Verdict Watch 05/04/ and 05/05/2013

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I've never even seen my back end, and no one else is going to see it either.:facepalm:

JA is very comfortable making lewd statements while answering questions on the witness stand. Nurmi would ask a question, about the sex of course, and JA would also add a little extra to the answer, like TA wanted to e........ on my f........ Did Nurmi ask that, no, but she added that to make the jury uneasy.

I really think she likes to watch people squirm, so it is no surprise she had no problem depicting the most lewd photos of the female privates.

So disgusting!!! :moo::moo::moo:
The EMT will be nearby for Jodi when she faints because she thinks it will be Not Guilty, or Hung. When it is not and they read a Guilty verdict, Is it too much to ask for her to have a true Jodi Stalker like melt down and jump the table and go for the Prosecutor so she gets just one zap, falls belly down, arms out about 12" from Mr. Martinez feet so he can say "did you need something?"

I do want to see her zapped.

But honestly I think she will react to the verdict with that shark souless evil blank stare.

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So these 'survivor' T-shirts that JA is somehow involved with to raise money for the long Beach Womens shelter- does anyone think this i a sudden ruse to give her a single good deed to count toward mitigation?
Seriously why now?

i believe that is alyce's shelter from her foundation - so take from that what you will
Just 8 hours JA will be awakened by a jailer and begin readying herself for court, where she will await her fate.

I honestly believe we are way more tense about the verdict that she is.
I think she is so delusional that she is not worried.
It will be after a guilty verdict that things will begin to hit home for her - after her fantasy bubble of innocence is broken. THEN she will be worried about DP or LWOP. IMO
I think we have a simple misunderstanding here. I didn't post this to anyone's other post. I simply posted it as a continuation to my original post.

I was saying that tonight was the first time I had ever viewed this photos and I just think they are deplorable. (is that a word)? and in my mind I would have tried about anything to keep them out of the public's view.

To that end I think the photos of Travis are worse. The photos of him and the photos of the autopsy should not be available for public viewing.

No worries, and I am not here to offend anyone. Hope this helps :seeya:

I'm torn on this. You can't really appreciate murder until you see how cruel it really is. It's a little like abortion..until you've seen it, you don't know. I feel so badly for the Alexanders that their private life is all over the place. But I don't think the public outrage would be as great without many of the more brutal pictures being out. Maybe some can't appreciate suffering unless they see suffering. I know it made me want a more severe punishment for her.
Plus it appeared to be a backhanded slap to the jury, as he accused the juror of reading and watching the trial since there was no mention so sexual orientation in the court room....slimy! :twocents:

Ugh, you're right! He accused them of lying (out of the presence of the jury) during his mean spirited prosecutorial misconduct motion because no one was asking Nurmi for autographs and photo ops.

So, when the jurors start reading and watching the stuff they missed, they're going to realize they didn't imagine it; that guy really DID accuse them of lying.
Wild About Trial just set up a breaking news alert for the verdict.

Text WAT to 33733
I think what makes me so enthralled with this case is because of the innocence of the victim. I needed a case to focus on with tangible justice to feel like I'm fighting for after the Newtown massacre of innocents.

After that, there was no one onto which I could focus anger. The demon was dead.

I truly, with every fiber of my being, feel Jodi Arias would commit accelerated atrocities for the thrill of the wall to wall the bad press coverage if she is ever released from prison.
I've done a lot of jackass things in my life, but no nude pics and certainly no pic of a close up of that. Why would you do that? I just don't get it. Why provide the ammunition (pictures) so someone can shoot you later (blackmail) with your own ammo? Normally, I only feel 58 when the weather changes. But I feel really old now, looking at what folks do now. :blushing:

Oh, TRUST ME, we don't ALL do that! Not even close to all of us do that!
Most of us have way too much common sense and wisdom to do that!
I honestly believe we are way more tense about the verdict that she is.
I think she is so delusional that she is not worried.
It will be after a guilty verdict that things will begin to hit home for her - after her fantasy bubble of innocence is broken. THEN she will be worried about DP or LWOP. IMO

but while she is waiting for the verdict, she has to sit in a holding cell all by her lonesome - and w/ out any one their feeding her ego, i bet she will realize she might be in troble
I think she took those of herself.. So that one would think Travis took them.

This is the first thing I thought of when I looked at the photos. There is no evidence to my knowledge to PROVE that Travis had anything to do with taking these.

She's a self-admitted pathological liar.

This is the first trial that I have followed so I would appreciate if someone would let me know what typically happens when the verdict comes in. Will there be an advance notification of any sort, i.e. the jurors reach their decision, that is released to the media and the next day at some specified time everyone meets in court where the verdict is read? Or could it be on the same day? I just wonder how often I have to check the news.

Thanks in advance!

I believe WildAboutTrial said there will be a 30 min notice before the verdict is read.

But knowing what we know in this case, it will probably be a little longer then that b/c there will be an in chambers meeting and a sidebar before the jury enters the courtroom. ;)
Just an observation that bugs me.....all those photos of Travis and her....who the heck takes so many posed couple shots? Imagine how many people she interrupted to take a pic of her and Travis...and they all look fake to me...
I'm planning to send her post cards from Cancun when I go on vacation. I'll send that witch postcards from everywhere I go on vacation ....."having a great time ... Glad your not here"

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And Ima send her photos of Cinnabon cinnamon rolls every time I hit a mall.
12 Hours til deliberations resume...

yes and the list goes on!

Juice Plus

We could keep up the MLM naming names forever, but for some odd reason PPL/Legal Shield is the ONLY one???????? Duh .... NOT.

MLM has been around forever and it's LEGAL. It's not a "cult".

Hey hey! Calm down! Jodi gives us *advertiser censored* a bad name;)

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JA was not a *advertiser censored*. The evil that everyone sees in her is not, IMO, due to who she slept with, how many she slept with, or even the nude pics of her. The evil is because we know she is the person who slaughtered TA, manipulated him sexually, and walks into a court of law, lying and spouting despicable falsehoods about the man she murdered.

The *advertiser censored* word to demean JA is ridiculous. She is a cold blooded murderer. It would not matter if she were a virgin. She premeditated this murder, and will pay for that.
The EMT will be nearby for Jodi when she faints because she thinks it will be Not Guilty, or Hung. When it is not and they read a Guilty verdict, Is it too much to ask for her to have a true Jodi Stalker like melt down and jump the table and go for the Prosecutor so she gets just one zap, falls belly down, arms out about 12" from Mr. Martinez feet so he can say "did you need something?"

oh yes! i am so calling the fake faint and possibly see her extend that into fake seizures so she doesn't have to go back to her cell!
I am so glad you brought this up -- ever since I saw the backend pic today for the first time I just can't imagine why that was even entered as evidence -- there was absolutely no need to use that pic -- just having her describe that pic would have been enough (if necessary at all to help her case?) I am not a prude (far from it), but to agree to have yourself on display like that under the guise of saving your life is just ridiculous -- and it was probably her idea anyway. I think she has delusions of becoming a *advertiser censored* star.

That is ome if the pics I think she took of herself.. She wanted to pretend travis took it... So that (in ner sick mind) it would show whoever thos eoics were intended for (blackmail) that Travis was a perv.. Not her.. Me "made" her do thise things.. It wasn't her idea .. Dontcha know?
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