and I cannot stand those tasers used too often. But, I so want both to happen to Killer Arias. There is no "being" in her physical form, her "Einstein" brain :facepalm: is used only for manipulation to do evil.
Justice for Travis and his family/friends and for all the people she has hurt. Gentle hugs for all those who have suffered from real DV (I can relate) or suffer from mental health issues, the Mormon faith, her family and friends. I pray that it comes out what Jodi truly is a psychopath or sociopath....or just plain the devil with plastics.
I pray G-d gives Jodi everything she deserves. (I think G-d loves Juan Martinez.)
She is evil incarnate!!!!!!!!

Everyone has been wondering - why the cup on the shower floor. It was part of the ritual, IMO.

Yesterday, Juan said Jodi Arias 'gutted' Travis Alexander. Also part of the ritual according to this writer:

"The steps she was going to take for her punishment of him had been planned long in advance. This would explain the knife plunge to the heart [to cut the breast open], stab to the gut area [so that the body be cut asunder], and slicing of the throat [when suffering one&#8217;s life to be taken]."

BTW, I read somehere that Bryan Carr died a couple of months ago. I wondered why he hasn't been in the courtroom (At least I haven't SEEN him in the courtroom). Can anyone verify this?
just checkin in to let everyone know that my daughter may just be having our little "Juan
Websleuths" today......oh the timing couldn't be any better than this......asking for a little prayer here please......Grammie Cam
How wonderful!!! :congrats:
Excellent, excellent points. I wish you were on the jury! I realize it's easy for me to say M1DP without a 2nd thought, but that I would take my role as a juror on a capital case much more serious. I try to imagine what it must be like, but I just can't. Thank you for providing some insight :)

I'm a Libra, we're always weighing the scales of justice and I'm notoriously always analyzing!

I've served on one jury in the past, it was a felony drug charge, so not quite comparable to Murder, but I can distinctly recall our deliberations and everyone looking to me, even though I was the youngest among them by at least a decade, when they were getting emotional and they used me to filter things through, without emotion. Ultimately I believe the guy was guilty, but as a jury we did our jobs thoroughly and had to find him not guilty, based on the evidence that was presented.

That's how I've been trying to look at this case, as emotional as it might make me when I think of the personal elements, I try to step back and put myself in the mindset of if I believed JA's version and in my heart of hearts, even if I were a juror and did believe her, there is that certain point where any reasonable person, no matter how much abuse they've suffered knows they are crossing a threshold beyond self defense and beyond rage when someone is no longer a threat to you and it's that conscience decision, when it's not reasonably feasible that Travis could be a threat any longer, that I can't get past.

Then when I allow the emotion of it all and the other evidence to come into play, it just seems very obvious to me that there is no scenario where she didn't have a choice.

I personally don't believe in the death penalty, though I respect that others do. I just want to make sure she is found guilty and never has the opportunity to have the life she wants.
Who else is feeling nervous over the verdict? I'm not confident in a first degree verdict. Someone reassure me!

I am as confident as I can be with any jury. I feel they will do the right thing.
Murder One
Who else is feeling nervous over the verdict? I'm not confident in a first degree verdict. Someone reassure me!

If the juror's follow the instructions given to them, they should arrive at first degree murder.

IIRC, they were told to first consider first degree murder. They can only consider lesser charges if they cannot reach a unanimous vote of the higher charge. Martinez laid out for them how the crime fits both premeditated and felony murder under the first degree charges. He did this not once, but twice.

If the jury understands with the legal definition of premeditation, which basically means time to reflect, intent to kill can be formed in seconds. Travis's injuries alone meet the criteria of premeditated murder, regardless of the sequence of events prior to the attack.

1) Gunshot wound to the head- whether this came first or last, a gunshot to the head can kill. While JA said that she did not intend to shoot him because she thought the gun was not loaded, she did not stop. Her versions of this prior to trial indicated that this happened in the closet; on the witness stand, she changed this to the bathroom.

2) A change of weapons to a knife which she uses to stab him 27 times, including a fatal wound to the heart, defensive wounds to the hands and excessive wounds to the back, meaning that he was not a threat to her when she inflicted these wounds. The change of weapons is significant in that it shows reflection.

