Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2

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I had to laugh at the original post too. But I didn't give it a lot of thought until I read yours. It dawned on me (the mind is the first to go, I guess) that my hubs and BIL that are watching this as avidly as I am are both 60 and think she deserves death...if there were a worse punishment they would be all over that too.

I guess at my age I have no problem with forgetting how old I REALLY am. I still feel about 40 but have kids almost that age LOL!

It super ticks me off that some people think that people over 60, turn to mush... I am still in my 30's, parents in 60's and they are the people that taught me right and wrong and the consequences of both. They are super active in sports, still. Not waiting to die in a rocking chair.

This is really regional. I travel for a living and see it first hand. Certain places the kids run the parents, when the PARENT'S SHOULD RUN THE KID'S. I notice it more and more in certain parts of the country. If you are offended, you might be in that category.

(MyVice, this is not directed at you, lol) But posts before which seem to indicate older equals sympathy.
So far, I'm okay with the jury. Fact is they had approx 1 hour on Friday, in which they likely just picked a foreman. I figure this morning they read through the instructions, and then deliberation, in reality it's not that long .......yet.

Speaking of ignoring HLN, so many on tonight keep saying, "they've Lready been deliberating 2 days."

Ahh, no, not quite :eyeroll:
although it is better than some of the motions he's written so perhaps just another "jailhouse lawyer" drafted it. I do think Nurmi had a hand in it as the result intended was for him to get the higher private practice rate. I find it remarkable that a defendant incurring none of the cost of her legal representation is allowed to be so "accommodated". It sounds like other death qualified counsel was available in the public defenders office but she wanted Nurmi. I didn't find her argument personally compelling but I guess the court did. Most indigent defendants have to take what is offered to them as far as legal representation.

Thanks. After reading this letter, I have to say that Jodi writes well and knows how to marshal the facts to make her point. She is a vicious sociopathic murderer, but she is not stupid (even if some of her decisions seem like she might be).
I TOTALLY agree and that is exactly my thinking.

Long time lurker, first time poster.

At the end of the day Friday, the jury said that they would deliberate from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. every day until they had a verdict. The jurors showed up early this morning to begin deliberations and they returned early from lunch to continue deliberations. The fact that they are not coming in until 10 a.m. tomorrow is very telling. I believe that the jury has come to a consensus and will have a verdict for us in the morning.
I'm going to post this suggestion again...

Step away from the HLN my friends, step away....


:seeya: Great advice, Lotus! I'm stepping away from HLN and my keyboard for at least an hour or so... Got a hot date with the hubster to watch tonight's "Dancing with the Stars" DVR recording!!! :dance: :woohoo:
Anyone know what this status report was for concerning Jodi and the City of Gilbert???? It's in the minutes section of the courthouse website.

10:31 a.m.
State's Attorney: Juan Martinez
Defendant's Attorney: Kirk Nurmi and Jennifer Willmott
Defendant: Present
Court Reporter: Robin Bobbie
This is the time set for Status Conference.
LET THE RECORD REFLECT present for the City of Gilbert are: Kelly Schwab,
Patricia Ronan, Lt. John Lyle, Officer Chris Robinson, Sgt/ Jesse Sanger.
Discussion is held.
10:39 a.m. All parties for the City of Gilbert are dismissed.
Court and Counsel review jury instructions.

Nevermind. This is regarding the dismissed DUI juror....smacking my head.
I'm torn, it's supposed to be a jury of your peers. After a certain age you may not be up to date with a 30 year old. My mom is 72, she thinks "IT" should fry and she would like to push the 25 year old son is compassionate and wonders if she was really have no doubt, guilty M1 DP, PAY PER VIEW and all proceeds got to the Alexander family....but that's just me. As a rule, people believe their opinions are based on the information they have. In many cases, its really based on the information they dont have. Sometimes insight and perception comes with our own experience and age. There are more crazies out there than people realize. With that said Im watching the news and three young women who disappeared ten years ago were found. They were kidnapped. I wonder if they are on websleuths.
Jodi's doing good works in the slammer... I wonder what the trouble was with Maria?

"she has been able to help other inmates with various things such as her singing for them, writing poems, doing drawings for them ..."

Is she friggin' serious? How is she sure that was helping, I think putting up with a all singing all dancing Jodi would make their time more torturous.
I can not view the myspace. Do you have a date for that post. If it is around the time he wrote the letter to expose her, it would explain a lot of the name calling, and particularly the dildo with a heartbeat comment. I would expect if she used a web cam to entertain people/men a dildo would be one of her tools. JMO

Would he think it was vile enough for people to spit on her and devastate her parents?

