VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Break 2/27 thru 3/2 #2

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If you consider those pictures as part of JA's ruse to gain TA's trust and cooperation that day then it doesn't seem so weird. You're seeing one second or less moments in time and making assumptions about what it means and what he felt and what all was happening. It's normal for people to try and fill in the blanks, but it's often not that accurate. Suffice it to say they took pictures and JA used that camera to distract TA while he was in the shower to get close enough to kill him.

Those pictures she intentionally took are important to her. She identifies herself as a photographer even though her real profession has always been waitressing. She planned the photos as much as the murder.
With all due respect to you and the Alexanders. I'm not judging their hearts, they have stood in court and relaid what they are going thru and what they want is the DP. So, I'm not trying to read their minds or judge them. They still till last week showed how they are effected in court.
Yes they have had to endure a horrible trial and hear horrible things about their brother. They have already received a form of justice. JA was convicted and won't ever be free.

You can't really compare our loss completely to the Alexanders. Our family didn't receive justice in any way shape or form. The hospital didn't do a blood alcohol test on the man that hit them. The stop sign was removed from the site of the wreck. It was there the night of the accident but gone the next morning when the investigator arrived at the scene. Someone was looking out for this guy. My Niece was put on life support for a few weeks until my sister was able to be put in a wheel chair so she could hold her little girl one last time. She endured a different kind of suffering. She had to have brain surgery, her ears had to be sewn back on, her top lip had to be sewn back on, her forehead looked like a road-map. I didn't recognize my own sister the next morning after the accident. It took years of plastic surgery for her to even look like herself. Yes, she suffered for years without even a chance for justice.
I'm glad for the Alexanders opportunity for justice. It was a cruel unwarranted murder. My point and opinion is/was they have said themselves how they feel, I wasn't judging them. They have heavy hearts, no doubt about it. You can't move forward unless you come to terms that your life has to go forward no matter what the circumstances are. Everyone is human, bottom line, most want agree or like it but the road to recovery is to forgive. I guess I can't explain it, you would have to be in that position or a similar place to understand. Some people can't do it and I am so thankful for my sisters faith and strength and her ability to find that forgiveness. Without her ability to release that hate, revenge and the feelings she went through she would have been left a hard, hateful women. My sister is now the opposite, she was given a gift by forgiving, she was blessed with 2 more children, and now has 6 wonderful grandchildren, and most of all she has a forgiving heart. I hope the Alexanders can find the same peace. JMOO.

A poster here lost a sister in a similar way to the Alexanders. She was murdered and they received the death penalty. She has said even getting that doesn't really bring you any peace. It's not like the verdict for death is read and a switch is flipped and everyone is able to move on. I've never been through what you or they have been through. I don't see it as having a hateful or vengeful heart. I think I'd be doing the exact same thing as they have been in their position. Pushing for the utmost punishment for her. They have said it's not just about death. They just think she deserves to be on lockdown with little privileges for the rest of her life. In time they may be able to move on. It's been impossible for this moment because of the ongoing legal battle and having to sit in court listening to horrible lies being told about their brother. Given those circumstances, I would never presume to say they should just move on. They haven't been allowed to yet. They probably never will thought it'll get easier, just as it did for you. Once this is over, it'll be easier.They see it as a fight for justice. They can do it as they please.
If you consider those pictures as part of JA's ruse to gain TA's trust and cooperation that day then it doesn't seem so weird. You're seeing one second or less moments in time and making assumptions about what it means and what he felt and what all was happening. It's normal for people to try and fill in the blanks, but it's often not that accurate. Suffice it to say they took pictures and JA used that camera to distract TA while he was in the shower to get close enough to kill him.

Nali87 pointed out something that I had never considered: the layout of Travis' bathroom would have made it near impossible for him to know she wasn't in there taking pictures of him. I have always believed he didn't know she was there in the bathroom because the flash wasn't used until the end. Perhaps she waited to use the flash until right before the attack to blind him.

