Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2

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Good night folks. Need to get some chores done. Tomorrow, i am in self induced TO until I get the text.
Hey Mods:
As a fun exercise to pass the time as we wait for the verdict, would it be okay to do an informal survey of WS'ers here? I would love to learn how similar/diverse we are as a group in demographic terms (and hobbies) since we know we all have so much in common simply by participating in this awesome forum and our mutual desire for justice for Travis. Responses would naturally be voluntary and used for nothing more than fun within this forum.

The questions would be:
1) age
2) M/F
3) city/country
4) year joined WS.
5) fave past time (other than WS of course!)

If you give a thumbs up, I'll just start a thread with the questions only and folks can add their answers by quoting the latest post, and then sometime tomorrow I will summarize the responses to get averages, etc.

Are you okay with this? I understand if you say "nay"...

1) 40
2) F
3)born and raised in Queens, NY (NYC) moved to Miami, FL 7 yrs ago
4)Day two of JA's testiphony - was on another site and had no clue of the wonderfulness of this one
5)Avid reader of James Patterson novels and long time movie fanatic
Night all! Stay safe and keep praying for justice! I am hoping tomorrow is THE day!
Ah yes...
Teaches classes on how and where to hide pencils lol and fungal cream...

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Confiscating Fungus Cream? as Martinez would say "Who Does That?"
Sorry to quote myself(^^^), but I found the entry from Travis' MySpace. But I did not see the date he posted it. It follows (bolding by me):

"People I'd Like to Meet
HMMM well Jesus for starters. People who like to give high 5's incessantly. I'd also like to meet Osama Bin Laden in all out no holds barr, winner take all cage fight. Christopher Walken would be fun to eat Lunch with. Really most people, well except for *advertiser censored*. They are a dime a dozen these days especially on myspace. So if your employment involves a webcam, I don't see it going anywhere. Outside of that I'm good to go."

This reference to 'webcam' and 'employment' really make me wonder about the idea I posted above. Thoughts?

I can not view the myspace. Do you have a date for that post. If it is around the time he wrote the letter to expose her, it would explain a lot of the name calling, and particularly the dildo with a heartbeat comment. I would expect if she used a web cam to entertain people/men a dildo would be one of her tools. JMO
HOLY COW, this letter was just released over Facebook - of course, it may have been released before, I don't know. It's new to me. A letter from JA's mother to the judge asking her to not allow Nurmi to quit her case:

BBM: There's a lot I could say about this letter; from a grammatical, psychological, and contextual standpoint. But I will refrain.

Now is not the time for a time out!

Very interesting. Could be... webcam, *advertiser censored*, and they're a dime a dozen.
I always wondered where she got that $800 cash she deposited before her trip.

There was a guy interviewed a long while ago that claimed he loaned her money to make the trip. She told him Travis and her had a huge fight and she needed to get there. Iirc they met at an Internet cafe and became friends. He also said she was constantly wanting him to look at photos she took.

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Sorry if this was posted already. It was posted on Facebook on the "The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander murder trial" page.

"2011 hand-written letter from Arias to Judge Duncan, concerning the 'precarious circumstances of her legal defense'..."

Jodi is just as manipulating in writing as she is in person. She's clearly threatening appellate issues, even before she goes to trial the first time. Not to mention, she's never learned the art of "less is more" when it comes to talking AND writing.

I'm not saying she's not smart - she is. She's just never matured in her intelligence. She's like a whiny teenager that thinks if they repeat themselves over and over and over, you'll finally give in to whatever they want. She just happens to know a few more "big" words then most teenagers do.

Just MHOO.

Sounds to me like little miss Jodi snookered any chance she has at claiming ineffective counsel. LoL, she begged for Nurmi :floorlaugh:. Karma!
I'm going to post this suggestion again...

Step away from the HLN my friends, step away....


Ain't this the truth?

I refuse to watch that rubbish channel. They are glamorizing this trial to no end and making huge profits for doing it.

They are nothing but the National Enquirer on steroids.

Total waste of time.
They have to decide upon two counts of murder 1. Both. They have to decide if it was premeditated. Regardless of that decision, they also have to decide if it's felony murder.

Those are two big decisions with a lot of evidence to consider for each count. And they can't just say, "ok, premeditated, let's go." They have to go through the jury instructions for determining each and then deliberate. Heck, it could take awhile just to grasp the nuances of the jury instructions.

I believe they can decide premeditated murder or felony murder. Either satisfies the elements of murder one.

Starting at around 54:00 premed. def. and JA's throat-slitting motion. At 1:11:00 JSKS explains
It IS true. Remember that day? Travis's sisters had to leave the courtroom in tears. They were devastated by the photos. JA's Mom and Aunt were having a giggle fest and then even turned around and watched the Alexanders leaving the courtroom. I think even NG may have mentioned it later that same night.

