Verdict watch! ** GUILTY **

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This takes me back to Micheal Rafferty's trial, so much the jury didn't know but they sensed it and found him guilty. I just hope they get it right here, can you imagine if they find him NCR and read some of these news stories?? yowser.
This article was posted today in the Calgary Herald. It is lengthy. I have not followed the trial but to read about the behavior of the defense lawyer is quite concerning. Is it possible Magnotta could be eligible for a new trial based on his representation?

"Things the Luka Magnotta jury did not hear or see"

"A casting video of Magnotta shot in Toronto in 2008 for a role in a reality TV show in which he appears charming and answers questions clearly. The Crown wanted it shown to the jury but the judge refused because it was recorded four years before the crime.

Montreal police were told by Magnotta’s former lawyer that Lin Jun’s head could be found in Angrignon Park. The lawyer withdrew from the case.

The judge told the pathologist that his comment “I didn’t watch the video because I see enough gruesome things in my job” was unprofessional.

Defence lawyer Luc Leclair wanted to have convicted killer Karla Homolka’s sister and former prime minister Jean Chrétien’s son, Hubert, testify in person, rather than by video conference. “I feel their presence here is so important,” Leclair said. “The energy they’re going to bring into room you can’t put in words.” “It’s the difference between going to a live play and a movie.”

Psychiatrist Joel Watts was paid $26,000 to fly to Berlin and accompany Magnotta on the flight back to Montreal. Montreal police — funded by taxpayers’ dollars — footed the bill. Total time working: 53 hours."
This takes me back to Micheal Rafferty's trial, so much the jury didn't know but they sensed it and found him guilty. I just hope they get it right here, can you imagine if they find him NCR and read some of these news stories?? yowser.

Especially the comment by the judge... "The issue of mental disorder will be left with the jury no matter how unlikely such a verdict would appear,” he ruled.

No one. Not on twitter, not one reporter, not the judge, not one person anywhere other than maybe a few LM "fans" believe that he is NCR for this murder.

If they get it wrong, they'll be devastated.

This article was posted today in the Calgary Herald. It is lengthy. I have not followed the trial but to read about the behavior of the defense lawyer is quite concerning. Is it possible Magnotta could be eligible for a new trial based on his representation?

"Things the Luka Magnotta jury did not hear or see"

"A casting video of Magnotta shot in Toronto in 2008 for a role in a reality TV show in which he appears charming and answers questions clearly. The Crown wanted it shown to the jury but the judge refused because it was recorded four years before the crime.

Montreal police were told by Magnotta’s former lawyer that Lin Jun’s head could be found in Angrignon Park. The lawyer withdrew from the case.

The judge told the pathologist that his comment “I didn’t watch the video because I see enough gruesome things in my job” was unprofessional.

Defence lawyer Luc Leclair wanted to have convicted killer Karla Homolka’s sister and former prime minister Jean Chrétien’s son, Hubert, testify in person, rather than by video conference. “I feel their presence here is so important,” Leclair said. “The energy they’re going to bring into room you can’t put in words.” “It’s the difference between going to a live play and a movie.”

Psychiatrist Joel Watts was paid $26,000 to fly to Berlin and accompany Magnotta on the flight back to Montreal. Montreal police — funded by taxpayers’ dollars — footed the bill. Total time working: 53 hours."

Nothing that you've read in this article was seen or heard by the jury. While in front of the jury, I assume LeClair was a professional. He certainly coached his client to be someone different in front of them as well.


Luc Leclair submitted to the judge on Oct. 17 that he was upset jurors refused to say hello to him in the morning. "None of them have given me a polite greeting," Leclair complained. "As a matter of fact, they avoid me. They see me and they go stone-faced." Judge Cournoyer replied that "a criminal trial is not a tea party" and that "life is unfair."

Sounds like at least some of his nonsense seeped through.
This about says it all...
But when the jurors weren’t there — and given the number of objections and snits from his lawyer, Mr. Leclair, they were out of court more than they were in it — Mr. Magnotta was far more animated.

The second the last of the jurors left the room, he would pop up, like a groundhog.

He chatted with the security guard who brought him to court, or shuffle, his legs in shackles, to the phone in the box so he could talk to Mr. Leclair.
I am probably way off base here but has anyone else wondered if mystery man from the video is Manny? It seems like the defense knows who Manny is and it was a subject not to be mentioned for some reason and now they are reporting that mystery man is in prison, not a Canadian citizen and the defense knows who he is???? Very weird. In the picture of LM beside the firepit there is a guy coming along the path and I also kind of thought he looked like the mystery man. Just posting random nonsense. lol
I am probably way off base here but has anyone else wondered if mystery man from the video is Manny? It seems like the defense knows who Manny is and it was a subject not to be mentioned for some reason and now they are reporting that mystery man is in prison, not a Canadian citizen and the defense knows who he is???? Very weird. In the picture of LM beside the firepit there is a guy coming along the path and I also kind of thought he looked like the mystery man. Just posting random nonsense. lol

I didn't get the impression that mystery man was Manny although that is an intriguing thought. I also find it interesting that the defence seem to know who he is and didn't have to disclose this to the prosecution. There is just something so wrong with the way the legal system works in favour of criminals. Why can't it be that both sides have to be completely honest and have full disclosure?