Speaking of trust, I just find it odd that if we are to believe that JA blackmailed Travis with the phone sex recording, that he would then allow her to take nude photos of him, in bed or in the shower.

*sigh* So many unknowns and so much speculation. Bottom line is that it was planned and it was brutal.

p.s. I like your user name. I live on Madeline (slightly different spelling) and I was born in '74.
Speaking for myself, I just think the pictures are strange. I never tried to convince myself that they didn't have sex that day (I just looked again at the nudes of Travis and yeah, it's pretty apparent they did, if you know what I mean), I just think they're weird for sex photos. But sex before premeditated murder IS weird.

Kinda like a black widow.
I'm sort of skipping through all the photo analysis. I'm back to thinking she just deleted the sex pix the two of them took that day. Then the accidental photos that were taken while she was murdering TA overwrote the previously deleted images, and then she deleted the accidental photos too.

The reasons I do not believe she went through any elaborate EXIF editing, saving onto the camera card, switching cards etc. are these: she's not that thorough and she's not that smart.
She thinks she is. Ugh.


I just noticed....but she is smiling! And what's with the insect?
I'm sort of skipping through all the photo analysis. I'm back to thinking she just deleted the sex pix the two of them took that day. Then the accidental photos that were taken while she was murdering TA overwrote the previously deleted images, and then she deleted the accidental photos too.

The reasons I do not believe she went through any elaborate EXIF editing, saving onto the camera card, switching cards etc. are these: she's not that thorough and she's not that smart.

Skipping it too. It doesn't matter to me. I'm going with Occam's Razor. Her hair was brown and they were taken on his sheets. It makes no sense that she would plant photos on his camera that day just to delete them, going so far as to throw the same bottle of KY into the picture just for effect. Her goal was to avoid any and all detection of being there that day. Makes no sense to plant photos on his camera.
Skipping it too. It doesn't matter to me. I'm going with Occam's Razor. Her hair was brown and they were taken on his sheets. It makes no sense that she would plant photos on his camera that day just to delete them, going so far as to throw the same bottle of KY into the picture just for effect. Her goal was to avoid any and all detection of being there that day. Makes no sense to plant photos on his camera.

She didn't even think she'd get caught.
She didn't even think she'd get caught.

My thing is even when she was arrested the one thing she cared about was her "reputation". Jodi Arias, who was on the lookout for another husband, who already had Ryan Burns in her sights (another Mormon) would not have wanted nude pictures of her and Travis made public. Not because they would shame him, but because they'd taint HER reputation. (Travis always deleted all the nudes she send him or that they took (Det Flores said something to this effect during interrogation) so there wouldn't have been any other pics.)

i thought they took videos on travis' camera too?
My thing is even when she was arrested the one thing she cared about was her "reputation". Jodi Arias, who was on the lookout for another husband, who already had Ryan Burns in her sights (another Mormon) would not have wanted nude pictures of her and Travis made public. Not because they would shame him, but because they'd taint HEF reputation. (Travis always deleted all the nudes she send him or that they took (Det Flores said something to this effect during interrogation) so there wouldn't have been any other pics.)


That's what she said she was concerned about. She lies, so anything she says is suspect.
That may be your opinion, and mine is that some things are unforgivable. One can move on without forgiving.

And that is your opinion. My *other half in life" died, and had just 10 days previously to his death had done something that i thought was unforgiveable prior to him dying... without it being resolved. I had so much grief that i could not forgive so I went to therapy for six months . My only question to the therapist, from the beginning, was how do i forgive him after he has died without us having resolved it between us. I could not move on in life without forgiving him. I finally found the answer, yet it took many many months

ETA the book "The grief handbook" was fabulous.
During the last trial, we had at least some basic ideas about who each juror was. Those descriptions came mostly from the journalists. Even though this trial isn't televised, a lot of the same journalists have been there this time. Information has come out about the ones that have been released or excused, but I wish we had a better idea of who these final jurors are beyond just how many men/women & their juror numbers. Anyone know any details?

