VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Break 2/27 thru 3/2 #2

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We respectfully disagree. My brother was killed. Not like Travis, but killed. It was beyond horrific to feel so much pain and then look at my parents when I knew their pain was worse. Unless you have experienced that pain, you don't know. TA's death was so vile, that I can't begin to imagine the family's pain, and I am not 'telling' anyone to forgive. I am saying that when you forgive, your heart is free. That being said, the trial has to end first before there is any chance for those dear people.
We respectfully disagree. My brother was killed. Not like Travis, but killed. It was beyond horrific to feel so much pain and then look at my parents when I knew their pain was worse. Unless you have experienced that pain, you don't know. TA's death was so vile, that I can't begin to imagine the family's pain, and I am not 'telling' anyone to forgive. I am saying that when you forgive, your heart is free. That being said, the trial has to end first before there is any chance for those dear people.
Quoting myself in response:
And it's not necessary to forgive. If we want to continue to hate someone, we have that right. The OP was trying to imply that the Alexanders need to forgive Jodi. NO they don't ever, IMO!!! I still to this day hate my uncle- he created the hatred when he molested me- and he's been dead a few years now, but I don't let it define my life, I have my freedom. I will continue to bash him, I will NEVER forgive him, he doesn't deserve it. The only reason I don't publicly name him is that I don't want his stepdaughter to try to sue me for libel.
And it's not necessary to forgive. If we want to continue to hate someone, we have that right. The OP was trying to imply that the Alexanders need to forgive Jodi. NO they don't ever, IMO!!! I still to this day hate my uncle- he created the hatred when he molested me- and he's been dead a few years now, but I don't let it define my life, I have my freedom. I will continue to bash him, I will NEVER forgive him, he doesn't deserve it. The only reason I don't publically name him is that I don't want his stepdaughter to try to sue me for libel.

You absolutely have that right, but your uncle is dead. You're alive, and the hate in your heart hurts you, not him. I'm so sorry. No one should have to live with that. We will just have to agree to disagree. I hope you are one day free from this.
You absolutely have that right, but your uncle is dead. You're alive, and the hate in your heart hurts you, not him. I'm so sorry. No one should have to live with that. We will just have to agree to disagree. I hope you are one day free from this.
You don't have to forgive someone to move FORWARD. That certainly doesn't mean you have hate in your heart or can't be free. It just means you are moving forward and not forgiving. Not all things are forgivable. JMO
And it's not necessary to forgive. If we want to continue to hate someone, we have that right. The OP was trying to imply that the Alexanders need to forgive Jodi. NO they don't ever, IMO!!!

LinusK, I, too, have lived with the situation of someone dying and not being able to get to a state of forgiveness because that person is no longer here. I still have nightmares about it; I want to speak my truth to that person, to get it off my chest. It's been 15+ years, and I have learned to move on, so I guess it's more about forgetting than forgiving. I have a lingering pain in my soul, but I try not to let it get to me any more. Each year it gets a little easier...
You absolutely have that right, but your uncle is dead. You're alive, and the hate in your heart hurts you, not him. I'm so sorry. No one should have to live with that. We will just have to agree to disagree. I hope you are one day free from this.

No it doesn't hurt my heart because I don't think of him on a daily basis, and I got the satisfaction of stomping on his grave. I have my freedom even though you don't see it, don't feel sorry for me.
LinusK, I, too, have lived with a situation of someone dying and not being able to get to state of forgiveness because that person is no longer here. I still have nightmares about it; I want to speak my truth to that person, to get it off my chest. It's been 15+ years, and I have learned to move on, so I guess it's more about forgetting than forgiving. I have a lingering pain in my soul, but I try not to let it get to me any more. Each year it gets a little easier...
Oh I did tell him off while he was alive. I threatened him with telling my mother (but not telling whether it would be my mother or my aunt whom I would tell,) and I disinvited him from my wedding. It was completely my choice not to forgive him. He died knowing how I felt about him. I am sorry for your pain though.
You don't have to forgive someone to move FORWARD. That certainly doesn't mean you have hate in your heart or can't be free. It just means you are moving forward and not forgiving. Not all things are forgivable. JMO

I completely agree with this whole post!!!:goodpost:
You don't have to forgive someone to move FORWARD. That certainly doesn't mean you have hate in your heart or can't be free. It just means you are moving forward and not forgiving. Not all things are forgivable. JMO

I too don't see why people say it's necessary to forgive someone to move on and release hate. I suppose it is about what you need to do. But personally, I agree that some things are not forgiveable. I would never forgive someone if they did to my loved one what Jodi had done to Travis. To me forgiveness is just an abstract concept that is really only about the individual person. Forgiveness can mean different things to different people.
No it doesn't hurt my heart because I don't think of him on a daily basis, and I got the satisfaction of stomping on his grave. I have my freedom even though you don't see it, don't feel sorry for me.

It absolutely hurts your heart; anyone can see that. "Stomping on someone's grave" -- you are hurting, and rightly so!!! I can't tell you how to heal, but I wish you the best.
It absolutely hurts your heart; anyone can see that. "Stomping on someone's grave" -- you are hurting, and rightly so!!! I can't tell you how to heal, but I wish you the best.