So is mystery man in jail in Canada? Even though he is not a Canadian citizen?


Nothing that you've read in this article was seen or heard by the jury. While in front of the jury, I assume LeClair was a professional. He certainly coached his client to be someone different in front of them as well.


That is good to hear. I sure hope so. Another snippet that is unsettling:

"The judge, who could recite case law as if reciting the alphabet, asked the jury and witness at one point to leave the room, then tore a strip off Gilles Chamberland, the Crown’s expert psychiatric witness, for making faces during the testimony of the psychiatrist who met Magnotta in Berlin after his arrest.

Psychiatrist Gilles Chamberland, right, during a break for the trial of Luka Magnotta at the Montreal courthouse in Montreal on Tuesday, November 18, 2014.
“This is totally unacceptable and I will not allow this…so please refrain from frowning like this, having a smirk, an expression of disbelief,” the judge said, his voice rising. “This is not what we expect from independent professionals.”

Chamberland sat through the rest of the trial in one of two overflow rooms and out of sight of the judge."
I didn't get the impression that mystery man was Manny although that is an intriguing thought. I also find it interesting that the defence seem to know who he is and didn't have to disclose this to the prosecution. There is just something so wrong with the way the legal system works in favour of criminals. Why can't it be that both sides have to be completely honest and have full disclosure?

So is mystery man in jail in Canada? Even though he is not a Canadian citizen?



Here's a little bit about 'Mystery Man'

Leclair acknowledged at one point he had an idea of the man’s identity, telling the judge he was “in custody.”
The information came to light after the judge raised concerns about a Crown question about the man.
The name still did not surface during the trial.
“This guy for your information is not from Canada,” Leclair told the judge. “As far as I know, he’s not in Canada.”

The defence lawyer added: “I tried to get a hold of him too. I wanted him as much as the police wanted him.”

:dunno: So has LE been given this information ?
A few other details from the trial:

~ Magnotta was accused of tossing his medication in the toilet while in jail, but the Crown was not allowed to question a defence witness about that. :thinking:

~ Leclair complained the jury never greeted him in the halls after the judge mentioned a juror had said hello to him on the way back from lunch. Cournoyer told him a criminal trial was not a “tea party.” :lol:

~ During the jury-vetting process, one of the courthouse constables caught a prospective juror snapping a photo of Magnotta in the auditorium-style courtroom where they were greeted and the accused was present. The judge was then assured the photo was deleted by the citizen.

From previous ^^ link

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 19m 19 minutes ago
Jurors are said to have started deliberating with the proposed 9-5 schedule. #Magnotta

Shuyee Lee @sleeCJAD · 6m 6 minutes ago
Judge says jury waiting for written copy of instructions so tweaking it now first w/ lawyers. #Magnotta
A few other details from the trial:

~ Magnotta was accused of tossing his medication in the toilet while in jail, but the Crown was not allowed to question a defence witness about that. :thinking:

~ Leclair complained the jury never greeted him in the halls after the judge mentioned a juror had said hello to him on the way back from lunch. Cournoyer told him a criminal trial was not a “tea party.” :lol:

~ During the jury-vetting process, one of the courthouse constables caught a prospective juror snapping a photo of Magnotta in the auditorium-style courtroom where they were greeted and the accused was present. The judge was then assured the photo was deleted by the citizen.

From previous ^^ link

Just more proof that LM probably did not take medication and likely does not need medication for schizophrenia because HE DOESN'T HAVE IT!! I wish they had checked with the Ontario Disability program to see if he ever used his drug card and if so, what for. He's obviously taking it now, hence the weight gain, but he probably hates every minute of it. And it's doing nothing other than doping him up and making him fat.

And that's one way to get out of jury duty in Canada. Take a picture of the defendant during your voir dire. hahahahaha


Every report I've up till now has made a similar point about this :doh:

The contrast in behaviour was so evident that Crown prosecutor Louis Bouthillier pointed it out to the judge towards the end of the trial, saying Magnotta was "laying low" when the jury was in, but when jurors were out of the room, "his behaviour is very different."
Bouthillier wanted to ask the Crown's psychiatric expert about it in front of the jury, but Justice Guy Cournoyer indicated it was too late to introduce new material not included in the expert’s report.

As this trial is more about LM's 'psyche' ~ NCR ~ I'd think it was VERY RELEVANT :furious:
Every report I've up till now has made a similar point about this :doh:

As this trial is more about LM's 'psyche' ~ NCR ~ I'd think it was VERY RELEVANT :furious:

It's getting ridiculous. If you're on the jury and you have any doubt, chances are you won't after you read about all the stuff you weren't privy to. But if that doubt results in a not guilty verdict because you consider it reasonable doubt, then we're not getting this right IMO. I just don't understand the whole "too prejudicial" argument regarding evidence.

Shuyee Lee ‏@sleeCJAD 16m16 minutes ago
Ok jury taking mid morning break. Room is closing up for now
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