Verdict Watch 05/04/ and 05/05/2013

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I hope Jaun is allowed to tell them Jodis wishes during the penalty phase. "If I did this I would want nothing less than the DP."

I missed chunks of the state's case in chief so last week I caught up on YouTube & I swear that portion of the Flores interview was aired in front of the jury. I was shocked! I'll have to go back & find it to be sure. I think it should be allowed in, just surprised it actually was admitted bc I feel like SO much is usually left out.
To me, I have always seen little things that happens as a good sign. Finding a lucky penny on the ground or seeing a butterfly are all good things to me. So I have hoped for signs that this case will end in Jodi getting the death penalty.

Well, let me tell you, I got the ultimate in lucky pennies today!! I got a 1890 indian head penny in my change from wendy's. It is 123 years old!!! Come'on lucky penny, bring us the verdict that jodi deserves!

IKWYM! This morning my hubby was watching a nature show and it was all about elephants! And then the next show was a show about a safari to mark and registered animals and that included elephants too!

I am hoping the elephants are a sign from Travis :)
(for those that don't know, one of Travis' sisters keeps getting dreams about Travis and elephants so the family has kind of "adopted" elephants as a symbol of Travis.)
She is a walking, vacant black hole to take something so innocent and use it to accuse Travis of pedophilia. I hate her.

To me, I have always seen little things that happens as a good sign. Finding a lucky penny on the ground or seeing a butterfly are all good things to me. So I have hoped for signs that this case will end in Jodi getting the death penalty.

Well, let me tell you, I got the ultimate in lucky pennies today!! I got a 1890 indian head penny in my change from wendy's. It is 123 years old!!! Come'on lucky penny, bring us the verdict that jodi deserves!

Wow! Lucky you! I'll take this as a sign thank you very much. :)
Hadn't seen this video. What I got out of it was that Nurmi wanted to be ANYWHERE else but in that courtroom. Absolutely no interaction with him and JA. Conversely Juan looks very upbeat, even laughing. He keeps looking at someone in the gallery--NG? Is the bearded dude in the white shirt JSS' boyfriend?

Yes Nurmi looked like he was reading text messages or web surfing, LOL! Juan was in great spirits and NG was sitting in the gallery so it could be that's who he was looking at or perhaps his brother, I don't know.

As for the dude in the white shirt - yes, according to a reliable source that is Judge SSS' boyfriend.

To me, I have always seen little things that happens as a good sign. Finding a lucky penny on the ground or seeing a butterfly are all good things to me. So I have hoped for signs that this case will end in Jodi getting the death penalty.

Well, let me tell you, I got the ultimate in lucky pennies today!! I got a 1890 indian head penny in my change from wendy's. It is 123 years old!!! Come'on lucky penny, bring us the verdict that jodi deserves!

That is so great! On my end, I picked the Kentucky Derby winner correctly! Please let this mean there is a shift in the Universe and truly positive things are coming.
LOL, the death penalty wont help her make an easy exit from this world. She faces an average of 12 years of severe isolation and confinement on death row before she would get the needle. No more attention for her!

12 excruciating years of this:

"All male and female inmates on Death Row are classified as maximum custody. All inmates are single cells which are equipped with a toilet, sink, bed and mattress.

Each Death Row inmate has no contact with any other inmate. Out-of-cell time is limited to outdoor exercise in a secured area, two hours a day, three times a week, and a shower, three times a week.

All meals are delivered by correction officers at the cell front. Limited non-contact visitation is available. Death Row inmates may place two ten minute telephone calls per week.

Personal property is limited to hygiene items, two appliances, two books and writing materials, which can be purchased from the inmate commissary. Health care is provided at the Health Unit; medication is passed out at the cell front. Clergy contacts are provided at the cell.