I mean Jesus wouldn't spit on a *advertiser censored*. ....

I dunno. Sure is an interesting comment and I would love to know the date.

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If this delay is being caused by an appointment wouldn't the jurors have let the Judge know yesterday? If they decided today that they will start late tomorrow then I'd say there is a strong possibility that they have a verdict for us.
this is a letter jodi wrote judge duncan about nurm trying to get off her case - just a qick 6 page note

Wow! Thank you, polleypockets, for posting that link. I have not seen this letter before. Very, very illuminating as to the chameleon that is JA. She is clearly able to study, mirror, and mimic anyone and any setting she finds herself in.

She does have native intelligence, meaning high verbal scores-- evident in this document (if she wrote it unassisted), and a global IQ a bit above average-- but a brief perusal of "genius society" membership (mensa, innertel, triple nine society, etc) will quickly dispel the idea that high intelligence equals success in society, or equals novel contributions to society's fund of knowledge. I'm aware of plenty of "geniuses" that are marginally employed, or underemployed-- some who are not college graduates. But I digress.

Obviously, Jodi has read volumes and volumes of court filings before she wrote this-- IF she wrote it unassisted. Her letter is in identical language and cadence as many legal filings (and better than most of Jose Baez' documents in the CA case). It is well written-- in language the JUDGE will understand. Knowing the total picture of JA that I have developed, I can see where it may appear "eloquent" and intelligent-- but to my eyes, the way it is written to mimic and mirror what Judges are used to reading is simply another example of how JA re-molds herself to whatever situation is present, in order to appear to "belong" to her newest peer group and manipulate/ get whatever she needs or wants. It clearly doesn't sound like the same JA journal entries, emails, or texts. They are "all" JA-- she has no sense of self; she is merely a mimic, imo. Hollow, without conscience. In this letter, she was parroting what she thought the judge would hear, and playing "Barbie Paralegal" at the same time, imo.

I'm glad she got to "keep" Kirk Nurmi. And I'm glad the defense pretty much got whatever they asked for. Much less risk that a guilty verdict will be overturned on appeal, and almost no chance she can argue ineffective counsel.
After seeing a clip yesterday, thought of another lie that proves Jodi did not have a FOG. She claimed during testimony that "AFTER the knife dropped and made a clanging sound she then forgot anything AFTER that".

Well, that would mean you DO remember all the stabbings then BEFORE you dropped the knife.

Just another little lie she let slip during testimony.
Love Beth. This jury does not know Travis....
That will not happen. One person said a couple of jurors looked angry. Thats not good. Another said maybe they will be back at ten in the morning with a vedict. I hope that does happen. Does anyone believe their should be an age cut off for jury duty?. I dont want slack for the question. I ask this question hoping to live a long time.

Actually I do...I think you should have to be 30 or older to serve on a jury!

I'm torn, it's supposed to be a jury of your peers. After a certain age you may not be up to date with a 30 year old. My mom is 72, she thinks "IT" should fry and she would like to push the 25 year old son is compassionate and wonders if she was really have no doubt, guilty M1 DP, PAY PER VIEW and all proceeds got to the Alexander family....but that's just me. As a rule, people believe their opinions are based on the information they have. In many cases, its really based on the information they dont have. Sometimes insight and perception comes with our own experience and age. There are more crazies out there than people realize. With that said Im watching the news and three young women who disappeared ten years ago were found. They were kidnapped. I wonder if they are on websleuths.

I dont know why your quote was not highlighted.
I think you nailed it! Anyway of finding out the date he wrote that?

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Idk, MySpace was not something I was ever into. Although I visit several forum type boards, the whole "social media" thingy passed me by :lol:

But seriously, it's a profile right? It seems as if MySpace didn't have any sort of "updated as of" feature.
He was a huge part of my family....

Wow? Really? When I was in NYC a few years ago this cab driver was saying he was really a genuine person, not stuck-up or standoffish at all. (In reference to John F. Kennedy Jr.)
Jodi is just as manipulating in writing as she is in person. She's clearly threatening appellate issues, even before she goes to trial the first time. .....Not to mention, she's never learned the art of "less is more" when it comes to talking AND writing.
She just happens to know a few more "big" words then most teenagers do.

Just MHOO.

Absolutely. She's trying to sound like an attorney (another example of her mimicing the people around her), but it'glaringly obvious that she's never had a legal writing class in her life.
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