After some digging on BK site this is all I got:

#15 is an assistant to a Kindergarten teacher
#16 is a trauma nurse, and treats victims of crime.
#9 was excused on Day 2 of trial, her sister in-law was a friend and went to school with JA
I also believe she is the one that went up to BK and asked if she NG.
And not only that, but put them on from WHERE? From his computer? Remember her own camera used a different type of card. And how exactly did she change the embedded EXIF data? And then (and here's the kicker), she wanted to destroy the camera AND the images on it and the card, but people think she took pains to "plant" pictures on a camera she then tried to destroy? Illogical thinking. People make up evidence because they don't understand technology and are trying to figure out every detail to wedge it into their own story of what occurred.

That's right. TA had a Sony camera with a Sony SD card. These memory cards ONLY work on Sony cameras and are a different size that regular SD cards. IMO, there is no way JA "switched" the cards. She was trying to make sure she left no trace of her ever being there, not leave pics behind.
Besides, didn't TA purchase his Sony camera AFTER JA moved back to Yreka?
Do we have a copy of the jury instructions? I haven't seen them...
Maybe if we have the final penalty phase instructions from the first jury they'd be similar??
She may not have been if it wasn't for the miraculous camera, palm print and hairs on the baseboard.

I also wonder what the duct tape was used for?


He had some sort of fitness tracker taped to his arm. Can't remember the name of it though
What not understanding? Paul was a juror.

Not Monday and might be weeks. 15 days for the Devault case.

You could not have watched the 29 minute youtube video yet but you comment. Hmm. And It does not give clues but opinions. See I say observations.

I was reading last night from my phone and it wouldn't allow me to post. So, here it goes.

First of all, Paul was not a juror in the Devault case, he was an alternate. He has no idea what went on in that room because he was not present. Whatever happened in THAT case with that jury really has nothing to do with the Arias trial. He's a spectator. While I do appreciate and enjoy reading his daily take on trial, it's still one person's view. Personally, I like that he makes direct quotes from testimony. Other than that, it's all opinion and speculation on what he thinks the jury might be thinking.

Second, while I respect Jenn and everyone else who has made "observations" and reported during this secret trial, they are merely speculating like the rest of us. Some WS members have been in court and have actually reported much better than the reporters who are limited to 140 characters. Regardless, everyone sees things differently and this is why observations are really only opinions.

Nobody knows what is going on with the jury or when they will come to their decision. To speculate that it will not be Monday and will be days and days, is just that...speculation. We can try to read the jury all we want, doesn't mean it's correct. Juries have a funny way of proving everyone wrong. Most of the reporters from the first trial, Beth/Jean C. had a very different idea of the job the defense did and didn't think JA would get 1st degree with premeditation, wrong! Their observations were very wrong.

Personally, I feel like the jury will have a verdict on Monday. I do believe they bonded because of the crockpot meal and how they left all together, smiling on Thursday. I think they might take the weekend to sleep on it. I may be right, or I may be wrong, just like everyone else who is guessing. The Angela post was definitely interesting, along with all the "action" at the end of the day.

Whenever it happens and no matter how long it takes, I appreciate the jury and their service! I've been shocked to read anything negative about them. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes, that I know.
My impression of what geevee is trying to say is is it possible that TA used an older memory stick in his new camera, kept the ones he wanted then deleted the ones he no longer nude pics of JA... and that's why those pics were found in the unallocated space, different from deleted and it was only assumed that they were taken/deleted that day. That would make sense to me but hey... I know nothing about cameras but thanks to all the WS's this old brain is learning something new everyday that I lurk on this awesome webpage! JA then would have only deleted the pics she herself took on 6/04/08 and to me explains her comment to Det. Flores something to to the effect of...are you sure those pic/nudes aren't from different memory stick. geevee if my impression is wrong feel free in correcting me as I find all the posts are very thought provoking.
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