A private suite. Isn't that special. :jail:
The jury found Andriano guilty Nov. 18, about 15 minutes after they went into the jury room..
jurors didn't believe Andriano's testimony, given over nine days on the stand.. "The defense didn't have a lot of evidence, period," Percy said. "I don't think the defense had a lot to work with."But the decision to execute Andriano was far more difficult, she and the five other jurors all said.
When the deliberations began, the nine women and three men took a vote. Only three supported a death sentence, with four favoring a life sentence and the others undecided..
"But we could not find mitigating factors that overwhelmed the cruelty. To me, to everybody there, the knife wound was the crowning blow. She had three chances to back off."
Some said they were moved by Andriano's plea for life during the mitigation phase on Dec. 16, just before the final deliberations, while others considered it an Academy Award acting job.*"I just thought, 'What an act you're putting on, honey,' " Fobes said. "She was such a liar. How could you believe anything she told you?"The emotional impact of Andriano's 45-minute plea, in which she admitting making "a horrible choice that night" but insisted her cancer-stricken husband wanted to commit suicide, may have waned as days passed and jurors focused on the details of the case, Fobes said.Erke was moved."Her speech was heartfelt. It teared me up," he said. But "I thought she was more sorry for the consequences of what she did than for the actions.
As the third day of deliberations ended, Fobes said she told the holdout juror, a Gilbert senior citizen, "Wendi has manipulated you. He said, 'Yes, I know.' "*The next day, the holdout gave a short speech saying he changed his mind.
The jury delivered the death penalty verdict Dec. 22."Walking in there with that verdict, I was shaking like a leaf," Erke said, the daunting power of deciding if someone lives or dies overwhelming him. "It's 'Oh, my God, it's really happened.' "Most are still mulling over their decision, but only one juror, a young nurse, expressed doubts.*"Sometimes, I think I'm too hard-hearted," Fobes said. "But she didn't feel any sympathy for him (the husband)."Percy said a telling look from Andriano was reassuring after a clerk read the verdict."She gave us a look like, 'How dare you?' " Percy said. "I thought, 'I made the right decision.' "
WoW this glimpse into the hearts and minds of the Andriano jury is powerful and moved me to tears..and one things for absolute certain there are extremely similar dynamics at play where Andriano and Arias are concerned..

The above snipped quotes from the mouths of these jurors are so eerily similar that I was getting goosebumps while reading it and in knowing that it, too was prosecuted by Juan.. Moo there's no way that during the course of this Trial he could not have thought back to Adriano's trial and even experiencing bouts of deja vu due to some of the most important issues being eerily similar..

Of course there's the fact that the Andriano trial was a long, tedious four month event...but more specifically..more telling are the core issues such as Arias and Andriano being very similar evil individuals.. Narcissistic to a fault..selfish beyond reason..sociopathic and Borderline personalities.. Both Andriano and Arias unapologetic and truly remorseless..both very, very much believing in their finely tuned manipulation skills being sufficient in once again weaseling their way out of this negative consequence of which they each face in having brutally slaughtered the man to whom each had claimed to truly love..

Most chilling for me was the above portion BBM of which I believe is the EXACT SAME CIRCUMSTANCE that Arias put into motion and fully carried out..these jurors words describing their view of Andriano having chosen to NOT BACK OFF OF KILLING HIM EVEN WHEN GIVEN THREE OPPORTUNITIES TO BACK OFF OR STOP KILLING JOE.. Wendi first poisoned him.. Wendi then bludgeoned him with a stool, and then Wendi stabbed him.. notably most lethal the wound to his neck..

The jurors words are chillingly so very familiar in pointing out that Wendi had 3 occasions to back off and stop. Wendi chose to plunge forward in ensuring Joe was dead.. Just as we know Jodi first stabbed Travis repeatedly..Jodi then sliced Travis neck including jugular and carotid, and then Jodi took that stolen 25caliber handgun and shot Travis in the head.. In my very strong opinion so, too will this jury clearly see that Arias so, too had these numerous opportunities to back off and stop...yet so, too did Arias choose to plunge forward in ensuring Travis was dead..

Both of these women are scarily similar in who and what their core is made of.. As well as The evil that both fully have residing within them..along with their abilities to without mercy slaughter innocent men in ways that are beyond cruel..

Its strongly my opinion that so, too will these "women" soon have one more eerie similarity.. THAT BEING BOTH HAVING BEEN SUCCESSFULLY PROSECUTED BY JUAN MARTINEZ..AS WELL AS BOTH SENTENCED TO DEATH BY A JURY OF TWELVE CITIZENS OF ARIZONA!!!
The thing that pisses me off is that Nurmi knows she said that. And by objecting to it several times, he's trying to convince the jury she didn't. If anyone has a doubt, they can get the transcript read back to them, but it was a cheap move on Nurmi's part to act like JM was wrong about that.

Shocker, I know!

What's frustrating is that AZwatcher said in Maricopa county it is rare that they get to look at the actual testimony, that the judge asks them to rely on their memory. So hopefully since it was said in closings if there are some that said she didn't say the same walmart and some that said she did, hopefully the judge will let them look, because this is a huge point, that's why I wish JM would have put it up on the overhead in his rebuttal so there would be NO question as to who was lying.
The thing that pisses me off is that Nurmi knows she said that. And by objecting to it several times, he's trying to convince the jury she didn't. If anyone has a doubt, they can get the transcript read back to them, but it was a cheap move on Nurmi's part to act like JM was wrong about that.