Let's agree to disagree. That was a major release for me when I did that. My heart does NOT hurt from not forgiving my uncle.
I am sorry to read about the tragedies that our dear members have been through. I have a great deal of compassion for victims. There are many ways of healing and moving on. What is right for me might not be right for you. And that's okay. I believe that it is very important for victims to feel validated and justified in their strong emotions of anger, revulsion etc. They have every right. However, my best friend thinks differently and occasionally reminds me that forgiveness has nothing to do with the perpetrator and everything to do with our own peace of mind. I disagree that one absolutely needs to forgive in order to move on. Right after the verdict, Travis’ friend Elisha said “"And it's important that we forgive Jodi, so she doesn't have that power to destroy our lives." To each his own, eh?

Travis’ family have not had the opportunity to maintain distance from the criminal---a crucial element in the healing process. I cannot imagine how it must feel to sit in the same room as Arias. That's rubbing salt on their horrendous wounds. I tell you, the second most disturbing thing (right after the autopsy photos) is seeing the look on Stephen’s face during trial. It haunts me still. Hopefully, we will have a verdict next week and Arias will be shipped off to prison for good. And, Travis loved ones can finally begin to mourn the loss of their beloved family member. I imagine that each family member will have his/her own way of healing from this unspeakable tragedy and that's okay. To each his own.
Talk to me, Angel Wings! I really want to know more! TIA

If you go back to the link above, it takes you back to thread #5. The list is there of everything that was tweeted about the jurors in October 2014, during jury selection. There might be some info in thread #4 too. I bolded the ones who were put through and their info is above it. Looking back, the info Monica has is from the tweets. I tried to compare it to Monica's list and some of it makes sense, but it's been since October, so I apologize for not being able to be thorough this evening.
Thank you for showing the source of this I formation. I could not begin to believe it till you showed the proof. Again, thank you.

Come on. This can't be real. Is it April Fools Day? Unbelievable. I really don't mind the job she did for JA, it's the extra stuff she did with JA's fans, tweeting from court, stirring the pot and not being professional that gets me. I guess it's ok for the courts. :scared:

If you go back to the link above, it takes you back to thread #5. The list is there of everything that was tweeted about the jurors in October 2014, during jury selection. There might be some info in thread #4 too. I bolded the ones who were put through and their info is above it. Looking back, the info Monica has is from the tweets. I tried to compare it to Monica's list and some of it makes sense, but it's been since October, so I apologize for not being able to be thorough this evening.

WOW! It would have taken me forever to find this information. Thanks, AngelWings!
WOW! It would have taken me forever to find this information. Thanks, AngelWings!

Responding to my own quote, re: AngelWings info: Just brings home how weird/non-linear trials via tweet can be...
On the subject of Cougarluscious, being rehired. I am not surprised. I don't think the state cares about the 3 way calls, the tweets and/or the art sales. They wanted, above all, someone who could babysit the special snowflake, and keep her temper in check and her tantrums under control.
FYI I am writing fairly regularly during Arias jury deliberations about the aftermath of the death penalty in the State of AZ seeing I've lived through it for over two decades (two cases in Arizona for my sister's killers) and know the Arias trial inside and out having attended most every day of it during the guilt phase/first sentencing supporting the family of the victim. I can't post my blog here on WS but it alerts on twitter each time I make a post. I'm kind of using this time as a platform to educate people on what truly happens after a death sentence is handed down, at least in the State of Arizona as I've lived with it for a long time. I also have some causes re: the death penalty and Victims Rights as directly relate to this trial and am spouting them out far and wide right now to whomever is interested. I have strong opinions formed by personal experience and am in the process of writing a TRUE CRIME oriented book directly born out of my involvement in the Arias trial but focusing on our own case. I spent over a month in Washington recently diving in to it. If you are interested in knowing more please PM me. Otherwise I'm under this same name on twitter. Ciao!

It is so hard to believe that a kinder teacher would barely know how to use the internet. I mean, I am back in school and there is ZERO school work done on paper and ZERO tests done on paper. Everything is done online using "blackboard" a interactive website for students and teachers. And these are ON campus classes. How would it be proper for a teacher (even kinder) to not know how to use the internet? How does she do research, I mean even the Library for my college is online with chatting librarians (though there is still a physical library it is mostly used for study groups). I just don't know if I buy that one from a teacher. Now I can see some other person having this problem but not an educator.

Okay, I'm still a bit obsessed with wanting to know more about the final jurors. I'm starting to think/remember that the voir dire process was also a "special secret" part of this trial. Still, regarding Monica Lindstrom's assessment (below), I'm a bit worried about the kindergarten teacher who "barely knows how to use the internet."

I find it very hard to believe that she doesn't know how to use the internet. Maricopa County is the fourth most populous county in the country. It's a very urban area. I also live in a densely populated urban area, and don't know of any teachers who don't use the internet as a regular part of their jobs.

Likewise, the cryptic information regarding the other jurors makes me really want to know more about them.
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