You are correct. Jodi's mom snickered and laughed as she watched Sam and Tanisha rush out of the courtroom.
Smart jury. They had to wait plenty during this trial. If they had announced verdict at 7:30 they would be there all night. And they are wise to sleep on it. As evil as she is, is they are not and its a big decision.
Sorry, but I'm so upset and I don't know where else to vent. At the end of today I got into quite the argument with a coworker. She knows I've been following this trial from the get go...she knows I've been exhausted for months, working all day, catching up on the boards or watching testimony at night, etc, etc. She also knows I've got several other co-workers on the Travis Train for Justice :)

Wellllllllll, apparently the fact that someone bought blue bracelets with elephant charms on them (see, I share alot at work!!) for 4 of us to wait for justice together (while being apart in our respective offices) must have been too much for her. Her boss was out and so she watched closing arguments all day and then before she left she stopped by my office.

I first took offense when she said JM was an annoying little man! I could feel my face getting warm and my posture getting stiff...she made a few other inappropriate comments but then....THEN!!!!! Wait for it.....

THEN she had the audacity to tell me that there's no way JA will get the death penalty...and you know why???? She said the sex tape clips proved what a monster Travis was. She started raising her voice asking me what kind of person I was to support TA and his family bc he was a pig!! That's right!! She said, "The victim was a pig! He was SICK!!!! Travis Alexander was an absolute pig!!"

I stood up and unleashed on her saying she had no idea who Travis was and how dare she call him a pig!! Then I asked her if it was a justified BRUTAL MURDER due to mention of a cream pie and putting it into her __. BIG MISTAKE!! She said she sees how JA could have snapped and it was probably justified. I tried to tell her there was more to the call and JA was a manipulater but she wouldn't hear it!! She said there was NO REASON he should have said those things. I won't repeat what she said about the pedophilia. Then she called me crazy for "wasting so much time on that pig and trying to justify his words!!"...I told her to get out of my office and honesty, y'all I have been a mess ever since!!!!!!

My first thought was WTF is her problem???? Then I started wondering how many other people only caught bits and pieces of this trial and also think similar thoughts!!! I am SO DAMN ANGRY that bc of the defendant (that's all I can call her without having the mods delete this entire post) - bc of all of her lies and sick, sick mind she continues to murder Travis every single day! I can't quit crying and just find myself OUTRAGED!!!! If i feel like this I can't fathom how family and friends of TA deal with this daily!! I don't want to go to work tomorrow for fear of what I'll do if I hear her say another word about Travis!

Thank you for listening - I know this is a safe place I can share and you kind hearted people will understand!!!

:hug: Hang is there Sleuth13, I would ignore your co-worker.
She is the one being manipulated by the defendant and her attorneys, not you.

I like to think like Judge Judy ...

If you have seen Point of No Return, this comment will make sense to you. The other person will be like whatttt.. haha
"I Never Did Mind About the Little Things!"

Not everyone can be smart ;)
Not only that but she writes poems, draws and helps them read and write. Is she teaching the jail Kindergarten class? :floorlaugh:

Yeah, she's a real Mary PopTarts. :floorlaugh:
HLN is being completely disrespectful to everyone involved in this case. They are treating it like a game show with these mock juries holding up Yes/No paddles. Having people off the street pretend to be Jodi running down someone pretending to be Travis and miming the throat slashing is just bad taste ..... I hope none of family is watching this!!!! I'm turning it to Teen Mom :floorlaugh:
That will not happen. One person said a couple of jurors looked angry. Thats not good. Another said maybe they will be back at ten in the morning with a vedict. I hope that does happen. Does anyone believe their should be an age cut off for jury duty?. I dont want slack for the question. I ask this question hoping to live a long time.

I was thinking maybe there should be an age minimum, and I don't mean 21....
Very interesting theory, especially considering its quite evident that Travis did not involve himself with any sort of online *advertiser censored*...AT ALL. Which I've gotta say, from what I hear many men do....not criticizing, for most I would think its equivalent to playboy and the

But Travis nothing, nada, zip, zero. It's a very curious way to quantify his feelings.

I think you nailed it! Anyway of finding out the date he wrote that?

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Dear Slueth13

...sharing something helpful....

I'm a liberal Jewish activist immigrant, a modern feminist and very strict parent - living in a sea of Bible belt conservative Christians. When someone says something to me that could or should invite / ignite conflict - this is what I do....

1) Let your shoulders relax (shoulders usually tense right when you get ready to give an emotionally reactive response).

2) Take a calming breath (not a deep one - it's not Lamaze).

3) Decide in a heartbeat if the subject is intended to invite discussion, create an argument or attack.

4) If it's a discussion, go ahead and discuss.

5) If it's an attack or argument - smile and say "thank you for sharing that". Then continue what you're doing.

We all have very different points of view on things. Some people are mature and secure enough to express their differences. Others aren't. The "others" are not your problem.

I know this wasn't addressed to me, but great post!

And bbm - sounds like me :)
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