Shocker, I know!

I hope it is burned in the juries mind that the defendant said she returned the gas can to the same WM. No reason for Juanderful to bring in the representative to dispute it if there weren't her own words saying she had.
Somehow, Zuri, I don't think that will be a problem... Somebody in the courtroom would proclaim her guilty, sentence her to death, & kill her right there in the courtroom. Case Closed. lol.

My shepherds startled as I snorted with laughter! Too too funny
The biggest problem I have with that (sort of) reasonable theory is that Travis knew she was a pathological liar and sociopath, among other worse and dangerous PD's, which he understood.
Why would he have believed that from an email or text from her? Also, she would have used a pregnancy/ baby against him. Why get an abortion if you are JA?

Because you are lying about being pregnant?
I have no idea why he was so angry but I can assume it was something very personal for him, something so personal that he didn't even go to anyone about it and something so bad that he couldn't even bring himself to put it in any written form, probably for fear that JA would use it against him even more.
What's frustrating is that AZwatcher said in Maricopa county it is rare that they get to look at the actual testimony, that the judge asks them to rely on their memory. So hopefully since it was said in closings if there are some that said she didn't say the same walmart and some that said she did, hopefully the judge will let them look, because this is a huge point, that's why I wish JM would have put it up on the overhead in his rebuttal so there would be NO question as to who was lying.

I bet someone has it in their notes and they can have those with them.
The thing that pisses me off is that Nurmi knows she said that. And by objecting to it several times, he's trying to convince the jury she didn't. If anyone has a doubt, they can get the transcript read back to them, but it was a cheap move on Nurmi's part to act like JM was wrong about that.

Shocker, I know!

I am stunned. lol

I agree with you. BUT will you ever forget that snarky, snippy, patronizing way she said, "Considering I returned it and got cash back, I would be surprised."

She really thinks she's walking out of the courtroom, taser free.
What's frustrating is that AZwatcher said in Maricopa county it is rare that they get to look at the actual testimony, that the judge asks them to rely on their memory. So hopefully since it was said in closings if there are some that said she didn't say the same walmart and some that said she did, hopefully the judge will let them look, because this is a huge point, that's why I wish JM would have put it up on the overhead in his rebuttal so there would be NO question as to who was lying.

REALLY? Wow, most juries can ask for a specific portion of testimony and be allowed to view it (not the whole case transcription at once). That is a bummer to be a juror in AZ if that is the case.
Every time I think about Nurmi's offensive theme, 'Sex, Lies, and Dirty Little Secrets', I want to hurl! He was describiing his client and her Defense lawyers - not Travis Alexander.

It's impossible to choose which 'lie' was the most egregious...but one of them was certainly when Nurmi disputed Dr. Horn's testimony that Travis could not lift his head after his throat was slit...there would be no movement afterwards. Nurmi picked up the photo of JA dragging Travis and told them to look at his elevated head and arm. Really??? His head was elevated because JA was dragging him and she was grabbing his arm to drag him! I can't recall JM rebutting this, but I hope it didn't escape the attention of the jury.

This one is interesting from yesterday .. I agree with the guy at the end that says Jodi is driving her defence and her lawyers have tried to give her good advice but she refused to take it .. Nurmi must haaaate her, I don't blame him or Jennifer for that.

Also I think this trial is a continuance of why Travis called out Jodi in those texts .. I think the reason is before us, she was threatening to use the so called sex call recording to accuse him of being an abuser, a pedophile, and to expose him as sexually active with her .. he countered with threatening to expose HER, and that exposure would ruin Jodi's chances of conning anyone else in PPL or the Mormon church. He knew what she was.

I agree with that guy but I am asking myself why did I watch that? I cannot stomach that Annahita chick or what ever her name is. She always sits there shaking her head no when anyone is pro prosecution and then says wah wah wah wah wah. Ick. I can't stand her!

Back to the guy, yes, I do agree with him.
What's frustrating is that AZwatcher said in Maricopa county it is rare that they get to look at the actual testimony, that the judge asks them to rely on their memory. So hopefully since it was said in closings if there are some that said she didn't say the same walmart and some that said she did, hopefully the judge will let them look, because this is a huge point, that's why I wish JM would have put it up on the overhead in his rebuttal so there would be NO question as to who was lying.

Those people took so many notes, I would hope somebody wrote it down. Or at least surely more than one of them remember it. WE remembered it!
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