Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2

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I am finally home and having an embarassingly early glass of wine......

I am hoping for an M1 verdict today, and while I am anti-DP, I understand it is a likely sentence, especially for the depravity shown in this murder.

I will breathe a sigh of relief, but probably won't celebrate a DP sentence when that phase is concluded. I will be glad for the family because this is what they want, I just can't rejoice over anyone's death. Nothing will bring Travis back and although I try not to think so negatively, knowing that grieves and saddens me. It's an awful sense of finality. How that terrible creature could sit in that courtroom every day and do anything but sob and collapse with remorse over her brutal deed is beyond me!

I voted that we would get the verdict on Thursday but am hoping desperately that I am wrong and it comes down in the next few hours.........more for Travis' family and loved ones than for my own sake, but I am a little selfish in that I want to know NOW.

There are currently 3 women on DR in Arizona. The 4th (I believe) died of natural causes. I don't get excited for the DP either, but I do find it more than appropriate that the punishment fits this crime.

If JA is convicted of M1 and receives the DP (which I believe the verdict should be) I relish the fact that this is where she would end up:

The unit containing death row is called the Lumley Unit. Inmates in the death row cell are locked inside 23 hours a day. Before their 23rd hour, they are put in shackles and walked to small cage-like enclosures for recreation.

Note The last woman executed in Arizona was Eva Dugan back in 1930 (and she was hanged).

Some interesting reading here:


Is it wishful thinking to assume the jury might be close since we haven't heard notification of an afternoon break?

They were breaking at 3pm during the trial weren't they?
We need a good dose of Katiecoo!

I thought I read her say she was going in at 12:30....someone needs to go check on her, she could be curled up in the fetal position under one of the gallery chairs sucking her thumb and humming to herself...

At 6:30 pm (less than 10 minutes from now) I am going to send a whole lot of positive vibes and prayer to the jury. If anyone wants to join me please do so at that exact same time. I am going to concentrate as hard as I can doing this ..for 5 minutes and this will also allow for any discrepancies in anyone's clock. Thanks to anyone who wants to join me.
Dont stress. The jury is doing their job. My original presiction
Was Tuesday , then I heard that Juan said today so I am
Not worried. They have a huge decision to make and
Are just trying to get it right.
I pray that they do.

Cubs, where did you hear that Juan said today???

Awww, look at that gentle giant. Sweet
Softail, we need you to go find Steely. His emus would help here. And Weebles! We need some funny animals!!!

Well, I could break out the emu burgers. That always seems to bring him around. Where the heck has he been? :waitasec:
I met Donnie Osmond at Mr green Jeans in Toronto back in 1992....his son had just spilt chocolate milk....and was making a fuss...I took that opportunity to go get his autograph......:floorlaugh:

OMG! Donnie?!!! I had such a HUGE crush on him:blushing: That smile and those purple socks lol
It is approximately 3:10pm in Mesa, Arizona right now. The jury has been deliberating a little over 6 hours now.

I am really starting to get concerned - I am worried that the jury is not "seeing" Arias' premeditation.

What could be taking the jury so long?

I am fearful that Travis Alexander will not have justice - and I will be heartbroken (with all of you).

Since it is after 3pm in Mesa - Does anyone think that the jury is going to return a verdict today?
this jury comes back with anything less than 1st degree murder then I can say I have lost ALL faith in the justice system. After the CA fiasco I lost confidence that truth prevails and justice will be done. That case and this one are SLAM DUNKS. There is even photo evidence OF THE MURDER AFTERMATH in this one. What more does a jury need? It is appearing more and more to me that our American jurisprudence is more concerned with not harming or stepping on the accused rights vs getting in evidence that proves a crime was committed. I just don't trust the system anymore. It's how I feel. I'm praying and hoping this jury gets this no brainer right. I know she's gloating right now since they havent come back right away and that thought makes me :banghead:
Godspeed to justice for Travis. Please jury, get it right cause so much was done wrong here.
Maybe they're in there watching HLN and laughing at them trying to fill airtime while they wait. :floorlaugh:

But seriously they must have one or two hold outs for it to be taking this long.


Lol, they're drunk on the power!
They chose hours of 09:00 to 16:30. Media were supposed to be given 30 mins notice so can't see anything happening in court today.

I'm hoping that if they get to 4:30pm ET, they will ask for an extension because they are finishing up on the verdict.:please:
I wonder how many of the Jurors are familiar with the previous case JM prosecuted. The Andriano case is similar in she killed him 3 different ways..Andriano also claimed to kill in self-defense. That verdict took 15min..I think Murder 2 and lesser was not an option.

I am so nervous looking at the time! I am nervous the lesser charges and instructions are confusing them. :scared:

Based on their questions during the trial, I think this jury will have no problem asking the judge to clarify anything, no matter how miniscule. Deep breaths :)
why didn't nurmi ask the walmart representative that question? 'you don't know which store she returned it to, do you?'

he had no questions for that witness.

hey, even taking TWO extra cans of gas on a trip is ridiculous. she just wouldn't admit she had THREE.

It reminds me of child murderers who will admit to the murder but not the rape of the child. :furious:
Gotta sign out for now. Now, watch...just because IM leaving and wont be able to be on line, and the text notification didnt work and now some random guy is sending my angry texts, they will reach a verdict. So you can all go ahead and thank me now.
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