3). The chasing down of Travis in the hallway and the slashing of his throat furthers the premeditative aspect of the crime. Chasing him requires reflection, as does the switch from stabbing to slashing. To slash one's throat is a completely different action than stabbing, again requiring reflection, not reflex.

There is an excellent previous post here where the OP puts forth a terrific argument for first degree murder under the unlikely assumption that JA's version of events of that day is true and still arrives at the conclusion of first degree murder. I agree 100%; regardless of what happened, the three distinct set of wounds and how/where they were inflicted fully meets the legal definition of first degree murder.

In order for this not to have been first degree murder, JA would have had to be gravely injured by Travis in this event, in which case excessive force would then be considered justified. In reality, I find it doubtful that someone gravely injured would be able to deeply slash another person's throat from ear to ear.

The only thing that concerned me is Nurmi introducing "she snapped" without Martinez clarifying this. Nurmi's use of snapped is not the same as the legal definition of crime of passion.
Re: sedation over the weekend.....I suspect NONE..Remember JA " thinks the world revolves around her and only inferior" people would NOT believe her"....Sedation will start during mitigation IMO
If the juror's follow the instructions given to them, they should arrive at first degree murder.

IIRC, they were told to first consider first degree murder. They can only consider lesser charges if they cannot reach a unanimous vote of the higher charge. Martinez laid out for them how the crime fits both premeditated and felony murder under the first degree charges. He did this not once, but twice.

If the jury understands that the legal definition of premeditation, which basically means time to reflect, intent to kill can be formed in seconds. Travis's injuries and alone meet the criteria of premeditated murder, regardless of the sequence of events prior to the attack.

1) Gunshot wound to the head- whether this came first or last, a gunshot to the head can kill. While JA said that she did not intend to shoot him because she thought the gun was not loaded, she did not stop. Her versions of this prior to trial indicated that this happened in the closet; on the witness stand, she changed this to the bathroom.

2) A change of weapons to a knife which she uses to stab him 27 times, including a fatal wound to the heart, defensive wounds to the hands and excessive wounds to the back, meaning that he was not a threat to her when she inflicted these wounds. The change of weapons is significant in that it shows reflection.

3). The chasing down of Travis in the hallway and the slashing of his throat furthers the premeditative aspect of the crime. Chasing him requires reflection, as does the switch from stabbing to slashing. To slash one's throat is a completely different action than stabbing, again requiring reflection, not reflex.

There is an excellent previous post here where the OP puts forth a terrific argument for first degree murder under the unlikely assumption that JA's version of events of that day is true and still arrives at the conclusion of first degree murder. I agree 100%; regardless of what happened, the three distinct set of wounds and how/where they were inflicted fully meets the legal definition of first degree murder.

In order for this not to have been first degree murder, JA would have had to be gravely injured by Travis in this event, in which case it the excessive force would then be considered justified. In reality, I find it doubtful that someone gravely injured would be able to deeply slash another person's throat for ear to ear.

The only thing that concerned me is Nurmi introducing "she snapped" without Martinez clarifying this. Nurmi's use of snapped is not the same as the legal definition of crime of passion.
Oh yeah, she SNAPPED alright.. May 28th when she started premeditating his murder in the 1st degree. She snapped from love to hate.
I have a very good, peaceful feeling that the jury is coming back with Murder one, Monday. I have never seen so much evidence in a case, ever. If a jury cannot find this defendant guilty of murder one, with this much evidence.... then they would have required the murder to be on tape.

I like the way these jury instructions were made plain both by the judge and then by Mr. Martinez. I like the firmly convinced threshold. It is a lot different than the chart Cheney Mason made that set out beyond a reasonable doubt. The jury took him to mean, beyond ANY doubt. This will not be the situation in this case. I love that the jury instructions say that rarely ever in life is there anything one may be one hundred percent certain of and that is not the requirement.

I loved when Mr. Martinez explained in detail the part about what a reasonable person would do. He said something to the effect is not the defendant. They ( the defense ) want you to think it means what would she do. The defendant is not a reasonable person, she is a liar and a killer, what it means is what would a REASONABLE person do.
He just does not miss an opportunity!
One of Juan Martinez' cases had the jury come back in fifteen minutes. I cannot even get a glass of milk and pop-tart ready that fast. He has been doing this day in day out for twenty five years. If he feels good....I feel Tony the Tiger grrrrrreat!!!
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